. If even one of them were true, it would change the entire focus of my article. Thus, Europe, Russia, China, Korea, Viet Nam, Cambodia, Thailand, Japan, the Middle East were turned into killing grounds, and their existing governments destroyed. An analogy: I'm more upset by somebody coming into my house and stealing from me than I am by a tax increase, or even by government malfeasance. Quite the contrary. And, as she does, each POW palms her a scrap of paper with his Social Security number written on it. No article of ours gets hundreds of letters, but this one did, very few of them friendly. A Vietnam War photographer captured the bloody Tet offensive. Jane Fonda I hardly even think about where I am sitting. All of the facts, in retrospect, lead to the conclusion that the U.S. government's purpose in dragging America into Korea was not to defeat communism but to kill as many Americans as possible in an ignoble defeat, get rid of the hero MacArthur as a possible presidential nominee, and lure a disillusioned America into acceptance of one world government. The media heaped calumny on U.S. military leadership; presented biased, horrifying scenes depicting "the wanton killing of Vietnamese civilians", and the "degeneracy" of our fighting men and women. That is not my place. Sadly, the Founders also mixed a great deal of Greco-Roman Humanism with this heritage, allowing room for much of what you decry. And, as she does, each POW palms her a scrap of paper with his Social Security number written on it. These men were bombing and strafing and napalming the country, she said, according to an Associated Press report in April 1973, which quoted an interview she gave to KNBC-TV in Los Angeles. Whereupon Truman dismissed MacArthur for insubordination. Mao Tse-Tung, of "Little Red Book" fame, and darling of the New York-Hollywood "elite", then proceeded to murder 65 million of his countrymen in what David Rockefeller and Zbigniew Brzezinski call "a glorious revolution." The war was being fought by the air during during the Nixon administration. I got the main point across. America. The Ms. , we thought, would signal a bit of ironic distance from the broad, ingenu- ous affection contained in Miss America. quote: You're a great American. And by the way, did our government lie to us during Vietnam? But Jane Fonda: Cancel my subscription!, In replying, I discovered that the Good Book notwithstanding, a soft answer turneth away wrath no more than zo percent of the time. I wanted to tell them what I was seeing as an American on the ground there. I make it a habit not to intervene as an intern. Once U.S. forces were committed in large numbers the U.S. federal government, as in Korea, prohibited them from attacking specified enemy sanctuaries (staging areas) into which the communists retreated, regrouped, re-armed and launched renewed attacks. YOU'VE REACHED YOUR MONTHLY ARTICLE LIMIT. Forget? I mean, the fact is, there's no statute on treason, by the way. The journey of Jane Fonda: Ive always been curious.
North Vietnamese press reported and Fonda later confirmed that she made several radio announcements over the Voice of Vietnam radio to implore U.S. pilots to stop the bombings. The Washington Post spent that day with Fonda, following her and a dozen or so students to Fort Meade in Maryland, where they planned to hand out antiwar leaflets to soldiers. It was the last day of my two week time there. CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. The one story that was true never touched the question of whether or not she directly participated in war crimes. And you were photographed sitting on an anti aircraft gun. Denying a final victory over a dedicated and skilled marxist enemy was a recipe for the murder of our men. To license content, please contact licenses [at] americanheritage.com. On a hot, stickyMay afternoon in 1970,a crowd of several thousand students and protesterstook over the University of Maryland mall. I sang a song. Here it is. I spent many years its when I made coming home talking to American soldiers, who had been in Vietnam and the things they told me were heartbreaking. Heres Kellys take on what she called Fondas poor me routine. True. Dave
Meanwhile the mass media suddenly reversed its pro-war policy: denying our beleaguered troops moral support from home. The U.S. government secretly abets communism around the globe, then sends in the American military to "contain the communist menace". Screw you. COLMES: Many of us forgive many of us forgive George W. Bush (search) for being young and irresponsible, and maybe we can also forgive Jane Fonda. He didnt live to see it published. The Veterans of Foreign Wars passed a resolution calling for her to be prosecuted as a traitor. She was reportedly also an aspirant for a role on "Fox & Friends," the network's morning show. Fonda told Wallace that she did not like the nickname she was given, but she stuck by her choice to oppose the war. "VIET NAM: A repeat scenario was played 10 years later under another banker-picked Democratic administration. In replying, I discovered that the Good Book notwithstanding, a soft answer turneth away wrath no more than zo percent of the time. Powered and implemented by FactSet Digital Solutions. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. Fondas wide-ranging response went from apologetic to defiant and everywhere in between: CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. Oh, my God. www.DanandGEnterprises.com
CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. He collects a group of American POWs from their septic dungeons, cleans them up, and has them mustered on parade to show his guest how well his embattled nation treats its prisoners. Lee said she still loves being a journalist and thatshehas"some really big ideas on how to better serve you in that particular arena" without Fox News. You know, I have an organization in Georgia that deals with adolescents, and Ive studied parenting. CHRIS WALLACE: Who the people in the Nixon administration? It is always distressing to find American citizens who benefit from the protection and assistance of this government lending their voice in any way to governments such as the Democratic Republic of Vietnam distressing indeed, said State Department spokesman Charles W. Bray, according to a July 1972 Reuters story. Email us. I mean, that's what you and I do with our wives when we say something that we shouldn't have said. In no sense am I a Fonda apologist. She was a symbol of a divided nation. They knew we were coming. Especially considering that the Republican Party has obviously now been captured by the same forces (the 'Illuminati', hehehe). There was a real Colonel Carrigan, and he was a POW in Vietnam. This article was published more than4 years ago. The reality of it is an apology is saying, "I am sorry, I really do apologize for what I did over there, and I'm asking for your forgiveness." Screw you. If a prisoner tried to escape, it is quite understandable that he would probably be beaten and tortured.. "War Stories," Colonel, we'll be watching this Sunday, 8 p.m. as usual. The other stories allege a far more direct participation in war crimes on the part of Fonda. MacArthur publicly insisted upon victory, infuriating the international banks. Whether youre a lifelong resident of D.C. or you just moved here, weve got you covered. But when you know why you did something, and youre willing to admit the mistakes that you made, but stand up for the things that you did that that mattered? It may be an old story, but being that she never stood trial for her actions still make her case an open book. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. She has to be a murderess too. So I ask, should she have been put on trial for treason? . Jane Fonda came clean in an interview with Chris Wallace about her Hanoi Jane days and her failure as a mother. She and actor Donald Sutherland started an anti-USO troupe to counter Bob Hopes famous shows for the troops. A young photographer took this harrowing image of the Vietnam War. Even Trotsky, whose philosophy I do not advocate, could see this relationship between the capitalists and the communists clearly (hypocritically denouncing it, since he went along with it). I dug in my heels. At that time, over 60,000 American soldiers had lost their lives, and almost one million Vietnamese. She went to tour the countrys dike system, which was rumored to have been intentionally bombed by American forces something the U.S. government to this day forcefully denies. Jane Fonda By July 1972, when Fonda accepted an invitation to visit North Vietnam, America had been at war overseas and with itself for years. He hadnt liked the story but at least was willing to discuss it. And that we probably couldnt win it not because they werent a fabulous soldiers. Liberals in America's streets "protested" our victories and exulted in our defeats - thus, in patriots' eyes, giving the war a raison d'etre. WebJane Fonda & TheVietnam War. As anyone who knew or worked with me in those years knows my heart has always been with the soldiers. The cover called her Ms. And you were photographed sitting on an anti aircraft gun. In July of 1972, she made two trips to Hanoi which earned her the nickname Hanoi Jane. Her suit was later settled for a reported $20 million. February 25, 2023 / Jack Marshall. However, since the majority of the stories cited in the e-mail have no proof behind them, I had to either give the e-mail "thumbs down" or "thumbs up" on the basis of the overall validity. Megyn Kelly lit into Jane Fonda on Monday, highlighting the behavior that earned the actress the nickname Hanoi Jane while defending the time last fall when she questioned Fonda about plastic surgery. JANE FONDA: It was a terrible mistake. Andrea Tantaros, former co-host of "The Five," filed a lawsuit saying that Fox News operated like a "sex-fueled, Playboy-Mansion-like cult.". Here are her comments: Many of our veterans still call her Hanoi Jane thanks to her radio broadcasts, which attempted to shame American troops. She posed on an anti-aircraft gun used to shoot down our American pilots. Article 3, section three of the Constitution defines treason as "levying war against the United States or adhering to their enemies or giving them aid and comfort.". FONDA: I'm charging the government with genocide, with genocide. Troop B, 2nd squadron, 17th Cavalry, RVN, 1969-70
Thats what made me laugh. I mean, the reality is, there were 24,000 American troops on the ground in South Vietnam. It is giving them the advantage of the propaganda visibility that this woman lent to them. How Jane Fondas 1972 trip to North Vietnam earned her the And you know, maybe I was set up but I was an adult, its Im gonna take responsibility for it. Its something very like the worst sort of lovers betrayal, the deep wound that time itself often is powerless to heal. NORTH: Well, all I did was present the facts. I mean, he realized that. The POWs who were there have denied that this ever occurred. Joining us now is the host of "War Stories," who fought in Vietnam, Colonel Oliver North is with us. Why are people more angry at Jane Fonda that they are against, say, Lyndon Johnson and Richard Nixon, the people really responsible? Her name was Jane Fonda. Number two: You've got the POW meeting, where she sits down and holds a press conference for propaganda purposes with these prisoners of war. Why has no one been hanged for high treason? CHRIS WALLACE: Your most famous protest was 50 years ago when you went to North Vietnam at the height of the war there. She so symbolized the divided nation, hawks arrayed against her and doves siding with her, that she became a personal target, most recently with allegations about personal involvement in the mistreatment of POWs. The alleged mission was to prevent communism from spreading to South Korea, a peninsula pointed at now disarmed Japan. Jane Fonda Comes Clean, Admits She Was Bad Mother: I was not
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