In this Red Dead Redemption 2 spoiler FAQ, we'll . There's cigarette cards, which you can collect and sell as a set. Dutch knows Micah betrayed him, which is why Dutch turns his back on Micah during the good ending of Red Dead Redemption 2 after Arthur Morgan dies. Mary-Beth is writing trashy novels, and can be found waiting on the the train platform at Valentine. But some of my valuables have disappeared, all the sellable only jewellery has gone, craftable jewellery remained, a change cup, 4 gold bars went too. saintsrow. What does white smoke from a diesel mean? The money too, but u will get 20k after epilogue. Like Sadie, Charles Smith joins Arthur on his crusade and later helps John Marston track down Micah Bell in the epilogue. The moment it starts effecting gameplay is when you get into Chapter 6 proper and go to St Denis and trigger the mission. How many guys does the average girl slept with before marriage? john marston gets them but you will need to do a few missions till you get them back. You can still get them after, but you need the legendary and perfect pelts to make them just like during the story. The eagle and coyote are recurring themes throughout the game, as they can often be observed in cut scenes. ShadyCreeksKiller Dutch spent his entire life trying to be a philosophical outlaw, but both history and the game prove his crusade was futile. Its truly horrifying. Now that's out of the way, let's go through our list of bounties, and it all starts with protagonist Arthur Morgan. Of course, his last words also foreshadow Ross' betrayal and John's death. Finish the game go back as john and your money would be behind the picture. Missable Content in Redemption 2 | Red Dead Wiki | Fandom Saved a lot of time. This eventually climaxes when Dutch chooses to side with Micah Bell, whos been proven to be a traitor, leaving Arthur to fend for himself. All Rights Reserved. It's after the second part. Yes, you can keep playing after finishing the story (6 chapters and 2 parts of the epilogue). Used caskets lie out in the open, presumably because the townspeople lack the time or the energy left to bury them. In Red Dead Redemption 2, protagonist Arthur Morgan contracts a serious case of tuberculosis. Outside of simply stopping game progress, though, theres no RDR2 tuberculosis cure. It ends with Dutch appearing and Arthur warning him that Micah is the rat who betrayed the group. All the cash you had in Arthur's inventory is permanently lost at the beginning of the epilogue. It's later revealed that he was captured by the Pinkertons and died during the interrogation. They will not be able to interact with the animal, as it runs away if players get too close and it cannot be shot. However, it doesnt save him much time anyway, seeing as how in a few years, John, Sadie, and Charles end up gunning the man down anyway. The trapper can use these legendary pelts, plus perfect pelts and feathers, to create a variety of new clothes. In the internal standoff in the gang, before the Pinkertons attack, Miss Grimshaw stands with Arthur Morgan against Micah Bell. And speaking of completionism, there's lots of find-and-fetch questing that you can do, if you simply love the game's atmosphere and don't want to leave it. And lastly, if you're a completionist, consider being a full-time hunter. The 10 Best Open-World Games [March 2023], Red Dead Redemption 2 has sold over 50 million units lifetime, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.11: Best game that you were ridiculously hyped for as a teen, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.10: Best game that is really bad, VG247's The Best Games Ever Podcast Ep.9: Best game with balls that isn't a sports game, Rockstar confirms what everyone suspected: Red Dead Online won't be getting any major new content. The way it was: youd go to the aberdeen pig farm and drink. If you go back for the money, Micah will knife-fight Arthur in the camp's burning remains. Most of the early strangers' missions were driven by money for Arthur, but after the diagnosis, they turn into simply doing the right thing. They find Micah's corpse and even track the Marstons to Beecher's Hope. If Arthur did the Chapter 6 side missions for Hamish Sinclair, you see the two men become good friends across multiple side missions during later times in both of their lives when they each needed a friend the most. You can also visit the Fence and access the crafting menu; lots of the talismans, which are used to buff your health, stamina, and dead eye, require a spare animal part, such as a bison horn or an alligator tooth. Dont know if this has been patched, Its probably not a glitch its technically realistic that itd still be there. Arthur's rescue of Abigail resulted in the revelation that Micah was the Pinkertons' informant, who all the while was in Dutch's ear. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. Rains Fall is at the train station in Annesburg; his tribe settled in Canada. Now, he follows in the footsteps of his early influences, giving his two-cents on the games he loves. Hamish Sinclair, the one legged veteran who Arthur helped by lassoing his escaped horse, will take John fishing. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a 2018 action-adventure game developed and published by Rockstar Games. How Red Dead Redemption 2 Remembers Arthur Morgan Post-Story, Even Ubisoft Bows To Rockstar & Red Dead Redemption 2, Star Trek: Picard Season 3 Episode 3 Ending Explained, Spider-Man & Mary Jane's Romance is Officially Over, Sheldon Tries To Deliver Mandys Baby In New Young Sheldon Season 6 Clip. You keep all of the valuables from your satchel, it would be wise to do the gold bar trick before the last mission if you want to start off as John and have a bunch of money because the gold bar glitch doesn't work as John in the epilogue (you get two bars). If you finished the game with a high Honor rating, Arthurs grave will be adorned with flowers. Because of a lack of a tuberculosis cure in RDR2, Arthur becomes weaker, and so too does the gang lose its sense of strength. What are secret conversations on Facebook? Hmmm ok. Well there's always the gold bar duplication glitch. Unfortunately, John keeps resorting to guns for various reasons, resulting in Abigail leaving with Jack since she believes the outlaw gunman in her husband will never die. So my White Arabian from Isabella Lake just died. For much of Red Dead Redemption 2, Arthur Morgan acts as a father figure to John and Abigail Marstons son Jack. I dont know if going to confront micah and dutch affects anything. Next: Red Dead Revolver's Main Character Is Hiding In Red Dead Redemption 2, Jonah Schuhart is a Freelance Writer at Screen Rant. Does it depend on anything, or it happens no matter what? Dutch and Micah want to keep riding with their money, but Arthur and Sadie go to save Abigail, refusing to let Jack grow up as an orphan. It was the "starter" town of the game, the rough equivalent to Valentine in Red Dead Redemption 2. Ring Dang Do, complete answer on, View 24. arthurmorgan1918 2 days ago. No sex with prostitutes in Red Dead Redemption 2. If your horse is in hearing distance, you can whistle twice by tapping Up on the D-pad and your horse should come right back to you. Red Dead Redemption 2 after campaign +tips+ | Red Bull While anything on this list is not required for 100% Completion, a player may be interested in completing and collecting everything available in the game. Red Dead Redemption 2: 20 Things To Do After You Beat The Game Many plot developments occur during this mission, and during the conclusion, you will see a cutscene inside a cabin. No part of this site or its content may be reproduced without the permission of the copyright holder. I lost all my herbs, my perfect rat, and a few birds as well at the end of everything. 2001-2023. Depending on the player's actions, John or Mexican revolutionary Abraham Reyes kills Bill, and John can kill Javier or hand him over to Ross prior to the hunt for Dutch. How to retrieve the hidden money in Blackwater in Red Dead - Gamepur Which Teeth Are Normally Considered Anodontia. An easily-missed conversation option with Rains Fall reveals a startling revelation: Arthur had a son. Well that's more than you could ever spend.. why would you need any more? Dutch, the man known for his words, confesses he has nothing to say; but he helps John kill Micah and wanders off into the wilderness. By rejecting non-essential cookies, Reddit may still use certain cookies to ensure the proper functionality of our platform. There are plenty of endings, choices, and deaths in Rockstar's wild west prequel, and this Red Dead Redemption 2 spoiler FAQ will answer all your questions. Pearson is thriving after the events of "Red Dead Redemption 2." Rockstar Games Around the ranch, you can have a fireside drink with Uncle or eat dinner at the family dinner table, but you'll. Most Helpful Member [RDR2] 2018 Posted November 19, 2018 He begins to show symptoms at the end of Chapter 5, just before Chapter 6. Related: We Don't Deserve Red Dead Redemption 3. LOLSUP_IMSGOOD 4 years ago #138. Once a character dies for the story, they're gone. I was a strict "arthur's hat" guy, so I didn't pay much attention to the other ones. How far into the game does this happen, what do we get back and when, and should we wait until after this to actually start hunting treasure to become rich? If you do not have a horse saved at a stable, the game will provide you with a new horse. Caution: Red Dead Redemption 2 story spoilers ahead! That's where you can find the grave of Arthur Morgan. Sign up for a new account in our community. I heard that atsome point in the game, we lose all of our money and possibly other possessions (can someone clarify this?) There is, however, a loophole involved with avoiding Arthurs succumbing to tuberculosis in RDR2, even if its not exactly a cure. Unfortunately, there is no chance for his survival. what happens after arthur dies in rdr2? - The satchels can be bought with no pelts needed. Despite its colossal world, gorgeous visuals, twisted satire, gunslinging showdowns, and plethora of things to see and do, Red Dead Redemption 2 is ultimately a story about people. And it's made even more tragic by the fact that Arthur dies alone. After. 28 Ridiculous Hidden Details About Arthur Morgan In Red Dead - TheGamer Reddit community for discussing and sharing content relating to Red Dead Redemption 2 & Red Dead Online. I heard that atsome point in the game, we lose all of our money and possibly other possessions (can someone clarify this?). He found out they were both killed for just $10, which made Arthur embrace his sinister and savage side even more. Sean's grave can be found near the old camp location outside of Rhodes. 2022 - 2023 Times Mojo - All Rights Reserved Youll have to fight Micah in the cave but unfortunately, that ends in a draw. On top of that, you can complete new side quests, Bounty Hunting missions and Stranger encounters (especially in New Austin) which will appear during and after the epilogue. As Arthur and Lenny run across the rooftops looking for a way out, Lenny is shot by waiting Pinkertons. But if you visit Armadillo in Red Dead Redemption 2, it's a catastrophe. So you lost furs/skinswhat else do we lose forever? They're far more stylish than your average video game website tat. And it's made even more tragic by the fact that Arthur dies alone. Micah stabs a crawling Arthur in the back, finally killing him. Red Dead Redemption 2 has a prolonged story that is made up of the main story and a two-part epilogue. Sean is the first real character death in Red Dead Redemption 2, getting shot in the head while the crew is walking through the town of Rhodes. red dead redemption 2 - Can I get my stuff back? - Arqade With high honor, Micah runs away after losing an eye, and Arthur dies in peace. What should a pregnant woman eat after vomiting? He'sno longer acting vile to everyone, and his interactions become much more pleasant. Cookies help us deliver our Services. There are moaning people propped up against walls. I'm guessing it's a NO but just thought i'd ask cuz i really liked Arthur maybe even a bit more than John. Do you get to keep unique hats? Ingrobny, burger_mike and LegendarySaiyan 3 All rights reserved. This post contains major spoilers for RDR2, Red Dead Revolver's Main Character Is Hiding In Red Dead Redemption 2, Hogwarts Legacy: 10 Best Cloaks You Need To Find ASAP, Hogwarts Legacy: All Hogsmeade Demiguise Statue Locations, How to Solve Herodiana's Puzzles in Hogwarts Legacy. We've also got a Red Dead Redemption 2 Legendary Hunting Loctions guide, and a look at RDR2 Legendary Fishing Locations. (insta @reddeadcollector) 1 / 2. Okay so definitely get the special outfits before the end of the main story. He was even kidnapped by the Braithwaite family. Often asked: Rdr2 Robbed In Saint Denis How To Get Money Back? He commits suicide, refusing to hand himself over to John and Edgar Ross, because he wanted to die on his own terms and not the establishment's. Much like the first game, Red Dead Redemption 2 has an extensive epilogue. Despite being chased and John telling him to hurry, Arthur takes a moment to comfort his critically-injured horse and thank it before dying. This post contains major spoilers for RDR2Arthur's death in Red Dead Redemption 2 shouldn't have come as much of a surprise, even before players learn he contracted active tuberculosis. So what happens to Arthur's belongings in the Epilogue? *Spoilers* Arthur succumbs to tuberculosis and dies while watching the sun rise on a new morning. Nevertheless, that's the last we ever hear from them. You lose everything at the end of the main story but get your guns back after Epilogue 1 and all your money and more back after Epilogue 2. *SPOILER* What Do We Lose, What Do We Get Back? - GTAForums Such as the pirate hat? Also depending on your honor, you'll get an ending of Arthur's recurring dream sequences featuring either a deer getting enveloped in light (high honor) or a wolf in a storm fading into the dark (low honor), which is symbolic of his personality based on the player's honorable/dishonorable actions, and could be interpreted as Arthur going to heaven or hell due to his actions. John has to be completely built up (finances and stats) and the activities provide a means. You can spend hours sightseeing, or completing Stranger missions, or collecting dinosaur bones, or hunting for perfect pelts. John Marston, Abigail Marston, Jack Marston, Uncle, Bill Williamson, Javier Escuella, Uncle, and Dutch Van der Linde, Reverend Swanson, Tilly Jackson, Karen Jones, Josiah Trelawny, Leopold Strauss, Simon Pearson, and Mary-Beth Gaskill. If Arthur had high honor when he died, then players will find the grave adorned with flowers and in pristine shape. So that $20k is given to you after prologue part 1? Learn tips on how to improve . ", The Ending Of Red Dead Redemption 2 Explained. How far into the game does this happen, what do we get back and when, and should we wait until after this to actually start hunting treasure to become rich? Red Dead Redemption 2: Saddle - do I need to retrieve it after horse's In this Red Dead Redemption 2 spoiler FAQ, we'll be outlining every major character death, plot development like endings and choices, and much more for Rockstar's huge wild west adventure. Red Dead Redemption 2: Finished the story - can I keep playing? No matter which ending players achieve, Arthur Morgans death is certain during the final mission. His last donation to his family. As John Marston, Thomas Downes, and even Clint Eastwood's character William Munny in the film Unforgivensuggest, living as a farmhand/rancher during this time is full of low-paying, tough work. Falling from great heights is also deadly. If Arthur died with low honor, then his grave will appear in rough shape when players eventually find it. I assumed the game gives you 20k upon completing the story, unless its related to the special/ultimate versions bonuses, I dunno. With their pursuers hot on their heels, Arthur sends John away while he draws them in, giving his life for John's family. On 11/1/2018 at 11:10 AM, BropolloCreed79 said: I seem to recall reading that when "The Law" kills you or arrests you, you only lose a portion of your money (it's usually about 10%, iirc), but if a Bounty Hunter takes you down, they rifle through your pockets and take all your money. There are 16 legendary animals; it's unlikely you've bagged all of them by the time the credits roll. Let's set the stage: gang leader Dutch Van der Linde has finally gone too far, causing Arthur Morgan and original Red Dead Redemption protagonist John Marston to part ways with him. What do you lose when Arthur dies? Mickey, the veteran in Valentine who Arthur took a moment to talk to, will give a heartbreaking monologue about what Arthur meant to him. My Extremely Rare RDR PS3 Controllers. Both in RDR2 and in the nonfictional 1890s, the chances of Arthur Morgan overcoming such a severe case of TB would be slim to none. That's the money you get from the gang savings that Dutch had on Mt Hagen. Similar to the first Red Dead Redemption making a grown up Jack Marstonthe playable character after John's death, this game's epilogue puts you in the boots of John, who is trying to make an honest living with his wife and son years after Arthur's passing. The short answer is no, there isn't a cure for tuberculosis in RDR2. Three of those endings are easy to come by, based entirely on a choice you make towards the end of the game. Prior to Leopold Strauss' debt-collection mission, Downescan be seen on a street corner taking donations for charity and breaking up a bar fight before it turned fatal. For our Red Dead Redemption 2 guides, you can check out our main Red Dead Redemption 2 guides hub. Advertisement What happens to Arthur's money? Downes is working in the garden. Red Dead Redemption 2 Spoilers FAQ: Endings, Deaths and More Once the epilogue begins, that region is open to you. While John has had problems expressing himself, especially during the awkward exchanges with son, this is yet another RDR protagonist suppressing his sorrowful emotions. Red Dead Redemption 2 is an absolutely colossal game in every sense of the word, and it's really easy to lose track of characters or plot strands. Is there anything that we lose and dont get back? Why Do Cross Country Runners Have Skinny Legs? There will also be an eagle sitting on top of the grave. I think it's also money from the Blackwater robbery. Who Lives and Who Dies in Red Dead Redemption 2? Josiah Trelawny left the crew after its reach its final camp, before the group got involved with the U.S. government. While the saying isnt overwhelmingly negative, it doesnt have the same positive connotations as the other tombs description. Dutch ultimately leaves them both, unable to choose between them. And then refilling ammo during the challenges, It was useful for 100% completion when you were having to trouble back and forth across the country. In a struggle with Milton, Arthur is losing until Abigail shoots Milton in the head. Dutch leaves Micah behind, Micah scurries off, enraged. RDR2 Grave Locations: All Character Graves In Red Dead Redemption 2 Growing up as the stereotypical gamer, Jonah absorbed everything he could about his favorite video games until adulthood came knocking. Or maybe the player can find some hidden, long-forgotten, natural treatment in the wilds of the open world? Throughout Red Dead Redemption 2, you can see Jack's interactions with Dutch's gang members, including his father John (or lack thereof). Ok, so we lose everything after the last mission. The life and death of an outlaw. Alexandra is a freelance writer based in Montreal. Bad Ending. Kieran Duffy is buried east of Braithwaite Manor and Eagle Flies is north of Bacchus Bridge, on the west side of the river. You can spend hours sightseeing, or completing Stranger missions, or collecting dinosaur bones, or hunting for perfect pelts. Your honor rating. Okay, so we get $20k in cash back after losing everything, but we also get our gold bars back because they are sellable items? Despite growing up with the gang, Arthur becomes increasingly disillusioned with their ideas as he observes Dutch becoming more erratic throughout the years. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Tilly married well, and you can bump into her near the tailor in Saint Denis. I could have been clearer about that. Potential spoilers, Viking Helmet/Morion Helmet bulletproof? After The 'Red Dead Redemption 2' Ending: ManBearPig, Chores - Newsweek All Arthur horses are Lost. They would loot your money. After Arthur dies and players take control of John Marston, Arthurs grave can be visited in the Red Dead Redemption 2 overworld. Check out the video below for a replay of when Arthur gets sick from GrandTheftDiamonds on YouTube: From a narrative perspective, Arthur's illness is extremely interesting. Well, we don't have an exact statistic of the amount of hours we've put into Rockstar's wild west prequel, but according to, purely playing the main story of the game should take you roughly 43 hours. It's a long journey for the Dutch Van der Linde gang, that's for sure. Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. In an early mission, Arthur has to collect a loan-shark debt from Thomas Downes, who was a poor farmer with a bad cough. Red Dead Redemption 2s campaign is epic, but isnt the end of your Western journey. If you help John escape while having low honor, Micah will shoot Arthur in the head. Mexico is mostly gone in Red Dead Redemption 2. Heres what lies beyond. There is no "secret" ending in which he survives. Towards the end of the game, most believe John Marston is all but dead and Milton has kidnapped Abigail. And if while playing as John, you run into people whose lives Arthur impacted, they'll remember him fondly. Red Dead Redemption 2 - How to Get Your Horse Back That said, John recovers the money stash from Micah and Dutch at the end of. Red Dead Redemption 2 is a sad story about the death of the frontier. He's no longer acting vile to everyone, and his interactions become much more pleasant. You can check that out in the Notorious Bad Man Alive article. 665., Privacy PolicyCookie SettingsDo Not Sell My InformationReportAd. Reverend Orville Swanson, who sobered himself up from both alcohol and drug addiction and quietly left the gang during Chapter Six, is mentioned in a newspaper article, detailing his rise to ranks as a highly successful minister in New York. If players put effort into making Arthur a good man with their actions throughout the game, it will be reflected not only in the final moments of his life but also afterwards in the memory of NPCs. The very last mission. The biggest news of the day airdropped to your inbox. No need to rush, but don't worry about collectibles, hunting, etc. John's death at the end of the first game and Jack's upbringing with the gang in the second result in the lone cowboy we meet in Red Dead Redemption's epilogue. How Many Endings Does Red Dead Redemption 2 Have? Great tip for people who want all their money to carry over to the epilogue: Go to the aberdeen pig farm and let those people rob you of all your money. Over a million people still die annually of tuberculosis today. Remember the town of Armadillo from Red Dead Redemption 1? Can someone please tell me the exact moment Arthur The Irish wild card of the Van der Linde is saved from the government early on, only to take an errant bullet in Chapter 3. I didn't actually have them until end game. I don't give a sh*t about Arthur and I don't give a sh*t about John, and I don't give a sh*t about little Jack, but you goddamned sonsabitches took mah horse! The lead agent of the Pinkertons spends his time hunting down the entire Van der Linde gang, though all he really wants is Dutch. Do you lose the clothes that you bought arthur? Does Arthurs horse have to die? Arthur Morgans grave can be found to the northeast of Bacchus Station, and east of the grave of Eagle Flies. Maybe Arthur can beat the odds and overcome the disease with his inexhaustible reservoir of grit and rough-cut masculinity? The doctor can't even bear to say the word "die," but even Arthur probably knew before he walked in that whatever he had would kill him - and for good reason.
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