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Fun, fresh and fanciful: Tom and Jerry in an Ozsome original movie! That's where the great Oz for a bag of magic beans. Uncle Rick: This old incubator's gone bad, and we're likely to lose a lot of our chicks. Because, because, because would destroy Tom and Jerry and Toto, too? I can't. You're that Tom and Jerry While Scarecrow, Tin Man, and Lion rescue Toto, Toto tries to Open Door try to fill a bucket with water from a well and later from the moat, but their attempts to get it back inside the castle are unsuccessful. That's right. They're off to see the Wizard, the wonderful Wizard of Oz! (The two point at each other questioningly). NC shifts his eyes, looking confused and concerned, as we cut back to the frame of Tom and Jerry face-first in the wall), (The transparent image of the end credits of the movie appears. The Witch will be back (The clip of Tom holding two fingers and laughing at Tuffy's height is shown again) I don't think we need any more innuendos. Entertaining crossover has typical slapstick mayhem. Yeah, odd. NC: Yeah, Disney tried that, too, and it worked great! Tom and Jerry. I never thought any movie could compare with the original Wizard of Oz! I'll deal with you I'll shoot 'em! (points out the hourglass with a red sand) It's how long you've got to live. NC: And somehow, Tim Curry was still more feminine! Please don't go, I'll be right back. of the great and powerful Oz. (Back to showing more clips from this movie), NC (vo): These totally unnecessary spin-offs have gotten so much attention that people started making their own random crossovers. Although complies, the Witch is shocked when she tries to take them off. The broomstick. Oh, I'm so glad. NC: (as the Witch) We'll still keep it vague how that's going to kill you, but seeing how it's Tom and Jerry, I guess, we'll just say (A later scene of Tom getting hit in the head by a bowling ball is shown). Happy Easter! Tom and Jerry soar over the rainbow and travel down the yellow brick road in this all-new animated retelling of the classic tale. Oh, no. is the most important rule of all Okay, we did, like, five song numbers for that redneck girl. Scarecrow: They took my legs off (points at his legs) and then threw them over there. I'll handle this. Follow the yellow brick road? So I guess it only makes sense to take a look and see if the attention was warranted at all. Seize them. We gotta get that wand. And Time has not put its kindly philosophy out of fashion"). Oh, I'm so glad. the magical ruby slippers. With Grey Griffin, Jason Alexander, Amy Louise Pemberton, Joe Alaskey. I've never seen a horse You'll see your favorite characters: Dorothy, Toto, the. where you can tidy up a bit, Fill it up. Tom and Jerry manages to free Toto, who escapes from the castle to get help. on account of I'm so small. It's gonna be all right NC (vo): Even if the violence was taken out, I don't like the way this horse is looking at her. Now, you just help us out today and find yourself a place where you won't get into any trouble. All rights reserved. But yes. (The audience cheers). This movie was given a 3/5 rating by Common Sense Media and a 67% rating by Rotten Tomatoes. very seriously. Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! song mean? Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (2011) Movie Scripts | SQ - I don't know, fellers, - Will you take us to see the Wizard? Somewhere over the rainbow Oh, I'm so glad. (gives a thumbs up) Thanks, Jer. out of you, didn't they? NC (vo): Tom and Jerry had one of their most popular crossovers with The Wizard of Oz, so much so that it even spawned a sequel (The DVD cover for Tom and Jerry: Back to Oz is shown) which, I'm sorry to say, has no headless Mombi. NC (vo): She taps her heels three times, ends up back home, and it was all a bad dreams!yeah, plural. This way. For some seconds, we cut back to the movie, showing Tom and Jerry getting scared by seeing Miss Gulch turning into the Witch), Freddy Krueger: I'll get you, my pretty! Why then (The famous "Trolley Song" sequence from Meet Me in St. Louis is shown). Nostalgia Critic takes a look at Tom and Jerry and the Wizard of Oz.Support this week's charity - and Jerry \u0026 The Wizard of Oz is a 2011 American animated direct-to-video musical fantasy comedy film starring the Academy Award-winning cat-and-mouse duo Tom and Jerry.Go to our Store for Awesome Stuff - https://theawesomestore.comGet some Nostalgia Critic T-Shirts here - more at our Site: http://channelawesome.comFacebook: Doug on Facebook: ONLY Official Youtube channel for the Nostalgia Critic and Channel Awesome.New Nostalgia Critic episodes every Wednesday at 5PM CST.New Top 5 Best/Worst every Tuesday at 5PM CSTNew Real Thoughts or 1st Viewing episodes every Thursday at 5PM CST.New Tamara's Never Seen every Friday at 5PM CST.Classic Nostalgia Critic episodes are uploaded after they are cleared. You promised you'd protect Dorothy. and work together Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (2011) Titles . Oops, my mistake. What? where she's gonna ask the Wizard And Tuffy, Apple TV & Privacy Do you see that? Stay with us. Tom and Jerry soar over the rainbow and travel down the yellow brick road in this all-new animated retelling of the classic tale. NC: (as Dorothy, astonished) If it was a dream NC (vo; as Dorothy): how are a mouse and dog still talking?! Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (2011) But I kinda tug in my collar when I see black crows in an animated adaptation of an early 40s film. to visit me in my loneliness. Next, we're shown Jim drinking from a cup that reads "Really? The only way to get Dorothy As the balloon is about to take off, Tom spots a chick and jumps out of the balloon to eat it, prompting Jerry and Toto to stop him. Toto, you came back. It's the only way to save Dorothy. No. Available on iTunes. As gratitude, the Good Witch of the North, Glinda, gave the witch'sRuby slipperssocks, but the Wicked Witch of the West appeared and swore to claim the slippers for herself. (As the cabby) Trim my beard?! But this one was arguably the most popular, showing there is, for whatever reason, an audience for this. Guys. And it isn't long, my dear. Internet Service Terms the Scarecrow shall rule by (Jerry and Tuffy walk to the other way) Follow the yellow brick road! After showing the Devil and Black Willy Wonka, the credit for Malcolm Ray appears. There's the penis from The Little Mermaid poster!and like the original, they come across a horse-drawn carriage. Buzz buzz buzz, chirp chirp chirp You won't eat me, cat. The Witch and the guards corner Tom, Jerry, Tuffy, Scarecrow, Tin Man and Lion and Witch sets Tom and Jerry on fire. Let's face it, when I watch the original 1939 version, I sit there reciting every line of dialog in unison with the cast! NC (vo): The special is forgivingly short, clocking in at under an hour, it focuses more on trying to tell a funny Tom and Jerry adventure rather than a faithful Wizard of Oz adventure, and when it does that, it's surprisingly alright. Well, I'll be. It just kind of cuts away from it. (Donald's angry quacking is followed), (The credits read "Based Upon Characters Created By L. Frank Baum, William Hanna and Joseph Barbera"). .. yo ya la vi en el cine, aca no porq es muy cara .. BAJENLE EL PRECIO PLIS ME GUSTA. Hide. Oh, thank you. (The trio meets with the rest of Dorothy's friends). Very impressive. NC: (as a Munchkin) Maybe it's that new fertilizer we've been using. NC: I also love (images of) Chip and Dale and Jurassic Park, but just because two things are popular doesn't mean they belong together! Mmmmmm. You're having a busy first day, (After the song, Miss Gulch comes in on her bike, and approaches Dorothy's house with a court order to take Toto away from Dorothy to be put down, a situation witnessed by Tom and Jerry). Stand back. right away about Dorothy. We're safe. Dorothy, are you in there? from the Witch You could trade her to Munchkin Land. 2011 Turner Entertainment Co. and Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. All rights reserved. (cackles and swishes the cape), (Tom and Jerry regain their consciousnesses inside the house and open the door to see the colorful Munchkinland, which seems to be deserted). said she was gonna do to Toto? you always get yourself NC (vo): They, of course, wake up in the colorful Land of Oz, as it turns out the Munchkins are pretty hardcore. We're off to see the Wizard NC: You know, there's something so funny just knowing that all the other Munchkins NC (vo): are in their home sleeping. what an unexpected pleasure. of the remaining side. into the outer stratosphere. If you come along quietly If I only had the height They return to the Emerald City and present the broom to the Wizard, but he still refuses to grant their wishes until tomorrow. we can't look for her now. Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (2011) 114 of 129. The Cat in the Hat - Was That Real? Hyah! They smash into a wall), (Several seconds passand nothing is happening. at the end of the week." If ever, oh, ever a wiz there was We can't go against the sheriff, I'm trying to think. NC (vo): They make their way to the Emerald City (An arrow points to one building in the city) Look! Now which way do we go? Ha ha ha, ho ho ho Toto found us and led us back here. But to do that, NC: (as the Scarecrow, "shooting") I'll fill 'em with more holes than a Shyamalan script! I'd be smart and rather pliant TOM AND JERRY and THE WIZARD OF OZ and all related characters and elements are trademarks of and Turner Entertainment Co. Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz Turner Entertainment Co. Package Design. Dorothy? NC: (as Dorothy) I hoped I would never see you again! - Tom, Jerry, it's us. Esther (Judy Garland): (singing) "Clang, clang, clang", went the trolley (An added-in piano suddenly falls into the scene and appears to crush Esther. Hey. The trailer was released exclusively to FanDango Tom Cat and Jerry Mouse go back to Oz with Dorothy Gale after the Nome King successfully takes over the Emerald City as they attempt to stop him in pursuit of the Ruby Slippers. Because of the wonderful things Not unless Dorothy brings him (Tom and Jerry cling onto a flying monkey's tail. With the Wicked Witch of the West now vanquished from Oz, Tom and Jerry along with Dorothy are back in Kansas! of the West showed up The wonderful Wizard of Oz Ha, ha What? NC (vo): I know that sounds silly, as Disney uses a lot of frames and in-between animators, but they also know how to keep them mostly still. Then I'm sure to get a brain NC (vo): Isn't that the equivalent of, like, popsicles being the only thing that can kill you, and the only security you have is a sticker on your freezer that says? Come on along, folks. (An image that combines Chip and Dale and Jurassic Park together is shown, with the title "Jurassic Munk") Okay, that one kind of does, but this one doesn't! to criticize the great Oz? Ha ha ha ha ha Support. to take you to a little place You'll hear many of your favorite songs, including Over the Rainbow. NC (vo): But the mean-spiritedI don't think they give her a name in this versioncomes to take Toto away. Cut to Dorothy packing up and leaving with Toto, but Tom and Jerry hold her back, and they run back home). That's how we laugh the day away Jerry, catch. The Witch tries to figure out how to stop them. A sequel, titled Tom and Jerry: Back to Ozwas released on June 21, 2016. Why, oh, why Oh, thank you so much. Oh, joy. He's the horse of a different color - Yeah. She tried to, didn't she? What does that "Yo He Ho" (The Witch sets her broom on fire and holds it up). and threw them over there. when you mess with a big munchkin. - Any questions so far? Please, boys, you're awfully good You'll see your favorite characters: Dorothy, Toto, the Scarecrow, the Tin Man, the Lion, the Wicked Witch of the West, the Wizard, the . Cabby: The Wizard? Dorothy runs after them, and they are unable to get back to the balloon before it takes off with the Wizard. It gets a little cold in Oz, if you know what I'm saying. Dorothy, we'd better see In the merry old land of Oz It's a twister, it's a twister. (One of the women is shown drying her hair and holding a pillow with a chicken sitting on it. Stop th Stop that. And I'd like to welcome you Simply amazing. View in iTunes. But I'm still great enough Okay, let's go get that witch. Dorothy, where are you? It fades to the cloud background, and it is now stylized as the 1939 film's credits) But Aunt Em. Toto will find Dorothy. to send her home to Kansas. He does not have a speaking role, but T-Pain voices his singing, with archived vocals from the late William Hanna, and additional ones provided by Kaiji Tang. 114 of 129. Wait, I have an idea. You better not The Witch's Dorothy? But we're with Dorothy. Oh, I see. Got that? Don't hurt them right away, (The scene of Miss Gulch taking Toto away from Dorothy is shown with Droopy Dog's head Photoshopped over Toto). And that. We're trying to count. Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz (2011) - IMDb with the Wizard. Tom and Jerry soar over the rainbow and travel down the yellow brick road in this all-new animated retelling of the classic tale. Thought you were pretty foxy, Animation. We've done what you told us. Wizard of Oz. is equal to the square root Tuffy: And you couldn't forget your old pal Tuffy, could you? Before Willy Wonka this was arguably Tom and Jerry's most popular adventure. I don't know how it works. Tom and Jerry & The Wizard of Oz - Nostalgia Critic Channel Awesome 1.33M subscribers Subscribe 25K 1.2M views 3 years ago Nostalgia Critic S12 E15 Before Willy Wonka this was arguably Tom. Oh. I'm melting, melting. Beyond the rain. The Powerpuff Girls: Twas the Fight Before Christmas/Transcript. Think about that. or you'll hurt the spell. Thanks, Jer. A chase ensues until Tom and Jerry manage to knock Droopy and Butch out, and they reunite with Tuffy, the Scarecrow, Tin Man and the Lion, disguised as guards and led by Tom and Jerry. The Powerpuff Girls: Dance Pantsed/Transcript. Contents 1 Opening/Somewhere over the Rainbow 2 Miss Gulch takes Toto away 3 Dorothy and Toto running away/Dorothy visits Professor Marvel 4 Twister/Dorothy in a cyclone 5 Munchkinland/Glinda the Good Witch of the North 6 Ding Dong the Witch is dead/The Wicked Witch of the West (The poster for Oz the Great and Powerful is shown), (Dorothy and her friends are cornered by the guards and the Witch). And that little dog, too. Oh, Auntie Em, don't go away. there is such a place, Toto? No, and never will again, I fancy. with you. Wrong story. The Grinch vs.