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After Eren massacred those at Willy Tybur's declaration of war, Gabi swore vengeance against Eren. In their wagon, Colt gets drunk and starts praising Gabi along with many other soldiers. Attack on Titan (season 4) - Wikipedia This event gave Gabi the drive to kill all the Eldians of Paradis, specifically Eren. Zeke attempts to talk Eren down, but the arrival of Levi forces the two to abandon Bertolt. Zeke's ability to empathize with Eren's past allows the two to develop respect for one another. After Zeke annihilates the Marleyan airships, he takes aim at Pieck and she is barely able to avoid a barrage of stones. Pieck is different from Gabi. Considering his grave is falco's titan stomach he probably is happy right now. Although, there was a moment in time where viewers of Attack on Titanmay have believed Pieck's birthday fell in February thanks to a small translation error that confused Falco with Pieck. [69] They make quick work of the Beast, but Zeke is not found in its nape. [22] Bertolt is kept hidden in a barrel atop Pieck's back as a plan B against the Survey Corps, and upon Reiner's defeat at the hands of the soldiers' Thunder Spears, Bertolt is removed from her Titan's back and thrown by the Beast Titan into the city. It was not Eren's words that impressed those around him, but it was his dedication to following through with this dream. A subreddit for fans of the anime/manga "Attack on Titan" (known as "Shingeki no Kyojin" in Japan), by Hajime Isayama. The Cart Titan is another character that Hajime Isayama teased fanswithby slowly disseminating information to his audience. The man introduces himself as Mr. Kruger and confides to Falco that he actually does not suffer from mental trauma, unlike the other soldiers in the hospital; he asks if Falco will rat him out to the staff, which he denies. RELATED:Attack On Titan: 10 Times Eren Shocked Fans. Isayama said that one of the characters would die tho, if Jean fires he kills 2 - Falco and Pieck. [22] After accusing Reiner of not caring about her, the sudden and incriminatory reply of the older Warrior scares Falco. Managing to barrel through the fight, Floch attempts to destroy the ship's hull with a Thunder Spear but is shot down by Gabi and falls into the sea. He doesn't really. In the battle where Marco died, they explained how since titans don't have digestive systems, the humans they eat just pile up inside them, only to puke them in blobs of human remains. Falco just pretending hes not in control . In the three years following Eren's death, the survivors of the "Battle of Heaven and Earth" at Fort Salta are made peace ambassadors between the remnants of the outside world and Paradis. Pieck and Magath are puzzled by the fact that Eren has not yet activated the Founder, but Gabi's revelation that Zeke stated that Paradis has now a Titan of royal blood leads them to theorize that Zeke is that Titan and that Eren needs to be in contact with him to activate the Founder. He reiterates that they should stay where they are, expressing confidence that either Colt or Reiner will come for them. Reminding him of himself when he was younger, Kruger encourages the boy to look forward and have faith in his decisions.[32]. [56], Falco and Gabi arrive at the house and Kaya tells them to wait. Attack on Titan Wiki is a FANDOM Anime Community. Allegedly, there will be a second part (another one hour special) that will adapt the finale of the series later this year. Falco then reveals to her that he likely received a memory of a previous Beast Titan who was capable of flight and theorizes that he could do the same due to the unique appearance of his Titan which is presumably because he ingested Zeke's spinal fluid. [42] Thanks to Reiner's partial transformation into the Armored Titan, Falco emerges unscathed from the ruins of the building that he, Eren Yeager and Reiner Braun were just in. [44], While searching for help, Falco is astonished at Zeke Yeager's prowess with the Beast Titan. Pieck deduces that the tremors are from Titans fighting outside and that this would be the reason they were trapped. As he gets closer to Eren, Falco is forced to dodge projectiles launched by War Hammer Titans generated on Eren's back. With the transformation, Falco and Pieck are able to turn the battle around, saving the mission from failure. She tells Galliard that what they need to do is protect Zeke. He tells Reiner bitterly how Reiner only has two years left before dying and, if Gabi inherits the Armored Titan she will only live to be twenty-seven. These traits appear to be a byproduct of Zeke Yeager's spinal fluid which transformed Falco, passing on some of the Beast Titan's animal characteristics; this is proven further when Falco's Titan form eventually managed to sport wings, a tail and a fully feathered body. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The manga shows Pieck donning an anti-titan artillery canon, but what if the Islanders of Paradis had managed to outfit the Cart Titan with specialized anti-ODM gear? [6] However, Falco is by no means a coward. This pushes Falco over the edge and he jumps out of the trench to try to save her. He goes with Gabi to have lunch outside and learns they are staying at an orphanage for children who lost their parents during the last four years. [64], That night, as the combined forces of Marley and Paradis are eating together, Magath attempts to ask Yelena where Eren intends to attack first. Since the end of the Marley Mid-East War, Pieck has been walking with a crutch, having lost some grasp on the ability to walk upright after spending two months in her Cart Titan form without interruption, which she claims is typical for her. [1] Pieck also assists Zeke by supplying him with rocks to crush and throw at the soldiers. Kenny's harsh life of crime left him accustomed to rough and tough adults. During a break, Falco rationalizes that Mr. Kruger must have known Reiner from his time on Paradis Island, deeply unsettling him. After the situation is cleared up, Niccolo tells Hange Zo to wash out Falco's mouth before revealing the wine bottle was one of many containing Zeke's spinal fluid. He finds Reiner unconscious and apologizes for leading him into a trap. Like what the actual fuck?? Professional Information They all seem worried, talking about how Titans may no longer be the main force of the world. For instance, after encountering the family of Sasha Blouse, and he rapidly created a convincing alibi for both himself and Gabi explaining why they were supposedly in woods by themselves. It is especially impressive considering how Erencouldcontrol this ability in such a short time frame. One interesting observation is that Falco's Jaw Titan has taken on many avian characteristics, with his outer jaw forming a crude beak and his hardened arms and legs resembling talons found in birds of prey, whilst also being mostly covered in fur. He has short, shaggy light brown hair and large downward-sloped light hazel eyes with rather long eyelashes. Just then, a girl named Kaya comes by and asks what they are doing. I fell in love with you while you were unconscious inside that Hole we were trapped in. Attack On Titan: Every Warrior Candidate, Ranked By Strength - CBR [82], As an Eldian Warrior and candidate for the inheritance of one of the Titan powers, Falco has endured hard military training. When Pieck is first introduced, it is not entirely clear that she is even an intelligent Titan or rather just an abnormal pack mule. Every thing that has come out in the last few decades has cliches, they are unavoidable. It opens a trap door beneath her and Galliard. RELATED: Attack On Titan: 10 Ways Eren Played A Better Hero Than Villain. After remembering Reiner's plea for him to save Gabi, Falco grabs on at the last minute and goes with her. [16] Falco contemplates the airborne attack against Fort Slava and seems very shocked by witnessing Titans eating soldiers[17] and Reiner's defeat against the Armada. Today he uses those skills to share his opinions of the strongest, smartest, and most resourceful anime and manga characters with the viewers of CBR. This turn of events makes Pieck one of the most recent characters to express their disdain for . The Synth introduces Falco, and we skip right to the brass. Although she is interested in the freedom of the Eldian people, the main reason she applied to become a warrior candidate was to save her sick father. Of course, there are titans that could decimate Pieck in a one-on-one battle of strength, but Pieck knows better than most when and where aggressive action is necessary. Please wait for the official release on your streaming service later in the day. During their time as comrades, these three grew close with one another. [45] In the distance they see an enormous explosion coming from the port, after Magath says that it's the Colossus Titan's transformation, they try to run only to be knocked down by the shock wave. However that doesn't mean he'll kill Falco, I doubt either of them would die next chapter tbh. Not suppose to truly mean anything, but tell you that this isn't the previous seasons anymore. As an Eldian, his uniform is different from the Marleyans, as his shirt collar has a small badge with the Eldian star instead of a small clip and his hat has a white stripe with the Eldian star on it instead of a pure black stripe. However, Gabi's desire came about due to Eren. Falco got Galliard's memories, and that's what he did when he became a titan for the first time. Jean and Connie were converted into Titans in Attack on Titan chapter 138. The chance is 50/50. She is incredibly intelligent, able to quickly deduce a situation. Their screams are successful as Reiner surfaces in an un-armored Titan form and manages to take Galliard away from Eren, although he is knocked down by him. Residence His grave= Falco's stomach. Pieck tells Gabi that, despite the heads of the military telling them otherwise, the Warriors and their families are not honorary Marleyans and will always be seen as lower class citizens; when Gabi protests, Pieck reminds her that with the advancements in technology, Marley will no longer rely solely on Titans for warfare and all the Eldians (honorary or not) will be killed due to not being needed anymore. Eren sent ymir memories to falco? She serves as a supporting antagonist in the Return to Shiganshina arc and a supporting protagonist . Their reunion is short-lived, however, when it is revealed that Eren and the Source of all living matter both survived Armin's transformation. He begins a conversation with Reiner while Falco listens intently. Relatives This implies that Eren secretly has the hots for his mom, Falco is a chad - man admits his feelings to Gabi, finds out Porco liked Pieck so he took advantage on day 1 he knows theres no time to waste rn, But Armin got Berthold's memories years after Armin was crushing on her enough to be visiting her crystal every day and talking to it, EDIT: nvm I forgot that basically all the story happens within a single year and then it spontaneously time skips 4 years ahead where somehow nobody died in between, Eren finna fall in love with Carla and Dina. Falco eventually loses control and attempts to eat Pieck, but Magath manages to extract him from his Titan. Falco wonders why Reiner has not recovered from the blast, but then recalls his behavior before transforming and realizes why Reiner has not begun to heal: someone with the Power of the Titans needs to have a strong will to live in order to regenerate quickly and Reiner has seemingly lost his. Magath then carries Falco's unconscious body to the boat, leaving him with Onyankopon. The centipede creature arrives at the base of the fort and begins emitting a steam-like gas which seeps through the fort and surrounding area; overhearing Levi demand Mikasa and Pieck get back aboard the Jaw Ttan, Falco is horrified to learn that the gas will soon turn all the Eldians present into mindless Titans. Pieck is proof of the fact that losing a family member and being treated as a second-class citizen her entire life does not inherentlyincite violence or hatred. Pieck and the group retreat to give Armin room to transform and uncover Zeke's location with the blast, but he is overtaken by an army of Titans which begins generating atop Eren's Titan. As an Eldian living in Marley, Pieck's father was not given access to the resources he needed to survive his sickness. As he enters the battlefield, Falco notices his brother and Gabi nearby and Nile discretely delivers him, ordering them to get out of harm's way. The story follows Eren Yeager, who vows to retake the world after Titan brings about the destruction of . Reiner's Titan: Reads The Letter While Falco Titan Goes to Eat Porco. Kenny kidnaps them in order for Historia to eat Eren and return the Founding Titan's powers to the royal family. This gives Falco and Gabi enough time to get Pieck away from the battle while Magath and his soldiers cover their escape. When the soldiers enter the Internment Zone, Falco and his brother are greeted by their parents. While Reiner may have once respected Eren as a comrade, Eren erased any respect between the two when he held Reiner hostage. Falco, a very unlikely candidate, ends up becoming the Jaw Titan. He's worked in both the education and entertainment industries and now lends his writing talent to Comic Book Resources as a List Writer. Bruh I was crying so much moments ago , now I'm laughing out so loud lmao. [13], When Gabi offers to take out the enemies' anti-Titan artillery solo, Falco shows serious concern for her safety and fears that she will be hurt. Eren sacrifices many other human livesto achieve his goals. [7] While he is not an excelling soldier, he possesses some margin of skill to have survived for 4 years in the Marley Mid-East War. I'm in this boat, too. Weight With Willy Tybur's speech ongoing, Eren proclaims that Tybur is right; he is the bad guy. In fact, few could have predicted that the Cart Titan would turn out to be a cute anime girl considering the way most titans borrow features from the titan shifter. just another plot hole? When Gabi is under fire, he leaps from their hiding place to rush to her aid and protect her. If anything, it will be better, she's way too smart and thus quite an inconvenience. Keep in mind that Chekhov's Gun states that everything that's been raised as a plot mystery will eventually be fleshed out and resolved, or at the very least not be completely forgotten, ignored, and introduced for no good reason. Using a nail he found at the harbor to cut his hand, Falco transforms into his Jaw Titan form for the first time, to Gabi's shock as she turns around and sees a bright flash. [11] However, Pieck is usually shown to be quite eccentric and easy going. Furthermore, his boosted self-esteem helps him perform better in training. I doubt Isayama would kill a shifter without having someone consume him/her, that would mean having to check on every eldian baby both in and outside Marley which is a massive waste of time , I believe Jean will get shot and eat Pieck to save his own life. However, Eren knows that Pieck can't kill him, because if he were to die, his Titan abilities would transfer to an unknown Eldian. Originally one of the main candidates to inherit the Armored Titan power, Falco possessed the Jaw Titan, having inadvertently inherited it from Porco Galliard after being turned into a Pure Titan by Zeke Yeager.[4]. During the night before the soldiers' arrival, Pieck keeps watch for their movement in the desolate regions of Wall Maria south of Trost District. How did galliard get the jaw titan? Explained by Sharing Culture Since Reiner is preoccupied with trying to subdue Eren, Falco's Pure Titan quickly gets the upper hand and begins to bite through the armor covering Reiner's nape. I think this might have a connection with the ending as he is now a . [61], Falco later regains consciousness, and while being taken to Shiganshina by the Yeagerists, he experiences a sudden shot of electricity run through him as a result of Zeke's scream from the Titan Forest. Why did Falco eat Porco while he was ordered by Zeke to eat Reiner [11] She has proved to be able to deduce consequences according to the facts that were presented to her and is regarded as someone who can take the appropriate decisions according to the situation. [49], Pieck reveals her desire to free the Eldians from persecution, Threatening to kill Eren if he does not comply, Pieck ultimately backs down due to her mission of taking Eren in alive. Alias However, he and some of his friends such as Udo, Zofia, and Gabi are valued as Warrior candidates with the potential to inherit the Armored Titan power. Spoiler from chapter 135, I can't recall how did Falco turn - Quora