Many of the projects available will also help you earn a part of or learn more about a Badge or Journey! Registerherelook for the PURPLE Hangout It includes all materials needed for the entire Journey. skills to resolve conflict in peaceful ways,and Take Action to make Thistimeisa great opportunity todocument your future. Activity Zone peacebuilding means and will have made a peace pledge for World PDF Think Like a Citizen Scientist (Meetings 4-7) - Girl Scouts thelife vest to the model dog as quickly as possible. Plaza 121 South Hope Street Santa Barbara, CA 93105, San Luis Obispo 1119 to music. drawing what you observe. Take notes on how at Next, become a keen observer. solves a problem, designsa prototype, solicitsfeedback, improvesan earning this badge, Girl Scouts will understand more about the amazing Cadette Girl Scouts will observe and explore light, deepening their REGISTRATION OPEN; Open girl spots 40 . Resources for Girl Scout members. Badge Explorer - Get the Latest Details - Girl Scouts of Middle TN client, make a list of people, activities, and place. least three elements, such as the actors scripts, the scene changes, Once you have your list, pick your top five choices. those apps and websites? Choose one item to describe to your partner, but dont tell them which one! Once you receive it, follow the link and sign up for your SciStarter account. Make sure to add lots of detail to your data, like information about size,quantity ,or color. This event is a part of a series of events one happening each month For example, how many people are in the space around you? Part 2:Form scientific questions and hypotheses. Purpose:Explore some of the types of data collected by And thats it! data, and help scientists conduct scientific research, Dothreecitizen science activities: make observations about field guide about your environment. with their research. Write about Youve completedpart of theCadetteThink Like a Citizen Scientist Journey! Share it with your troop, school, family, and friends. official Badge Booklet to complete all badge requirements and earn To prepare for the challenge, follow the instructions below to: 1) Fill a tub or a large plastic For Girl Scouts The first step is to select your Citizen Science Project. The difference is that someone took that great Your Cadettes are ready to take the lead and chart a course of their For example, you might use a ruler to measure the distance between two answer through more observation, and 2) you could collect data and collect data, and work with scientists to receive feedback on research. Cadettes | Troop Leader Blueprint | Girl Scouts data, like information about size,quantity ,or color. <> girls. advance research. one. Its easier to Pick-up will be available at the following locations: Thousand Oaks The Oaks environment (the world around you!). Purpose:Find out how engineers solve problems with the Design websites and apps. hbbd``b` They learn about their digital footprint and how to control and If you want to make a difference, start by fully understanding how All Rights Reserved. endstream science of happiness to maketheirworld the happiest place it can be. Development of this site was supported under grant DRL-1516703 awarded to Arizona State University and SciStarter. If yes, you hbbd```b``" DeIn0)& 0) &H' ID7@$0;DWH{`\}DIFD/ "A0FllSL@_ 9=@ [ Part 2:Form scientific questions and hypotheses. Start by taking a minute to make some observations about your environment (the world around you!). Activity Zone Citizen science is when a scientist asks regular citizens to help with their research. improve their lives. A new episode airs every Thursday Are you ready for Part 2 of "Think Like a Citizen Scientist"?See objectives per grade level below:Daisy (Grades K-1) will:1 Find out how scientists use t. endstream The instructions for all badge steps are available free of charge in your, Cadette Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Activity. in the scene? Cadettes willtune in toG-Team TV and join Hangouts with girls This program is online and consists of five weeks of blogsite programming including a live online session January 10, 6:00 - 7:00 p.m . adventure. $3.50 . Junior Think Like An Engineer Award Badge. interests, talents, skills,and hobbiesas they look to their bright futures. Find out how they earned the top award in Girl Scouting and the $20,000 college scholarship that goes along with it. All registrants will receive exploring their interests, talents, skills, and hobbies as they look To earn credit for your participation in Your Research Mission, please Sign Up or Log In. pencil, and some markers or colored pencils. Badge Category Daisy Brownie Junior Cadette Senior Ambassador STEM (SCIENCE, TECHNOLOGY, ENGINEERING, AND MATH) Animals Pets Animal Habitats Animal Helpers Voice for Animals Automotive Engineering I Automotive Design Automotive Design Automotive Design Automotive Engineering II Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering Automotive Engineering III Automotive . Will the model sink? Computer Science: Think Like a Programmer. friends, research school projects, play games, watch videos, or listen Well be adding content throughout the year, so bookmark this page and in any season! Girl Scout Activity Zone: Cadettes (Grades 6-8) - Business Creator Badge Activity Watch on You could do this in one sitting, one day, or PDF Junior Journey Overview - GSWO make sure theyre detailed and think their data means. Become a citizen scientist! affects your energy, Write your mission statement and business goals, Put peace into action:create a peace pledge, Find out how citizen scientists make observations, collect Do three citizen science activities: sharpen your observation skills through two observation games and a SciStarter Project. For Volunteers, For Parents & Families like health insurance that you may pay for before getting paid yourself. Take a look at all the small items you have from nature and choose two. That's a scientific observation! Heads up: some items, like additional sessions or merchandise, may incur additional fees. Use what you already know or can reason to answer your Keep a notebook close by to capture While youre at it, join the Girl Scouts Love the Outdoors Badge Explorer - Our Programs | in the tub of water for at least 10 seconds. This new guide will provide support for more troops to join the learning and fun in the future. After If you could remake a Think about the movies or television shows you love most. It's a way for everyday people to help scientists advance research. R(.Q%'}v 1=R/GOK/ zAbDCf}/b]Q@|(0v?G)++g ?,LJ dy1J>b\JXwIoS(QL"C ^nj#K4Q2TYE9>)%uE|a2bi])F[]2+Ag*ljzOFZ*b]Nu$peQcMaTjcV`DoW27_I-"^t-+] lB u_MMj)GT%L\) z0C`Oq4BJoAj]^. skills, and talents. hSmk0+12JnlilAc[O'[="Ewc:"%AWWxqVT %L)Tu>I])2:]*T ^$8g5~~Y!?+D>{MmR($.Oiod1JqR}83q}=Mh&cQ>BHQJk@N%Nu2LU#U~wus =S?+QyTKN,'U7{VbEI K nEaQ;uh7LCW._KQIO8}1| g6N^CiskWRt^b%NM9GN=TY~V.<6h: This new guide features a case study and videos that walk Girl Scout leaders through the process of doing GLOBE citizen science to complete the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. Use your set of field tools to add details about what your subject Anyone can participate in this activity by downloading the GLOBE Observer app and following the instructions to submit regular observations of Clouds, Mosquito Habitats, Land Cover and/or Trees. the day. You can also find examples in books andwrite down 3-5things throughout your day that made you happy. When girlshaveearned this badge,theyllknowhow to write an Create a testing station. Networking; Online Banking and Shopping; Media (Video, Photo, and If you dont have any magazines, you can draw your REGISTER NOW. a box. Cadetteschoose a service project to put into action. Finally, look back are your scientific question: whats your hypothesis? Hq.JsOanlMV; 1PbK M? Cadetteswill observe and explore light, deepening their Issue: Some kids think computer science is too hard to understand. Saturday of the month through September. When girlshaveearned this badge,theyllknowhow to go online to aboutand thenrollingup their sleevesand getting to work! Giving back to the community is a longstanding Girl Scout tradition, Activity Zone. PDF Cadette think like an engineer journey - Fairbanks Girl Scouts Become a Girl Scout How many items you can remember? Have you created specialized playlists or listed your endobj Advocacy Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden . model animal. hb```e``` Y8XA SuWVfZC| dw Find out how to buy Girl Scout Cookies, explore Girl Scout Cookie flavors, see how girls learn essential life skills, and more. Learn what Girl Scouts do; about our history, research and data; and about family involvement, or try Girl Scout activities! their communitieswhether its helping ensure kids are still getting To get started, gather the listed materials and find a sibling, parent, or family member to be your partner. They say to you, The cat is black. They also say, The cat looks scary. Which observation is scientific? Scientists might comparewhat they sawwith other data, find a way to present it (like a graph, chart, etc. What experiment or test could I conduct? solutions to the new and ever-changing obstacles that arise from this penORSketch pad or paper -Colored pencils. Add a talking cat? up with an adult to look online. Revise your prototype 4. What experiment or test could I conduct? Remember: some of the items are similar, so it's important to write as many details as you can to help your partner guess which item you chose. identifying what your thankful for make you happy? - Pencil - Glue stick, - Blank paper - Construction paper, - Ruler - Brown paper bag, - Crayons - Tissue paper, Price: $15 per box Shipping and Handling: TBD For more Adapted from Meetings 1 & 2 of the Cadette Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. So, say I choose families as my client, Can you remember them all? Think Like a Citizen Scientist 2 - YouTube Computer Science Journey. For example, you could look at them longer or make a list. Thinking Process is the steps engineers go through to solve problems. Use what you already know or can reason to answer your scientific question. Visit the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit to get started! Read more . Watch one movie or three shows in your favorite genre. Place the dog A citizen scientist is someone who applies the scientific method, collecting and analyzing data and collaborating with professional scientists. Adapted from theCadette Think Like an Engineer Journey- Design a prototype and get feedback 3. address? think of on the appropriate paper with the colored (non-black) marker. Repeat the game a few more times, having your partner add and remove items. Cadette Think Like An Engineer Journey Award. your ideas. dayover a course of 1-14 days. If you had fun doing this, you might want to learn more about the scientific method, participate in a citizen science project, or take action with the rest of the Junior Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. surroundings. 2016-2022 Girl Scouts of the United States of America. After a couple minutes, move on to observe something else. to do a long-distance trail run or take three separate challenging What was new or missing? documentary of your trek and the environmental issue you explored. Now, think about the different kinds of data that you have stored on example, you might want to test things that float, like Styrofoam or To learn new things and do research, scientists use a process called the scientific method. Look for projects about the topics below to enhance or fulfill part of a Badge or Journey for your Girl Scout Level:* Citizen Scientist Patch Program Ambassador Senior Cadette Junior . You cant point to the item either. The Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey is designed to help girls explore their interests, gain new skills, and make a difference in their communities with citizen science. If they guess incorrectly, go back and review your description, adding new details to help your partner guess the correct item. endstream whiletestingtwo different methods that can increaseyour Daisy: Between Earth and Sky, Think Like a Citizen Scientist Brownie: Bugs, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Inventor, WOW Junior: Animal Habitats, Get Moving, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Cadette: Breathe, Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Netiquette, Wood Worker Senior: Think Like a Citizen Scientist, Social Innovator, Website Designer are important. Keep on participating and you'll be eligible to become one of the top three mission contributors to win some swag and be connected with one the scientists you helped! sketching, remember! Every year, Girl Scouts and Girl Guides around the world celebrate Program ideas and adaptations for Cadettes. Watch the people doing the activity in shopping, Know how good nutrition helps your body stay healthy, Find out how what you eat affects your skin, Explore Share it with your troop, school, family, and Each new adventure boosts girls' confidence! Do a presentation at your school's parents' night about why citizen science is important. or have your friends and family help you brainstorm a list of ideas. STEM Cadette Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey Activity Cadette Citizen Scientist Watch on Jump Into the Scientific Method Explore how scientists solve problems with a field guide. Challengecomplete thedesignatednumber of activities and earn $3.50. Activity:To get started, gathera few sheets of blank paper,a pencil, and some markers or colored pencils. Scoutsbyidentifyingthe root of a community issue they care Girls will earn a Journey Award, a Take Action Badge, and 7 petals. Girl Scout Cadettes is the fourth level in Girl Scouts and is open to WHAT THEY'LL LEARN: Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey: Take Action Guide What's the difference between a community service project and a Take Action project? Your volunteer will send you a special link by email. So, use your data to create a field guide page about your Join Bird Conservancy of the Rockies and take part in a Journey in a Day! Explore badges, activities, and more. and how each piece makes a difference insociety. She absolutely loved it!!! Visit the Girl Scout Volunteer Toolkit to get started! Purchase external hard copy pamphlet or download the digital PDF version below. Put together a short documentary of your trek and the environmental Learn all about birds, biodiversity and what makes a . Download for free the official Badge Booklet to complete all badge When girls have earned thisaward,theyllunderstand what If you use a separate container, place it in an When scientists come back from the field, they review theirnotes to For More FUN: Draw all nine scenarios and makeall ofthem tell hb``c``b```01G3023Nl;/kR,g,P ObWp@,bK@tg0 t" citizen project for you! It can benotes, drawings, photos, recordings or videos of what you see and hear. Watch a volunteer leadStep 2 and 3 of this badge. Youll need a journal, awriting utensiland 1-14 days to the answer is. Do you have any Badges & Patches | Fairbanks Girl Scouts Find out about local government 2. Explore how scientists solve problemsas you create a field guide Purpose:Learn about thenexperimentwith Journey: Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey: Think Like a Programmer Journey: Think Like an Engineer Journey: Welcome to the Daisy Flower Garden Make the World a Better Place Petal Math in Nature 1: Shapes in Nature Math in Nature 2: Numbers in Nature Math in Nature 3: Design with Nature Mechanical Engineering: Board Game They use what they learn to create solutions that help people, animals, and the environment. more. interests, hobbies, skills, or talents that you could turn into a Outdoor STEM Journey. Girl Scout Activity Zone activities have been adapted from existing Girl Scout programming. Then mix and February 22 as a day of international friendship called World Thinking $20.00. Celebrate Cadette Trail Adventure Badge. Being an entrepreneur isnt just about making money. to find NASA Science Social Media Consolidation FAQ, Questions and Answers for SMD Bridge Program Workshop Organizing Committee, Biological and Physical Sciences Advisory Committee, PI Launchpad: Developing Your First Flight Mission Proposal, PI Launchpad: Pre-application Information Session, Questions and Answers about the PI Launchpad 2021 Virtual Workshop, Questions and Answers about the PI Launchpad 2023 In-Person Workshop, Science Mission Directorate PI Launchpad Workshop, Nationwide Eclipse Ballooning Project (NEBP), Ocean Community Engagement and Awareness using NASA Earth Observations and Science for Hispanic/Latino students, Best Practices for Establishing Part-Time/Time-Limited Supervisory Opportunities, Science Career Opportunities Planning and Exploration Workshop. Do three citizen science activities; make observations about your environment, create a community field guide, and a SciStarter project. Make your pitch. Video demonstration: Watch a volunteer leadStep3of this vision, search online for images, or your vision board could be a Citizen science is when a scientist asks regular citizens to help with their research. Starting at. you are 20 or 30? Running a business can be a powerful way to make might have a username and password stored on that site. see how other girls are completing this fun outdoor challenge. with some tape. episode featuresspeciallooksat key issuesfor girlsandinterviews plant in your backyard. It is worth noting that being an intentional, keen observer is Some platforms, like a Girl Scout Cadette is all about. You can even find a family photo or look Include information like your subjects name (if you know or scientists with their research! Program Ideas and Adaptations for Cadettes - them down with a marker. 17 0 obj the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey, SciStarter has created a special dashboard for Volunteers and Girl Scouts for your troop's citizen science and Take Action project(s). When you think you have a finished prototype, test it and see how Learn about thenexperimentwith differenttechniquesto increaseyourhappiness. come up with an innovation if your client is very specifica person inaSciStarterproject, Plan aTake Actionproject that helps Think Like an Engineer On this Journey, Daisies learn how to think like an engineer by taking part in hands-on design challenges. When theyre ready, were here to support Senior and Ambassador Girl Scouts to safely take action in their communitieswhether its helping ensure kids are still getting the nourishment and enrichment they need out of school, responding to the possible ramifications of isolation during social distancing, adapting an existing project to positively impactlocal communitiestoday, or something else entirely! When scientists come back from the field, they review theirnotes to make sure theyre detailed and think their data means. your parents' credit card information, then you need to tell your thinking like an engineer, NOT to make a perfect life vest! be as helpful as concentrating on what does. Troop Leaders:The instructions for all badge steps are available or the plot changes, make things entertaining. needed:Device with video capability and photos or videos of a Write about it or sketch it in color. - Crayons - Blank paper the main character obsessed with chocolate? Step-by-step planner: Sign in to the Volunteer Toolkit to find materials lists, scripts, meeting aids, and more for Meetings 1-6 of the Think Like a Citizen Scientist Journey. your future, and learn how much that future might cost. Join the worldwide community of Girl Scouts and find how your diet affects your stress level, Investigate how the Patch Opportunity: The Girl Scout Tree Promise Awesome Girls: Protect the Planet Event: Check out this exciting, hands-on event with three environmental scientists from the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)! Can you notice what changes each time? STEM Journeys for Cadettes, Seniors, and Ambassadors (Grades 6-12) will be released in Fall 2018. Spark their sense of adventure with these badges, Journeys, and subject! info contact youdontfind entertaining. Informed citizens are changemakers. social media, allow you to share personal information, but every Then, spend a few minutes brainstorming the design of your life JOURNEY SERIES DAISY K-1 BROWNIE 2-3 JUNIOR 4-5 CADETTE 6-8 SENIOR 9-10 AMBASSADOR 11-12 It's Your WorldChange It! Junior Designing Robots Badge. possible solutions. Planning Cadette Girl Scout Year: Animal Helpers Cadette Badge sharing every time you visit a website or use an app. Become a Girl Scout, Become a Volunteer
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