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[99] The League sent questionnaires to prospective candidates to the state legislature to obtain their stance on direct legislation and to make those positions public. Tarbell is best known for her 1904 book, The History of the Standard Oil Company. Dave Wagner, a former Arizona Republic politics editor, historian, author and leader of the 1977 newspaper strike at The Capital Times in Madison, Wisconsin, died on Feb. 21 in Tempe at the age of 78. The Progressive political crusades were overshadowed in 1919 by violent confrontations with Bolsheviks (Communists), anarchists and violent strikes. During the Progressive Era, protections for workers and consumers were strengthened, and women finally achieved the right to vote. The rapidly increasing speed of automobiles, and especially trucks, made maintenance and repair a high priority. Taft's cases included many leading firms in major sectors: Standard Oil; American Tobacco; United States Steel; Aluminum Company of America; International Harvester; National Cash Register; Westinghouse; General Electric; Kodak; Dupont; Union Pacific railroad; and Southern Pacific railroad. Key democratic leaders were William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson, and Al Smith. By 1906 he was moving to the left, advocating for some social welfare programs, and criticizing various business practices such as trusts. Croly was one of the founders of modern liberalism in the United States, especially through his books, essays and a highly influential magazine founded in 1914, The New Republic. Organized crime was able to be successful due to their willingness to use intimidation and violence to carry out their illicit enterprises. Progressive Era - Chapter 18 Progressive Era 1900 - StuDocu He crusaded against Stalwart party bosses of the state Republican Party, and won voter approval in a referendum in 1904. "Social Imperialism as Trasformismo: A Political Economy Case Study on the Progressive Era, the Federal Reserve Act, and the U.S.'s Entry into World War One, 18901917", in M. Lakitsch, Ed., Thelen, David P. "Social Tensions and the Origins of Progressivism,", Glad, Paul W. "Progressives and the Business Culture of the 1920s,", Lemons, J. Stanley. The American Association for Highway Improvement was organized in 1910. The hurriedly created over thirty new corporations to replace Standard, plus several in tobacco. [199] At a deeper level, Roosevelt truly believed that arbitration was a nave solution and the great issues had to be decided by warfare. Characteristics of Progressivism included a favorable attitude toward urbanindustrial society, belief in mankind's ability to improve the environment and conditions of life, belief in an obligation to intervene in economic and social affairs, a belief in the ability of experts and in the efficiency of government intervention. State Executive Committee. How did the Progressive Era affect women? [272] Likewise it was influential in the Midwest. [15][16], Magazines experienced a boost in popularity in 1900, with some attaining circulations in the hundreds of thousands of subscribers. State leaders included Governor Charles B. Aycock, who led both the educational and the white supremacy crusades; diplomat Walter Hines Page; and educator Charles Duncan McIver. in American Attitudes toward Sex By the early 1920s, a consensus had been reached that the total influx of immigration had to be restricted, and a series of laws in the 1920s accomplished that purpose. Progressives argued these needs deserved a higher priority. [184], When Democrat Woodrow Wilson was elected president with a Democratic Congress in 1912 he implemented a series of Progressive policies in economics. Lewis L. Gould, "Progressives and prohibitionists: Texas Democratic politics, 19111921." [205], In 1903, the American reformers in the Philippines passed two major land acts designed to turn landless peasants into owners of their farms. Reformers such as Taft believed landownership would turn unruly agrarians into loyal subjects. The pace was set in Detroit, Michigan, where Republican mayor Hazen S. Pingree first put together the reform coalition as mayor 18891897. Progressive national political leaders included Republicans Theodore Roosevelt, Robert M. La Follette, and Charles Evans Hughes; Democrats William Jennings Bryan, Woodrow Wilson, and Al Smith. Murphy, William B. 285313. Leroy G. Dorsey, "Preaching Morality in Modern America: Theodore Roosevelt's Rhetorical Progressivism." ProQuest Dissertations Publishing, 1958. [210], Many progressive leaders used the rhetoric of righteousness to motivate their Protestant supporters. Many, though, were concerned with enforcing, not eradicating, racial segregation. The divide between aggressive passionate love associated usually with men and a women's more spiritual romantic love became apparent in the middle class as women were judged on how they should be respected based on how they expressed these feelings. [30] Several major foundations aided the blacks in the South and were typically advised by Booker T. Washington. Postell, Joseph W. and Johnathan O'Neill, eds. [203], While anti-imperialist sentiments had been prevalent in the United States during this time, the acquisition of the Philippines sparked the relatively minor population into action. He was elected to a full term in 1904 and continued to promote progressive policies, some of which were passed in Congress. In the beginning of the age of mass media, the rapid expansion of national advertising led the cover price of popular magazines to fall sharply to about 10 cents, lessening the financial barrier to consume them. Wik, for example, argues that Ford's "views on technology and the mechanization of rural America were generally enlightened, progressive, and often far ahead of his times. [100] Furthermore, Southern Democrats in Congress gave strong support to President Wilson's reforms. [134][135] Typical projects involved upgrading schools, modernizing church operations, expanding business opportunities, fighting for a larger share of state budgets, and engaging in legal action to secure equal rights. Some, such as Lillian Wald, fought to alleviate the plight of poor African Americans. They often proposed city ownership of the transit lines, but the homeowners were reluctant to save a penny on fares by paying more dollars in property taxes [106], Dayton, Ohio, was under the reform leadership of John Patterson, the hard-charging chief executive of National Cash Register company. [99], Progressivism was strongest in the cities, but the South was rural with few large cities. Arno Karlen, Sexuality and Homosexuality: A New View (New York, 1971), is explicitly concerned with the existence or non-existence of a "sexual revolution." In summarizing existing literature, Karlen distinguishes between actual sexual behavior and the atmosphere Two important groups were formed during this period. [71], In the south, prohibition was high on the agenda but controversial. Drastic changes in land ownership posed a major challenge to local elites, who would not accept it, nor would their peasant clients. [193] In addition, rural Protestants distrusted the urban Catholic and Jewish immigrants from Southern and Eastern Europe, and on those grounds opposed immigration. He managed to convince lawmakers on the issues of money and banking by the creation in 1913 of the Federal Reserve System, a complex businessgovernment partnership that to this day dominates the financial world. The working class saved money by walking to their factory jobs; municipal reformers appealed to the middle-class vote, by attacking the high fares and mediocre service of privately owned transit companies. He challenged Taft for the Republican presidential nomination in the 1912 presidential election, but his candidacy was overshadowed by Theodore Roosevelt. During the Progressive Era, artists began to focus more on the realistic aspects of life. Direct link to Harriet Buchanan's post I'd say it was a mixture , Posted 4 years ago. [113], A main objective of the Progressive Era movement was to eliminate corruption within the government. Progressives across the country influenced municipal governments of large urban cities, to build numerous parks where it was believed that leisure time for children and families could be spent in a healthy, wholesome environment, thereby fostering good morals and citizenship.[123]. [185] Wilson helped end the long battles over the trusts with the Clayton Antitrust Act of 1914. [78][79][80], Wisconsin from 1900 to the late 1930s was a regional and national model for innovation and organization in the progressive movement. in, Arthur J. Altmeyer, "The Wisconsin Idea and Social Security. They got so caught up in trying to push our society forward that many were willing to dispose of people they considered "undesirable" in order to do that. It was elitist, and emphasized education and expertise. He was a member of the Republican Party for most of his life, though he also joined the Progressive Party for a brief period. [6] For many progressives this meant prohibition of alcoholic beverages. Most Northern states followed suit, with reformers proclaiming grass roots democracy. Progressives also advocated for new government roles and regulations, and new agencies to carry out those roles, such as the FDA. Michael J. Klarman, "The White Primary Rulings: A Case Study in the Consequences of Supreme Court Decisionmaking". [242][243] Prominent leaders included the Mayo Brothers whose Mayo Clinic in Rochester, Minnesota, became world-famous for innovative surgery. Progressive Era Books - Goodreads Across the South the General Education Board (funded by the Rockefeller family) provided large-scale subsidies for black schools, which otherwise continued to be underfunded. "[147], Legal historian Herbert Hovenkap argues that while many early Progressives inherited the racism of Jim Crow, as they began to innovate their own ideas, they would embrace behaviorism, cultural relativism, and marginalism, which stress environmental influences on humans rather than biological inheritance. This book was released on 2016-02-01 with total page 260 pages. Using the language of municipal housekeeping women were able to push such reforms as prohibition, women's suffrage, child-saving, and public health. It was weak in the towns and cities except in labor unions. Through the story told in The Jungle, Progressives were. [39], La Follette supported some of President Wilson's policies, but he broke with the president over foreign policy, thereby gaining support from Wisconsin's large German and Scandinavian elements. and in 1904, it successfully engineered the recall of the first public official. [146] Actions such as these from whites of the Progressive Era are some of the many that tied into the Progressive goal, as historian Michael McGerr states, "to segregate society. With the support of the Socialist Party, farmer's groups, labor unions, and others, La Follette was strong in Wisconsin, and to a much lesser extent in the West. 7700270. Pestritto, Ronald J., and William J. Atto, eds. [230] In August 1917, the Lever Food and Fuel Control Act banned production of distilled spirits for the duration of the war. [241], The Flexner Report of 1910, sponsored by the Carnegie Foundation, professionalized American medicine by discarding the scores of local small medical schools and focusing national funds, resources, and prestige on larger, professionalized medical schools associated with universities. [255] In 1919, Theodore Roosevelt died and Wilson's health collapsed, leaving a void in top leadership. Era of United States history between 1896 and 1917, Originators of progressive ideals and efforts, Popular democracy: Initiative and referendum. [145], One of the most impacting issues African Americans had to face during the Progressive Era was the right to vote. Certain wealthy men of this stamp, whose conduct should be abhorrent to every man of ordinarily decent conscience, and who commit the hideous wrong of teaching our young men that phenomenal business success must ordinarily be based on dishonesty, have during the last few months made it apparent that they have banded together to work for a reaction. Richard Hofstadter, for example, in 1955 wrote that prohibition, "was a pseudo-reform, a pinched, parochial substitute for reform" that "was carried about America by the ruralevangelical virus". Direct link to Ginny Kabwe Ortiz's post Sterilization is a medica, Posted 7 years ago. [91][92], The Oregon Direct Legislation League was an organization of political activists founded by William S. U'Ren in 1898. Some historians who emphasize civil liberties decry their suppression during 19171919 and do not consider the war as rooted in Progressive policy. Progressive Era to Modern Era | Journalism in the Digital Age Efficiency was improved with scientific management, or Taylorism.[11][12]. in, Nancy C. Unger, "The Political Suicide of Robert M. La Follette: Public Disaster, Private Catharsis", Nancy C. Unger, "The Political Suicide of Robert M. La Follette: Public Disaster, Private Catharsis" Psychohistory Review 21#2 (1993) pp. "[146] Progressive whites found a "loophole" to the 15th Amendment's prohibition of denying one the right to vote due to race through the grandfather clause. [224] Timberlake (1963) argues the dries sought to break the liquor trust, weaken the saloon base of big-city machines, enhance industrial efficiency, and reduce the level of wife beating, child abuse, and poverty caused by alcoholism. A 1907 report to Secretary of War Taft provided a summary of what the American civil administration had achieved. Analyzing Feminist Literature From The Progressive Era The Progressives fixed some of their reforms into law by adding amendments 16, 17, 18, and 19 to the Us constitution. John Milton Cooper, The Pivotal Decades, 1900-1920. Tennessee, Illinois, Kentucky and Kansas took the lead in 19041905, followed by Arkansas, Iowa, Maryland, Minnesota, Mississippi, Nebraska, Ohio, Oklahoma, Texas and West Virginia. What were the most impressive achievements of Progressive reformers? ", Ira M. Wasserman, "Prohibition and ethnocultural conflict: The Missouri prohibition referendum of 1918.". They were dueling for control of the Republican Party and Roosevelt encouraged the Senate to impose amendments that significantly weakened the treaties. Buenker, John D., and Edward R. Kantowicz, eds. Hope that helps! [249] Progressive leaders like Herbert Croly and Walter Lippmann indicated their classically liberal concern over the danger posed to the individual by the practice of eugenics. However, Campbell (2005) stresses the weak points of the economy in 19071914, linking them to public demands for more Progressive interventions. Its goals were to enhance efficiency, reduce waste, and enlarge the opportunities for upward social mobility. But often the assimilation of machine values was not so covert. [51], Gifford Pinchot was an American forester and politician. By 1930, 12.4% of 18- to 21-year-olds were attending college, whereas in 1890 only about 3% of this demographic had an interest in higher learning. Finally, in 1920, Iowa got woman suffrage with the rest of the country by the 19th amendment to the federal Constitution. Muckrakers were investigative reporters and writers during the Progressive Era (1890-1920) who wrote about corruption and injustices in order to bring about changes in society.