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At times like this we as Christians need to be more like Jesus and have lots of compassion towards a man who at least for me taught me how to have a true relationship with God and no one can take that away from Bob. I am curious about when men have this happen to them (especially if theyre caught as opposed to confessing) if there are other issues that need to be looked at? The more I learn about the business of Christianity, the book deals, compensation, speaking fees, book reviews, book forwards, blogs about books (no offense Michael), radio and television shows, etc., the more I can empathize with people who have given up organized Christianity for house churches or other alternative church structures. Hugh. Something about sitting behind a computer screen can change and embolden us to post things we might not say to a persons face. A board meeting was called on Thursday in which he confessed and resigned. We had our home broken into, my husbands car damaged, my SUVs lug nuts loosened on one wheel where I could have had an accident, unknown men sat in front of our house stalking us, we had a hangmans noose placed in our tree, and while moving under the cover of night (in the same city) we where discovered within hours of where we had moved. A Calvary Chapel member named Rodger Thomas was arrested that year and charged with repeatedly molesting a 15-year-old girl at a high school run by the church. I have always been amazed I wouldnt know how to tell a dirty joke or swear in front of a strange woman. I have no idea if they were paid for , or what the arrangement was. As for your other questions well the answers from my point of view are complex and mixed. (Someone that good with words no doubt uses them as manipulative tools) Trusts broken to this degree can only be restored by years of observing consistently changed and altogether new attitudes and behavior toward Gods people. Not so, true Christianity is to be able to answer the question truthfully that you and your ilk are continually asking when it comes to other peoples sins, but your cowardice and hypocrisy shows, as you deviate the question with empty hallmark pseudo wisdom, well heres one for you whats good for the goose is good for the gander! "If you're angry or you're disillusioned or you're fearful, if you embarrass yourself or you disappoint yourself he can take all the mess and turn it into something beautiful.". Also keep in mind that many here have something in common and that is bad experiences with churches and pastors, while some of us remain to try and minister and fellowship, as well as listen and empathize, with those hurts. Was Nero the anti christ? Sometimes theres love and we become lovers for a time and sometimes its just sex for fun and enjoyment, so face the facts men by nature are not monogamous! I am. I actually have people Im accountable to and I speak with them almost daily. But pray for those who obviously need it and consider your ability to forgive as you would pray He would forgive you, for we all have sinned and fallen short. He soon became known for building unique hot rods and in 1977 he opened his own shop, Hot Rods by Boyd, in Stanton, California. this Calvinist preterist teaching is a rotting festering leaven in the body of Christ today!, Wow Ill let my reformed friends know that theyre not really saved because Hugh said so. This is not the gospel of Jesus Christ, and the congregation are idol worshipers. And Ill be glad to talk with you via Skype, FaceTime, or in person about my comments if we ever happen to be close enough to each other. May the same be done to Bob Coy. Coddington hosted the Discovery Channel show American Hot Rod. And a grim-looking assistant pastor, gripping a letter, was walking across the stage. They are serious brothers and members of the body of Christ and you should give honor if you want to be treated with honor. I agree with Michael, that MacArthur is being grossly misrepresented here. if youre wondering if Sharon is dead. Because the whole reason to deal with this kind of sin in the community is what it does to the community. Youve mentioned Ashley and Connie so I get the impression you have respect for them, talk with them I know them both, not well but they are both solid to say the least. The story has hit the local news in Fort Lauderdale now http://www.sun-sentinel.com/news/fl-calvary-chapel-resignation-20140406,0,5071679.story. Its not pretty but I love them all because my eyes are not on man they are on The Man. DIANE COY Diane was born and raised in Southern California where, as a high school senior, she gave her heart and life to Jesus as her Lord and Savior. My heart has been so heavy since I heard of this. Coy was banging 2 woman in the last year if not more where was his brain??? I actually feel sorry for Bob. So so that he might not deceive the nations any longer, does not equal your version of Satan was bound so we could have worldwide disneyland. All materials are posted on the site strictly for informational and educational purposes! I cant believe that CCCM has changed that much since Chuck went Dodo bird. Why? Someone else may have more info on this subject. So do we go to punishment or restoration? A few of the jurors turned in their seats to stare at Crist as his daughter furiously mouthed and signed the words. Lets pray for him , his wife and his children until they are healed and restored and he is forgiven by The Lord , if not already ! What are you talking about BD, the context was always Isaiah 11, I never made reference to Rev 5, you did, pulling a Jehovahs Witness move, instead of dealing with the passage, jumping somewhere that had nothing to do with the millennium that I was addressing, so you could try to prove your point, and your pretense at trying to be superior is typical of preterists when they cant defend their view! This doesnt directly have to do with the issue on hand but just some insight .. In light of that, the apparent glee/self righteousness voiced by some above/previously sickens me. The Asst Pastors are not as annointed or equiped imho- and frankly I cant deal with Chets over the top, Broadwayesque mannerisms read: distraction. The case was assigned to a detective and although police advised the victim that there does not seem to be a statute of limitations concerning the alleged crime, the girl reportedly did not cooperate in terms of pursuing the matter further. ?..he was a FRAUD. Even though Bode needed surgery, he wasnt anxious about it. Personally I think Hughs comments are refreshing and realistic.
No mans gifts and abilities are so necessary to Gods work that he (God) will violate his own word and wink at that mans seemingly covered and hidden sin. You had better get pants with a stronger zipper if that is the case. Thats when the celebrity status began. Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting. Let the people who preach the forgiveness of sins demonstrate the message. All. Sauder, a married father of three, has been a minister since 2004 and on staff at Calvary for 14 years, according to the churchs website. He resigned. I felt the call to stand up for righteousness and expose this pastor after I learned of the many women who suffered the same thing before me and had many people come against me for that, too, which really hurt. "They have been at war ever since.". That is why Mark Davis & Clay heacocks leftthey saw this stuff and said enough is enough!. Coys teaching was always excellent. I will pray that your eyes open and that you will not fall into the same trap as we all did before. 7. Bad choices can entrap us, but with God we can hope for healing in this situation. I am just trying to do better myself. When my Bible says that the seven year tribulation will be a time unlike any other time in the history of man and that unless Jesus had come back when he does all life would be cut short, then anything else is garbage! Unless you are being slanderous libel and defamation of character. Jeff Payne, a veteran investigator in the usually sleepy, affluent suburb of 120,000. This man was struggling with sin. KMOA. Either way its wrong to take satisfaction as I did when others have fallen. Try and keep up:). http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Amillennialism. And may your little friends who warm themselves in the fires of scoffing and mockery take heed as well! Maybe perhaps there is hope. If you are having trouble keeping your hands off the ladies, just stop it. Krent W, what was the one condition Jesus allowed for a divorce? Please provide verse my bible does NOT say bar code. So how many women have you used and discarded to satisfy your lust? The two faced aspect of all of this. As New Times revealed in an investigation published Tuesday, former Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Pastor Bob Coy who once led the largest megachurch in Florida was accused in 2015 of. if not you would be guilty of bearing false witness. He who is true God became true man united in one Person forever. Ya because he has 20k followers that he lies to daily. Now lets help him get back to his feet. And if these things are true then I would run from CCFL if those practices are not dealt with. In fact, the concept of an earthly reign of Christ,of any length of time is foreign to the NT.
Diane Coy Profiles | Facebook Sounds typical. Im Glad God is in charge and not most Christians, I guess most of us would not have let Peter preach at pentacost so soon after denying Christ! The duration of absence from leadership should be commensurate with the size of the flock he shepherded and the duration of the corruption. She also loves Bode dearly and does everything in her power to help him. Its commanded in Scripture to do so. At least some very close higerups did not because they are the ones who told Newnham knowing he would report it.
Pastor Bob Coy scandal: Resigns from Calvary Chapel Fort Lauderdale Ive experienced firsthand how these women throw themselves at him and its disgusting.. It can be if you want it that way here, after all, it is your blog. Lol, they remind me of the dwarves in The Last Battle, who couldnt see the reality of Aslans return because they were so locked up in their dark world (help yourself to the symbolism there mr. Calvins disciple, plenty there for you)! Any recent full frontals of his mistresses? I digress. That lent itself to a very youthful, crazy, wild lifestyle. 4. The problem is that youre not with Christ Jesus, who looked at Peter with compassion, but youre with a different being, an angelic being who accuses the brethren day and night! Im asking sincere questions. It will do him wonders. The church has had every opportunity to deal with this story. I sincerely hope you will stop wasting your time on this blog, seeing each of for who we really are, a bunch of very failure ridden representatives of Jesus, just faking our way through every day and butchering this faith called Christianity. What is HIS selfish and SATAN centered motive for this exposure?????? I dont care if its Billy Graham, Chuck Smith or John Calvin himself who came back from the dead if they should appear and teach contrary to the word of God, they are to be rejected. One of the gals from Saturday Night live attended- I forget her name and they really used that to their advantage-she was mentioned. Just tired of picking up the pieces of the wreckage. Unfortunately, we have seen too many pastors rush back to the pulpit without being ready and honoring God with true repentance. He does need some time out [sorry, lol, seems funny, no pun intended] as he sets himself aside in repentance and prayer as to the Lord, but, sometimes we judge too harshly as if we know all things when it is God who knows all things. Careful with that pride sir:). It will take much longer possible years for healing with his family but it is worth it and will take work. Its sad cause his son is supposed to attend there this fall. He had a staff of 13. He circled Bakkers property like a vulture and tried to save it or use it to his advantage. Dusty, Youre too kind. Not only of church/pastors in my past, but unfortunately, I know too well the pain Diane Coy is feeling having been there myself. Mega-churches always have such a high profile for scandal. Its not speculation. Mary! I have to be totally confident that Im right. "Everyone was visibly upset," she wrote on Facebook, according to the Christian Post. Michael can you confirm the involvement of Bob Barnes as someone who was instrumental in all this coming to light? I wish that were not so, but theres much more information waiting to burst. Christians, beware of the deadly doctrines of Calvinism/dominionism. But, if he is restored he will be like Jacob who limped for the rest of his life after he finally won Gods blessing over his life. None are incapable of doing very bad things after they are saved and many on here point to guys like King David who was a polygamist who had sex slaves, committed adultery, murdered the husband of his mistress and was generally a bad guy for big chunks of his lifeyet he was a man after Gods own heart. donny, I asked politely. The Bible is brutally honest about the failings of the heros of the faith. When I say I have no sympathy for the adulterer, I mean I dont but the excuses oh, he was tempted (the other womans fault) oh he is a celebrity (other people s fault for putting him up too hign) -oh, well his wife got fat and ugly you can go on and on. To enjoy our website, you'll need to enable JavaScript in your web browser. Someday, all our sins will be revealed, you may be surprised who has hidden this type of sin, how prevalent it is, and how many are struggling to not be exposed for fear of being treated like we are treating Bob Coy. The word of God tells us, For everyone has sinned; we all fall short of Gods glorious standard.(Romans 3:23 NLT). end of earthly story. If you answered yes to all 7 questions you are a Preterist Scripture denying Calvinist! Use grace. [12], Coddington was hospitalized on December 31, 2007.