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Kakashi began carrying out the mission alone, but ultimately decided that Obito was right and went to join him. At a Land of Fire inn after the ordeal, Kakashi spoke on the phone with Naruto, reporting that they expected to return to Konoha later that same day. As one of the trickiest and strongest ninja around, the Sixth Hokage Kakashi did quite a bit between Naruto and Boruto. While Team 7 tries without success to find a mission to go on that Naruto won't complain about, word reaches Konoha that Akatsuki has kidnapped Gaara, the Fifth Kazekage and the jinchriki of the One-Tail. Main articles: Naruto Shinden: Parent and Child Day and Parent and Child Day Arc Kakashi and his team escort Prince Michiru and his son, Hikaru Tsuki, to their home in the Land of the Moon. Much longer than Tsunade's pitiful tenure of ~3 years. Kakashi reasons with Kahy and convinces her to let Sai take the child to a doctor. Kakashi struggles against both due to the shared vision of their Rinnegan, but their clashing jutsu at least attracts reinforcements' attention: Chza and Chji Akimichi cripple the Asura Path when they arrive. Kakashi confronts Rahy about this and Kahy, unaware that this was intended, is aghast. How Did Kakashi Get His Sharingan Eye - The Sharingan became his most identifying feature in the years since then, such that he is widely known as "Kakashi of the Sharingan" (, Sharingan no Kakashi). Kakashi takes Sasuke to the hospital to rest, places him under the guard of Anbu, and returns to watch the remaining preliminary matches, having promised Sasuke that he'd tell him all about the other combatants' abilities. He takes him back to Konoha and releases him into the care of the Medic Corps. It can still be argued that Kakashi might not be the weakest of them. On the day of the wedding, Kakashi greets foreign guests such as Killer B and the Fifth Kazekage. No longer needing to distract the Eight Man Squad, Tobi disappears; before he goes, Kakashi notices that he has a Sharingan. The novel Kakashi Hiden: Lightning in the Icy Sky, which is an original story written by Akira Higashiyama and illustrated by Kishimoto, details Kakashis coping with his new role and even reveals that he had not taken over Tsunades duties a year after succeeding her, during which period Tsunade acted as Hokage. It's ironic that all it took was a few trips to the future to accomplish what Minato couldn't in three years: Kakashi and Obito working as a team. Still, unlike some franchises, it is possible to deduce the chronology from the events, since some events have a (rough) date, and thanks to Laudy Dorado from Quora, we now know Kakashis exact age at the moment he became the Sixth Hokage. When the stadium is attacked by Kinshiki and Momoshiki tsutsuki, Kakashi helps rescue spectators in the arena. He never would have stepped down for his interests. Many die in the Ten-Tails' counterattack, but another coordinated assault successfully removes the Ten-Tails from Madara and Obito's control. Because Kakashi and Minato Namikaze both failed to combine their natures with the Rasengan, Kakashi can't offer Naruto any tips and can only watch as he tries to develop something. As Kakashi treats his wounds, he catches brief glimpses of what Obito sees due to their common Sharingan: his fight with Naruto and Sasuke. Team 7 is sent on a mission to protect the actress, Yukie Fujikaze, as she travels to the Land of Snow. At age 6, Konoha officials allowed Kakashi to compete in the Chnin Exams with his team, which he passed by defeating Might Guy and became a chnin.[18]. Before leaving them, Minato advised Kakashi to not use the Chidori again. Sasuke retorts that Kakashi doesn't understand what he's going through and offers to kill the people most precious to Kakashi, only for Kakashi to reply that those very people are already dead. The clone dissolves along the way, which it explains to be because Sakura knocked out the original Sai. He is known to be an avid fan of the Icha Icha series of novels; he always has one of the books with him and regularly reads it, even while talking to others. He is brought before the Fire daimy, but before anything can be made official they receive news that Tsunade has woken from her coma, therefore rendering the proceedings unnecessary. Kakashi Hatake - Wikipedia He tries to capture Kabuto in order to learn more about Orochimaru's plans for Sasuke, but Kabuto escapes. Many, especially those in Anbu believed he would kill a comrade without hesitation if it was for the sake of completing the mission. This was the start of Boruto series, exactly 2 years since Naruto became the Seventh Hokage and Kakashi retired. Noting that the Compression Rasengan comes with great recoil that can cause great strain on his arm, Kakashi concluded it is not a technique that Boruto should use often. Histria Princess Of The Dragon Clan Kakashi X OC Romance Sai eventually reports that his investigation is apparently the same as Sakura's, so Kakashi combines them into the "InoSakuSai". [76] He improved to the point that he can use Kamui on fast-moving projectiles. Schedule >Current Round< Interim Round 87 Video Game Character Designs (Male Ver.) Rinne-sharingan Naruto , Mokuton Naruto , Chakra chains Naruto Naruto Harem , Friendly Kayubi. They discovered the origins of the feud, and when Boruto's attempt to reconcile them over sharing a dango shortcake recipe the grandfathers came up with when they were in better terms failed, Kakashi proposed turning the fireworks display into a competition, the winner retaining the right of displaying the fireworks henceforth. During one of Sakumo's missions - after Kakashi was enrolled in Konoha's Ninja Academy - Sakumo made the decision to save the lives of his teammates rather than complete the assignment. Kakashi's obsession with the Icha Icha series. Because of this, Kakashi sticks close to Tazuna, knowing Zabuza will come for him eventually. Naruto's words remind Kakashi of the Obito he used to know, inspiring him to join the offensive again. He died fighting with the pain during an arc. Later, Shikadai voiced his theory that the reason why Koji was able to slip past the Sensing Barrier unnoticed was because he was a former Konoha-nin. Hosting Priority List and Window of Availability 1K page celebration post. After Naruto is able to free the Four-Tails from Tobi's control, Tobi forces the other jinchriki to enter Tailed Beast Modes as well. Main article: Naruto Shippden the Movie In the anime, about two years after Naruto leaves Konoha to train with Jiraiya, another Chnin Exam is held. Although this is an A-rank assignment that Team 7, being only genin, are unqualified for, they decide to help Tazuna anyway because Tazuna confessed his country is too poor to afford an A-rank assignment. Along the way, Shikadai informed Kakashi that the sewers have an opening at the Thunder Rail. We can speculate on a few reasons why Kakashi became Hokage before Naruto in the aftermath of the Fourth Shinobi World War. Main article: Akatsuki Suppression Mission She prepares to treat Kakashi's eye, but Naruto steps in and uses his Six Paths chakra to restore Kakashi's original eye. Kakashi leaves Naruto with Yamato and has Sai's ink clone guide him to Sakura so that he can stop her. Obito decides to put the same faith in Naruto that Kakashi has and, in order to make up for all that he's done, prepares to use the Samsara of Heavenly Life Technique to revive everyone that has died. He also wore blue sandals, which he also wore during the Third Shinobi World War. Why Did Kakashi Become Hokage - Anime Dunes In the anime, after the defeat of the attackers and Konohagakure's recovery from the attack, a Kage Summit was held. Kakashi had probably fought more S-Rank criminals than almost anyone else in world. After a week of rest Kakashi has recovered and all of Team 7 has mastered the exercise; Naruto is tired from the training and is allowed to keep sleeping as they resume their bodyguarding of Tazuna. In past, Kakashi nearly became Hokage during the 5 Kages Summit arc due to complications with Tsunades coma and the Hokage-successor, but when she nominated Kakashi himself, he officially became the Kage of Hidden Leaf Village (Konohagakure) also known as Hokage. Haku and Zabuza recognise Kakashi and Sakura (who is also in the Third Division) and ask how Naruto is doing. Konoha's ninja search the crashed Tobishachimaru, treating the passengers and taking Kahy into custody. Seeing what his father went through and determined not to make the same mistakes, Kakashi decided that following the Shinobi Rules must always take priority. After Rin transplanted Obito's Sharingan into him, Kakashi confronted Kakk. Main article: Konoha Crush Despite this one case, there are many other life-threatening situations that Kakashi faced. [88], Main article: Fourth Shinobi World War: Confrontation. Team 7 gathers what intel they can on Gaara's kidnappers and leave to go after them; Chiyo volunteers to escort them since they aren't familiar with the country around Suna. Did Kakashi kill Rin? [49] After Kaguya's defeat, Kakashi's combat prowess continued to increase, despite the loss of his Sharingan, due to no longer needing to passively expend chakra because he could not deactivate it like an Uchiha. Guy takes Kakashi back to his home and puts him to bed, where he remains comatose until Tsunade, the new Hokage, comes to Konoha and heals the damage to his mind. Before he died, Jiraiya sent a number of things to Konoha that would help them against Pain, including an encrypted message. Naruto: 10 Things You Didn't Know Happened To Kakashi After The - CBR Kinoe, their ally, convinced them to let him interrogate Kakashi. The Third Division is mobilised ahead of the other divisions in order to be on hand for any eventuality. Although most people he knows are aware of how much he likes Icha Icha, Kakashi is seemingly uncomfortable sharing the books with others, to the point of growing embarrassed by the presumably adult content when he is forced to read passages aloud. EX 2, Naruto Shippden: Gekit Ninja Taisen! The Third Division arrives in time to save them from the reincarnated Gari, Pakura, Haku, and Zabuza Momochi. A fight breaks out when Kabuto notices them, at the conclusion of which Naruto defeats the Nine-Tailed Naruto Clone. It decides instead to fully take control of Obito's body so that they can't attack it without damaging Obito too. Kakashi Retired and stepped down as Hokage because he desired to nominate someone who could do better than him. Having sensed the same misgivings in Obito that Kakashi did, Minato convinces Kakashi to try yet again to speak with him. hide. Pain attacks Konoha soon afterwards; while some of the Six Paths of Pain draw attention to themselves, others avoid conflict and try to learn the whereabouts of Naruto, who has gone to Mount Myboku to train. Sabure from the new city and Yubeshi from the old town wanted the dispute resolved so they could get married with their grandfathers in attendance. In doing so he finds the Deva Path, and by confronting it he is able to save Iruka Umino. During his Anbu career, he wore a simple blue suit with a grey flak jacket, strapped up sandals and arm guards that went up to his elbows. While Kakashi voiced his horror at Victor's attempt to recreate the God Tree, it was also revealed from an investigation that Victor's laboratory had scriptures relating to Shojoji's intel, vague information of a "vessel" and secret knowledge that should only be known by the Five Kage. His White Light Chakra Sabre was destroyed during the ensuing fight, but he succeeded in killing Kakk with Chidori; due to the Sharingan's heightened vision, Kakashi was finally able to handle its speed. Main article: Sakura Hiden: Thoughts of Love, Riding Upon a Spring Breeze Kakashi had been a jonin for over a decade, and a leader of one of the divisions in the 4th shinobi war. In later years, his reserves allowed him to create and maintaining four collective massive walls for a few days and casually utilise his Purple Electricity numerous times. Kakashi did not want to be Hokage at first. Shikamaru is able to trick Hidan into using the blood to curse Kakuzu, destroying a second of his hearts in time to stop him from stealing Kakashi's. He secretly watches them as they eat and sees Sasuke and Sakura give Naruto food against his instructions, needing Naruto in top form if they're to get a bell. [25] During his time off, he would visit Rin's grave and Obito's engraving to tell them his regrets and how life was going without them.[26]. Nearly a year after the war, Kakashi has yet to officially take on the duties of being Hokage, feeling he's unqualified, leaving Tsunade to continue managing Konoha's affairs. As he snuck into the crowd, Kakashi realised that he went underground in the sewer. Moreover, he isnt as physically strong as other kages. In the war arc, Kakashis feats surpass that of Tsunades so Kakashi can be scaled above Tsunade. The mission's failure had disastrous consequences for the Land of Fire, causing many in Konoha, including the teammates he saved, to vilify him for abandoning his duties. What Episode Does Kakashi Die - How To Discuss Before he goes, he assures Sakura that he'll set things right. [102] In keeping with the meaning of his name, scarecrows are occasionally used to represent Kakashi; Naruto, for example, uses a scarecrow that is dressed like Kakashi to help him train for a combat test between the two. Kakashi has completed 1,141 official missions in total: 197 D-rank, 190 C-rank, 414 B-rank, 298 A-rank, 42 S-rank. She wants Team 7's chakra as well, so she transports them to one of Kaguya's Dimensions: a sea of lava. Kakashi is able to open at least one of the Eight Gates. Kakashi Hatake, the Hokage | Narutopedia | Fandom He Was Going to Be the Hokage After Danzo Died. Kakashi and his division begin their strategy. Kakashi also had a noted gift for analysing situations and people. In truth, Kakashi is rather a solitary and matter-of-fact person. When they arrive at the bridge Tazuna is working on, they find Zabuza and Haku (the hunter-nin from before) waiting for them. After they arrive back in Konoha, Hiruko projects himself to the world and claims responsibility for the kidnappings, whose kekkei genkai he has assimilated into his body with the Chimera Technique. [103] Likewise, scarecrows are at times added to the background of scenes in which Kakashi appears, as is the case with the cover of Naruto manga volume three.[104]. Her home was destroyed during a raid and she was able to get out just barely with her life. Despite his handicap, he is still noted to have impressive prowess wielding it, as noted by Itachi Uchiha. To that end, he encourages Sasuke to start using Chidori for its intended purpose: protecting friends rather than attacking them. What did Kakashi do to deserve the title of Hokage? | FanVerse The Kage are usually the most powerful fighters in each of the villages and the title is passed over to the next best fighter after some time. With Earth Release, he can move underground for sneak attacks or produce multiple intricate walls to defend himself or large areas from attack. Obito's apparent death profoundly changed Kakashi. Kakashi carried out his duties faithfully, monitoring Kushina from the shadows whenever she left her home.