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The two eventually discovered that the cause of the ghosts was an obicular-class parasitic entity. It's been five years after Cyberverse's mini movies.Now Bumblebee has developed feelings for Windblade. While Cheetor failed to retrieve the AllSpark, he did manage to have it send out a wave of energy that healed the Nemesis and everyone aboard. Bumblebee (Transformers) (910) Prowl (Transformers) (832) Megatron (Transformers) (774) Starscream (Transformers) (711) Summary of Arc 1: Bumblebee. But Acid Storm does this super not-fun thing where he manipulates the weather to create toxic rain. Dark Birth, Believing these new beings housed the sparks of ancient Transformers reclaimed from the AllSpark, Starscream plotted to use his new "children" to further his plans. Completed. This is my old Transformers x Reader Book if you wish to read. I just dont understand why she has to be so mean about it. - Bumblebee, "Wheeljack is totally brilliant! While in jail, Bumblebee met Teknicus who explained that he'd built a tower for Affluous that cause the shocks. Back on the flagship, an exceptionally smug Starscream kicked Soundwave off the command throne, before ordering the Nemesis to take off. [2] When the Decepticons were in pursuit of Bumblebee again, Optimus stopped the violence with a dance party in which both the Autobots and Decepticons participated in. Infinite Vendetta, Jetfire eventually led the Autobots to the AllSpark's hiding place only for the Decepticons to arrive followed by an AllSpark empowered Starscream. Waving her after him, Bumblebee entered only to fall under the thrall of the Dweller being forced to attack Chromia before she used his own stinger to free him. The Monsterbots guided the duo to the Well where they found Shockwave waiting for them. [1] Nos Estados Unidos, foi exibido em 1 de setembro de 2018, no canal Cartoon Network.No Brasil, estreou em 9 de outubro de 2018, s 16:30, no canal Cartoon Network (Brasil) e tambm pelo canal de televiso aberto Loading [2] em 7 de dezembro. Transformers: Cyberverse . Retreating back to the Ark, Cheetor used the AllSpark to reconstitute the Sharkticon homeworld, securing peace for the aliens. And once Windblade puts her mind to something, she is unstoppable." The Autobots made their way to the North Pole, on a commandeered cargo plane, where Bumblebee acted as the distraction by doing a jaunty dance. TheDecepticons are always up to somethingepicallyevil. 2023 Hasbro. well, one of them Craving some love stories, but can't decide if you want to read Clone troopers or Transformers romance fiction. As a reward for his Seekers' loyalty, he extracted all of their sparks. Good thing I'm way over-prepared to outmatch a Seeker henchbot. Shes got the whole nothings-gonna-stop-me-from-saving-the-universe thing going on. With both leaders in one place, Starscream began using unspace to destroy the universe before both used their Matrices of Leadership to defeat the Judge, saving the universe. Enough of Bumblebee's memories remained for him to access his stinger and momentarily paralyzed the Seeker after he'd shown his hostile intentions. However, he was later executed by Megatron X, who claimed he outlived his usefulness after easily winning the Great War. Before Starscream could issue a command, a furious Megatron entered the bridge and began silently and relentlessly pummelling Starscream across the ship, even as the Seeker begged for mercy. Dark Birth Confident that these peace talks would fail, Bumblebee lounged around with Hot Rod and Cheetor before Slipstream was killed by Bludgeon, sparking a free for all. Rszletekrt tekintse meg a bevsrlkosarat. . Sulking off, Bumblebee griped that no one would believe him. -- Ha, ha, kidding guys, it's me, Bumblebee, doing my Prowl impersonation. Overall, Orion quickly found his place among them and was grateful to have been given this second chance. Megatron Is My Hero, A fan of Cube, Bumblebee tried to sneak into the Cube World Championship, even briefly posing as the mascot, where he befriended the Camien Windblade before security tossed him out. This is real. Just dont get in his way when hes in the middle of combat. Hasbro Transformers: Bumblebee Cyberverse Adventures WINDBLADE Actionfigur | Toys & Hobbies, Action Figures & Accessories, Action Figures | eBay! The Judge, Soon afterwards, the Judge, damaged beyond repair by Hot Rod's group, crashed into the ship, its out of control weapons collapsing it. "- Bumblebee, "Slipstream is really good at telling others what to do, and also really good at strategizing ways to stop us Autobots. He would later be unfrozen by Wheeljack's machine and could be seen celebrating the reunification of Cybertron with his fellow Cybertronians.The Immobilizers, Bumblebee participated in the ceremony at the grand opening of Trypticon Plaza. The End Of The Universe IV, During the course of the invasion, Windblade had overexerted herself freeing the brainwashed Croaton. Transformers Toys Featuring 30 Bumblebee and Optimus Prime Robot to Vehicle and Robot Car toys. When Soundwave reprogrammed the supersoldiers, they stopped fighting, and Bumblebee questioned what had happened, realizing in horror that Soundwave had sacrificed himself to destroy Tarn. $19.00. The Quintessons soon invaded Cybertron, locking the populace in a virtual reality that celebrated the Parade of Metals. "- Bumblebee, "Long, long, long (long) ago, Thunderhowl swore to destroy the Crystal City but he was defeated in battle and imprisoned within its walls. Though the three welcomed Drift's aid, the swordsmech lunged at the three, revealing himself to having been a deep-cover Decepticon agent. Frisstse a bngszablakot, s prblja jra. Whiteout, As Bumblebee started to remember his early encounters with Megatron, he began to idolize the gladiator once again much to Windblade's alarm. "- Bumblebee, "Blurr, where is Blurr? Once they'd been chased off, Optimus used the sorry state of the once magnificent structure to emphasize the great damage the war had done to Cybertron and the mistake he'd made in launching the AllSpark, declaring that they had to retrieve it and restore their world. I Am The Allspark, As part of a scheme to get the AllSpark off of Earth, Bumblebee and Cheetor remotely piloted one of a quintet of shuttles the Autobots intended to use as decoys. Unfortunately, Megatron had managed to extradite himself from the danger and had made it to the forcefield. Passing back through the portal, the Autobots found themselves in the Scientist's laboratory, facing off against his endless supply of bodies before Wheeljack tracked the Scientist's command signal to his true body, a diminutive organic creature, and squashed him. Along with Chromia, Bumblebee followed in a shuttle to the Argon Sea, diving in after it. Optimus eventually managed to shut down the chips, and later made the ultimate sacrifice, dancing, to get the victory celebration back on track. Windblade - Wikipedia Transformers: Cyberverse uma srie animada CGI produzido pela Boulder Media Limited e Allspark Animation e distribuido pela Hasbro Studios. Book 2 of the Cyberius Saga He always looks out for his friends. Ironhide (Transformers) - Works | Archive of Our Own "Don't worry Bulkhead, we got you." Windblade said in her alt form with Acree on her wings. Bumblebee is totally the bravest, coolest, most epic scout in the Autobot ranks or, at least, he thinks he is. Siloed, Windblade led the group to a human construction site where Teletraan-X excavated the Autobot whom he then identified as Grimlock, along with a video clip of how Bumblebee and he had been separated. - Bumblebee, "Theres no one Id rather roll out with than Grimlock. Maybe its his catlike form? Matrix of Leadership The new Vanguard-class vessel, the Ark, was soon completed and ready to launch, Bumblebee among its crew. Information he was only telling Bumblebee because he made sure that the scout would never tell Optimus, a statement he backed up by ripping out the scout's voice box. No one can give those Decepticon Seeker jets a fly for their money like Windblade can. "- Bumblebee, "Hello. Transformers: Cyberverse Legacy - Transformers Fanfiction Wiki When the group recovered, Teletraan-X revealed that the Decepticon fleet was approaching Earth. The Crossroads, Failing to raise Chromia, Optimus suspected a trap, entrusting the AllSpark to Cheetor as he ordered everyone to abandon ship, leaving the Ark to be blown up by a laser snare. Though Shadow Striker allowed Bumblebee to leave in peace, he was soon discovered, forcing him to call for reinforcements, Whirl carrying Windblade away. All audio, visual and textual content on this site (including all names, characters, images, trademarks and logos) are protected by trademarks, copyrights and other Intellectual Property rights owned by Hasbro or its subsidiaries, licensors, licensees, suppliers and accounts. Meeting up with other versions of themselves, the nine groups of Autobots used all their AllSparks to punch open a portal back to their universes. I for one, am definitely picking up that Windblade! Sabotage, As the two sought shelter at an airfield, Bumblebee picked up an Autobot distress signal. There they found that Teletraan-1 was dead and Teletraan-X quickly began to upload himself into the ship's mainframe only for Shadow Striker to arrive and destroy the drone. What happens when they find some alone time memories between the two. After the scientist knocked Cheetor out, Bumblebee used his fallen friend's spear to disable Shockwave, allowing the two to return the AllSpark to its resting point and return life to Cybertron. Hot Rod transformed his hand into a blaster and fired as well. Cyberius is now free from his previous captors, but what's next for him? He participated in the council meeting to discuss Astrotrains warning of an impending threat, and when Tarn arrived, under attack by two Decepticon supersoldiers, Bumblebee and Optimus restrained one of them. Hot Rod said as he and Bumblebee ran to where the wrecking ball was. Those who have requested will be mentioned at the top of the chapter in bold. Bumblebee (Cyberverse) - Transformers Wiki "- Bumblebee, "Megatron is bad news. Cube Bumblebee took his new friend to Maccadam's Old Oil House where he introduced her to his many friends and the barkeep himself who pegged that the duo were hiding in a cave. Disney Pixar Toy Story 4 Dominos set in A Tin collectors can NEW (234535590291). Im pretty good at it, if I do say so myself. That's seriously not cool. His hand became his signature weapon: stinger, and blasted the rock. Though Bumblebee wanted to go back for their friend, Optimus soon arrived, carrying the wounded tactician over his shoulders. Parley Anticipating the Autobots' arrival, Starscream abandoned his temporary base and led his Scraplets in an attack on the Nemesis, draining the energon from the Decepticons. Enemy Line, Using a psychic tracker from Caminus, Chromia led Bumblebee across Cybertron to Windblade's various psychic shards. Transformers: Ride of Your Life Chapter 2: Discovery of the Century, a Though he attempted to convince Slipstream to join him, she fled to warn the Autobots and Decepticons of his intentions, managing to reveal his location to Windblade before being killed by Bludgeon. After both Optimus and the AllSpark had been taken through a GroundBridge to the Ark, Bumblebee made a point to retrieve Starscream's body, reasoning that Optimus would want the Seeker to face justice. The End Of The Universe III, Ordering Croaton to annihilate Iacon and every Transformer in it, Judge Starscream finally found Optimus Prime. Before the Great War, Starscream took the newly arrived Camien Windblade to a Cube game where he flaunted his upper-class credentials by mocking the plebs and having Bumblebee be kicked out of the stadium. Cyberverse Stories - Wattpad Language: English. Bumblebee, Starscream and Windblade go downtown for date night. When Megatron X crossed over into the primary timeline, he referenced Bumblebee to his counterpart, noting that he had died as a simple scout. Hasbro does not control and is not responsible for the availability of, or content on, linked third party websites. Shes always stomping around, glaring at everyone, calling us fools, and trying to blast us with plasma! 96 Stories. Contemptuously, Megatron threw Starscream's body onto the moon's surface as the Nemesis left. Though the Dinobot wanted to pursue the assassin, Bumblebee convinced his friend to let her go. Add him to the top of the list of fun challenges well face in the battle against the Decepticons." Megatron stared at him, his expression deadpan. Picture 1 of 7. After Tarn explained the conflict between the supersoldiers, Wheeljack supplied the Autobots, including Bumblebee, with gadgets to restrain the supersoldiers and end their conflict. He just gets really worked up about new inventions!" When the alternate Megatron arrived, he disabled his counterpart before reclaiming his Matrix. Instead, Windblade directed Bumblebee to a new memory regarding the Ark, hoping to find the ship's location. Includes Windblade figure and instructions. His boogying brought out a vengeful Shadow Striker. Which technically, he really doe All of the Starscreams' wings can flutter, but the two that mostly have wings that flutter is Cyber and Tfa, and of course: Megatron and Blitzwing know this very well. As such, we encourage you to read the third party's privacy policy and terms of use closely. After initially clashing with Shadow Striker, Bumblebee entered the Ark with Teletraan and made his way to the hibernation bay. Plus, Acid Storm spends all his free time chasing my friends and me around the Earth. Completed. SEE TRANSFORMERS APPS AVAILABLE FOR YOUR DEVICE! They rescue other Autobots, then have wild adventures on Earth & Cybertron. Bumblebee met Optimus Prime when he was delivering a message to him. Copyright 19952023 eBay Inc. Minden jog fenntartva. I don't think I've ever seen him smile. "-Bumblebee The resourceful Windblade uses her telepathic Cityspeaker powers to defend justice with the Heroic Autobots. Noticing that Bumblebee had retained the cortical psychic patch, Teletraan helped the scout remember more about Optimus Prime and to understand that everyone, even the greatest of heroes, was fallible.