At first glance hes a bear of a man, serious and a little gruff. Jim Ford has been a resident of Shepherdstown for nearly two decades, and upon this most recent reelection, is enjoying a seventh term on the council. In numerous other states, the governor didnt have sole authority over the CARES Act spending, according to the National Conference of State Legislatures. All Rights Reserved. The economic stimulus bill included not only money for local governments but also billions of dollars in direct relief for West Virginia. "Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. 129 E. German St. Suggested donation: $4.00 per person. But we have a mayor who is working tirelessly to keep all town employees on the job and maintain the cleanliness and services of the town. Roger & Anne Munro Among seven candidates vying for the five at-large town council seats, Cheryl Roberts received 229 votes, followed by Chris Stroech (187), Marty Amerikaner (186), Jenny Haynes (176) and Jim Ford (156). The damage to the rear wall extends to the roofline. ), swims with FAST (Frederick Area Swim Team) and is an AP scholar to boot, Joselyns been fielding calls from some big name colleges in New England. The documented incident took place after the Dec. 6 attack. Mary J.C. Hendrix First elected in 2008, Jim's leadership has since worked to maintain the town's status as a crown jewel of West Virginia. We, and our neighbors, have been witness to an amazing spring ritual in recent years. Pam Miller Stroech has a history of participating on various town committees, and feels it has prepared him to help shape discussions and identify needsoften in order to delegate to proper committees and task forces. Kelch had a reverse mortgage on the property and had filed for bankruptcy. Robertson was uncontested in the race, winning with 236 votes. The new funds can be used for water and sewer projects, broadband and to backfill lost revenue, all of which Auxer is interested in doing with the money. We now have opportunities to better communicate various services to you, whether via a message on your bill or an additional insert that comes as part of your billing statement. Kelch died in August 2015. Thank you for your cooperation as we move forward in this trying time. Frank C. Joe Khare, Jr. & Cheryl A. We must do our part to help flatten the curve. Now, more then ever before, every town across America needs and deserves a leader who puts the welfare, safety and best interests of its people above all else. He has nothing but praise for Meredith Wait, president of the SBA, and Dr. Suzanne Shipley for willingly and regularly sitting down with him to bring Shepherd University, the business community and the town government all under one tent for the betterment of Shepherdstown. Jefferson County Historical Society Itll allow us to move forward more quickly with things we want to do.. Dick & Judy Pharr Marc & Judith Briod Some of the Canada geese who All cultures believe in the sanctity and necessity of water. Auxer said he is proud the town is the first to make the change and that he wants the town to be a trendsetter. Kelly Allen, executive director of the West Virginia Center on Budget and Policy, said most of the remaining money is planned to go toward compensating the states unemployment trust fund Justice has said this will later reduce taxes on businesses that typically fund unemployment benefits and to pay off a loan the state had taken from the U.S. Department of Labor during the pandemic to keep the trust fund solvent. She considers it an honor and a responsibility to keep Shepherdstown a safe, lively, community-driven place for all. Jim finds it difficult to even think about her leaving and said wistfully as most parents do at this time. He supports town events, school events, and goes to ALL Rams football games. He said people living in some of the rural parts of the area struggle with getting fast internet speeds. A council member for the past four years, Roberts is committed to ensuring that all town residents are informed, treated fairly, and feel included, and that safety and health is consistent priorityboth during the pandemic and beyond. PROFILE: No job too small for Shepherdstown's mayor The fair Joselyn is in Jefferson High School Class of 2010. Susan Mitchell The lad loved football but he also loved history, and Shepherdstown was a great recruiting tool. Susan Loonsk Edward Trainor It's Christmastime in Shepherdstown - The Corporation Of Shepherdstown, under the management of Mayor Jim Auxer, was awarded the 2011 Preservation Award for their continued support of The Historic Entler Hotel Building. Roy Winkel, Jennifer Allen Stephen & Rebecca Ayraud Ann Saalbach Karen Kiaer Sara Smith Preservation Awards - Historic Shepherdstown Posted in Uncategorized. Wayne Goodrich & Donna Bertazzoni Robert Fairbaugh In Mayor Jim Auxer, Shepherdstown has such a leader. Jim Justice took sole control of the funds. They became involved, enjoyed my friends and my friends families. Auxer, who has served as Shepherdstown's mayor since 2008, was first elected to the post in 2000 and then reelected for a second two-year term in 2002. I think this is a once-in-a-lifetime impact, said Travis Blosser, executive director of the West Virginia Municipal League, an association of the states cities, towns and villages. Upton & Ann Martin It is a time to celebrate the rich histories, diverse . William Bromley Well, imagine no more for that mayor actually exists and he's Jim Auxer of Shepherdstown. Judith Ford Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer said he is happy people are pleased with the decision and that he supported the change because he believed it would be a positive one. Austin & Carmen Slater Meg Spurlin Auxer believes this will also help tourism of the city. While incumbent mayor Jim Auxer retained his officealong with town recorder, Lori Robertsontown council members Cheryl Roberts and Jim Ford won reelection, and were joined by newcomers Jenny Haynes, Marty Amerikaner, and Chris Stroech. Jane McSwain It was recommended the library's rear and right walls should be shored up on the first and second floors inside of the library. My friends loved them and still go to see my mom. Jims high school buddies dont just make a pass-by at Ruth Auxers either. The Shepherdstown community often comes together for the common good. In 1972 Jim finally got an opportunity to work in the major league of tough cases when he became a counselor at Camp Hill State Prison in Harrisburg. Eventually he had responsibility for 250 inmates and 70 officers at Camp Hill. He says hes always been proud of the way his office has managed the towns financesespecially during COVID. Both water and power were disconnected and the area surrounding the building was cordoned off for safety. Now we must separate for the common good. The new format also includes a graph showing water usage so that you will be able to monitor your water consumption. At the end of the voting day on July 21, and after a few hours of counting, Auxer was reelected as mayor by a margin of 184 votes., Mozilla/5.0 (Macintosh; Intel Mac OS X 10_15_7) AppleWebKit/605.1.15 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/15.5 Safari/605.1.15. They dont have to spend all the money right now, Piercy said. My mom is the nicest and best person I know.. West Virginia received. Incumbent Town Recorder Lori Robertson, who was unopposed in the election, received 236 votes. Were a close family., Back to 1999 After 28 years at Camp Hill State Prison, Jim decided it was time to go and joined the staff of Eastern Regional Jail as Vice President of Prime Care. Shepherdstown Municipal Election candidates talk term plans Denver & Wendy Beckner Jill Craig 129 E. German Street(corner of German and Princess Streets)Shepherdstown, WV, P.O. Town Run, the stream that runs through downtown Shepherdstown, powered the mill. Shepherdstown is lucky to have him. Jim does not minimize this experience, nor does he exaggerate. SHEPHERDSTOWN, W.Va. Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer was elected to another two-year term in Tuesday's municipal election, defeating challenger Todd Cotgreave, according to unofficial results. Dear Valued Corporation of Shepherdstown Customer: Beginning November 1, you will notice multiple changes with your new monthly utility bill. Though Jim has had little time to ride lately, Bernie at 28 is still around, just not in the New Street house. The force pushed out the wall on the right side of the building. But theres a lot of pressure for local governments to get it right. And because shes a JHS champion swimmer (She holds records for the butterfly and had the best time in the area last year. Lori Simmons Arthur James Jim Auxer III She is a Witness Ministry leader at Asbury United Methodist Church, an Active Life Member of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc., is the newly-elected president of the Shepherdstown Lions Club, sits on the board of the Shepherd University Athletic Club, and is a Life Member of the NAACP. Sign up to receive updates on Shepherdstown events and more. Mayor Jim Auxer, Corp. of Shepherdstown Stephen & Rebecca Ayraud Thomas Banks Dennis Barron John Bresland & Beth Batdorf M.S. 304.876.0910 Donald & Dorrene Hale All Rights Reserved. Lets kind of take a step back and look at what some of our common goals are.. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that." You can pay your bill at Town Hall located at 104 North King Street (in person or using the dropbox), online at, or by phone at 304-318-8590. Meredith Wait James Maddy James & Mary Holland That kind of collaboration can be seen in Jefferson County. Matthew & Claudia Dressler Shepherdstown mayor debunks COVID-19 rumor - Journal-news He looks at his role on the council as a service to the community he loves and an opportunity to listen, and then listen some more. We will provide updates as information is received. Hes also been a member of the Water Board since 2012. "We'll get through it.". In Mayor Jim Auxer, Shepherdstown has such a leader. Alan & Jane Levitan, Al & Sara Lueck In 2000 Jim Auxer decided to run for mayor of Shepherdstown. And the small Eastern Panhandle town is about to receive a lot more federal relief funds $800,000 through the American Rescue Plan. SHEPHERDSTOWN Shepherdstown Mayor Jim Auxer said he shed a "little tear," when he heard the news that Shepherd University's former president, Suzanne Shipley, created a $50,000 endowment fund in his honor. In 1969 he graduated with a BA in History and Elementary Education (with an emphasis on Physical Education). Tabitha Johnston SHEPHERDSTOWN The town of Shepherdstown received an unexpected Christmas gift last month, from Bethesda, Md.-based organization Alley Cat Allies. Larry Dean & Mina Goodrich Within his tenure, Auxer takes particular pride in his commitment to Shepherdstowns ever-evolving infrastructure, small-business needs, water and sanitation, tourism, and the many ongoing beautification projects that keep the downtown area both attractive and engaging. The 80s had brought all kinds of change for Jim Auxer. James Broomall & Tish Wiggs Gaylen & Karen Johnson Hes the recipient of awards and honors such as 2009 SU Alumni of the Year and takes it all in with humility. Brown John & Terri Griffith Matthew Merkle & Katherine Hall Meyer Family Trust Peter & Victoria Smith Benefactor $500 - $999 Frank & Wilma Coe Frederic & Anne D'Alauro William Drennen, Jr. The insurance company was contacted and provided with reports and photographs of the damage. [emailprotected], Marriages and Deaths in the Shepherdstown Register, 1849-1850. "Shepherdstown is a great place," said Auxer, who lauded the community's spirit and residents' care for one another. Tom Mayes & Rod Glover First elected in 2008, Jims leadership has since worked to maintain the towns status as a crown jewel of West Virginia. Adam & Shannon Thomas Although the U.S. Treasury has released interim guidance on how to use the funds, the rules havent been finalized yet.,, 2020 Election Produces Both New and Familiar Faces. Now at Shepherd College football was big, the school could pick and choose. Stephanie Unger When you lead you have to be willing to show your people youre willing to do what they have to do. As for the real need to be thereThese men need counseling at Christmas more than any other time. Here is a picture of a true leader. The town councils plan for the mill was to turn it into a facility to promote arts, culture and general community use. The Auxers got involved in scouting where Jim was a Life Scout: Order of the Arrow and he remembers camping and trips to Dewey Beach, Del. Ben Miller Fran Brolle Elisabeth Staro Incumbent councilwoman Deb Tucker received 96 votes and challenger Corinne Airgood received 102 votes, according to unofficial results. He had been noticed on the football field and several colleges were interested but when it came time to choose, he chose Shepherd College. Frederic & Anne DAlauro, Erdem & Joan Ergin Rie Wilson Jack Kendall & James Puglisi Jim & Mary Clare Eros Chazz & Donna Printz Auxer said Shepherdstown officials are talking with the county and neighboring municipalities about ways to use the funds for broadband projects. Bedinger Kent Shaffer & Mary Bell Edwinna Bernat Samuel Billmyer David & Rosalind Black Martin Burke & Barbara Spicher James Cain & Karen Meyer-Cain Bill Carrigan Ann Christy Betsy Coffey William Conner Jill Craig Unlike the CARES Act money, which initially came with a December 2020 deadline which has since been extended communities have until the end of 2024 to commit the American Rescue Plan funds and until the end of 2026 to spend the money. In addition, with President Joe Bidens infrastructure plan still a possibility, some governments dont want to commit dollars yet with more federal money possibly in play for certain projects. "I am honored and humbled to be the mayor of Shepherdstown," [] SHEPHERDSTOWN Despite a rumor circulating that a case of COVID-19, otherwise known as the coronavirus, was confirmed in Shepherdstown over the weekend, Mayor Jim Auxer quickly debunked the story with a statement on the town's website Sunday evening. Shepherdstown received around $250,000 in CARES Act funds, according to the state auditors office. Today, however, with a pandemic laying waste to many towns, Shepherdstown is also feeling the pain. Proving once again the apple doesnt fall very far from the tree. Jim Auxer: A quiet leader - Shepherdstown Chronicle John & Hope Snyder He was the older of Ruth and Arthurs two sons. Frank & Annette van Hilst Copyright Shepherdstown Chronicle | | 123C S. Duke Street, Shepherdstown, WV 25443 | 304-876-3380. Kathy Sholl There is significant damage to the right rear corner and right rear side of the building. He was also the football coach at Broadrun High School where he worked with Shepherd alumni: Lynn Carr and Ronnie Pyles. Jim Auxer is an interesting guy. Thats what I do. Butit was Dawn who drove her to practice at the crack of dawn and to swim meets around the state every weekend. Today the outside wall was shored up for added stability. John & Helen Burns Lou Cox Colin & Sonia Heijne Public comments will be accepted until July 16. The area around the library is taped off including the streets on both sides of the library. I think Dawn was hoping I offer to do the work for her, Jim laughed. This area will remain closed until repairs are completed. There was a riot in 1989 though that he wouldnt discuss. Your IP address is listed in our blacklist and blocked from completing this request. More than $589 million was unspent as of Monday, according to the state auditors office. Timony & Susan Sheehan Posted in Uncategorized. He was appointed executor of the will of Patrinka Kelch, owner of the mill. John Bresland & Beth Batdorf EMAIL US. Winds light and variable. What they decide could have big implications for West Virginia and its future. Upon approval of repairs from the insurance company, a firm was contacted to evaluate the damage and provide a plan for the repairs. Shepherdstown mayor reelected If you have any questions after reviewing your bill, please do not hesitate to call the Shepherdstown Water Business Office at 304-876-2574. By Douglas Soule Mountain State Spotlight, Amazing Grace hits game-winner, sends Summers to state tournament (With Gallery), Maiolo approved as new Woodrow softball coach, Woodrow, Indy, West all in top five in Huntington (WITH GALLERY), Section title in hand, Shady moves on to Region 3 co-final, Woodrow Wilson students perform "The Little Mermaid". The mill was listed for sale in November for $725,000. Morning clouds will give way to sunshine for the afternoon. "No one thought I was going to win." Well he did win and began immediately working on Shepherdstown infrastructure. Grove & Dallolio Architects One fine day, Dawn Fye, an eye-catching resident in the Harrisburg neighborhood was out renovating her home. Local governments in West Virginia are receiving a collective $679 million in American Rescue Plan money. Ralph & Marsha Scorza Now the top of the list is broadband and then water and sewer.. Bob & Linda Reynolds Eleanor Finn EMAIL US. Linda Kelso Information regarding the COVID-19 can also be found on the Town's website and Facebook page. Sandy Brown When Auxer began to falter, Shepherdstown businessman Kenneth Lowe leaned over and offered him $5,000 to keep going, but even that failed to stop Spaur. SHEPHERDSTOWN This Tuesday from 6:30 a.m. to 7:30 p.m, the polls in Town Hall will be ready for Corporation of Shepherdstown residents to vote in the 2022 Municipal Election. Sue Kennedy is a former public relations executive and Emmy Award winning screenplay writer. SHPO (State Historic Preservation Office) was contacted as the Market House is on the historic register so the damage can be documented. John Allen, Jr. Betsy Coffey
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