Please note that Kidadl is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to amazon. Christianity. Skoll: A wolf from Norse mythology who chases the sun across the sky. Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, Devyn: A Welsh name meaning poet, Devyn also has connotations of darkness and destruction. If your child is a little rebel, you can give her this name. Cain: The first son of Adam and Eve who killed his brother Abel out of jealousy. 4. In Germanic mythology, this name means army goddess or war goddess. It means destroyer of foes.. The Less-Than-Pleasant Meanings of 13 Little-Known Flowers. Jezebel is derived from Hebrew and means not exalted. Though Jezebel was not a preferred name due to biblical reasons, there is an upswing in the popularity of this name in recent times. The meaning of the given name Revenge represents practicality, realism, reliability, discipline, sincerity and experience. Apocalypse: Apocalypse is a Greek word that means revealing, but it is often used to refer to the end of the world. We strive to recommend the very best things that are suggested by our community and are things we would do ourselves - our aim is to be the trusted friend to parents. Being a postgraduate in Human Resources from Jawaharlal Nehru Technological University, she Infographic: Baby Names That Mean Chaos Or Trouble. Aurora, Calamity, Catastrophe, Chaos, Dita, Lachlan, Lochlann, Malcolm, Niall, Padraig. Your privacy is important to us. 100 Common Mexican Last Names Or Surnames With Meanings, 100 Truly Exotic Girl Names For Your Baby. Hunter is a unisex name that was originally a surname. In French, this name means bright protector. A japanese surname is Busujima (Kanji:,, or ) and is pronounced as follows: Hideyuki Busujima (born 1952/1953), a Japanese billionaire businessman, is the son of Kunio Busujima. Test your knowledge - and maybe learn something along the way. Rebel means defiant person in English. 5. When Do Babies Start Sleeping Through the Night? Azazel is a biblical name derived from Hebrew and means scapegoat. Azazel was the name of the recipient of a sacrificial goat. Revenge. Thesaurus, Merriam-Webster, It means knife.. Zephyr: The Greek god of the west wind. Wow your relatives and closest friends with these unique baby announcement ideas! Also the name of an asteroid and a moon of Saturn. Destruction is one meaning that is particularly fascinating. Also the name of a constellation and a moon of Saturn. Portia De Rossi, Portia Freeman, Portia Woodman, and Portia Dawson are famous namesakes. Tyr: In Norse mythology, Tyr is the god of war. Appolyon: The angel of the bottomless pit in Christian demonology. 5. Diane also enjoys teaching kids during her free time. 4. Associated with the mysterious Pandoras Box, this Greek name sounds powerful and dangerous. Enyo The Greek goddess of war. Some say every person has good and evil inside. This is another form of Donahue and bears the same meaning as a dark warrior. Fenris: A giant wolf from Norse mythology who is said to be the son of Loki. Damon is a name of Greek origin and means to kill. Matt Damon is a famous Hollywood actor with this surname. 8. Malik al-Maut (Arabic) Angel of Death, 14. 95 Evil Baby Names | LoveToKnow With its meaning of "vine," this great baby name, Greek in origin, also means "to sprout" or "to grow luxuriantly," and it can be pronounced bree-ON-ee or BRY-an-ee, according to preference. In Celtic mythology, Finn was the leader of a group of brave warriors known as the Fianna. Ephai is a biblical name in Hebrew and it means gloomy or bird-like. It is also the name of a character in the Old Testament. It is derived from the Hebrew word har megiddo, which means mountain of Megiddo.. 62.Kali (Indian origin) refers to the Hindu Warrior Goddess of Destruction. Thana - This is an Arabic name meaning "death". 15. What Japanese Name Means Revenge? - ILoveLanguages 100 Names That Mean Revenge For People All Around The World Brenda means sword in Old Norse, and Brennan can be translated to descendant of Braonn, which means rain, moisture, or drop., This is a unisex name though predominantly used for girls. It is a Japanese word that means strange beast, but is frequently translated as monster in English. The name means resilience and an all-consuming fight. 3. 60 Synonyms & Antonyms of REVENGE - Merriam-Webster You could search for names that literally mean black, dark, or night. Aafreen - This is a name of Indian origin meaning 'anger'. Harley is derived from Old English and means hares meadow. Harley Quinn is a popular comic character. 9. Destruction is wrought with power and so are these strong baby names. Death: The end of life. 9. Cailleach: A Scottish goddess who ruled over winter. Some popular examples include Aiden, Brennan, Cullen, Eoin, and Finn (Irish), Lachlan and Lochlann (Scottish), Malcolm and Niall (Gaelic), Padraig (Irish), Soren (Danish), Torin (Scottish), Tyr (Norse). 8. Mort is a recent favorite and is a variation of Mortimer. Pestilence (Latin) A contagious or infectious epidemic disease that is virulent. Kalea: Hawaiian name meaning the sky, 14. Kendra: An English name derived from the Gaelic ceanndearg, Kendra means struggle or contention., 6. Corruption: The act of corrupting or of making someone or something morally bad. The name Praxidike is primarily a gender-neutral name of Greek origin that means Judgement, Vengeance. So go ahead and choose the one that appeals to you the most. Doomsday: Doomsday is another name that represents destruction and chaos. Having done a certification in Relationship Coaching, her core interest lies in writing articles that guide couples through their courtship to marriage and parenthood. Raven is usually associated with the color black. 11.Lilith (Hebrew origin) meaning night monster or ghost. This is a place in the Limburg region in Europe and it means protector. Georgia: English name derived from the Latin word for farmer, 10. Lilith is derived from lilitu in Akkadian and means of the night. Adams first wife was named Lilith. Keres is a name of Greek origin and means evil spirits., Leah is a popular name. These names will also give your child a unique way to introduce themself when they are older. 4. Capture the strong spirit of your little one with a gothic name that's sure to set them apart from the Noah's and Olivia's of the world. Malala means sad or grieved in Pashto. A made up name. An English name that means peaceful warrior. Your email address will not be published. Breaker is a name of English origin and means a wave that makes white foam on the shore. Though typically a surname, Breaker and its variants are gaining popularity as first names. Hes often depicted as a skeleton or shrouded figure. Sadness and sorrow are natural parts of life. Osiris: The Egyptian god of the underworld, the afterlife, and resurrection. Seraphina: Hebrew name meaning fiery one. Diane enjoys cooking, reading, and writing at her desk. Parent's Guide. We have collected names like Lilith for girls, which can be quite empowering or popular names like Damon, suitable for a naughty little boy. the act or an instance of responding to an injury with an injury, to punish in kind the wrongdoer responsible for, a man who took matters into his own hands and. The spider youkai has the * (jorou gumo) in it. Avalanche: A large mass of snow, ice and rock that falls down a mountainside. 2. Find more similar . Apophis: The personification of evil, chaos and destruction in Egyptian mythology. Can also be used as a given name, especially by Satanists. Shiva: The Hindu god of destruction. Rowan: A Scottish name meaning red-haired, Rowan is also the name of a tree that is known for its strength and durability. Tyr: One of the ancient Germanic war gods, whose name meant god of combat.. Brutus means heavy in Latin. Pandora: The first woman in Greek mythology who released all the evils of the world from a jar. Kali: The Hindu goddess of death and destruction. The name Tyr is of Norse origin and it means god of war. It is the perfect name for a baby boy who will one day grow up to be strong and powerful. The name also represents someone smart and charming. In Gaelic, this name is spelled as blr, which translates to the battlefield. Destroyer: As a given name, Destroyer is most likely of English origin. Catastrophe Greek baby name which means overturning, downrush. Apocalypse: The end of the world in Judeo-Christian tradition. Famous literary Brionys include Briony Tallis of Ian McEwan's novel Atonement, who was played by Saoirse Ronan in the film adaptation of the same name. With a Master of Arts in English, she has worked as a private tutor and, in the past few years, has moved into content writing for companies such as Writer's Zone. Paine is derived from Payne, which in turn was derived from the Latin paganus that means heathen. In earlier times, pagan meant rural or rustic., Rowden is a place near Hereford where the Rowdens lived. It has been derived from Old English. 105 Names That Mean Death and Darkness - FamilyEducation 5. A French name for someone whos glorious in battle or a famous battle. Can also be used as a given name. 16. Anastasia Greek baby name which means resurrection. In Ancient Germanic, Rainer means deciding warrior or army advisor. Girl Names That Mean Chaos 1. Advertisement. 7. 29.Damon (Greek origin) meaning to subdue. His name is often used as a synonym for Hell. He is often depicted as a skeleton or a man with wings. Hayden: An English name meaning heathen, Hayden is perfect for parents who want their child to have a bad-boy image. Can also be used as a given name. An Albanian name that stands for strength. Huldra: A seductive forest creature from Scandinavian folklore. Those who embrace all emotions and overcome suffering have great strength just as these names can. 18.Rebecca (Biblical origin) meaning to tie firmly, bind. Of Latin and Italian origin, it means someone who defies death. Ai Asahi Chiyo Daiki Emiko Hana Hiroko Hiroshi Isamu Keiko Kenzo Mai Makoto Sakura Yuki Verywell / Brianna Gilmartin Popular Japanese Baby Names for Girls When looking for a name for your baby girl, consider these that have been popular recently or throughout the past few decades. It means victorious warrior or guardian in Old English. 6. #5. Accessed 4 Mar. Although they are all masculine names and characters, any of the names could also be used for a girl. 1. 54.Duncan (Scottish/Irish origin) meaning dark-haired man. It means male descendant of Fogartach, banished, or exiled.. Discover Your Names Hidden Meaning. Imis is a princess who is beloved and captured by the evil enchanter Pagan. Names That Mean Avenger for Boys and Girls | ExploreBabyNames This name is of Czech and Hebrew origin, and it means bitter. Mara Wilson is the name of the child actress who played leading roles in the movies, Matilda and Mrs. Doubtfire. Names that Mean Chaos and Destruction 1. Only few know their names true essence. Chernobog: A Slavic god of darkness and evil. Lachlan: Lachlan is a Scottish name that means from the land of lakes. It can also be translated to mean warrior, making it a perfect name for a baby boy who will one day grow up to be strong and powerful. It is the name of a superhero who is part of the X-Men. 7. Baby names like Revenge Achilles: A hero of Greek mythology whose death was caused by a poisoned arrow to his heel, the only vulnerable spot on his body. Michele is a mom and aunt that has 15 years experience in children's programming coordinating daily activities, lesson planning, and leading lessons for infants. Fiona: A Scottish name meaning white or fair, Fiona is also the name of a character in the Shrek franchise. Some even take their inspiration from the ancient Egyptians. His story is often used as a warning against letting sin control ones life. Malcolm: Malcolm is a Scottish name that means devotee of Saint Columba. However, it can also be translated to mean disciple of Satan, making it a rather ominous name for a baby boy. For example, the name Akuma means " devil" or "demon." This name is often given to children who are born under an unlucky star or who are considered to be troublesome. Both his first name and surname start with an M, hence M&M and eventually Eminem. He goes through the nine circles of Hell in order to save his love, Beatrice. In this post, we have combined several beautiful names that mean chaos. Achan: This Hebrew name means trouble.. Baby boys often get into trouble due to their boundless curiosity. Boy. A name of Indian origin, it translates to the destroyer. 3. Deidamia is of Greek origin and means to destroy. There are several women in Greek mythology with this name. The name, however, is derived from a powerful Roman family, Claudier, and is associated with a main character from the Vampire Diary series. It is derived from the Latin word destructus, which means to destroy or demolish. Even if you have already named your little munchkin, you can use these as nicknames. Aite (Greek Origin) - She's the goddess of misfortune, ruin, mischief, and delusion. Give your little boy or girl a powerful name when you choose the meaning "dark warrior.". Hades: The god of the underworld in Greek mythology. It is of English origin. Armageddon (Hebrew) Mountain of Megiddo, 5. 60 Evil, Vampire And Demon Baby Names - Any Takers? 2. When you buy through the links on our site we may earn a commission. Please note: prices are correct and items are available at the time the article was published. Diablo - Spanish origin and refers to people with an angry and evil personality. 9. 3. A French name that means a famous battle. 28.Cassius (Roman origin) refers to a famous Roman senator. Most parents aspire to give their children a unique name. 2. Dashiell is the anglicized version of de Chiel, which is a French surname. Also used as a given name, often with the meaning death or destroyer. Wolf could stand for fierce or quiet. Get high-quality PDF version by clicking below. It is of Scottish origin and means winding valley.. Also the name of a planet, an asteroid, and a moon of Jupiter. To save this word, you'll need to log in. Eoin: Scottish Gaelic form of John, meaning God is gracious., 5. Kayla: Hebrew name meaning crown of laurel, 16. 1. It is linked with the famous Marvel superhero, Rogue. 100 Evil/Demon Baby Names (Boys & Girls) - Mom Loves Best Brendan might mean prince in Irish, but some older sources say that it could mean stinking hair.. If youre on the hunt for a name for your little one that signifies strength, power, or destruction, then consider one of these monikers. There are three types of demons: demons, devils, and demons and spirits. Can also be used as a given name. To help you out, we have made a list of a few baby names for your kid which are hardcore. Typhon: A giant from Greek mythology who fought against Zeus and was defeated. 2023. Soren: Danish and Norwegian form of Greek Severos, meaning stern., 9. Jazz: English name derived from the music genre, 13. Originating from ancient Germanic, Oliver stands for an elf warrior. Dark female names are not as easy to come by as dark male names, but these beauties fit the bill. 70.Paine (Latin origin) meaning villager. Lady Macbeth- A woman consumed by ambition and guilt, who takes her own life in the end, 7. Richard III- One of historys most reviled monarchs, who was defeated and killed in battle after wreaking havoc on England, 8. Zeus: The Greek king of the gods who overthrew his father, Cronus, and ruled during the Golden Age until he was overthrown by his son, Zeus. Also the name of a moon of Jupiter. Here's how long baby should share your room and some techniques for getting better sleep while they're there. At Kidadl we pride ourselves on offering families original ideas to make the most of time spent together at home or out and about, wherever you are in the world. Check out some of the most popular German girl baby names to see if they are right for your child. Deirdre is a popular girls name. 33.Jax, derived from Jack. The Spider Youkai is a Spider-Man-like creature. Our recommended activities are based on age but these are a guide. Jett is the name of a mineral. Hecate: The Greek goddess of magic, witchcraft and crossroads. Cronus: The Greek god who overthrew his father, Uranus, and ruled during the Golden Age until he was overthrown by Zeus. Popularized by actress Thora Birch of American Beauty and Ghost World fame, this name ( which means "thunder goddess," and which is derived from the name of the male Norse god of Thunder, Thor) may refer to a violent phenomenon, but it's a wonderful nature-inspired moniker, nonetheless. Persephone is the name of the daughter of the Greek gods Zeus and Demeter. Name your pretty little girl for her skin tone or her devilish spirit. Cohen is a name of Hebrew origin and means priest. It is typically a surname but is gaining popularity as a first name in recent times. Gifflet is a male English name that is mentioned in old legends. April showers bring May flowers and Easter names you can't get out of your head. (Horobi) This name means destruction, ruin, or death. Its a pretty strong name, but its also quite elegant. 25.Abaddon (Hebrew origin) meaning angel of death. In some cultures, babies are named for the way they look, act, or the circumstances of their birth. Movies, books, and folklore offer up tons of recognizable and unique vampire names you could give your baby. The accuracy of these name definitions cannot be guaranteed. Devastation: Severe damage or destruction. Hunter is of English origin, and it comes from the Old English word hunta, which means one who hunts., And finally, Baxter is of Scottish origin, and it comes from the Old English word baecestre, which means baker.. Floriography: The Meaning of 13 Little-Known Flowers - ThoughtCo Ruin: Ruin is a name that represents the destruction of something. Calamity English baby name which means disaster.
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