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See details. This isnt very compelling and makes you wonder whats going on with the decision-makers at PepsiCo. A pineapple/grapefruit variant described as "Mysteriously Exotic Dew", sold in 16 oz. Pineapple-grapefruit is a worthy soda flavor that has possibilities. 1. Does Drinking Diet Mountain Dew Increase the Risk of Kidney Stones. 2 Min Read. A re-release of original Citrus Cherry Game Fuel flavor. (This is the first official test of the Sitenotice feature on FANDOM). A blackberry lime variant exclusive to Buffalo Wild Wings. Received a limited run in Canada in the summer of 2022. By the end of 2019 all the Mountain Dew special label varieties, green, black and white, were discontinued. Seller pays for return shipping. Is Mountain Dew Zero Discontinued? - UpThirst Mountain Dew Whiteout Discontinued In Most States *NEW* RARE. A citrus variant released in Spain in 2015. Cherry Fusion was a Mountain Dew Flavor available only as a fountain drink at theWienerschnitzel fast food chain. In 2017, the flavor was discontinued in the United States to make room for new variants. However, some fans of Cherry Fusion described it as having a stronger cherry taste than Code Red. It lost to Mountain Dew White Out and came in 3rd place with only 16% of all votes. Pitch Black was made available in fountains at Speedway gas stations as of 2016, and served as part of the "DEWcision" contest, where it won over Baja Blast and was added to the core lineup. For more, get the latest food and beverage news delivered to you daily by signing up for the Eat This, Not That! Kickstart Limeades been gone for 3 years already, but customers can always hope that PepsiCo will decide to restart it and give this flavor another try. So although Electric Blue may not be available anymore, there are still plenty of other great options out there for soda lovers everywhere! These are the Mountain Dew flavors no longer produced by PepsiCo., and are thus not available on shelves. For most of its complicated history, Baja Blast has been available as a fountain drink at Taco Bell restaurants. What is the newest Mountain Dew flavor 2022? This variation of Dew was similar to other Dew flavors Dew Iced and Dew Freeze, which were available at the fast-food chains Cold Stone Creamery and A&W Restaurants respectively. Diet Voltage was released in 2011 as a part of the "FanDEWmonium" promotion[12] and made it to the finals with Diet Mountain Dew Supernova, meaning it had a limited release in U.S. stores while voting took place, until Diet Supernova was revealed to be the winner. But in America, its a whole different story and a complicated one at that. It also became a limited edition flavor for the Philippines for its own DEWmocracy promotion. Answer (1 of 3): It's not discontinued, it's a seasonal/regional product by design and always has been. Mountain Dew Has Been Forced to Pause Production of This Popular Energy Drink. An orange variant launched as 'Amp Game Fuel' in 2019 with the launch of. As for Diet Code Red, it is currently discontinued as its Zero Sugar counterpart replaced it. However, the Caller didnt find media reports of parent company PepsiCo cancelling the Mountain Dew product line. That means you might have to look a bit harder to find it, but it's still out there. Is Diet Mountain Dew being discontinued? - Recipes FAQs Diet Typhoon was created for the FanDEWmonium promotion, which came in 5th place, not making it to the final round. Although this food additive may help emulsify liquids, there is still a lack of research on how different quantities can affect the human body. A kiwi-apple variant described as "Curiously Daring Dew". 2020's mystery flavor was described as "fruit candy explosion". PepsiCo, who makes Mountain Dew, has received mounting pressure to make changes to the ingredients list for some of its products. This flavor variation has a history like no other, and a rabid fanbase to boot. Shake to chill. Does Drinking Mountain Dew Make Your Wee Wee Smaller? This flavor was specifically formulated to compliment Taco Bells menu items. [101], Voo-DEW flavors from 2019-2021 were rereleased in 2022 in an online-only variety pack titled Ghosts of Voo-DEW Past. A KROGER customer was concerned the company removed a popular drink from its shelves, but an inventory update proved to be the real culprit. Another employee post posited that although the drink was still available in small amounts in specific parts of the country, it was likely not long for this world. Mountain Dew was made using brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, a food additive, which is considered a controversial ingredient. That said, this is clearly Mountain Dew trying to create a false scarcity of the soda, trying to convince people its actually discontinued, cause an uproar on social media, get people talking about Mountain Dew. 48x Mountain Dew Lip Gloss Can Shaped Pack Collectible Discontinued | eBay It was released on August 3, 2009, at a first-taste party in Brooklyn, New York. A comparable amount of regular Mountain Dew would have 72 milligrams of caffeine while a can of PepsiCo's . There are many online retailers that carry the product, so its easy to find. Eskimos living in the Arctic make a kind of ice cream with snow, berries and animal fat that is said to be quite tasty. If you have access to online retailers like Amazon, Target, or Walmart, you can check there to see if they carry it. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases. Another employee post posited that although the drink was still available in small amounts in . Mountain Dew Fandom reported that the drink is still available sparsely in the Midwestern states and that the flavor was made available in slushy format at certain 7-Elevenlocations. If you visited Japan or some countries that make up the European Union in the past, you probably didn't find Mountain Dew on any grocery store shelves because the recipe once included an ingredient that is banned in these countries, according to Stacker. November 17, 2022 by. SIGN UP. Caffeine in Mountain Dew A zero-sugar raspberry lemonade variant. List of Mountain Dew flavors and varieties, Mountain Dew Energy (formerly Mountain Dew Rise), "A New Tuned Up Taste Changes How Dew Does Diet", "The decline and fall of high-fructose corn syrup", "Mountain Dew Throwback December 2009 Rerelease", "Pepsi, Dew Throwback to return for 3rd run in August for 5 weeks", "Pepsi, Dew Throwback return in 2011 for 4th limited run, perhaps extended beyond 8 weeks", "The votes are in: Brands give consumers a voice in product flavor decisions", " -Marketers of colorful drinks dye for big sales", "Pepsi to Electrify Summer with 'Mountain Dew Livewire', "New Products -Mountain Dew fanDEWmonium", "John Cena: 'No Mathematical Way' I Can Be at 'WrestleMania 37', "Rochester man wins $1M in Mountain Dew contest", "Mountain Dew expands Spark to retail, intros Spark No Sugar", "MTN DEW Introduces New MTN DEW Spark Zero Sugar and Expands MTN DEW Spark Nationwide", "MTN DEW Reveals Brand New Flavor Called "Spark", "We's Berry Excited About a New Mountain Dew Flavor Coming to Sam's Club! Mountain Dews main customer base are young males who play a lot of video games, watch superhero movies and ride their skateboards everywhere. Get the best food tips and diet advice The Mountain Dew brand soft drink is being discontinued by Pepsico. In this particular case, the meme makes a dubious claim about PepsiCo production of Mountain Dew, a popular soft drink. Mountain Dew has been releasing new flavors at a remarkably rapid clip throughout 2022. 10 Fast Food Restaurant Loaded Fries That Took It To The Next Level, Next: Its reformulated version, Mountain Dew Throwback Throwback, is still available, so you can be sure that you can still get your fix. And while Baja Blast came back into our lives, we still miss the others. Of the new releases, MTN DEW BAJA MANGO GEM is an orange tropical mango flavor, and MTN DEW BAJA GOLD is a bright island pineapple flavor, the company says. This slushy would go well with Slim Jims and Doritos, but would that many people really want to slurp one with a handful of Munchkins? Mountain Dews White label soda was part of a special release on a handful of colleges around the United States with Dews Green Label in January 2017. It's reported to have 55mg per 12 oz serving which is the highest of the bunch and on par with actual Mountain Dew. You might not taste them allyou might not even sample half of thembut theres something comforting about the sheer variety on todays DEW scene. An energy variant that contains caffeine, A caffeinated variant released in June 2012 in Australia, like Canada's relaunch a few months earlier. Although the link appeared to point to a real news story, it was generated by the trolling web site FeedNewz: The content on was user-created. Mountain Dew has had some fairly exotic flavors such as Game Fuel Tropical Smash and Black Label. Voting ended on June 14, and White Out won the campaign with 44% of the votes. A blueberry/pomegranate variant released in early 2016 that contains antioxidants - vitamins C and E. A grape variant released in 2016 that contains 5% juice. "Instead of them [citrus oils] kind of coalescing and ringing at the top forming a film at the top of the soda they're uniformly dispersed throughout," said Robert McGorrin, aprofessor of food science and technology at Oregon State University, per USA Today. Taco Bell also offered a Mountain Dew Spiked Lemonade freeze drink until early 2018, when both Spiked variants were discontinued. Even if a store doesnt carry it, you can always order online. A berry/lime variant exclusively at 7-Eleven stores. A strawberry/pineapple-flavored Mountain Dew. The original, the one that started it all.This green magic will quench your thirst every day of the week. Mountain Dew is the American soft drink banned in Japan and parts of Europe because it until recently contained a flame retardant. The rarest flavor of Mountain Dew is probably Electric Blue. If all else fails, dont worry theres still plenty of other Mountain Dew flavours for you to try. Mountain Dew Has Been Forced to Pause Production of This Popular Energy This soda was marketed as Dew with crafted tropical citrus. To be more specific it was a pineapple-grapefruit flavor and was white in color. ALL USERS: Hello and Welcome to the Mountain Dew Wiki! Other noteworthy alternatives to Electric Blue Mountain Dew include Pepsis Diet Pepsi Jazza fun blend of raspberry and lemon flavorsor Jones Sodas Black Cherry Cream soda, which has whipped cream on top for an added sweetness. A variant with the flavor of original Mountain Dew released in early 2018. Dont worry if you cant find Mountain Dew Throwback on the shelves anymore it has unfortunately been discontinued. A passion fruit variant released in New Zealand on 15 October 2012. (RELATED: Hoax Claims That Pepsi Products Are Infected With HIV). The soda has a whopping 75 grams of sugar in a single 20 ounce bottle (via Pepsico Beverage Facts), ten grams more than the same amount of Coca-Cola (via Coca-Cola). This cool treat was only available at Dunkin Donuts stores across America. A combination of Code Red, White Out, and Voltage released as a limited edition from May through August 2017. Another potential reason could be cost-related. } else { Over the years, it has experienced some popularity and some controversy, but it has managed to stay on the shelves up until recently. C $28.32. The Centers for Disease Control recommends limiting consumption of soft drinks and other sugar-sweetened beverages. In its first year of production, Code Red increased overall sales of Mountain Dew by 6%. Mountain Dew Throwback has recently been discontinued but dont fret its reformulated version, Mountain Dew Throwback Throwback is still available! . Its unique color was described as midnight blue and the flavor as mixed berry. Exactly what the mix of berries was isnt clear. This drink was released in 2011 as a part of a . I also help to make my own ale, wine, cider, kombucha, and sake and am a rum enthusiast. The good news is that Mountain Dew Zero is still around, but its not sold in every location. 6254a4d1642c605c54bf1cab17d50f1e. That, or Click Here to join our content program and start making money! It was announced on April 15, 2011, that Typhoon would return in May 2011 as part of the "Back by Popular DEWmand" promotion and it stayed on shelves in two-liter bottles exclusively at Walmart Supercenters through July. This smoothie-like drink doesnt seem like a good compliment to donuts and other pastries. This appears to be one of the few problems facing the country that George W. Bush isn't . It was made with real sugar instead of high-fructose corn syrup and is considered by many to be a healthier version of the classic Mountain Dew beverage. [12] It released in U.S. stores alongside Diet Mountain Dew Voltage on March 6, 2011, for eight weeks as a limited edition diet flavor. Category:Discontinued | Mountain Dew Wiki | Fandom It still contains the same amount of caffeine, but has a slightly different taste and texture. Many aficionados compare the taste of this beverage to citrus fruits like grapefruit or lemonade due to its high citric acid content. Real Sugar (also known as Throwback from 2009 until 2020) is a Mountain Dew variant, that as the name applies, is made with "real" sugar, similar to most soft drinks in the 1980s before soda companies switched to high-fructose corn syrup. The cherry flavoring is deep but not overpowering. Weirdly, Starbucks also plays an unexpected part in this iconic, high-octane soda's legal trouble. By Emma Kelly On 10/30/21 at 7:00 AM EDT. Homepage - MTN DEW . A 12-ounce can of Mountain Dew has 54 milligrams of caffeine, while a 12-ounce Coca-Cola has 34 milligrams and a can of Pepsi is 38 milligrams, per the Center for Science in the Public Interest. Keep in mind that not every store will carry it, so make sure to do your research before you go. In June 2017, Sangrita Blast was replaced in Taco Bell restaurants with Mountain Dew Spiked Lemonade. Today, Mountain Dew SA remains one of the most popular soft drink brands in South Africa, competing closely with other major offerings such as Coca-Cola, Fanta, Sprite, Coke Zero, Pepsi Max, Dr Pepper, and Red Bull. is major melon discontinued in canada? : r/mountaindew The Surprising Reason Mountain Dew Is Banned In Other Countries Part of the second Mountain Dew "DEWmocracy: Collective Intelligence" promotion. In 2012, a Mississippi teenager, Sarah Kavanagh, started a petition on to remove BVO from Gatorade, according toUSA Today. [13] It won FanDEWmonium with 55% out of all votes, and became a permanent addition to the Diet Mountain Dew flavor line-up. A Facebook user shared a screenshot of an image on Facebook that claims PepsiCo will be discontinuing their Mountain Dew product (see here ). The Discontinuation of Mountain Dew Throwback, Why Does Mountain Dew Glow? The attorney representing PepsiCo declined to comment on the judge's decision, while the attorney representing Rise Brewing said the company was "very pleased" with this first outcome in the ongoing legal case. With their soda purchase customers were given codes to access special movie content online. 30 day returns. An image shared on Facebook more than 4,700 times claims PepsiCo is canceling the Mountain Dew product line over long-term health concerns. [102], First released as a limited edition exclusively on the Mountain Dew online store,[106] the drink sold out in less than an hour. Described as "Deeper, Darker Dew". A black cherry variant released in January 2014, advertised to contain caffeine and electrolytes to provide energy for the evening. Mountain Dew Whiteout Discontinued In Most States *NEW* RARE, BANDAI Umi Ikimono series All 5 Type set Figures Gashapon capsule toys. then encouraged anyone who was fooled by the prank to share it again with their own social media circles, ensuring that the pranks went viral: Your membership is the foundation of our sustainability and resilience. Ghosts of Mtn Dew past (at my local DG) 104. 28 days ago. Frequent intake of these drinks can increase the risk of contracting a number of negative health conditions, including obesity, diabetes and tooth decay, according to the Harvard School of Public Health. With the same great taste that you know and love, you can still get your hands on the classic beverage. Fact check: PepsiCo pulls contentious BVO from Mountain Dew but it isn't a flame retardant. Mountain Dew Soda Lot-Baja Punch Baja Flash Unopened/Full Discontinued Mountain Dew Cold Fusion, not to be confused with Cherry Fusion, was a slushy type of fountain drink similar to the Coolatta that had been available at Dunkin Donuts in 2012. A small-business coffee company is making headlines after winning a preliminary legal fight against soda giant PepsiCo for the name it gave to a Mountain Dew product . In the United States, Mountain Dew is easy to find at grocery . Mountain Dew Typhoon/Facebook. Discontinued in the United States as of April 2020,[95] although still produced by some independent bottlers in the Midwest. With a tropic fruit punch flavor, this fan voted for and endorsed Mountain Dew was a limited release and only hit store shelves between 2009 and 2011. A crafted dark berry variant released in 16 oz. This flavor returned for the "FanDEWmonium" promotion but ultimately lost to Diet Mountain Dew Supernova, coming in sixth place and not making it into the final round. The marketing may help sell Mountain Dew, but like any soda, it is anything but healthy. A cherry variant of Mountain Dew ICE that was released in late 2018 as a limited-time flavor. The striking aquamarine color evokes the refreshing waters of the Caribbean seas. A variant without sugar or caffeine, available in parts of the United States. It replaced the Distortion Freeze but was discontinued in October 2014 and was replaced with the Starburst Strawberry Freeze. The brothers used to make the unique malt mix they would use for special occasions. Many places will offer free shipping if you order a certain amount, so thats a great way to save some money. A fruit punch variant released on February 25, 2013, advertised to have caffeine, B vitamins, and electrolytes to provide energy for the morning. Perhaps Mountain Dew would have been better off if it had released it as a Cherry-Lime soda instead of a slushy at Sheetz locations. The drink was promoted with a Super Bowl advertisement starring John Cena, 2020, 2021 (limited time release, exclusive to, A raspberry lemonade flavor originally offered exclusively at. 10 Discontinued Mountain Dew Flavors You Miss (Part 3)