Carnegie Mellon - Summer Academy for Math + Science (SAMS) Cronkite Institute for High School Journalism: Summer Journalism Institute. Fynd Intel Corporation Contact your network (family, friends, professors, supervisors, and mentors) and let them know that you are looking for a job/internship. Legendary Entertainment As a "Summer Trojan," you will balance academic and campus life as you prepare for college and earn college credit. USAJOBS Help Center | Students & recent graduates Rolla Biotech Develop an understanding of the type of working environment, field, and industry that align with your short- and long-term career goals. Deloitte Consulting LLP Graduating high school seniors must provide a letter of admission from the college that they will be attending the following fall. GYLT CO (Docket Calendar) Why choose STEP-UP? Funding is guaranteed for all accepted students. Cost: Free. Interns are expected to work between 32 and 40 hours a week and are compensated with a $3,000 stipend and an all-expenses-paid trip to the Hutton Scholars Summit. Miracle Studios Bloomberg LP Medika Therapeutics High School STEM Internship - USC Viterbi | K-12 Outreach STEM High School Internship Students create new hands-on STEM projects for elementary and middle school students for STEM-EOP programs. KPMG We Teach Me Public Relations Summer 2023 Internship - Career Center | University of T-Mobile USC is proud to extend our tradition of academic excellence to outstanding high school students around the world, who are eager to dive deeper into their interests at a collegiate level. The SAI Fundamental Research Associate Internship Program is a 10-week internship designed to recruit talented, hardworking undergraduates to develop investment management and research skills through training and direct work with Research Analysts and PMs. Prisma Health Academics | Medical Residencies and Fellowships Attending School Internships for Undergrads and Grad Students At Apple, interns are an important part of the team. ENGR 597Internship in Engineering with Professional Writing and Communication (.5, FaSpSm) NASA Internships and Fellowships at Johnson Space Center Skip Navigation. Grabit Inc Many of our internships lead to permanent job placements post-graduation. GeneFluidics, Inc Be sure to review the Application Questions so that you can prepare your short answer responses. Los Angeles, CA 90089-4897 ALL coursework, other than Internship and Senior Seminar b. As Krawczuks first official intern, Lam was a fast learner and great mentee. To get a good idea of the advanced level of research conducted by SHINE students, please see all the posters since 2015. Chairman. Be fully admitted to the Professional Program at least one full semester prior to the internship semester. We seek to give our student program graduates, greater confidence about their future college, career, and personal pathways as they embark on a period of great change in their lives. The Career Access Resource Library (CARL) system is a virtual resource that allows you to search for hard copy and , GoinGlobal provides information and resources on careers and employment in different cities across the United States and abroad. When I first began this internship, I definitely felt a little nervous, as I was the only high school student on the team, said Lam. Interns: 1-Year Internship. SIP 2023 Intern Applications ARE OPEN! Los Angeles, CA 90089-4897 Luxima Technology LLC USC Annenberg Youth Academy for Media and Civic Engagement inspires and Please reach out to the Unruh Institute of Politics at if you have any questions. Envision Experience Frenzy Employment OutcomesElectrical & Computer Engineering Alumni Employment - Classes of 2020 & 2021ELECTRICAL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING PROGRAMS AECOM - Electrical Engineer Aeva - DSP Engineer Aggreko - Associate Data Analyst, Healthcare Analytics Amazon - Applied Scientist Amazon - Software Development Engineer Amazon Web Services - Cloud Support Assosciate Apple Inc. - GPU Design Verification . Pricewaterhouse Coopers Vethentia PennyMac First Data Corporation The Dornsife Toolkit is a signature collection of classes teaching intellectual skills typically acquired only through work and life experience: . A limited number of partial and full need-based scholarships are available. Liberty Mutual Insurance Please contact the academic department for the most updated information. Social and academic group experiences remain a priority, including team-building opportunities, college prep advice, networking and fun. Refer to the guide below for a general timeline. Showcases several remote internship options. This situation, combined with the fact that I have high-school-aged children of my own, made me amenable to giving Lam a chance.. Portola Pharmaceuticals from the Smith lab published by the Royal Society of Chemistry. One of the ways I can do it And what I have done is through research.". During the summer, local high school interns are paired with Laboratory staff mentors to complete projects, solve problems, and learn . iNet Internship Consortium-where employers post internships (only) for a select group of universities. Our 9 Saturday curriculum will feature workshops, speakerships and a group project in fields such as human anatomy, neuroscience and cancer research. To participate in this internship experience students will summarize and analyze one of our annual signature events, the Climate Forward Conference. Apply here. . MUSC 498xInternship in Music (1-4, max 8, FaSpSm) To be eligible for the Summer Internship Program, students must be: Enrolled at least half-time in high school or college. SSCI 397Spatial Sciences Internship (2-4, FaSpSm) Cadence Design Systems Aptima Students. Students from Free and Reduced Lunch Backgrounds who are accepted into our programs received full scholarships allowing them to attend free of charge. Adobe Hands-on summer research internship for undergraduate and high school students. RIT The USC Career Center is open in person and online as always, all of our services and resources are available to you, including advising, job and internship opportunities, programs, workshops, career fairs, and more, Summer 2024 Investment Research Associate Internships. Students may enroll in an internship course to meet the academic criteria for an internship. We have included here for your convenience: As a trusted adult in a childs life, parents, guardians and caretakers play an important role and are uniquely equipped to help them understand and assert personal boundaries, develop healthy relationships, and spot potential problems before they develop into bigger ones. The purpose of CPT is academic, not just for employment purposes, and the internship must be considered an integral part of a students degree program. The Aerospace Corporation ANTH 393Directed Internship (2-8, Sp) Aerovironment CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AND APPLY FOR THE TRADITIONAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM But for the 26 students who take part in the Annenberg Youth Academy (AYA) free four-week summer program, the opportunity to study communication, journalism and public relations at USC Annenberg is a welcomed experience. USC Space Engineering Research Center Orange County Public Works If you have received an additional internship offer after submitting for CPT, the VCC staff will do their best to assist you with negotiating and retaining both internships. Versatile Ph.D.- the oldest, largest online community dedicated to non-academic and non-faculty careers for PhDs in humanities, social science, and STEM. We want you to feel informed about whats in place to help keep your child safe while participating in a youth program, camp, activity, or event (referred to as Covered Activity) at USC, how to recognize when something isnt quite right, and to feel empowered to report any concerns you may have. PPD 301Practices: Internship Seminar (2, FaSpSm) USC Sol Price School of Public Policy. High School Summer Opportunities MATH 596Internship for Curricular Practical Training (1-3, max 3, FaSpSm) LAW 781Clinical Internship/Externship I (1-13, SpSm) This program seeks to promote understanding and develop quality relationships between the United States and Asia. rankings and reviews to find the best companies to work for and the best internship programs. Read about SHINE alumni who now attend USC Viterbi. Logitech Once you secure your internship, you may decide this is the place to start your career. What Is an Internship and How Does It Work? High School Apprenticeships (specific dates determined by location) Apply Here All 2023 Summer High School Apprenticeship applications are open. Medlanes $66,175.60 The average salary for USC undergraduates who participated in an internship . Career Beam-career development portal designed to provide all the resources necessary to guide individuals through the strategic job search process and achieve their career goals. Activision Publishing This process begins before . Trend Micro Search results | Available job openings at MITRE PickMySolar China Merchant Securities Sony House Advantage LLC Engrade Zayo Group CH2M Hill These listings provide information to start looking for internship credit. High School Summer Internship Program: The USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future offers select high school students a prestigious summer internship program. Keep up to date with the SHINE Webpage as well as your progress with the Application Checklist. Ventana Medical Systems (Roche Tissue Diagnostics) iRobot Students are also given career guidance through mock interviews, professional development workshops, and expert panels throughout the program. High School Apprenticeships | AEOP Clinical experience includes direct observation of: Floor rounds. Kinestral Technologies Once you have decided on your career plans, it is recommended that you utilize multiple job search strategies to maximize your efforts. Summer 2024 Investment Research Internships - Career Center When most high school students think of summer, the thought of attending class, writing papers and doing extra assignments can be daunting. For students attending in person, on-campus housing accommodations will be offered. Davis Instruments Corporation As a junior in high school who didnt have much previous experience with coding or machine learning, Kelsie Lam had her fair share of doubts when starting off her internship. The Boeing Company Ten USC Viterbi Students Honored with Aerospace Fellowship, Creating the Materials of the Future Using Machine Learning, Supporting Girls in Space: USC Viterbi Program Returns for Summer 2022, 8 Things You Didnt Know Computer Scientists Did, Viterbi K-12 STEM Outreach: From Molecular Modeling to Addressing Social Problems Using AI to Fighting Hate Speech, Mork Family Department of Chemical Engineering and Materials Science, Sonny Astani Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Daniel J. Epstein Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering, Systems Architecting and Engineering Program, Departments and Major Research Institutes, Alfred E. Mann Department of Biomedical Engineering, Institute for Creative Technologies (ICT), Technology Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Coulter Translational Research Partnership Program, Viterbi Student Innovation Institute (VSI2), ChatGPT: USC Experts Break Down What You Need to Know, Ming Hsieh Department of Electrical Engineering, Student Resources for Undergraduate Research. Handshake provides you insightful information about numerous career paths by exploring roles, industries, and salary information. Through immersive STEM enrichment programs, our non-profit aims to introduce high school students to opportunities in science at a critical moment in their lives when it can make the greatest impact. Blog|Events|ExperientialLearningOpportunities|JobsandInternships|Mentors|Organizations|Resources|Videos, Student Union 110 EarLens After you apply, your application will trigger an email to your recommenders giving them instructions. Los Angeles Department of Water and Power (213) 740-9111 Use the online toolkit for job search quick tips and additional internship and career resources. Concure Oncology City of Pleasanton Lumi Co. Curricular Practical Training (CPT) is a type of work authorization that allows F-1 international students to participate in paid off-campus academic internships during their degree program. Oncocyte Corporation J. Get a downloadable PDFwith all of the above information. Verizon Digital Media Services Program Overview The goal of this program is to provide a comprehensive, hands-on research experience to highly motivated students, while making valuable contributions to cognitive science. Prof. Andreas Molisch Manage your energy. Obtain job-related skills and experiences that will enhance your qualifications for future opportunities. YTS is a 2-week residential summer program aimed at high school students from Grade 9 - 11. 3 paid wellness days. Crew Revision Military Technologies Prior to mentoring Lam, Krawczuk spent a summer working for the program Girls Who Code in a public school in Harlem, New York City, during which she mentored and taught Python programming to a group of 7th grade girls. Expedia Inc EALC 366Chinese Professional Internship: Communication and Culture (2, max 6, FaSp) She contacted Ewa Deelman, who works as a principal scientist at the famed USC ISI, the research institute that played a key role in the creation of the internet, as well as birthing the .com and .net Domain Name System the phone directory for the internet that we rely on everyday. Vista Entertainment Solutions CorAssist Cardiovascular Please review the information below and if you have any questions or would like to connect with USC Pre-College Programs, please reach out to the Summer Programs Team at or the Pre-College Online Team at . CRIT 590Directed Research (1-12, FaSpSm) High School Summer Journalism Program | National Student Leadership Decision will be annouced about 4 weeks after the deadline (see, a SHINE alumna's contribution to a peer-reviewed paper. Successful interns may receive an offer at the end of the summer internship to return as a full-time Research Associate post-graduation. Eligibility: High school junior, must be 16 years old, U.S. Citizen and/or Permanent Resident. Internship Programs > Career Pathways > USC Dana and David Dornsife The Linde Group BLU Education Foundation helps Black, Latino students prepare for Bosch Research and Technology Center Aruba Login to Career Gateway to apply for internship & co-op positions. We offer two monetary awards to undergraduate students who secure unpaid internships. These listings provide information to start looking for internship credit. These internships give maximum exposure into the holistic research process through collaboration with research analysts, portfolio managers, traders, quantitative research analysis, and investment support associates. MATT Construction On a larger scale, this could be used to determine what percentage of a population is wearing a face mask and if theyre doing so correctly. The Department of Population and Public Health Sciences offers a Bachelor of Science in Global Health that is focused on the . Guidance Software Summer Research Projects - USC Viterbi | School of Engineering Ericsson Internal Drive, inc. Qualcomm USC Information Sciences Institute Where Students Intern | USC Annenberg School for Communication and Internship/co-ops It's summer and as a student pursuing an undergraduate or advanced degree, you're looking to gain experience. Our purpose is to address workforce needs through the education of health professionals and to engage in health-related research to improve the health of people across South Carolina. With more young girls like Lam pursuing and excelling at machine learning, there is a much greater chance for women and young girls to play a key role in computing the world around us. I chose this topic for Kelsie once she told me shes interested in face recognition.. Eligibility: Students of grades IX, X, XI, and XII. Dun & Bradstreet It is crucial to articulate the , Blog|Events|ExperientialLearningOpportunities|JobsandInternships|Mentors|Organizations|Resources|Videos, Student Union 110 Similarly, most internship recruitment occurs a semester in advance. Evidently, this technology has both research and utility purposes that can be applied on a daily basis. Decision will be annouced about 4 weeks after the deadline (see FAQ). Spiral Toys Symantec Your search results for the jobs at MITRE. Dexcom More information, Summer High School Intensive in Next-Generation Engineering (SHINE). We'd love to hear from you! While students gain practical experience and build relationships in the world of politics, employers reap benefits such as the influx of new ideas, the opportunity to attract potential employees, and the contributions of motivated students whose class grade depends in part on their employers satisfaction with their work. ENGR 395Cooperative Work Education Experience (1-2, max 5, FaSpSm) Ewaybot Synopsys Compared to their male counterparts, theyre less likely to follow career paths in coding, machine learning, and other avenues of tech due to an underlying but overwhelming gender disparity that exists within the industry. With close to $700 billion in assets under management in a blend of Fidelity and third-party investment vehicles, the Strategic Advisers team of investment professionals constructs and manages asset allocation portfolios for more than a million customer accounts. Application deadline: March 31, 2023. Check out events hosted by USC's Office of International Services (OIS). The Walt Disney Company Virtual Field Practicum Simulates Real-world Clients for Online MSW International Programs - USC Marshall School of Business & Political Leadership Internship (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) This competitive program gives students the opportunity to have a collegiate internship experience while still in high school. More information here. USC is proud to extend our tradition of academic excellence to outstanding high school students around the world, who are eager to dive deeper into their interests at a collegiate level. MDA 250 Internship for Liberal Arts: Work & Career (1-2, max 4, FaSpSm) Save a copy of the job description for future reference. After submitting the form, we will then reach out to schedule a preliminary interview. Required as part of the MSW he was earning online through the USC Suzanne Dworak-Peck School of Social Work's Virtual Academic Center, the class used an actor to simulate a client named Mario, a military veteran. PSYC 591Internship (2-8, max 8, FaSpSm) AOL Find upcoming Trojan Talks, OCR events, and career fairs to help with your employer, job, or internship search process: Below are a few resources to help start researching careers by specific geographical locations. USC Recruiting Guidelines, Advisory Services - Valuation Services Complex Data Analytics Intern (Summer 2023), Forensic Accounting Internship (Nationwide - Multiple Locations). Ginger-K Lymphedema and Cancer Care Center 7. We plan on running our Summer 2023 internship in-person, pending any changes in Covid-19 conditions. Please visit the USC Office of Youth Protection and Programming to find out how we protect your child and how you can as well. PDF New York City Internship Program Opportunities for Youth Medical Student Summer Scholars Program - Atrium Health Close mentorship comes from USC Viterbi faculty, staff, and especially the graduate student researchers -- all enveloped within SHINE's cohort activities and network. Participants create the accompanying lesson plan for teachers and create video guides for teachers. Incuvation Labs The Pegasus Machine Learning Group meets over Zoom. Internship placements for the Spring 2023 semester are now open. Linear Technology Ripped Training Internship Programs | California's Stem Cell Agency Spirent Communications Katayama & Associates, Inc. Turner Construction Please check back next summer. There is no connection between , Recent graduates indicate they are changing jobs four times within five years of graduation. Relevance Labs MNM Couture Sami Shamoon College of Engineering Internships - USC Viterbi | Career Services Browse through thousands of job, internship, andon-campus recruiting(OCR) listings. Interested students should email or Evan Pye ( Employers share information about their organizations and provide students a chance to network with recruiters and alumni. Learn About Internships - University of Southern California Not only was I able to gain various experiences through the multiple projects Ive worked on, but Ive also learned how to communicate and collaborate with others on the team, she said. USC Dornsife Center for the Political Future, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AND APPLY FOR THE TRADITIONAL INTERNSHIP PROGRAM, CLICK HERE TO FILL OUT THE SPRING 2023 INTERNSHIP PROGRAM INTEREST FORM TO BE PUT ON OUR MAILING LIST, CLICK HERE TO LEARN MORE ABOUT AND APPLY FOR THE RESEARCH INTERNSHIP PROGRAM. Interested in This Program? However, the Java course I took in high school was able to help me a little bit with the coding portions, and the group projects Ive completed over my high school years have definitely helped me work collaboratively with others at the lab.. Siemens PLM More detailed information about the internship can be found on the program syllabus. Faculty & Residents - Herman Ostrow School of Dentistry of USC Through this program, students interact with Google employees and learn more about computer science. CAO Group (213) 740-9111 Micron Technology Inc. DocketCalendar Siemens Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) MIT Lincoln Laboratory Faraday Future Aerojet Rocketdyne General Atomics Students will be selected through an application and interview process. Orthopaedic Institute for Children Southland Industries Simons Summer Research Program. Research in Industrial Projects 2023: The RIPS program is for undergraduates studying math, computer science, and related disciplines. After watching videos of the conference, students will work on their assignments throughout the summer. An internship is essentially an introductory work experience in a professional career field. The project not only aligned with Lams research interests, but also proved to be extremely relevant to the current global climate. POSC 395Directed Govt. This system allows you to search for engineering internship/co-op and full-time jobs and gives you access to information about Viterbi-specific events and resources. If you are interested in participating as an internship provider during the Spring 2023 semester, fill out our Internship Provider Intake Form. Description: Simons Fellows will have the opportunity to participate in an internship held remotely by Stony Brook University. AMST 365Leadership in the Community Internship (4, Sp) Hess Corporation In addition to getting exposure to the different asset classes within Fixed Income (money market, corporate bond, structured, muni, and macro), the internship will be composed of the following elements: Strategic Advisers (Mutual fund analysis and asset allocation). Internship offers from new employers will not be approved. Boston University Dental School The Fixed Income Division is headquartered in Merrimack, New Hampshire. Qorvo Inc. Swajal Zhongshan Securities Co.Ltd Summer Internship Program in Biomedical Research - A local nonprofit organization has launched a program to increase career readiness in Black and Latino students. When it gets stressful, take a break. United Launch Alliance Contact alumni within organizations you are targeting for advice using. Level Sports ScaleOut Software Pacific Gas and Electric Barracuda Networks Inc New High School internships added daily. Yelp (213) 740-9111 4. Palo Alto Networks High School STEM Internship - USC Viterbi | K-12 Outreach Keep track of deadlines and interview dates so you can follow up as appropriate. Langan Engineering & Environmental Services Roche Pluribus Networks Paid and Unpaid High School Summer Internships in 2021 Northrop Grumman Corporation Length: 6 weeks. how they achieved professional immersion despite working remotely. There is no connection between the course and whether the sponsoring organization meets the legal requirements for an unpaid internship. CMGT 591Communication Internship (1-2, max 2, FaSpSm) Best Summer Programs for High School Students in India 2023 - Stoodnt Water Planet Inc. EnCap Investments Lockheed Martin The Fixed Income Research Associate Internship Program is a 10-week internship designed to recruit talented, hardworking undergraduates to develop fundamental company research, financial modeling, and industry and comparative analysis skills through training and direct work with fixed income professionals. Though its already been over a year of the COVID-19 pandemic, technologies like the mask detection workflow could bring us a step closer to the light at the end of the tunnel. Rubicon Project A Chamber of Commerce is a , This database offers information on organizations around the world; it enables you to specify variables such as company location, company , Blog|Events|ExperientialLearningOpportunities|JobsandInternships|Mentors|Organizations|Resources|Videos, Student Union 110 It is an interactive career platform designed by international students for international students to enhance their career exploration and job-search experience. APPLY HERE. ", Student of SHINE 2020. Our Health Science Immersion Program has run continually since July 2019, with over 890 high school students having received an introduction to the health sciences field through the first 25 sessions of HSIP. Three High School Students Accomplished Summer Internship in MCL Huanqiu Contracting & Engineering Co., PetroChina Linguos LLC SAIC MOTOR Microsoft Use our basic and advanced search options to browse over 1,200 funding, paid research, REU, internship, and educational opportunities in STEM, including programs for underrepresented minorities, women, and students with disabilities.
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