Yolo County, CA News | NewsBreak Yolo County, CA Press Releases | Yolo County Woodland, CA 95695 The guide is available in English, Spanish, and Russian at https://www.yolokids.org/article/nurturing-children-during-times-stress. Continue Reading, Rest Area to be Renamed in Honor of Slain Deputy. The following resources are available to tenants and landlords seeking relief and assistance on evictions or housing issues: For information regarding COVID-19, please visit:http://www.yolocounty.org/coronavirus. For more information about the community effort to address homelessness in Yolo County, visit the Homeless Services | Yolo County and Yolo County Homeless and Poverty Action Coalition (HPAC). Sheriff Ed Prieto Celebrates 45 Years in Law Enforcement. Continue Reading, Reports of Stranded Cat on the River UNFOUNDED. Continue reading, Coroner Identifies Davis Homicide Victims. All library programs are free and open to the public. During Prieto's tenure, the Yolo County Sheriff's Department has "become a progressive, modern organization," said a press release sent out last month in celebration his 50th anniversary. Continue Reading, Home Invasion Robbery. Over the last four years, the Public Defender's Office, the Sheriff's Office, the Probation Department, the District Attorney's Office, the Courts, HHSA, and County Counsel have implemented several programs, new practices, toured other communities' JBCT programs and engaged in several meetings with DSH leadership to investigate various solutions. Result in Arrests. Newsroom - Yolo County Sheriff's Office | Woodland, CA Continue Reading, California Judicial Council Emergency Rule. Law enforcement authorities in Yolo County have cited a TikTok challenge from the summer of 2022 as a possible reason for the increase in thefts targeting Kia and Hyundai vehicles. Criminalizing the Fentanyl Health Crisis in Yolo County Woodland, CA - A federal grand jury indicted Gilbert Ramirez, 25, and Michael Valentino Lovato, 33, both of Sacramento, on several charges related to possession and distribution of fentanyl and methamphetamine, the U.S. Attorney's Office announced earlier this month. "We are incredibly excited to have this new program in Yolo, adding another local component to our array of services for those with significant mental health needs that find themselves involved in the criminal justice system. Social Media Release The Yolo County Sheriff's Office has submitted an OHV Law Enforcement grant to the California State Parks OHV Division. Continue Reading, OHV 2017-2018 Grant Application. On Nov. 8 and 9, over 70 law enforcement personnel from Yolo County Sheriff's Office, Woodland Police, West Sacramento Police, Winters Police, Davis Police, UC Davis Police, Yolo County. Home - Yolo County Sheriff's Office | Woodland, CA Executive Summary "All partners agreed that once the appropriate pieces of the jail construction project were completed, this program would be implemented here in Yolo. Continue Reading, Yolo County Sheriffs Office Looking for a Biting Dog in the City of Davis. Title: TO: Continue Reading, Mutilated Animals Found in Clarksburg Area. Press Releases | Yolo County Continue Reading, Homicide Investigation. Continue Reading, 50 Years in Law Enforcement. Address: 140 Tony Diaz Drive, Woodland, California, 95776 Phone: 530-666-8282 Yolo County California Sheriff Overview Yolo County can be found in the western area of California. Continue Reading, Sheriffs Office Looking for Biting Dog in Davis, CA. Command Staff - Yolo County Sheriff's Office | Woodland, CA Continue Reading, Yolo County Sheriffs Office Animal Services Section in the running for Rachael Ray $100K Challenge Prize Money. The Check Service Status Portal contains basic file information, which includes service details and information on money collection (on levy cases). To read more click here. But she found herself in jail and charged with transportation and sale of a controlled substance. Continue Reading, Sheriffs Office Looking for Foster Parents for Kittens. . This is a community issue, and we must continue to work as a community to address it," said Evans. The local orders were rescinded Tuesday, the same day Gov. % Crime news across America. Continue Reading, Residential Burglary Arrests. The top artist in each grade category kindergarten to second, third to fifth, sixth to eighth and ninth to 12th will get a $30 gift card, and second- and third-place entries will receive a $25 card. Sheriffs Office Employees Recognized. Hayes, a resident deputy sheriff for the rural Zamora community north of Woodland, has been endorsed by the Yolo County Deputy Sheriff's Association with 77 percent of members participating in the vote. To attend or for more information contact (function(){var ml=".onSulg4%AYRcry0t",mi=":15139;87?>151<142@>01=6",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;jYolo County officers conduct compliance checks for Operation Vigilance Sherri Papini, the Mountain Gate mom who went missing Nov. 2 after going on a jog, has been located safe and outside of the area, the Shasta County Sheriff's Office announced Thursday . Yolo County - Facebook To attend or for more information please contact (function(){var ml="Y%n0gtAlSc.o4yruR",mi="0;7;86@1<3=;7;9;?25=:;>4",o="";for(var j=0,l=mi.length;jDeputy Challenges Yolo County Sheriff, with Backing of Deputy Sheriff's For updates, follow Yolo County on Facebook at:https://www.facebook.com/YoloCounty/or Twitter at:https://twitter.com/YoloCountyCA. The PIT is a survey of individuals and families identified as experiencing sheltered or unsheltered homelessness within the boundaries of Yolo County on a single night. 22% of individuals surveyed lived in Yolo all their life, with an additional 16% having lived here for 7 or more years. Daily Democrat: Local News, Local Sports and more for Yolo County Yolo County CA Sheriff County Sheriff: Tom Lopez 2500 East Gibson Road, Woodland, California, 95776 Tel: 530-668-5280 Monroe Detention Center Inmate Search As of 2023, there is inmate roste r available on the web for the Monroe Detention Center. Continue Reading, Resolution of Pending Litigation. yolocounty.org625 Court Street Woodland, CA 95695(530) 666-8150, Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Prosecutors said the other attack occurred March 2019, when the woman identified in court as Jane Doe 3 was walking to work in West Sacramento and grabbed from behind by Jackson. The academy is sponsored by the Yolo County District Attorney's Office in cooperation with the Yolo County Sheriff's Office , the California Highway Patrol , the Davis Police Department , the . Slated for 6 to 8:30 p.m. Thursdays from April 27 to June 15, the academy seeks to educate the public about the criminal justice system and improve relationships and communication between citizens and law enforcement. Continue Reading, Subjects Arrested for Possesion of Heroin and Methamphetamine. Conceived and directed by co-Artistic Director Dr. Oona Hatton, Gynecologos is an interview-based, community created performance about womens reproductive health. Cold Cases, Missing and Unsolved Crimes. Attached please find the Notice of Availability/Notice of Intent to Adopt a Mitigated Negative Declaration for the project. These deputies' experiences and knowledge once created a well-rounded Sheriff's Office, teaching the. Gov. Continue Reading, Sci-Tech Bus Incident. yolocounty.org625 Court Street Woodland, CA 95695(530) 666-8150, Design By Granicus - Connecting People and Government. Its wonderful to see so many Pink Peers for our Spanish speaking community. Continue Reading, J.H. *The Stepping Up Initiative aims to reduce the number of individuals with serious mental illness involved in the criminal justice system. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. The woman in the laundry room fought off her attacker but was brutally beaten by Jackson and suffered life-altering injuries as a result, according to the District Attorneys Office news release. Government General Government Departments County Administrator County Administrator Divisions Public Information Office, 625 Court Street, Room 202 Continue Reading, Arrests Made and Large Quantity of Stolen Property Recovered. In the attack on Jane Doe 2, the jury found Jackson guilty of attempted sexual assault, assault with intent to commit sexual assault during a first-degree burglary, assault with a deadly weapon, making criminal threats, sexual battery and battery causing serious bodily injury. (Woodland, CA) The Yolo County Sheriff's Office and the Yolo County Health & Human Services Agency (HHSA) have launched a Jail-Based Competency Treatment Program (JBCT) to provide mental health services to incompetent to stand trial (IST) individuals. The prosecution in this case also presented evidence of other incidents in which Jackson was accused of luring a woman to a parking lot by falsely claiming he had found her lost dog, sending lewd images to a minor, secretly photographing more than 20 women from behind and researching how to purchase date rape drugs and chloroform, according to the District Attorneys Office. Continue Reading, Kitty and Puppy Palooza at Yolo County Animal Services Shelter. For up todate information visit the CAL Fire Website, Sheriffs Office Deputies will be assisting with the evacuation of Cache Canyon Regional Parks due to the Rocky Fire. After a four-week trial, a jury in October convicted Dominique Jackson, 32, of raping a woman as she walked home from work in Sacramento and attacking a woman in a laundry room at a West Sacramento apartment complex. Coroner - Yolo County Sheriff's Office | Woodland, CA Woodland Yolo County California Warrants & Most Wanted "Our new Jail Based Competency Treatment program will allow inmates who have been determined to be incompetent to stand trial to begin receiving treatment soon after it is ordered by the court, rather than having to wait many months in our jail for a bed to become available in the State Hospital system. February 26, 2020 The Yolo County Search and Rescue Team will host a meeting and new member orientation on March 5th, 2020 at Pioneer High School, 1400 Pioneer Ave, Woodland, Room J101 at 7pm. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Former Sheriff's Employee Accuses Deputy of - Davis Vanguard The sheriff is the chief law enforcement officer for the county. Citizens seeking information on the Yolo County Search and Rescue Team are asked to contact document.getElementById("eeb-200441-458930").innerHTML = eval(decodeURIComponent("%27%59%6f%6c%6f%53%41%52%40%79%6f%6c%6f%63%6f%75%6e%74%79%2e%6f%72%67%27"))*protected email* for more information. This guide was produced by YCCA as a project of the Yolo County CAPC. Press Release . Yolo Sheriff: Wife, husband dead in apparent murder-suicide | The Continue Reading, Yolo County Sheriffs Team of Active Retired Seniors (STARS) Offers Free Crime Prevention Program to Yolo Farmers. The 2022 count identified 746 people experiencing homelessness on February 23. Continue Reading, Vehicle Pursuit Near Esparto. Continue Reading, Yolo County Sheriffs Office Cadets Recognized with Award. The County's Commission to Address Homelessness is comprised of elected officials from Woodland, West Sacramento, Davis, Winters, and the Chair of (HPAC). Thriving Pink recently hosted a ProspeROSA Open House welcoming over 50 survivors/thrivers from the Spanish speaking community. Continue Reading, Bicycle Violation Leads to Drug Arrest of West Sacramento Woman. No corrective action was required and the availability of many inmate programs was noted. john.fout@yolocounty.org. Some units to . Mission, Vision, Values & Strategic Plan. stream Woodland Yolo County California Warrants & Most Wanted 320 were here. EMERGENCY: 911 NON-EMERGENCY: 530-666-8282 ADMINISTRATION: 530-668-5280 Administration FAX: 530-668-5238. The jury was hung on charges of assault with intent to commit sexual assault stemming from a reported attack on a woman walking to work in West Sacramento. This program will reduce custody time and positively impact both the inmate and my staff," said Yolo County Sheriff Tom Lopez. . EMERGENCY: 911 NON-EMERGENCY: 530-666-8282 ADMINISTRATION: 530-668-5280 Administration FAX: 530-668-5238. Continue Reading, Probationer Arrested After Standoff. That sexual assault went unsolved for seven months until the passerby saw a news release regarding a reported attack in West Sacramento. john.fout@yolocounty.org. Campers are being notified tonight to evacuate by tomorrow at noon. The Board of State and Community Corrections issued another positive biennial inspection report for the Monroe and Leinberger Detention Centers this month. Continue Reading, Sheriffs Office Welcomes New Deputy, Correctional Office and Facility Cook. Contact: Lieutenant Matthew Davis (530) 406-5395 . Woodland - is the county seat. Elder Abuse Victim Advocate Lindsey Hall: 530-666-8396. Continue Reading, Barn Cats Available at Yolo County Animal Shelter. Continue Reading, Yolo County Sheriffs Office suggests Fall Season Safety Tips. Animal Services: 530-668-5287 detention (main jail): 530-668-JAIL Click for Other Divisions Says Hatton, as the title suggests, this project champions the physical and emotional knowledge that women posses.
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