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- Fixed House of Horrors quest commentary not triggering, Fixed missing voiceline issue for Serana Husky commentary, Tweaked conditions for Serana's Radiant Hello Greet to trigger. just a recommendation as I like to use this mod in my playthroughs :). The powerful open-source mod manager from Nexus Mods. - Daedric Quest commentary for "A Night to Remember", everyone's favorite The Hangover-style quest in Skyrim. - New Radiant dialogue. - Fixed a bug with the "Determination" dialogue quest trigger. Sneeze/Yawn toggle is now only available she's become cured. (originally fixed in 1.3hotfix update, now consolidated into 1.3.1), - Serana will no longer sneeze as a vampire. - Added in Papyrus log debug messages for the horse feature, to help troubleshoot additional issues. She will react positively to alcohol, flowers, and high value items- but negatively to the rest. Serana now has banter with the Auri follower (Important Update: Due to unforseen circumstances with Merrigan's (voice actor for Auri's) real life stuff, she can't record her Auri lines for now. - Serana now has a map marker, toggle-able through the quest journal. If you have downloaded the Wintersun patch(s) - please re-download the new versions, as they've been edited to reflect this compatibility change as well. For the Dark Brotherhood, Serana will also comment if you chose to destroy them. Big Update! Serana commentary should work, but YMMV, as SDA pretty much assumes you kill Tyranus when prompted. Serana and Sorine (Fort Dawnguard NPC) should have some unique conversations now, starting once Serana first joins the Dawnguard during the "Prophet" quest. - One of Serana's easter egg lines (What a grand and intoxicating innocence) didn't have a cooldown and a rarity condition applied. Anyone who wants to disable and toggle Serana's raise zombie spells will need to download this new patch, and if they use Serana replacers, make their own patches via xEdit. The 'Realistic' option is set by default. - Support for the SexLab animation framework for romance scenes. Serana offers to be the player's friend, to which they can either quickly shun or accept Serana's moves. Therefore, Auri Banter is still in the game, but disabled by default. Bethesda mistakenly marks a lot of common areas as "Dwellings" which made Serana equip her home outfit in these areas. - Serana is no longer dismissed during The Silver Hand quest. - Sofia Banter (Built-into the mod, without requiring the Sofia mod as a Masterfile). Serana will still eventually be attracted to the player (should the player have chosen the romance route) but this will be shown more organically and Serana should come off as less horny and/or player-pandering. - Serana will now be able to give you gifts too! - Serana cooking home-cooked meals for you. Over 160+ new lines! - Added "What's On Your Mind" conversation for Ram Horn Witch to Drinking Buddies, - Papyrus Script Optimizations to reduce Papyrus Log errors, - (Beta to full release) Added in three missing voice lines. - Implementation of NPC Interaction Framework. Big Update! Did it for sure this time. Regardless, Serana will not want to go in that house at any cost because of Molag Bal's history with her family. - Removed vanilla bloodcursed arrows dialogue. Instead of just disabling dialogue, the dialogue added by those mods now still plays, but only during the Dawnguard quests (as to enrich Laura Bailey's voice pool but not creating a jarring experience for the user outside of those quests). Hey everyone! - Fixed College of Winterhold opinion dialogue bug when playing as a Dunmer, - Fixed Serana having vampire dialogue even though she's cured, - Fixed some dialogue bugs with the final Serana Romance quest, - Some love radiant greets ("What is it pretty boy/girl") had the wrong conditions set - they should now only occur if Serana has been romanced. This way, you should almost exclusively hear Laura Bailey's voice lines during Dawnguard quests, and for everything out of those quests, Kerstyn's lines. This was done since a lot of players go there early in Dawnguard - where the relationship mechanic (and its succeeding dialogue) may not have been unlocked yet. - Completely redone Serana "What's your opinion on" dialogue with new lines voiced by the new VA, Kerstyn Unger! Serana now has her own custom horse, which you obtain through a short quest (which can be triggered as early as the Moth Priest hunt). - Fixed some problems with the bed script which caused problems with Serana finding available beds in some inns (notably Old Hroldan Inn and the Winking Skeever). Did not make much sense for Serana's character, even in vanilla- especially when the whole point of the Dawnguard questline was to stop Harkon from blotting out the sun. - Expansion of recap commentary framework to cover vampirism and the Soul Cairn. - Main quest dialogue until "Dragonslayer" (Post Main-Quest dialogue coming later), - Serana commentary on player lycanthropy, - Tweak to dialogue conditions on Serana hurt dialogue. This should add more padding and depth to what already was a pretty natural and organic romance. topic, so as to not clutter up Serana's main dialogue window. It's been improved on the technical level as well so there should be fewer bugs with it. - Reduced frequency of Serana gift-giving. - The seated position also has it's respective and unique drinking animations, using what is already provided in the base-game (not requiring animation frameworks like FNIS or Nemesis). Credits: - rxkx22's Seranaholic mod for the screenshot- Yinkle for the SL patch- Xiderpunk and Ashal for giving permission to use their animation frameworks, as well as Xider for invaluable help with writing the FG detection code and helping me troubleshoot- For all the users in various Discords and the Nexus forums for helping me out with troubleshooting and coding concerns- GuerillaTech for pointing grammar/punctuation/inconsistency errors out for the subtitle fixes- Netherworks and EnaiSiaion for giving me permission to use and tweak their mod assets for SDA patches- Bethesda for making such an amazing game- Kerstyn Unger for lending such an amazing voice to help out with this project. (Professional, Platonic, or Romantic relationship), - However, if the player installs the mod after a particular point in Dawnguard (Unseen Visions) it is automatically assumed that the player and Serana are in a romantic relationship. I originally kept her sneezing (even as a vampire) to help her more relatable and "human" but now it just doesn't make much sense. This feature has also been added to the other quests where you drink with Serana (like the marriage quest and Bannered Mare Date Quest) Now there's more immershun! Again, her friendship timer is started as soon as you meet her for the second time (either in Fort Dawnguard/ Castle Volkihar) and tell her, "So, here we are again. - Backend tweaks for the future implementation of an awesome new feature, allowing Serana's base dialogue animations to change based on her current mood! A lot of the beginning College of Winterhold commentaries don't rely on a strong friendship dynamic anyway, narratively speaking. Some good stuff- primarily the fact that you're now able to romance Serana. Additionally, the entire Dawnguard questline revolves around Seranas blood- and what good does blood circulation and a beating heart do without making the person breathe? This also prevents dialogue from being tabbed out like before- the dialogue should be more continuous now. - Main Quest commentary from Diplomatic Immunity to Elder Knowledge. - Implementation of optional Amorous Adventures patch. Will perhaps get to Volkihar Clan commentary later. - Implementation of Serana commentary recap framework. ), - Added in a disclaimer when the mod is first run (basically saying that the full revoice isn't complete and that there are two Serana voices in the game), - Added a small message shown to the player once Serana is having her emotional breakdown at the Ancestor Glade, - Serana now comments whenever you do killmoves (this was initially a cut feature from a much earlier version of the mod but I was finally able to get it to work). Removed Laura Bailey lines that were only subtitles and didn't have audio. - Fixed sleep functionality for inns. She is the Serana in Laura Bailey's absence. Now instead of just replacing/revoicing vanilla lines, an intelligent script scans to see if the player is actively doing a Dawnguard quest. Fixed kiss scene in Serana Romance, so it occurs automatically instead of needing a manual activate from the player, Cut some lines from the Trust conversation that weren't needed and didn't make thematic sense (the lines where Serana asks for you to start your relationship with her again- from zero). This is to prevent narrative whiplash; like how Serana could comment on your romance when the Archmage just died. Also made sure to make all of them stop while not running. This is based on a real-life study by the University of Kansas (, - Decreased likelihood for romance-related combat lines to occur, - Increased cooldown for radiant greets by 33%, - Now dialogue options that lead to kissing/romance scenes are bluntly indicated (i.e. - Added AlternateVoice flags to dialogue which was previously missing it. - Fixed bug where Nightshade would just randomly teleport to Phoenix. - The Markarth and Morthal conversations were mixed up. Lines were also cut (with past updates and this current one) to make the conversation seem more realistic and less overly dramatic. (See the article here for all the names). (I'm adding this for more immersion, since Serana is a vampire and would need to feed every now and then, but I'm not allowing her to feed on the player. I do this via efficient polling scripts to make sure the spells stay removed and aren't added back by the vanilla Serana leveling script. On the other hand for users who don't have Flower Girls installed, romance scenes will be implemented as fade-to-blacks with appropriate contextual messages. - Added optional Amorous Adventures patch (for both Clean and Flower Girls versions). If Sofia stays with the adventuring party for too long (5 days) Serana gets annoyed and asks her to be dismissed. I recently dicovered that this mod dosent just alters Seranas Dialogue it also makes her A marriable Character too, you can check it for yourselves in this official article : Quest Commentary Awareness at Skyrim Special . If you've been having problems with the quest, this bugfix update should fix it for sure.
Best Serana Mods For Skyrim (All Free) - FandomSpot - Added missing voice lines for final romance quest. Full Quest Commentary from "Dragonborn" to "At The Summit of Apocrypha". For now these are unvoiced. - Note on Jayserpa's newly released mod, House of Horrors - Quest Expansion: Unlike the other House of Horrors edits out there, this mod changes a lot more (particularly at the first stage of the quest). Volkihar side coming later. If she and the player are not in a private location, the player can lead her to one (where the smoochey-smooch will happen). - Added short conversation about Molag Baal. Now Serana should never be lost again! Serana will no longer interrupt you during Amaund's briefing (Dark Brotherhood commentary), Tweaks to Companions, DB, and CoW commentary SM node entries, Tweaks to Serana's other SM commentary node entries as well, so that they only start when Serana is following you and the relevant quest is running (in addition to the existing Friendship and Dawnguard progress variables), The spell magic effect which tracks cell changes is now removed at the end of completing the CoW and DB quests respectively, SDA Silent Teleport is no longer called when it really doesn't need to be (applied to CoW, DB commentaries mainly), SexLab integration fixed, now native to SDA. - A Main Quest dialogue sub-branch was accidentally left under the "Top Level" flag. Over 127 lines with extensive awareness on each quest. Same with the trading dialogue, there are now more responses when she is being asked to wait somewhere. I initially ruled this out for one of the inns (Old Hroldan) due to an issue exclusive to that inn, but it seems the SDA bed detection script could have been optimized even more.
Serana Dialogue Add-On Version 3.3 NOW OUT IN OPEN BETA! - Added condition check for SDA_SeranaRomance4 to not have that conversation occur within the premises of Castle Volkihar, - Added condition check for recap dialogue branch to only occur after Chasing Echoes, - Added some more failsafes to ensure the aliases for the Serana Date quest filled, - Reduced the frequency of some combat lines so they would be less repetitive and annoying, - Improved dialogue body animations for some dialogue lines. - Serana can now ask the player if they're in the mood for lovemaking (every 2 days or so). dialogue topic. - Optional patch for the Wintersun mod, so that it recognizes SDA's custom Serana marriage for Mara, Dibella, and Morwha's religious tenets. - A new romance mini-quest for players who have chosen to elope with Serana. So if she gets lost, or you just need her in a jiffy- Serana can pop right to your location (though, she does get a bit nauseus when teleporting (similar to Geralt from The Witcher games) so do be careful! As of 3.0 and for later updates, Serana Dialogue Add-On will be intended to be an all-encompassing Serana mod, other than editing her vanilla appearance. - Fixed issue of AA records not copying over for the leggings, - Two Civil War Lines re-recorded for lore consistency, - New conversations with Serana implemented, -Serana's vampirism feeding, favorite book, hobbies, commentary after curing her vampirism, -Singing functionality (after prerequisite hobbies conversation completed, she sings The Dragonborn Comes (assuming player has already been formally recognized as such)), - Immersive radiant sound effects: While exploring, Serana will tend to sneeze, hum, and/or cough every so often. 3. This will be enabled when 3.0 is released.). You can now ask Serana to sleep in any bed that is player-owned/unowned, considering there's one nearby. The dialogue lines in this mod (nearly 5000) are all fully voiced, utilizing new voice-acted lines by Kerstyn Unger. - Fixed custom greet loop with the "Arthon" name. Serana Dialogue Add-On is highly acclaimed and also featured in Forbes magazine. This should help with the VA disparity and greatly improve overall user experience. - The SeranaSLTrigger script now uses the SetStrip() function, identical with the LE version. The most ambitious feature of this mod yet, and will require an entire update for itself. - The RP conversations (from v1.7 onwards) were restructured as to not initially overwhelm the player dialogue choice list. ), - Serana should no longer radiant greet you while you are sneaking, - Tweaked some dialogue flags for radiant lines, disabling "Say Once" so they could be said more often, - Serana will no longer yawn or sneeze while sneaking, - Added condition checks to some dialogue to fix some consistency issues, - Increased dialogue priority for some Serana Romance Quest starting topics, - Added condition checks to role-play and other dialogue to not occur while sneaking, - Role-play dialogue (excluding What's On Your Mind) will no longer be available while dungeon-delving, - Removed old, redundant records from the early MQ implementations; no longer needed as they've been overwritten by the new MQ content, - Retroactively added some new features to the mod (disabled for now) for future updates, - Regenerated lip files for some voice lines where Serana's mouth didn't move, but the voice audio played, - Corrected Heightspace Data to be compatible with Unofficial Skyrim Patches changes, - Removed unnecessary voice files that weren't used by the mod. Serana should now properly wait when being asked to wait. Again, to rectify this just stand still or move in her direction. Even vampires need some shut-eye every now and then. All the assets in this file belong to the author, or are from free-to-use modder's resources, You are not allowed to upload this file to other sites under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to modify my files to improve it, You are not allowed to convert this file to work on other games under any circumstances, You must get permission from me before you are allowed to use any of the assets in this file, Asset use permission in mods/files that are being sold, You are not allowed to use assets from this file in any mods/files that are being sold, for money, on Steam Workshop or other platforms, Asset use permission in mods/files that earn donation points, You are not allowed to earn Donation Points for your mods if they use my assets, Serana Dialogue Add-On Simplified Chinese Translation, Serana Dialogue Addon - version francaise, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Russian Translation SE, Serana Dialogue Add-On - TRADUZIONE ITALIANA, Serana Dialogue Add-On SE - Russian Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On Turkish Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On - spolszczenie (polish translation), Serana Dialogue Add-On -Translation Brazilian Portuguese - PT-BR - Version 3.2.1, Serana Dialogue Add-On Traditional Chinese Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On SE - Traducao PT-BR, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Spanish (Voces y Textos), Serana Dialog Add-on - Polish Translation, Serana Dialogue Add-On - Czech Translation. - Added conditions to some combat dialogue to ensure they won't fire off unless Serana has warmed up to you a bit. Page 2 of 2 - About Serana Dialogue Add-on Mod - posted in Skyrim Special Edition Discussion: This question is best asked on the Serana Dialogue Add-On page here at the Nexus. - Fixed conditions for Skuldafn commentary, - Sofia should no longer speak to Serana while she is unconscious in the Whiterun stables (this, although rare, sometimes happened in my own testing), - Serana and Jarl Balgruuf should no longer talk to each other while each of them are in separate dialogue scenes, - Previous messageboxes that set up the "Trust" conversation were removed, as they detracted from the role-play experience. - Patch release. - Initial patch release. ", or "What's on Your Mind? - Serana now has some flavorful comments on Haelga's room in her Bunkhouse! - March of the Dead. - Added conditions for a bunch of other dialogue lines (with sexual jokes, such as Haelga Bunkhouse Commentary, Real Barenziah convo) to only occur until after the player has completed Dawnguard, - Fixed Talen-Jei NPC banter (new save required for fix, OR type startquest SDA_TalenJeiBanter in the console), - Deleted some lines with first romance conversation which kind of felt out of place for Serana's character, - Conditioned a lot of Inigo banter to only occur until later on in DG/the player and her relationship, - Serana will no longer sleep with the player until their relationship has reached a high level. - Added commentary on dragons returning. - Despite the Thieves Guild questline being railroadey, the player will still be able to roleplay extensively with Serana. - Serana's Necklace of Vivacity now has custom meshes and textures! It seems to cause more problems and confusion than it's worth. Also, the Snuggly Serana mod is now rendered obsolete and incompatible with the release of the Campfire patch). This has since been conditioned to occur after her initial confession of feelings, should the player have gone the romance route. I'm sure some of you have noticed the updated SDA file available on bethnet. NFF has two conflicting script files, just make sure SDA's overwrites. - Renamed an SDA test cell for compatibility with the Umbra Creation Club mod. Just make sure you talk with her while in that same room, with that bed already rented. LL version still to come. - House of Horrors commentary || Same as the above "Silver Hand" advice. - "Let's call it a day" dialogue was unecessarily set to random, even though it shouldn't be. - Changed it so the negative response in the first romance conversation never truly cancels out romance. - Disabled Serana Romance as a requirement for the Kindred Judgement conversation, as it also works thematically for a platonic relationship, - Tweaked some conditions on radiant hello lines to be more thematically in line with Serana's character development throughout Dawnguard, - Fixed some issues with OStim integration. - This bugfix release also incorporates all the fixes of the past hotfix releases (, and some of the code of the hotfix file that was uploaded today), - Fixed seated animations for some Drinking Buddies drinks, - Fixed an issue where Serana would incorrectly refer to you as a female if your character was a male, with one of her radiant romance greets. This is to help iron out the writing quality of the mod overall, and make it generally fit in better with Serana's vanilla depiction in Dawnguard. The "Trust" conversation is gated behind the Serana Romance as this is a very personal topic that more thematically makes sense with the Serana Romance friendship/lover development. No patch plugin needed, SDA should automatically detect when you have said mod installed and Serana is wearing the Ram Horn cuirass. Gone are the days of Serana using stuff you don't want her to use! Go to Whiterun to start :) Upon completing the quest, players get a sweet reward, which should be quite useful in gameplay! - Fixed xEdit script property Warning Message (was previously harmless though). - A bunch of dialogue conditions fixes, to have more conversations fire correctly and as intended. Too much was cut that some parts of the conversation didn't make any sense. Dubbed Serana's Charm, this increases the player's speech skill whenever Serana is nearby (This is only available on saves which have not gotten past the point when she first romances you). These spells are leveled, so as Serana levels up she will gain access to more powerful variants of these spells. This quest can be triggered after the Bannered Mare Date and the subsequent friendship conversation. - Improved other dialogue conditions for Companions quest commentary. (It's easier to manage compared to four separate mod pages). But you can take it to the next level with this dialogue add-on. If that doesn't work, then type "stopquest SDA_FollowerBanter" in the console, followed by "startquest" for that same quest entry. 2. Tweaked some of Serana's forcegreet packages (mostly in Serana Romance), for her to run faster towards the player and for them to trigger and longer distances. - Added one line to "What's on Your Mind?" 50% of the full revoice is now covered. Incorporated Serana Hood Fix by thetrader, with modifications by me. - While drinking (if in third person) the player will now also play the appropriate drinking animations. The horse will also follow/teleport to her when it has gotten too far, so no need to worry about horse catch-ups.