Our main office has relocated to 24 Hoag Drive Phoenix NY. Aluminum cans; Cardboard; Glass bottles and jars; Household electronics (televisions, computers, computer monitors, printers and other electronic equipment; Note: Call (803) 642-7613 . Both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up roadside. 4483 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, 2022 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service. 162 or email, All refuse must be placed in your designated area. Leave us feedback. The office is open Monday - Thursday 8 am till 6 pm. Box 250 Apex, NC 27502 Phone: (919) 249-3400Utilities Phone: (919) 362-8676 Hours Monday through Friday 8 am to 5 pm Brush collection is Monday-Friday, 6:00 a.m. 6:00 p.m. For Districts #1 and District #6 both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up by the Highway Department. Curbside recycling is collected every other week, on the same day as refuse pick-up. Please follow the NYSDEC guidelines for the safe disposal of small dead animals. Stoves 595 9th Ave East Owen Sound, Ontario N4K 3E3. Please place your bags or containers on the curb before 7:00 . One bundle of wood will be collected per household per week. Residents are free to use whatever containers they choose as long as they weigh less than 50lbs when full (drivers manually lift containers). Material must be bundled and tied and/or containerized and at the curb on Sunday night in a separate location from your household garbage. 4483 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, 2022 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service, Trash Collection and Importance of Covered Trash Containers. The following is a list of guidelines and requirements for trash collection: Please place containers outside of road pavement and any gutters so as not to obstruct traffic or block drainage. Recyclable Glass Drop-Off Program. The Central Disposal Facility acceptsitems such as: Microwaves on Town roads only. Please keep carts a safe distance away from any obstructions. You can confirm your scheduled collection date here . City Hall. Phone: 904-269-6376, WEBSITE DESIGN BY GRANICUS- Connecting People and Government. Items should not be placed in any manner that obstructs traffic, pedestrians or drainage. twenty four (24) blue or clear bags of recyclables. Please make yourself aware of the Town services for brush collection, recycling services, rubbish removal, and scrap metal disposal. Solid Waste / Recycling | Collierville, TN Trash & Recyclable Collection | Town of Clay 4401 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, Highway Building Garbage/Yard Waste Pickup Search - islipny.gov Call OCRRA at 315-453-2870 or visit www.ocrra.org for more information. Irons, fans, fencing, bicycles Let us know what we can do for you! The Town of Clay recently received a grant from the New York State Department of State to prepare a plan to advance redevelopment of historic Three Rivers Point. Town of Clay residentscan drop off heavy appliances (excluding those containing Freon) and metal items. Items that Superior Waste will NOT collect, as part of the contract, include: hazardous waste, wet paint, tires, batteries, furniture, TVs, monitors, computers, construction material or debris (including deck/fencing material), motor vehicle or any part thereof, swimming pools (including liner or cover), outdoor statuary or similar decorations, central heating/AC units or components, any unit containing or has previously contained gas or oil, swing sets, slides, basketball units, or any similar childrens large recreational apparatus, and yard waste (including dog waste). All the trash and recycling must be placed at the curb the night before or prior to 6am on your pickup day. All items must be curbside by 6 a.m. on your scheduled collection day. . Pickup Schedule & ETA - Waste Management Contact the Last Chance Recycling, Inc. at 315-445-1402 with questions, comments, or complaints. We are experiencing website issues. Clothing and Textile Recycling. For households that would like a calendar but did not receive one, contact Sanitation Customer Service at 727-893-7838. The Town will continue to provide seasonal yard waste collection multiple times per year (once in the spring and twice in the fall). Town Hall / Court Yard Waste. twelve (12) blue or clear bags of recyclables. Recycling/blue bins can be obtained at the Highway Department, located at 4483 State Route 31, Clay, NY. Trash Collection. Limbs shall have a diameter no greater than 6 inches. . Government. Trash Collections | Mount Pleasant, SC - Official Website If you choose, you may contact Superior Waste at 315-672-3174 for a quote on collection of items not covered under contract, or you may take items to Ley Creek Dump. 5) A closed container keeps flies out. For instance, if a holiday falls on a Monday and your trash pickup day is Tuesday, your trash will be picked up on Wednesday that particular week. Garbage Pickup Schedule. Removal and disposal of trees are the sole responsibility of the property owner and are not under the brush contract. Lawn repairs begin early summer, generally the first part of June, after the ground has a chance to thaw and the topsoil is dry and usable. 4401 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, Highway Building Find your collection zone here. 2023 Bulk Trash Collection Schedule . Gas grills excluding propane tank Please leave a message if prompted. Clay County, FL | Home If you would likeus to pick up your trash and recyclables at some other designated location, such as your garage door, please call us for this additional cost.We will also rent 64 and 95 gallon roll out carts for your use at an additional cost. Paint cans will be collected if the tops are off, paint is completely dried (sand or cat litter) and the paint is placed next to the trash. New Years Day, Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day. CNYSPCA 315-454-0928. New Years; Memorial Day; 4th of July; Labor Day; Thanksgiving; Christmas; Contact Us. All recyclable materials must be placed in blue bins. You may also visit Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agency's (OCRRA) website at www.ocrra.org or call (315) 453-2879 to obtain information on their yard waste options. Brush will need to be in rigid plastic or metal containers or biodegradable (no plastic, cardboard, metal/plastic 55g barrels, or wheelbarrows) lawn and leaf bags. Infestations occur when a fly gets into a certain area and lays eggs. twelve (12) clear bags of garbage. If a holiday falls on a weekday, trash pickup will be behind one day for that week, starting the day of the holiday. Holiday Pick-up: The weeks of Memorial Day, Independence Day, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving- if your collection day falls on or after an observed holiday your collection day will be the day after the normal pick-up day and will return to normal schedule the following week. January 2, 2023. Trash day will depend on your address, you may contact the Supervisors Office to find out your collection day. Resident mailboxes are located in the Town's right of way. These items must be placed separately at the curb for special collection/recycling. TREE REMOVAL and LAND CLEARING DO NOT FALL WITHIN THE SCOPE OF CURBSIDE BRUSH COLLECTION. For toxic household waste drop-off information visit OCRAAs website here. Your local customer service number: 844-737-8254 Heavy appliances that are acceptable: As a reminder: weekly brush pick up will be available through the second week of December, with the exception of Districts 1 and 6. We are proud to be a locally owned and operated business and would be proud to serve you. The snowplow damaged our yard while plowing snow, when can I expect this to be repaired? Set your cart out by 7 a.m. on your collection day. For Districts #'s 2, 3, 4, 5, 7 & 8 and calendar year 2023 brush will be picked up weekly by Superior Waste Removal, under contract with the Town of Clay. Trash and Recycling | Boston.gov Any of these items mistakenly left at the curb will not be picked up, and according to Town regulations, must be removed from the street side before 6:00 p.m. on collection day. If we are not able to assist or resolve the issue, contact the Town of Clay, Supervisor Damian M. Ulatowskis Office at (315) 652-3800 ext. Town Hall / Court If you are in need of something larger than the blue bin we supply from OCRRA, you may purchase a trash container and visibly label it as your recyclable bin. If it is from the sewer vent to the road it is then the Town's responsibility. Air Conditioners If you need materials picked up, not covered under regular collection rules, call us directly for a competitive price, however, you may contact any hauler for additional pick-ups. Find Your Garbage Day and Pick-up Details - Niagara Region Public Works. If the snow should fall before your leaves are picked up, we will continue the leaf pick-up as soon as possible. Customers can view, download, and print a service calendar specific to their address. Residential Curbside Services & Recycling | Clay County, FL Garbage & Recycling - Town of Amherst Martin Luther King Day: Monday: January 16, 2023: The Highway Department would like to remind residents of the street parking ban which runs November 1st through April 1st. Yard Waste Recycling Center reminder: The Town of Clay offers a yard waste recycling center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Blvd. transportation infrastructure, a well-trained workforce, economic strength, among many other factors). Sat., 7:30 AM-5:30 PM, Long Bay Environmental Convenience Center, 1589 Long Bay Rd, Middleburg, open Thurs. The Town of Clay does not own or maintain any traffic lights. Garbage & Recycling - Town of Tonawanda Dirt/Sod must be removed from plant roots. We are closed for lunch 12 pm to 1 pm The recycling pickup is the same day as your normal garbage pickup day. You can confirm your scheduled collection date . If you have any questions, please call us at (904) 284-6374. Trash Collection & Recycling for Home. Are you looking for solutions for your business? Today is Monday, February 27, 2023. Yard Waste | Town of Clarkstown 162 or email . Incorporated in 1683 under English rule, The Town of Islip is a municipality within the State of New York. Garbage | Nassau County, NY - Official Website If the issue is from the home to the sewer vent it is the homeowner's responsibility. Their office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm and may be reached at (315) 672-3174. If you have questions about your service please contact Waste Management at (904) 695-0500 or visit their website at www.wm.com. Curbside collection programs continue, including Blue Box, Green Cart, Yard Waste, Bulk Waste, metal and appliance appointments and garbage. Can I use extra bags? . As was the case last year, the fee for these services will be part of your taxes. Dirt/Sod will not be disposed of as brush. Please keep them seperate from all other debris. Thank you for your continued cooperation. 100 Elwood Davis Road We are a dependable, professional, full-service refuse company, providing a variety of recycling and waste removal programs for our residential, commercial and construction customers. We're here to help you dispose of bulk or bulky items not suitable for your normal pickup service, whether it's one chair or a whole attic full of items. Collection Calendar, Reminders & Service Alerts. Waste Disposal & Recycling for Business. Sat., 7:30 AM-5:30 PM. Their office hours are Monday-Friday 9am-4pm and may be reached at (315) 672-3174.. New construction residents must contact the Town Supervisor's Office at 315-752-1180 ext. Sanitation - Town of Oyster Bay Whatever it is that moves you, Clay County invites you to explore your passion. This collection may be changed during holiday weeks. All residential households pay a $18.98 per month sanitation charge for curbside solid waste collection, including trash and recycling. If this water were to freeze, the garbage could also freeze to the container and the hauler is unable to empty Today, the Town of Clay is home to over 60,000 residents, making it the largest town in Onondaga County. Please have your yard debris at the roadside on Sunday evening of those weeks for pick-up. We have many products and services available in Clay and the nearby area from regularly scheduled recycling and trash pickup to dumpster rentals and more. Departments. Please wrap all mattresses and box springs in plastic before placing at the curb for bulk waste collection. Comprehensive lists of acceptable/unacceptable materials may vary, but some common household bulky or bulk items include: Mattresses & Box Springs. After an exceedingly robust, multi-year site search which took into account a wide range of requirements (e.g. Contact Directory. If Nassau County residents have additional questions or concerns about Garbage in their neighborhood, they can call the Nassau County Department of Health - Community Sanitation Program 516-227-9715. 162 or email supervisor@townofclay.org. Any of these items mistakenly left at the curb will not be picked up and, according to Town regulations, must be removed from the street side before 6 p.m. on collection, Most questions or complaints can be handled directly with. The Town will collect the items if un-broken. Container sizes for all applications in Onondaga and Oswego counties. There is a dead animal in our street, can you have someone pick it up? Clay, AL Trash Pickup & Recycling | Republic Services The Town of Clay will not pick up small dead animals, including cats, squirrels, skunks, raccoons, etc. I f you are not sure of the road or street you reside on is owned and maintained by the Town of Clay, Onondaga County or New York State, please refer to our listing of County/State Roads. Garbage Collection | Apex, NC - Official Website Just call or text All Star directly at 919-989-1562. Large Items will be picked up on the 3rd Tuesday of every month. All potted plants shall be removed from their container (pot). More Details. The Department of Sanitary Collection Services picks up nearly 1,000 tons of garbage each collection day. No. If you need a Blue Bin, they can be picked up free of charge at the Town of Clay, 4401 State Route 31. Collection Calendar - City of Sacramento Failure to comply may result in a Code Enforcement violation notice. The Town does NOT have a junk pickup schedule. Scraps of wood will be collected provided they are bundled, less then 3 ft. long and less than 25 lbs. 334 for availability. Click below to make an online payment or schedule a transaction by credit card or check! If your cart is full, you need to buy tags to put on extra garbage bags for pickup. Town Hall / Court. The collection service will return to its regular schedule the following week. Incorporated Area Service Standards | Clay County, FL View your weekly schedule . Tuesdays open until 7:00 pm. Due to the NYS Electronic Equipment Recycling and Refuse Act of 2010, we will not pick up Electronic Waste. The quantity of burlap bags is limited as our supplier has begun recycling them. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation. Washers or dryers . You may also visit Onondaga County Resource Recovery Agencys website at. Lawn mowers, snow blowers Schedule | Clayton, NC View Recycling Schedule (PDF) What's Acceptable for Recycling. If you have any questions, please call the Highway Department at (315) 652-3800, prompt #3. Garbage Pickup Schedule | City of Saint John, New Brunswick Call to arrange pickup of anything other than regular garbage. Leaf and Yard Waste Composting. www.OCRRA.org. For over 60 years, Butler Disposal Systems has provided quality and efficient waste removal and recycling solutions. 4483 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, 2022 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service, If you are unsure of which District you live in, you may contact Butler Disposal or the Supervisors Office at the Town of Clay at (315) 652-3800 ext. Recycle Coach App. | Mount Pleasant, SC - Official Website He may be reached 24/7 by phone or text at (315) 263-6915 or by email at mchambers@cscos.com. All containers must be rinsed. Trash Pickup | Mansfield, MA To view your pickup schedule or service ETA, please select from the following options to verify your account. Under the leadership of Onondaga County Executive Ryan McMahon, the Onondaga County Industrial Development Agency (OCIDA) has invested in the development of the White Pine Commerce Park in the Town of Clay. Each has specific issues such as collection schedule and other considerations. Please keep them separated. Butler Disposal Systems will be your new trash service provider. Please have your trash and recycling by the curb by 6 a.m. 124 as soon as possible. Opala - Honolulu 4) A closed container keeps birds and other unwanted animals out as they are attracted to garbage and contribute to littering. Town Hall: 111 East Second Street Clayton NC 27520 . The Town of Clay is proud to be an efficiently run, electorate-driven, and well-operated municipality. Section 1: February 27, May 1, July 10, August 28 Section 2: March 6, May 8, July 17, September 11 Section 3: March 13, May 15, July 24, September 18 Section 4: March 20, May 22, July 31, September 25 Section 5: March 27, June 5, August 7, October 2 Section 6: April 3, June 12, August 14, October 16 Section 7: April 17, June 26, August 21, October 23 4483 Route 31, Clay, NY 13041, 2022 All rights reserved Privacy Policy Terms of Service. Trash Collection | Andover, MA Contact: Public Works. Garbage / Yard Waste / Recycling Town of Orange Park Do not cover, wrap, or bag tree in plastic. Public Hearing to Consider a Change in Zoning District at 6550 Lakeshore Road, Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing National Grid (Leigha Allen) Variance March 6, 2023, Zoning Board of Appeals Public Hearing Abdul Variance March 6, 2023, Planning Board Public Hearing Sneller Road Subdivision March 1, 2023, Announcement regarding short term rentals. Please NO plastic pots or plastic packaging of any kind, including retail bags or plastic trash bags. 5) A closed container keeps flies out. Physical Address 705 Industrial Blvd Crown Point, IN 46307. Butler Disposal is the current refuse collector for the Town of DeWitt. Winter Weather make curbside collection safe for all. They can be reached by phone 24/7 at: (315) 435-3157. Residential Curbside Services & Recycling, Share & Bookmark, Press Enter to show all options, press Tab go to next option, Extension Services and Educational Programs, Clay County Clerk of Court and Comptroller, Identifying Household Hazardous Chemicals. Full containers must not weigh more than 75 pounds. Highway Building. Items that will not be collected include: brush, leaves, grass clippings, cuttings, construction materials, furniture, sinks, tubs, white goods, carpet, and other appliances, tire, batteries, automobile parts, etc. As Supervisor of the Town of Clay, it is my pleasure to welcome you to our community and to discover all that our Town has to offer. Beginning, January 1, 2016 trash and recyclables will be picked up by Butler Disposal Systems under contract with the Town of Clay. . Tuesday: District 7. Any item that contains Freon. Garbage, recycling and composting pickup schedule - Calgary Garbage & Recycling - Town of DeWitt As we extend this service as a courtesy, the highway department has no knowledge of pending deliveries of burlap bags, nor does the highway office staff know when the inventory is low or out. one (1) green cart. Trash - OCRRA The weather forecast calls for heavy snow and the potential for ice and high winds across the I-90 corridor from the Syracuse area and to the Mohawk. Follow these winter tips to keep collectors safe and help with snow clearing efforts. If your pickup falls on or after a holiday, your trash and recycling will be delayed one day for that week only. Please remember, should you have any of these items or any other service requests feel free to contact us for a quote. When are they collected? The container will not be collected as part of this service. Note: The Town of Clay discourages the hauler from compressing their trucks in residential neighborhoods and asks them to ensure all seals are functioning and up to date. Any of these items mistakenly left at the curb will not be picked up and according to Town regulations, must be removed from the street side before 6 p.m. on collection day. To contact Butler Disposal call (315) 342-0832 or (800) 794-8727 or visit butlerdisposalsystems.com. Please refer to County/State road listings to determine who is responsible. North Syracuse, NY 13212-4312 Sat & Sun: Closed. This extra water adds unnecessary weight which can result in an injury to yourself or someone else. How do I dispose of them? If you live on Route 31 or have questions regarding Route 481, please call New York State DOT at (315) 458-1910. Dishwashers Rollcarts must be removed within 12 hours of . All town offices will be closed and all garbage, recycling, and trash collections will be ONE DAY LATE except where noted. six (6) clear bags of garbage. Wondering if your garbage date has changed due to a holiday? 3) A closed container keeps the wind out and avoids trash blowing in yards and streets. on Town of Clay roads. The highway department crews do not ever intentionally drive by a resident's home that has leaves, but because of these reasons, they may be missed. 4) A closed container keeps birds and other unwanted animals out as they are attracted to garbage and contribute to littering. Plan your stay today! Curbside Collection - Garbage, Recycling and Food Waste Contact National Grid at their customer service number: 1-800-642-4272. Our proximity to major interstates, airports and railway systems is distinctive and one of the reasons why Money Magazine named the Town of Clay one of the 100 best places to live in the country. As a reminder, please be sure your trash containers have lids and the trash is covered at all times, especially during rainy weather. Recyclable materials should be placed in the blue bins as in the past. ", Please call the Highway Department at (315) 652-3800 ext. Please enter your street name below to find your leaf route. The City will include the charge for these services on your utility bill. Disposal and Brush Pickup for Districts 1 & 6. Quick Links. The City of Keystone Heights follows the same service standards as unincorporated Clay County. Solid Waste Transfer Stations - Operation, Transport, and Disposal. New construction residents must contact the Town Supervisors Office at 315-752-1180 ext. 2) A closed container will help keep your yard and neighborhood cleaner. Wayne, NJ 07470. Serving Syracuse, New York & Surrounding Areas - Holiday Schedule: Trash collection will not run on the following holidays: - Memorial Day - July 4th . Face cut ends toward the street. New York State DOT can be reached by phone at: (315) 458-1910. If you bring any material in plastic, please be prepared to take it with you. Remember, you must call 410-822-0513 or fill out the Bulk Pickup Request Form in advance to schedule . Green Cove Springs, FL 32043, Office Hours: 8:00 AM - 4:30 PM The site will be open the second Saturday of each month from April - November, 8:00 a.m. - noon. Reminder: The Town of Clay offers a yard waste recycling center located on Oak Orchard Road, one mile east of the intersection of Henry Clay Blvd. Containers should be removed promptly from the roadside after collection. Yard Waste is collected by the Department of Recycling and Sustainable Materials Management during 20 specified weeks. Large bulky items may also be placed at the curb for collection on your regular solid waste collection day. Town of Clay residents may drop off (free of charge) yard waste such as leaves, grass clippings, shrubs, trees (including stumps), and concrete. Please enable JavaScript in your browser for a better user experience. Residential Bulky Trash Collection. If you choose to use Simple Recycling, you can schedule your free pickup @ www.simplerecycling.com or call 1-866-835-5068. Each material, recycling, yard waste, and trash, is collected by a separate truck. both loose and bagged leaves will be picked up by the Highway Department. Recycle Coach is your go-to source for all garbage, recycling and hazardous waste information. If you are unsure of which District you live in, you may contact Butler Disposal or the Supervisor's Office at the Town of Clay at (315) 652-3800 ext. Double Residential Level - $220 per year. Non-pump related problems such as pipe leaking, surface water, cave-ins, or construction issues call the Town of Clay Highway Department during office hours at (315) 652-3800 ext 124, Town Hall / Court Please bag and tie trash to prevent litter and ensure your garbage container lid remains closed to deter flies and animals. Wednesday: District 1, District 4, & District 6. Enter your address in the search bar
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