Stabbingthis seems to be used a lot. And how, for the first time, the world seemed fair. At one point or the other, I kept viewing as some kind of Stockholm Syndrome on Young's end, the way she just also seemed to care for Wang even though what she did was horrible. Margaret M - Hiatus - I will respond when I can, someone who I have to speak to on a daily. Wild Is the Wind ending explained - what happens to Vusi? This is based on the Animism belief of a god/spirit staying in everything, natural or man-made. I see. The camera clearly focused on him, when he was on the ground, stabbed, after the flashabck he had his eyes were wide open for like seconds. Jin-sungs betrayal was so out of character. Blurry happy ending scenes are so cliche. Find all the books, read about the author, and more. How guilty you felt while you loved me. They are most probably dead and in heaven somewhere. That ending just confused me. Charlie tells Ellie he wanted to be part of her life, but that her mother forbade him from seeing her. . One day, an uncle of Eoin tries to drown Anne in the lough. But it could be Minions shady-lookin dude guarding them, which means its a good thing. Netflix's latest crime drama, The Woods, based on a novel by Harlan Coben, is a twisty turny tale which sees a horrible crime and a mysterious disappearance resurface 25 years later. I love reading your insightful, witty and humorous recaps. I thought that you may not like me when you see me. When Young scoffs at this, he asks, Does that mean you like me?. The Three Possible The Thing Endings, Explained It'll fit, but it's not exactly neat. Lizzy (Caitlin Gerard) and Isaac. And second, Soo is alive because, as you say, picklemonster, they have too prosaic a conversation. Movie Pooper for the film -Wind Chill - MoviePooper However, she is interrupted by the return of her husband, who has brought back the recently deceased Emmas books with him. It was almost as if there were no real repercussions to her actions, except for some of the company's stocks she lost (I think) and the fact that she was homeless for a few weeks (I am assuming)? Hmm .. As the novel comes to an end, the couple are reunited and happy together. Tied to her bed and with the shadowy entity looming high, Lizzy stabs Isaac when he tries to stop her from untying herself. if (d.getElementById(id)) return; , Language I was so involved in it I just could not put it down. Soo makes Jin-sung and Boss Man nervous when he keeps folding, but Soo reveals his tactic during a time out he wanted to come this close to losing so Boss Man would have no option but to buy in. (and really, if it's a happy ending, is it so hard to just give us a straight forward ending but why also a stabby scene? She knows she is pregnant with Thomas's child, and she plans to remain in Ireland. Thanks for everything, drama! Nor are the ladies & gentlemen of the castle as aristocratic as they believe they are. 6. She's in her version of the LOST holding pattern universe and she had to find her way to Soo, thus the center scene surrounded by people that she loves and makes her happy. He kept his con going for a lot, lot longer. I salute the writer as well as Ju in sung and Oh young very well-acted characters. A wonderful, glorious and heartfelt story! I cried like a baby. Her scene at the coffee shop was too prosaic. I'm with you-- this would have been a wonderful drama if the writers hadn't given up on the characters towards the end: I felt that we were just coasting, or worse, slipping and sliding, as the show labored its way into the finale, and there wasn't even a good "save" in the closing moments. (I could buy him being dead if they'd left it at the bicycle scene -- but the restaurant was too real.). Kim Sung Cheol will reportedly replace Yoo Ah In for the second season of "Hellbound" News - Mar 2, 2023. This is how she matured and transformed. But I can still accept your interpretation of the ending as it makes way more sense than mine. Amy Harmon is a Wall Street Journal, USA Today, and New York Times bestselling author. It may have lost itself in its own mesmerizing cinematography at times, but I thoroughly enjoyed the visual experience. Regardless, though, I still can't help but feel lightheaded and drunk from all the prettiness between SHK and JIS in the "1 year later" scenes. If that was for Oh soo's grave then why it is on the table? The Wind Rises is an anime about Jir's life from when he was a young boy with dreams of making amazing planes to when he finally made the Mitsubishi A6M0 fighter plane. Netflix's The Woods Ending Explained | Den of Geek So for a hot second there, I thought that the ending sequence was a dream, in part because of the blurriness of it all and the inherent implausibility of well, everything. And why can't she has a beautiful long hair after the brain surgery and chemo?. If not, its a bad thing. If the story is fast forward, then it is possible that the end will be like that. From the very first page all the way to the very end, I was swept up in Amy Harmons beautifully crafted, enchanting story of American-born Anne Gallagher, who travels to Ireland for the first time in her life to fulfill her beloved grandfather Eoins dying wish to have his ashes spread in the lake at his childhood home. What the Wind Knows Summary & Study Guide - She hands it to Gideon, Emmas husband, who howls in sadness. I know, hard to believe. Anne and Eoin have no other family and are exceptionally close. Nothing tells you, you want to live more than nearly dying. Wow, now that "winter" has past, I can finally breathe. Theres new focus to her eyes she can definitely see. Is he dead, for real this time? Can she see? Then I realized that this drama is just like the character Young: beautiful to look at, given to half-disclosures or sideways feints that make you go into hours of analysis to try and figure it all out. var js, fjs = d.getElementsByTagName(s)[0]; 2 pages at 400 words per page) Amy Harmon. There are several strong hints for the audience to draw this conclusion before the movie confirms it. Wind Poem Summary. I found some recaps confusing but not the show itself. The ending made my heart swell and my eyes swim with tears - just try to read this one without shedding a tear or two. Young gives a coy smile, causing them both to break out in grins before Soo takes her face in his hands and kisses her. And when her heart gets caught between two different times, its nearly impossible to see her way clear. I'll bet Young cut the short way across her arm too, rather than the long way, which would again be what you would do if you actually wanted to die. Please try again. We see this happen very clearly in the climax of the film, right before she murders Isaac. Hes leaving, but not before he kisses her on the forehead, eyelid, and cheek. As tensions rise, Thomas joins the struggle for Irelands independence and Anne is drawn into the conflict beside him. xfbml : true, // parse social plugins on this page Enemy Ending Explained: Caught in Webs of Self-Destruction - Collider Thank you so much for the recap. I wonder what it will be? From what I understand, a feeble attempt at killing yourself like Young did is not a suicide attempt, but a cry for help/attention. I was captivated. Tracey Garvis Graves, New York Times bestselling author of On the Island and The Girl He Used to Know. A romcom, please!!! She did do the across-wrist cut. But the entire last episode did not flow at all from the previous ones. Additional gift options are available when buying one eBook at a time. What we dont know is whether Lizzy was in her senses when she committed the murder. I applaud his professionalism, knowing that this is his first time to have sex scenes. Gideon is timid and ineffectual, while Emma soon begins to claim that she is being haunted by some kind of unseen entity that inhabits the scrubland that stretches out all around them. The cafe, the talking people, Soo dressed as a waiter. This is so poetic, lyrical, heart warming, exciting journey starts with the mythical story of Niamh and Oisin, continues with time changing moments of Irish Revolution and were catching glimpses from Michael Collins life story and his fight for freedom and finally witnessing an unconditional, timeless , amazing love story of Anne and Thomas. The use of soft-focus lens didn't seem to mesh well with the story-telling part. For Vegas and victory. FB.init({ The Ireland of 1921, teetering on the edge of war, is a dangerous place in which to awaken. You will receive a link to create a new password via email. Her books are now being published in two dozen languages, truly a dream come true for a little country girl. I waited for you for a long time, Young says. I think the idea of ''the best friend as a traitor'' does make sense in this plot. Though not implicitly stated, the book could also have something to do with both the womens babies being stillborns as they both have the book during their pregnancy. Blurry. my friend too had a cancer and took chemo therapy but didn't loose his hair. Very pretty to look at like a picture, but barely engaging and forgettable in the end. Her secretly hoping that Oh Soo would burst in and save her makes sense (the only thing that made sense in this episode). argh~). I agree with Hannah -- the flowers were a continual peace offering and the weirdly beautiful blurriness was Young's pov. I'm confused with the ending. But more than anything, i belive the writers left an open ending on pourpose, they wanted to allow the viewers to come up with their own interpretation of the ending. In the end, the struggle becomes a question of whether she should or could stay in a time period she doesnt belong in but has become home for her. The following version of the book was used to create this study guide: Harmon, Amy, What the Wind Knows. That question isn't answered until the end of the film when it's revealed that Emma didn't actually shoot herself. Thats where Young fails as a character, even though earlier episodes showed her growing and changing from the cold and prickly person she once was, which was mostly due to Secretary Wangs heavy hand in keeping her in a child-like state, into a woman who realized that the world wasnt always out to get her. It is so illogical and stupid, it is almost a sort of evil in itself. it took 6 months for chemo and recovery. Reviewed in the United States on February 21, 2023. She re-thought all her previous decisions from the night before and decided to watch the video Soo so wanted her to see, which told her nothing she didnt already realize internally. Door to Tomorrow | The World God Only Knows Wiki | Fandom Soo mention od secretary Wang and the scene with the blind folded Wang, M and Jang say yes. cookie : true, // enable cookies to allow the server to access Amy knew at an early age that writing was something she wanted to do, and she divided her time between writing songs and stories as she grew. That "happy" ending felt so contrived for me. Her great-grandfather lived in this part of Ireland, and the landscape spoke to her, compelling her to write a story set in his time. The focus is oddly blurry as she gets out of the taxi, and the sound of Soos bell charm reaches her ears as a man wearing it passes her on a bicycle. Secretary Wang and Young have a heart to heart as Wang tells her that even after the surgery, Young wont be able to live alone not because shes handicapped, but because no one can do anything alone. The writer likely originally wrote a typical melo ending. When you were gone and I couldnt see you, the hardest part was that I still missed you. Good play, Soo. The show ended with a major loophole. It put a different edge on the thoughts of the Irish problems in 1918 and 1921/22 because the people of Ireland loved their country so much but at the same time it became complicated. The only thing I was actually left wondering was what happened to President Kim? Its interesting to note that, apart from possibly being tricked by the evil entity to murder both Emma and Isaac, Lizzy also had real-life motives to cause them harm. In Wild Is the Wind, directed by writer-director Fabien Medea, two corrupt police officers investigate the brutal murder of a young girl, and tensions come to a head in their small, racially-segregated town. I don't need my heroines to be people I'd like in real life to consider them interesting and watchable, but the second half of this devolved in a very, very similar way to Nice Guy - the nonsensical last-minute stabbing of the hero (well, at least Soo, unlike Maru, does not hang out having conversations on a park bench with his girl AFTER being stabbed), the time skip and the reunion of the couple after a long time. Were Boss Man's minions watching to make sure OS had been killed? 'Wind River' is Overwritten, but Has a Crazy-Powerful Ending - Vulture Yes, my eyes feasted with those beautiful cherry blossom ending but I still felt robbed. 5 min read. It was LOST season six. But, as much as I hate to say it, having seen dramas of hers like Goodbye Solo or More Beautiful Than a Flower, I can't help but feel that she's sold a part of her soul to write TWTWB (which was far more commercially successful). Bravo to the whole cast, and especially to the dreamy Zo in Sung. Your recently viewed items and featured recommendations, By purchasing this title, you agree to Audible's, Update your device or payment method, cancel individual pre-orders or your subscription at. I totally agree. Soo stays vigilant at Youngs bedside until she wakes and realizes hes there with her. : 5. He loved you so much. Amy has written nineteen novels in multiple genres, including the bestsellers, WHAT THE WIND KNOWS and WHERE THE LOST WANDER. But, to be perfectly honest, I wasn't thinking about her hair at all this episode, haha. So is she over the suicide thing? The one glaring weakness, for me, was the whole Jin-sung stabs Soo scene. But a girl can dream. Although we get to see Lizzy murder Isaac and hence, have a better understanding of it, her murder of Emma is only glimpsed. I don't think it was an excuse to put in alot of sex scenes. This is my third drama with this writer and it looks like she enjoys getting her characters to the lowest they can go (sickness, almost dying) and then having then come out unscathed and fine. Eventually, she realizes she is actually in the past and tries to avoid doing anything that will reveal her true identity. A scene in which Lambert and Banner ride a snowmobile into the wilderness to examine the young woman's body is haunting. Gu Family Book. . It's by no means the worst thing I've ever seen, but it was a letdown - I can live with Young's suicide attempt, but the sudden Drama Fairy handwaving of it is too much. The famed poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow once penned the beautiful words, "Be still, sad heart! I also like how she explains things, we get to see her thought process and I am grateful for that. Soo chaotic and rushed and nonsensical. appId : '127538621120543', This doesn't change the fact though that this show was sooooo purttty. Because now just isnt a good time? If the ending of The Wind left you with a few questions, allow us to supply the answers. Is he alive or just a figment of her memories? Later that night, Soo affixes the bell string to her wrist again. "I felt that we were just coasting, or worse, slipping and sliding, as the show labored its way into the finale, and there wasnt even a good save in the closing moments.". Since when did they promise to remove her brain tumor and restore her sight, considering that the two are unrelated? To find out more about Amy, visit her at The Walking Dead: World Beyond Ending Explained - Collider This time, we look at the baffling ending of Neon. They eventually decide on lambs ear, because that was the plant special to him and Young. I wonder, I wonder. They were driven by the Homestead Acts, which awarded citizens 160 acres of land in the sparsely populated west in exchange for a small filing fee. I really REALLY hated how everyone let Secretary Wang just waltz back into Young's life. Dreaming should be kissing already or running while laughing, no real people will talk and if everything was all a dream then why not the director chose to have that scene be with Oh young and Oh soo only and no other people will be part of it and no other thing will included. I love happy ending! At times, I couldn't understand OY and I found her irritating sometimes. :D. I'll add, I also agree that this wasn't the writer pulling out a happy ending to please fans or because she couldn't think of anything else. The film's immense runtime (2 hours and 37 minutes) makes it the second longest Marvel . I was waiting to see if the aftermath changed how I felt about the whole ordeal, since there was a chance for the show to treat the attempt in a thoughtful and meaningful way. Wang's crimes. Oh young underwent surgery right? Thank you so much Heads for your recaps. Link's Awakening ending spoilers: The Wind Fish and why it - Polygon The Iran-Contra affair ( Persian: -, Spanish: Caso Irn-Contra ), often referred to as the Iran-Contra scandal, the McFarlane affair (in Iran), [1] or simply Iran-Contra, was a political scandal in the United States that occurred during the second term of the Reagan administration. Now that i know there's a happy ending TIME TO WATCH!! But through her eyes, the focus is still so-so. Summary. 4. It didn't disgust me though. I understand why he wouldnt take Youngs freely-offered money, but it made the entire con seem moot when he could have done this sort of one-gamble-to-rule-them-all from the beginning anyway. Also, most of the other NHK dramas I've watched have all felt remarkably real-- but in a way that evokes an appreciation of the human experience. Blog Home Uncategorized what the wind knows ending explained. But, bite the cat that corners you, don't run and bite your mouse friend D': Maybe, he pulled a Moo Chul and was helping him in a way? That Winter, The Wind Blows: Episode 16 (Final) - Dramabeans I agree with you Canxi. Her fantasy novel, THE BIRD AND THE SWORD was a Goodreads Best Book finalist. I didn't understand the scene where JS knifed OS. And Oh Soo and Jin Seong ain't Robert Redford and Paul Newman. At first I was so upset because I wasn't sure whether Soo was dead or alive, and thought the writer ripped us off with an open-ended ending. However, I really think her brain cancer would be treated with gamma knife radiation - had a friend's mother die from a brain tumor and they didn't treat with chemo but radiation. At least Moo-chul's minion seems to have Jin-sung's back. Here's the guy who warned you again and again that Kim was bad news, to get out of Dodge ASAP and don't look back, who was always trying to get you out of the gangster life - and so you take the knife and leave the only true villain in the entire melo and go all the way out to the rooftop to stab your friend. And is of a piece with the whole, what about Boss Kim? During this period, many families moved from populated urban centers in the east to the vastly underpopulated western plains. Young goes to a cafe to wait, and we see Soos tree painting hanging on the wall, completed. But this was seriously a group of really scarred people. I loved the emotional humility of Soo's character. We see this in how the ghoulish reverend taunts her, saying how he was enjoying himself. If it was sooner rather than so close to the end, it would have sat in place better, narratively. SAME HERE! I remember reading an interview with NHK from several years ago in which she said that her aim was to write characters whom viewers could understand (and empathize with). The book is very cleverly written without the political basis. At first, it seems pleasant to have others around. That said I think it lost me in episode 12 or 13 with Young's funky character development and the insane troll logic medical stuff. When he was taking MCW's character to sell her into sex slavery he was really taking her to sell into sex slavery. Oh, Heads, if you have just discovered Jo In-sung through this show, I would recommend you The Frozen Flower. This time, we see Lizzy encountering the Reverend during what we can presume to be one of the earliest days of the Macklin's arrival in New Mexico. Amy Harmon is a New York Times, Wall Street Journal, and USA Today bestselling author of thirteen novels, including From Sand and Ash, and the Whitney Awardwinning The Law of Moses. Thank you, Heads. Her suspicions are confirmed when she finds Emma's diary in her cabin, which details not only her secret relationship with Isaac but also the fact that the baby Emma was carrying may have been his and not her husband's. Whether or not the debt gets cancelled, the case's resolution will bring changes. It really was. Jin-sung Why? Soo ekes out, but his next words go to Young: Wait for me. Then he struggles to get up in order to go to her, though he can barely stand. (Shes implying that people need people, and that they need each other.). Mad Men's Ending Explained: What Happens To Don Draper - ScreenRant It means that humans have decided to live, even though we keep expanding without limits, and producing pollution. Soo drags his feet, futilely trying to make it to the hospital as blood streams from his wound and tears stream from his face. (maybe the real one, since they were going in the same direction?). Her historical novels, inspirational romances, and young adult fantasy books are now being published internationally. Help others learn more about this product by uploading a video! I'm sort of slack-jawed right now. Nothing made sense in this ending, i dare say a couple more deaths would have made it more believable, Oh Soo included! The bit with Secretary Wang is so, so weird. Jin-sung just kneels there, shaking and sobbing. Here it just doesn't compute. 1. Plot Summary In 2001, best-selling American author Annie Gallagher loses her beloved Irish grandfather Eoin to cancer. This happy ending is what sealed this drama into my heart. Are they still alive? Forgiving her, I guess, is all right but I felt letting her back into the house was another thing. Every Amy Harmon book leaves me in awe - completely astonished by the gifts she was endowed with, the feelings she's able to put into language my brain does not possess. The love of your life, the one you defied death for (whether you died and are meeting in the afterlife or here on earth)! Not Soo asks her if she cant see, and she responds by asking if hes ever met a blind person. You're right, everyone in this show seems to heal rather quick. (I'll vote for SJK's character in Nice Guy. One evening, Anne, Thomas, and Michael are at a gathering at the Gresham Hotel when Anne suddenly remembers reading about a tragedy that took place at that hotel. I concluded. Things arent looking good for Soo in the game, as Boss Man starts laughing as he turns over his cards. As Anne fell for Thomas, I did too. That was what it felt like to me, just so we could have the reunion scene in the very end and tie a neat bow). Anne tells him the truth about her time travel. Sigh! Why show, whyyy?? Heads you are one hell of a writer. The title is "Gu Family Book" which is why I expected there's some kind of journey to find said book or even the appearance of it. Yippee, a happy ending! Into the Wind ending explained - to Ania and Michal end up together? The flowers suggested by MC are the favorite flowers of Oh young and her brother same with Oh soo. I got tired of the cons, of the directing, of the music. For taking the time to actually write it out or type it out in this case. Happy waiting for the next trip everyone. Jin-sung is the one to actually drop Soo off, but methinks that Soo is unaware of Jin-sungs involvement. That made me think about the episode when they were up in the mountains, i recall oh soo told her that even when he's not around, every time the wind will blow will always be with her or something in this direction. I was anticipating this one especially, because I was curious about what you thought of this episode. On the other hand, there is evidence to suggest that these events are the result of Lizzy's paranoid imagination. The art part is just an excuse for porn. I agree with you on the ending.The blurriness of the scene was to depict Young's perspective.After surgery her vision is most likely not going to be perfect thus there is a blurriness in her vision.Furthermore, Song Hye Kyo and Jo In Sung stated in their interviews that it was indeed a happy ending.They actually knew from the start that it would be happy ending since Writer Noh that it would be one.So hopefully everyone is no longer confused about the ending being sad or an open one. Though I was happy to see OS alive, I was not jumping up and down, I was not clapping (meaning I was not overly excited), and I couldn't help but wonder if MC dying (though maybe we had that coming) and the other characters being alive (I am assuming) was a way of doing fanservice, the main characters got to live and all. So it kinda kills me to read HeadsNo2's criticisms (that I agree with, btw) about often not being able to understand Young and other characters in this drama. Sadly, that wasn't the case. I was drawn to the cover first--it has to be one of the most beautiful I've ever seen--and then a snippet drew me in deeper. No, I actually think it is genuinely impressive. They could be referring to the REAL Oh Soo. It's so dang pretty to look at that I almost forget that it doesn't make sense. No thanks.). What the Wind Knows Kindle Edition - Then again, that just adds to the brokenness of Young's character- having to depend on the person whho crippled you and over time accepting that person's love? Good to know a little wrist-slitting never hurt anybody. This is a drama that maybe forgets the title. However, in the case of Emma, Lizzys feelings of dislike towards her slowly built up over time. what the wind knows ending explained The event results in her grandfather Eoin's fear that Ireland is not safe for Anne, which is why he never allows her to travel there until after his death. I cant even. but the 'open' ending is so well done, that whenever, however I feel, I could say, ok, Soo is dead or ok, this is a happy ending. The more she tries to unravel her familys past, the more entangled she becomes. He loved you. I HONESTLY dont know where to start on how much this book meant to me! Thank you Amy for this book, you are the most wonderful writer. }(document, 'script', 'facebook-jssdk')); Please enter your username or email address. With his eyes darkening ominously, he then chases Lizzy out of her house. As if to answer her request for them to be able to talk once she wakes up, Soo kisses her. Cookies help us deliver our Services. Boss Man is hosting the game, and announces the grand prize - seven million dollars. I so needed this recap to make sense of the endingare they both alive and getting a chance at love? Also, the fact that he pretends to believe her and asks her why her husband doesnt heed her words shows that the entity draws pleasure from seeing Lizzys husband not believing her.
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