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BDO Blackstar Weapon Guide (Black Desert Online) | GrumpyG You can get 15 fairies all at once, (Screenshot show Current fariy, as well as new wings obtained all at once.) Also used to create Blackstar Enhancement material, Mass of Pure Magic. rutland regional medical center trauma level; ac valhalla store codes Complete all 10 quests in the Elvia Calpheon questline to obtain the following: You will also get access to 2 Elvia Calpheon weekly kill quests that reward 10 Powder of Nightmare each, which is exchanged for either of the above items: Choose Chat option with the following NPCs located in Keplan: You will obtain 9 puzzle pieces called, Mark of Nightmare.. i dont see it on event page, so maybe its perma system with possibility to get theese fairies? Heavily Armed- Denser than Stone- Whos the Giant Now? Collect and put them together to obtain a powerful weapon exuding Nouver's aura. You need to find a way to purify the Crystal of Unstable Darkness. Last updated Dec 16, 2022 at 2:27PM | Published on Jun 18, 2022. Note that Arsha can also be an Elvia Realm, giving +50% Item Drop Rate. Bring it to, - Description: A maple leaf shining with the soft glow of sunsets only obtainable by those who embark on a special adventure. It doesnt take long at all. STRATEGY: Red Nose likes to CC, so you have to keep strafing. You will want to make sure you have 2x Cooking Honey in your inventory when you go visit her as it make the next step of the quest much easier. Required fields are marked *. Reduced the amount of "Marni's Unstable Fuel" required to copy an item by 50%. - x10: Brilliant Crimson Fire Flower x20 - x20: Advice of Valks (+60) Cookie Notice I just went thru 490 petals I saved up since the event and it was all junk. Elvia Calpheon will drop materials required to obtain the new Godr-Ayed weapons and their enhancement materials. 3 Quests per Family Youve never done the main questline on any character? I mean if you want the fairy, thats the only way. it is only 52..and the hex witch boss as the event literally states. Collect the pieces to restore and complete the map. Alts under level 55 must attack first before being attacked by a Dark Rift boss. STRATEGY: Paints the ground red before his heavy hitting attack. @Sherry Niiice ! If you have had to wait longer than this, be sure to brag about it in the comments below! He has a special flaming ranged attack that knocks down as well. - x20: Tier 8 White Horse (With Instant Accel) - x2: Cron Stone x3 Once Skeleton Witmirth has harvested enough souls, it will attack the Adventurer. Please refer to our event page for more details. Is it possible to get a petal from bottling river water? This item will be deleted if you leave or disband a Guild or a Clan, or if you're no longer a War Hero. To start the Fairy companion quest you will need to be level 52 and take the quest Fairy Queen Theiah from your Black Spirit (suggestions tab). Storm is correct. Learn how your comment data is processed. I've seen one at the North side of heidel near the stable manager pop up on the road as well as one across the heidel river near the trees. Menu. - Tuvala Awakening Weapon: Dandelion Awakening Weapon 1. Plus, the rebirth item was already released. There will also be a small chance for these nearby monsters to immediately disappear. Guild Master/Advisor/Guild Officers only Grind about an hour in Pollys forest, then you will get a petal or two. STRATEGY: Ancient Puturum can be difficult. If you get in front of one of the big boulders in the area and he traps you there with that rolling ball charge, youre dead. Yeah, I just did the quest, and wanted to go for a higher tier. Due to its blood-like hue, it is known as the Covenant of Blood. I bought about 50 of them, and then realized that you couldnt. There's no telling what will happen if you follow the map, but its currently in extremely bad condition. Unique enhancment mats found only in Elvia Calpheon. Added Elvia Calpheon monster zones to Marnis Realm. - Can be deposited into Guild Storage by: Guild Member or higher - x50: Advice of Valks (+100) Cooking Honey can be obtained from the Alejandro Farm node right by Heidel. How often Dark Rifts spawn is completely RNG. Rift's Crystal x20 = Tuvala Ore Bundle - Description: Vendors would buy this item at a fair price. They are easier to see at night time because they glow. Rift's Crystal x10 = Valks' Cry Rift's Crystal x100 = Advice of Valks (+40) - x30: Artisan's Blessing (30 Days) I think you can get the scroll from the pearl shop under loyalties. Required for using guild skills with certain duration. - x5: Advice of Valks (+40) - x10: Fruit of Yianaros x20 Rift's Crystal x100 = Advice of Valks (+40) (No XP or crystal loss). Forward Guard and Superarmor are your friend. Guild Master/Advisor/Guild Officers only - x10: Fruit of Yianaros x20 Elvia Calpheon invades the live servers today.There, you will be able to face the even more powerful Saunil, Rhutum, Giants, Hexe Skeletons, and Trolls.Each of the old and familiar monster zones were given unique and interesting mechanic due to the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon and the Rift of Despair at its center.The mechanics that can increase your efficiency are listed below, so be sure to take note of them. Rift's Gemstone x20 = Advice of Valks (+20) If youre level 30 doing the quest, youre doing the repeat. Weight: 0.10 LT. - Personal Transaction Unavailable. Released in a patch, the following week after a number of complaints that they were near impossible to find let alone see, they increased both their spawn and visibility. Crystalized Despair: material used to craft Blessed Soul Fragment for upgrading alchemy stones. These are some of the highest AP grinding spots in BDO that offer top rewards. Known to have been collected by Dragons, its brilliance has survived the trespass of time. The upgrade chance is a percentage that can be affected by the amount of materials you place in it up to a maximum of 100%. Tier 1 Loot Box: Box of the Desperate Dead, STRATEGY: Gehaku has a frequent and very fast charge with CC. Containing such uncontrollable power has made it quite unstable and a strong collision can cause it to explode. During a Rift Event, up to 15 Dark Rifts can be spawned at one time. What you meant to say was that after the wine npc was added selling fairies for dust is no longer the best course of action. Bring this item to Fughar to accept one of the daily [Season+] [Season Pass] Crow Merchants Guild's Gift quests. Unstable Nouver Core - Item | Black Desert Online Database - x30: Choose Your Pet Box Used for using guild skills with certain duration. is a website focused on creating high quality guides and walkthroughs for various MMORPGs to help gamers improve and enjoy their game experience. It should be Ivana Derose. Providing guides and walkthroughs for your favorite games! - Description: A brilliantly shining gemstone found near to where rifts are formed. Elvia Calpheon hunting areas have unique mechanics to learn in order to master them. Star Wars the Old Republic (SWTOR), Guild Wars 2 (GW2) and Elder Scrolls Online (ESO) are currently covered. - Can be retrieved from guild storage by: Guild Officer or higher So yes, the guide is wrong. - Tuvala Awakening Weapon: Dandelion Awakening Weapon unstable rift bdofather ted filming locations. - Description: A crimson crystal gathered from drilling in the desert with the Guild Drill. - Tuvala Sub-weapon: Kutum Sub-weapon - x5: Inventory +2 Expansion Coupon Containing such uncontrollable power has made it quite unstable and a strong collision can cause it to explode. This item will be deleted if you leave or disband a Guild or a Clan, or if you're no longer a War Hero. Each of the old and familiar monster zones were given unique and interesting mechanic due to the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon and the Rift of Despair at its center. Once the Dark Rift is unlocked, monsters will randomly appear in certain areas and can be defeated for various rewards including rare accessories up to DUO enhancement. Announcements | Black Desert NA/EU/OC he was 52 quest was not there got him to 53 quest showed up. I recommend at the very least a full set of Naru armor that is PRI level and Naru weapons of PEN level. - x50: Advice of Valks (+100) Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. - x30: [Da-Dum-Da-Dum] Merv's Tailoring Tool Doing the questlines are borinnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnng. rest was all trash. Whats the difference between the different attitudes? [Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I, [Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate II. This item will be deleted if you leave or disband a Guild or a Clan, or if you're no longer a War Hero. Keep strafing and use fast hits. Defeat all of the enraged Saunils to obtain a buff near the flag that greatly increases your damage. Last updated Dec 16, 2022 at 2:27PM | Published on Jun 18, 2022 | Black Desert Online, Elvia Calpheon | 2. The mechanics that can increase your efficiency are listed below, so be sure to take note of them. Rift's Gemstone x20 = Refined Magical Black Stone Bundle Remnants of the Rift x1 + Black Spirits Claw x1 = Mass of Pure Magic x5. Example drop rate for Scorching Sun Shard is about 8 per hour at Saunil Camp. Unstable Rift contract | Dungeon Fighter Online Combine the materials that Shakatu mentioned to obtain the. unstable rift bdo Rift's Gemstone x20 = Advice of Valks (+20) I can confirm it also. Hadum will perish! - Description: A crimson crystal gathered from drilling in the desert with the Guild Drill. - x1: Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x3 Combine 9 puzzle pieces in your inventory to create the following image: This quest requires you to hunt at 5 different grinding spots in Elvia Calpheon. - Description: Frostflowers that bloom in the morning, said to be obtainable to those who embark on a special adventure. Black Desert Mobile | r/BlackDesertMobile, Press J to jump to the feed. Destroy the siege towers and enraged Saunils will rush in. For those of you who haven't seen one in the wild yet, this is what Sealed Troll Shamans do not attack Adventurers, and petrify those around it when it falls. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Finding a Crevice and interact with it will allow you to place the Special Honey Jar in the Crevice and get the Lailas Petal. Strafe when he swoops in for a flying charge. The daily quest is given by Theiah at the Kamasylvia Temple in Mediah. The biggest obstacles might be the mobs that naturally spawn there. All fairy will come with default +1 luck. Just wish I knew if the recipe is actually available. last ss u have glimmering but u are able to have 3 skills? fort sam houston national cemetery burial schedule. Players report that sometimes iframes/blocks/SA doesnt work against them. - x5: Artisan's Memory x3 To unlock Dark Rift, you must have at least 1 character that is level 56 or higher and you must have completed the quest " [Awakening Complete] Memories of the Past ". Rifts of Despair have begun to tear open throughout Elvia Calpheon, causing occurrences of the so-called Elvia Distortion Phenomenon wherever they appear. Defeating monsters near a Rift of Despair has a low chance to cause the Elvia Distortion Phenomenon to occur. The Elvia Distortion Phenomenon will spawn a powerful boss monster and change the weather. If lightning begins to strike, Gigagord will appear with its minions. If icy winds begin to blow, a Cyclops boss monster will appear. If a meteor falls from the sky, an Ogre boss monster will appear. Top-Quality is a rare processing product and it is probably about 3% chance to get it so prepared to spend quite a bit of time shooting beehives. Gathering Lakiaro: Mythical Feather has a very low chance to drop from Primitive, Lush Primitive, Old, and Lush Old Lakiaro Sacks. Bring it to. Give me an evil Elvia Realm to vanquish!! Unstable Rift - BDO Codex Main page NPC Unstable Rift ID: 39955 Unstable Rift You are not logged in! How to find Unstable Rifts in Dead by Daylight - Gamepur Having absorbed such magic for a long period of time, its energies have stabilized. If the matchlock run out of charges just return to node manager to return it and get another one. Nouver/Kutum - 375k energy. - x20: Caphras Stone Bundle (50-100) I got the knowledge once i completed this quest. While fighting the boss, anticipate moving through mobs that chase you and block movement or even stun you. Unstable Crevices will randomly spawn at max 100 in an interval of 6 hours in areas of Balenos, Serendia, Calpheon, and Kamasylvia. Exchange List Unstable Rift - BDO Codex The Dark Rift Boss Window is accessible by pressing the Dark Rift icon at the bottom right of your screen. They appear in pretty consistent locations, but you will need to have Void Energy to interact with them. - x20: Caphras Stone Bundle (50-100) I. Howling Dead Green Orc Skeleton Warriors command nearby undead to attack Adventurers. You cant have trade items in your inventory or mount inventory. Bring a friend to clear if needed. Glimmering Tier 2 20 Levels (2 skills) He charges then stops for about 4 seconds. - x70: Advice of Valks (+140), Exchangeable Goods - x30: Tier 8 White Horse (With Instant Accel) - x70: Advice of Valks (+135), Only PRI (I), DUO (II), TRI (III), TET (IV), and PEN (V) Tuvala gear can be exchanged for a [Season] Boss Gear. - x30: Artisan's Blessing (30 Days) - x30: Choose Your Pet Box Exchange Dark Spirits Greed for items with the following NPCs. Do I Get All Loot Shown?Besides Remnants of the Rift and Rich Merchants Ring Piece, you will get exactly all the items listed in the Dark Rift window for each Dark boss killed and looted. - x50: Advice of Valks (+100) - Description: A brilliantly shining gemstone found near to where rifts are formed. - How to Use: Press RMB when riding an elephant. General. Watch out for tough golem ads that stun you. 1 Quest per Family Back Attack him. He seems to bypass Forward Guard and other Super Armor skills, which can be frustrating. Unstable Nouver Core. - x20: Memory Fragment (50-100) - x5: Advice of Valks (+40) I havent done witch hunting quest or any in the questline..Im not going through 156 quests for an RNG fairy. Guthixian Cache The players who are gathering memories are to convert them in the unstable rift to earn points in the distraction and diversion. Collect the pieces to restore and complete the map. You will loot Wild Beehive from them and then grind via processing to make either Cooking Honey, High-Quality Cooking Honey or Top-Quality Cooking Honey. BBCode Copy HTML Copy BDO Streams + Markers Towns and Villages Islands and other locations Production nodes Node links lifeguard air ambulance new mexico hassan has plastic surgery hassan has plastic surgery The unstable rift is a rift found in the centre of the cache while playing Guthixian Cache and another unstable rift is also found in the Hall of Memories . Defeat the Giant Fighter to free the souls for their buff and summon Gehaku (low chance). 2. - x3: Item Collection Increase Scroll (60 min) I have looked into this further and The Unstable Crevice in the Kama temple only works with the first Jar, you need to go out into the world and look for other Unstable Crevice's using other Jar's that you can craft yourself or purchase from the Marketplace. Unstable Rift - BDO Codex Main page NPC Unstable Rift ID: 39951 Unstable Rift You are not logged in! I checked bddatabase and they all have the same stats and skill pools. - x30: Manos Riding Crop - x5: Inventory +2 Expansion Coupon is there some way to get it? Also, you do NOT have to release your Fairy in order to get a new Fairy box. Rift's Crystal x20 = Tuvala Ore Bundle Collect [Season] Swell Sea Shells and take them to. - Description: An aura bearing the concentrated source of Nouver's power. However, it will let you skip the Unstable Crevices step. This is a quest item and cannot be recovered if deleted. Recommended level is 61+. Much like other event items, anything you gather/kill/fish can drop it. Known to have been collected by Dragons, its brilliance has survived the trespass of time. Same, BDO subreddit people have confirmed this on a few threads. - Description: A blueprint for a musical instrument found in the seventh home of Florchestra, Artina's teacher. Once the fairy is registered, it will have a special interface on the top left corner you can click to activate Fairy information. How to easily find and use Unstable Rifts in Dead by Daylight Collect [Season] Prismatic Scales and take them to, - Description: A fragment exuding cold energies found from the rift. The souls of these Skeleton Soldiers will explode dealing powerful damage to Adventurers and undead alike. Last updated Feb 15, 2022 at 2:33PM | Published on Jul 28, 2020. Defeat the Rhutum and even stronger Rhutum will rush in. Elixir of Sharp Detection for Critical Hit Damage +15%. Rift's Crystal x20 = Tuvala Ore Bundle Ultimate Awakening Weapons -13k energy. If you get too far from Dim Tree, he will long range attack, which hits 100%. * Once risen, Ancient Trolls will not return to a petrified state, but a paralyzed one. Dont run in mindlessly, expecting the boss to fall in a few minutes. Elixir of Lethal Assassin for Back Attack Damage +15%. Can be retrieved from guild storage by: Guild Officer or higher They say the blessing of young spirits who guarded the Tree of Seven Sounds is necessary to craft a special instrument that can tug at one's heartstrings. Once you have the petal, return to Theiah. Rift's Gemstone x15 = Premium Elixir Box. They wrote what they meant and, at the time, this was the only option. - Description: A crimson crystal gathered from drilling in the desert with the Guild Drill. [Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate I, [Season] Crow Merchants Guild Contribution Certificate II. Ive seen this on a few reddit posts as well. Exchange List - x20: Tier 8 White Horse (With Instant Accel) Collect [Season] Swell Sea Shells and take them to. This is a RNG Box that can give you one of many wings of different tiers. Classes with a summon can help take aggro off of you for a bit. STRATEGY: Ferrid is challenging because he is inside and you are boxed in by the walls of a small pit. - x10: Caphras Stone Bundle (10-50) - x70: Advice of Valks (+140), Exchangeable Goods I didn't have a jar of honey on me when I found it, but if its the same as the first fairy quest it should be a whole set of wings. - Tuvala Gloves: Bheg's Gloves Bring it to, - Description: A thorn bearing magical energies found near to where rifts are made. There's no telling what will happen if you follow the map, but its currently in extremely bad condition. Corrupted Breath adds 5 Monster AP to Frenzy Draught. - Description: Fairy Laila's aura from the unstable rift. ), without the screen loading. Collect [Season] Aurora Snowflake and take them to. - Description: A piece of the Rich Merchant's Ring newly created through careful inspection by the mysterious Shakatu. - How to Use: For Lv. Dark Rift Guide - Black Desert Foundry Exchange for Sealed Fairy . This item will be deleted if you leave or disband a Guild or a Clan, or if you're no longer a War Hero. The Elvia Distortion Phenomenon occurs near a Rift of Despair which can be found all over Elvia Calpheon. The Dark Rift window shows all spawned bosses, with their level, rewards, difficulty, and a location button. The tooltip of the Special Honey Jar has been confirmed as incorrect by a GM. You cannot attack Skeleton Witmirth if it hasnt harvested enough souls. Main Usage: Important ingredient to exchange into fairies, helpful companions to any adventurer - x20: Advice of Valks (+60) Thank you to bdoplanner for image and data! I have found the Guardian to be my favorite class to use for Dark Rifts. When he stops flying and sits, hes charging a heavy hitting lightning attack. Collect [Season] Swell Sea Shells and take them to. But you can get to lvl 50 with main quests in one night, maybe 2, for a total of maybe 6-8 hours playing casually. Otherwise try your luck gathering from sunflowers in Northern Wheat Plantation or grapes from Olvia. As you already know its 3 months late then you also know the wine npc wasnt even in the game 3 months ago. [Elvia] Whats A-happening with the Ahib? - x2: Cron Stone x3 If you accidently shoot the native mobs surrounding Ahib Griffons spawn point, it can be a real pain. Guild member at 52 did not have that quest leveled them to 53 and it shows up. BBCode HTML BDO Streams Comments (0) Item Exchange List - Tuvala Armor: Dim Tree Spirit's Armor Rift's Crystal x10 = Valks' Cry Run out of the red area. You cannot store guild items in personal storage. Continue the fight and Hexe Marie will appear to attack the Adventurer with more undead. Please refer to our event page for more details. - Description: An aura bearing the concentrated source of Nouver's power. Exchangeable at All times - x5: Artisan's Memory x3 Im not seeing the value here. Unstable Crevice | Fairy Laila | BDO - YouTube After you get your hands on enough Void Energy, you will need to take it out of the match, and then exchange them for Unstable Rifts in the game. - Description: A piece containing some of Nouver's aura. - x30: [Da-Dum-Da-Dum] Merv's Tailoring Tool Once Soul Harvester Skeleton Witmirth has harvested enough Souls of the Dead, it will crave the soul of Adventurers and attack. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. Used for using guild skills with certain duration. Elvia Calpheon is the only place to find Corrupted Breath, which upgrades Frenzy Draught into Frenzy Draught of Corruption. 1 is required for each Godr Weapon upgrade attempt, rare drop from all Calpheon Elvia grinding spots. Rift's Gemstone x25 = Combat & Skill EXP 300% Scroll Magic of high potency have stabilized within. This skill cannot be used during Node/Conquest wars. - x20: Memory Fragment (50-100) - Description: A lump of energy remaining at the spot where the being from the abyss disappeared. For more details, please see my Scorching Sun Shard Guide. 2. [Events] Tokens for 7 Years of Adventure, gather the Seals of Wanderlust! Defeat the Giants and the Giant Fighter will appear. - x10: Mysterious Blue Conch x20 Bring it to. Expect a low chance to obtain any accessory. Unstable Rift - BDO Codex - Description: A Dragon's scale that shines with five-colored brilliance only obtainable by those who embark on a special adventure. Marketplace: Mythical Feather can be pre-ordered on the marketplace for 40 million silver. Dark Rifts offer players the opportunity to obtain DUO accessories and enhancement items by defeating bosses. unstable rift bdo - Instead of one big upgrade from TET to PEN, Godr-Ayed Weapons provide 5 tiers to get from TET to PEN. Dark Rift bosses never de-spawn until you defeat them, even after maintenance. Ive seen this in a few reddit posts around the BDO subreddit. - x30: Artisan's Blessing (30 Days) Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. - How to Use: Press RMB when riding an elephant. (Attack Speed +15% during its duration, Casting Speed +15% during its duration). Am I reading that right? 1 Quest per Family When you can anticipate their moves, you can dodge attacks to survive and win. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast, The subreddit for the PC MMORPG Black Desert, developed by Pearl Abyss. - x30: Choose Your Pet Box Rift's Crystal x15 = Premium Elixir Box - x1: Old Moon Alchemy Catalyst x3 Rift's Gemstone x10 = Time Filled Black Stone Bundle Here comes the tricky part, as there are no exact . 1 Quest per Family There's no telling what will happen if you follow the map, but its currently in extremely bad condition. STRATEGY: Dim Tree Spirit spawns in some challenging environments with lots of boulders and/or trees. You will need Lailas Petals and there are two ways to get it. Defeat Unstable Soul Green Orc Skeleton Warriors and their souls will explode to deal much damage to undead nearby. 4 fairy 2 of them T1, then t3 and t4:D, i duno how many petals i went through, but i bought enough sweet honey wine to finaly be able to grow and force it to a Radiant to see what kind of skills i get. For more details, please see my Godr Weapon Guide. - Description: A certificate issued by the Crow Merchants Guild to those who have achieved vast growth with the guild's support. when a girl sends you a pic; bamc main outpatient pharmacy Dark Rifts are solo only, being visible only to you. - x30: Choose Your Pet Box - x30: [Venia] Merv's Tailoring Tool Best. Crystallized Despair is a very rare drop from all Elvia Calpheon grinding spots. 3 Quests per Family - x5: Artisan's Memory x3 Fruit of Abundance can be obtained from gathering/farming sunflowers, strawberry, grape and onion. with one another normally. Take two to Fairy Queen Theiah to get a "Sealed Fairy Wings," containing a Fairy within. No you only need to do the quest line 1- 50 and just level up to 53 then the quest will show up. 1. Ferrid will reach his hands into the air before his powerful attack. How often Dark Rifts spawn is completely RNG. [Events] Black Desert x Prime Gaming February Drop Prime Gaming is Back! Quite a few people on the BDO subreddit said this. unstable rift bdo It's probably nothing, right? 1 Quest per Family Upgrading takes either Ornettes Dark Honey Wine from the Pearl Shop (4% per wine) or Sweet Honey Wine crafted by cooking (400 for 100% chance). Also, Adventurers in the Elvia Realm can see, meet, and interact (party, combat, etc.) - Description: [Season] Leaves hidden away by Coco, said to be obtainable by those who embark on a special adventure. Laila's Petal. just saying what happened. BBCode HTML BDO Streams + Markers Towns and Villages Nodes Production nodes Node links Unavailable Comments (1) unstable rift bdomichelle fleury ancestry. Your email address will not be published. Defeat 3 Trolls near an Ancient Troll to disturb its slumber. Once your Fairy reach max level, it will have one chance for upgrade. Ancient Spirit Light: Greatly increases damage dealt to Calpheon Eliva Monsters for 5 minutes Effects all players within range Does not take effect if used without a Rift of Despair nearby Expires in your inventory 6 hours after being obtained Grind Spots Saunil Camp (270 AP / 330 DP) His normal attack with that nasty grappling hook has an obscenely long ranged Knockdown! Defeat the event Dark Rift monsters to obtain the default Dark Rift rewards and have a chance to obtain the Box of the Enraged Dead.