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The impact fee and other front-end capital improvement fees also remain with the existing tap and location and should never be transferred to another property for the same reasons above. 67.016(d) provides that a corporation may make water or sewer service conditional on ownership of the real estate designated to receive service and from which the membership or other right of participation arises. Subsection (e) authorizes a corporation to cancel a persons membership if he fails to meet a condition of service prescribed by the corporation. Therefore, removing the meter box completely could allow the utility to reduce its total number of connections for purposes of determining the systems necessary capacity. 0000000766 00000 n Additionally, Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) rules require that all public water systems be designed with a minimum of 15 percent extra capacity. Example: A 20-space trailer park with a 2-inch meter has been evaluated by some TCEQ inspectors to be the actual number of trailer spaces available. A: It is required that water systems verify that all materials and chemicals used in a public water system meet the TCEQ rules. The normal straight run of pipe prior to the meter is five times the diameter of the pipe. 12 dict begin Your WSC cannot demand that a person pay the entire cost to extend a 6 inch line unless the engineer determines that is the size line it takes to serve that particular applicant. /Ordering (UCS)
PDF Developer's Bond Application Report Format - Texas Commission on Most importantly, you should enforce these policies and refuse to set a meter until you are satisfied that the applicant does, in fact, own the property on which the meter will be placed. We want to be fair, but we also want be responsible. \\~;XBM?!GIjM_%
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6+VM?mHAMA5i }l& 1.1 Land Use Assumptions and Projected Population The BPSUD water system operates as 4 independent pressure planes, which requires that each pressure plane be analyzed as a stand-alone system. 9CT /CIDInit /ProcSet findresource begin 0000001247 00000 n
PDF Determining Connections and Populations Served for Public Water Systems In the event that the placement ends up being wrong, the PUC would likely side with the owner in a dispute about relocation costs because they would see it as the utility shirking its responsibility to exercise due diligence when it set the meter in the wrong location in the first place. The defined area is depicted in Appendix 1. Section 290.38 defines a connection as "a single-family residential unit or each commercial or industrial establishment to which drinking water is supplied from the system." Including this language in a notification letter to all utility customers will help explain why the system is requiring a change for existing multiple connections. How do we determine base rates for 2- or 3-inch meters? Is this legal or what problems could this create? Now the member wants the water meter moved to a different property about 100 yards from its original location. The result is an estimate of total Your board should look at all the different access related issues at customer locations and define in your tariff what the system considers to be reasonable access to the meters. Q: A member of our WSC has two water meters on his property. This is the back property customers responsibility. Some systems try to solve this issue by installing remote read meters (AMR) that allow the employee to drive by all the meter locations and the meters transmit the readings to a base unit in the vehicle. The problem comes when that good person moves out and someone else purchases the front property and doesnt care for or even know the folks behind their property, and wants the customers service line and meter removed from their property. The date of construction is not relevant to the issue of whether a single master meter or individual meters would be preferable; however, it is important when considering the required customer service inspection (CSI) which must be completed for all eight units and the tract of property to be served. <20> <7E> <0020> For customers who have their homes 500 feet or more off the road, meters may be relocated to the edge of the customers property instead of at the house. (1) The requirements contained in this section are to be used in evaluating both the total capacities for public water systems and the capacities at individual pump stations and pressure planes which serve portions of the system that are hydraulically separated from, or incapable of being served by, other pump stations or pressure planes. Sometimes multiple lines from multiple meters can become a maintenance nightmare because all the lines, meters and valves look the same. (x[u!WMt[~}}PNwAzJg"hK#6yot|L `
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+IB> /CMapName /CourierOPBaseFont1 def A: This is commendable for a system member to agree to read all the meters for your system at no cost. This can make it difficult for maintenance personnel to identify which line is leaking and increase maintenance expenses compared to a situation with a single meter and a single yard line. Given more information about your utility we may have suggestions regarding ideas on sharing the cost of any upgrade. <84> <84> <201E> Even if the customer would only need standard service, TRWAs Sample Tariff includes the requirement that the property of the applicant/ member shall be inspected to ensure compliance with state required Minimum Acceptable Operating Practices for Public Drinking Water Systems as promulgated by the Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) or successor agency. Q: Some of our customers have built duplexes in our system. Billable flow (B 1 + B 5) 7. You should start by notifying these customers that you have observed people living at these residences and cite them to the relevant TCEQ rules and provisions of your service agreement relating to having only one residence per connection. Well get someone to demonstrate the rate template weve designed and provided to systems across the state. The purpose of an equity buy-in fee is to establish parity between the new customer or applicant and those who have already been receiving service. Google Map, Tel: 512.472.8591
Equivalent Single-Family Connection Definition | Law Insider If your board would like for one of TRWAs staff to attend a meeting to do some rate training, please contact our office. Q: Can we install a meter on land that is not owned by the system member if he gets an easement from the land owner? xc```a``A2@\(}drBf If your utility is a political subdivision and you do not have a certificate of convenience and necessity, your obligation and requirements are dictated by other state statutes.
PDF Bolivar Peninsula Special Utility District In that case, the system may need to check the hot water heater to see if it has water in it or, as stated above, have the customer demonstrate that water in the second dwelling is from another source and not a water hose from the first house. <91> <92> <2018> Some folks opt for wells of around 300 gallons per minute or less to use a fire truck or tanker instead of climbing an elevated tank to do the measuring twice. 0000000825 00000 n
The District currently encompasses 767 acres and is located wholly within the extraterritorial jurisdiction of the City of Houston, Texas (the "City") and is located within Katy Independent School District. <00> <00> <0000> In the last couple of months, Ive heard from some systems that they were moving to totally enclosed and sealed registers. It is unclear whether the units are part of any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs for low-income residents. We encourage you to consider options for providing service and, most immediately, to ensure compliance with the 85 percent requirement. A water well is a hole drilled into an aquifer with a pipe, screen, and pump to pull water out of the ground. <9D> <9D> <2022> Austin, TX 78701
<20> <7E> <0020> A: The answer is yes, its not only ethical, its also both fair and necessary. Fax: 512.472.5186
TRWA has always recommended in our sample tariff that All meters be installed on the property designated to receive service. Using this policy keeps the system dealing directly with the property owner and member of the WSC or the customer of the district instead of having to deal with a property owner or future property owner that doesnt want someone elses meter and service line on their property. A. Other TCEQ inspectors have assessed the capacity requirements on the 2-inch meter size which industry standards deem to be eight times the normal capacity of the 5/8 x 3/4-inch meter, regardless of the number of trailers on the other side of the meter. 0000000536 00000 n
We don't know what size the line is behind the meters or how they have them hooked up. <9A> <9A> <0161> % hb```m ea>O)~N7vy)20:sLr The inspector may also require the customer to demonstrate or show how water pipes at the secondary home are independent of the piping serving the customers primary residence. Q: How does a person with multiple mobile homes become a master-metered account? <00> This is a hard line for systems to take, but otherwise you are operating on an honor system in which the applicant has little incentive to uphold his or her end of the bargain. Either way, the system has to maintain these higher capacities of well production, storage tanks, pumps, lines and so on, or be fined for non-compliance for violations of 30 TAC Section 290.45 of the TCEQs rules. The original members account should be closed out at the old address.
PDF Water System Service Capacity in Equivalent Residential Units (ERUs) This eliminates the need for a system to conduct manual drive-bys and allows all meters to be read from the whole system in a matter of minutes from the office. A: In the TRWA Sample Tariff, as well as in the USDA-RD Service Application and Agreement Form, it states that a meter shall be installed on a property to serve that single property and water cannot be diverted to another property. Single family Non-Residential Flow (gpd) # Users 2. <98> <98> <02DC> In either case, the utility must ensure that fees are assessed fairly. Q: One of our members has offered to read meters each month for free. We really need to understand the regulations and what action we need to take prior to approaching either business. <00> <00> <0000> The customer must, at his or her expense, properly install, inspect, test, maintain and provide all required documentation of any approved backflow prevention device required by the corporation (30 TAC 290.46(j); Section I Service Application and Agreement).
If there is reason to believe a dangerous or hazardous condition exists, the corporation may conduct a customer service inspection (CSI) to verify the hazardous condition and may notify the local county health office. When setting these new meters, it is important to remember that if the property is subdivided in the future, each meter should be on the property with the residence or structure to be served. U0!_bU2S'vB9{h7UM;y>F]6]>_]I;j]R_}I/l <8C> <8C> <0152> There are many different types and uses of wells. It doesnt matter whether the extra capacity is used to supply brand new customers who have never had service or to existing customers seeking an additional meter. The NSF 60 standard is for chemicals used in a water system. X1'H`7g3a*|f{h00eiF`
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Section 290.45 - Minimum Water System Capacity Requirements, 30 Tex startxref
Impact Fee Administration | Houston Permitting Center Would a hose running across the potential users property, across the alleyway, and across about 10 feet of the members property be allowed? B. Multi-Family Residential A twelve-inch (12") water main shall be required to loop through a multi-family district. I1Aq
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"Df"qdp%_d$vHf -Uyxn/dqHGci|GE800f:(F/GG0xG#xx DDD-p0 <90> <90> <2022> As it relates to the propertys location within or outside of a city, or its participation in any government-assisted or subsidized housing programs, it will be the owners responsibility to notify any necessary authorities of the new source of water, if required, since the system is merely supplying potable water to the property from a master meter. A: The property owner may have a single master meter as long as the property is not divided or does not consist of separate tracts of land. 0000006201 00000 n
8P_zz[__z-os%DtGDrJb"" )A For Tract 2, the engineer assumed 24 equivalent single family connections, and a meter connection count will be four. Afo/.# G(omQb#\9 <7F> <7F> <2022> %PDF-1.7 A: This is definitely not a new question - many systems have faced this situation over the years. Q: We have been made aware of a customer who has installed an inline booster pump on their side of the meter. The member knows that resale of the water for a profit is not allowed. If your system refunds memberships then the original member should get their membership back and the new property owner should pay for a new membership. Re: US travelers connecting in AMS what are the rules now? One of the main reasons for a turbine or propeller master meter to register incorrectly is improper piping configurations from the well to and past the meter location. What should we do? Q: What is the purpose of the restriction on multiple connections to a single tap rule? He does not want us to move the meter outside the fence for safety reasons. <81> <81> <2022> First, youll want to look at what your tariff and non-standard service agreement state as far as requirements for service and what you have agreed to provide. Use some water out of the storage tank (ground or elevated). To your knowledge, are there any parts of the tariff that would prohibit the member from entering into such an agreement or any part of the regulations that would prohibit such an agreement or jeopardize the systems compliance? %OEG+HqH\9-:Y2=Ht),h1#d W% `9B-eR+0 There is no requirement where a WSC can request the landowner to be registered as a business. <89> <89> <2030> The corporation will disconnect without notice if the member refuses to allow access for the purpose of confirming the existence of such condition and/or removing the dangerous or hazardous condition (30 TAC 290.46(i) and 290.46(j)). Some engineers and systems took this to mean that if we remove the meters at these dormant locations, the system would not have to charge future new customers the price for upgrading their old water mains until the freed-up capacity was allocated to new active connections. endstream
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The Uniform Plumbing Code does not allow for booster pumps under this condition and TCEQ rule Section 290.44(d)(3) states that service connections that require booster pumps taking suction from the public water system lines must be equipped with automatic pressure cut-off devices so that the pumping units become inoperative at a suction pressure of less than 20 psi (thereby preventing a back siphonage condition). Q: I am aware of the rule that requires meters to be located on the property being served. That availability to use that capacity should be paid for, but not by tacking the costs onto existing customers.