You can call the County of Santa Clara Social Service Agency (SSA) to apply by phone or have an application mailed to you. Regulations. 0000002588 00000 n 0000003953 00000 n There are multiple ways to connect with DPSS for new households to apply: CALL:1.408.758.3800to apply by phone,CLICK: to apply online, orIN PERSON: Locate your local county office here. 0000007380 00000 n 0000005518 00000 n Semi-Annual Reporting Requirements 24.1 Semi-Annual Reporting (SAR) Households As a result of Senate Bill (SB) 79, California eliminated Change Reporting and all CalFresh households . 0000166751 00000 n The value of non-exempt resources shall be its equity value, which is the fair market value less encumbrances. 0000009032 00000 n Are children under 18 years of age who are qualified and lawfully-admitted for permanent residence . CalFresh Food is California's name for the federal food program called Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) that used to be known as Food Stamps. 0000167441 00000 n U.S. Department of Agricultures (USDA) Thrifty Food Plan. 0000169245 00000 n San Jose, CA 95122. Households will receive their regular CalFresh benefit allotment amount beginning April 2023 as long as they remain eligible. 0000075679 00000 n 0000009018 00000 n 0000006475 00000 n 0000168305 00000 n 1775 Story Road. 0000137387 00000 n 0000005653 00000 n Any countable resource will be added to the household's resource limit when making an eligibility determination. 63-509 0000008852 00000 n Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. San Bernardino County Handbook Calfresh Landlord and Tenant Issues LawHelpCA org. 0000009526 00000 n New Analysis Full CalFresh Participation in San. The applicant must live in the state of California and must apply in their county of residence. This amounts to about 100,000 people (60,000 people in Santa Clara County and over 40,000 people in San Mateo County) 63-04.05 Student Eligibility: CalFresh 13. PDF CalFresh (SNAP/Food Stamp) Toolkit & Resource Guide CalFresh . These households are required to report within 10 days from the date of a change in writing, verbally or in person. 0000168081 00000 n Available in English, Spanish, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Russian. 0000160700 00000 n If the homeless shelter allowance is used, separate utility costs are not allowed because the homeless shelter allowance includes a utility component. CalFresh 14. CalFresh Santa Clara County (2023 Guide) - California Food Stamps Help 0000160624 00000 n 0000004741 00000 n Additionally, we will review the CalFresh renewal process in Santa Clara County and what you need to know to successfully complete SAR 7 or recertification. 0000007228 00000 n Agency, Electronic Benefit Transfer (EBT) Card Information, Women, Infants and Children Nutrition At this time this work rule is waived in all counties until at least June 30, 2023, and you do not need to meet it. Here are the categories of people who live in the state of California that are eligible for CalFresh: Heres what you need to apply for CalFresh: Applicants must provide proof of their identity to show that they are the person they claim to be. 0000166271 00000 n 0000172019 00000 n 0000010913 00000 n 0000171895 00000 n 0000008575 00000 n CalFresh Benefits Helpline 0000134141 00000 n In order to keep your CalFresh benefits in Santa Clara County, there are four requirements you have to meet each year. This CalFresh Program is known as the California Food Assistance Program (CFAP). 0000154697 00000 n Once approved monthly benefits are provided on an Electronic Benefits Transfer (EBT) card that works just like a bank debit card to buy food at most grocery stores and markets (including some Farmers Markets). Your county worker will tell you if you have to meet this work rule. If you have questions or problems with your CalFresh benefits, contact your county social services agency. EN. 0000164497 00000 n 0000166293 00000 n 0000162514 00000 n 0000132985 00000 n 0000101509 00000 n 0000155911 00000 n More information can be found in the Federal Non-Citizen Guide . Verifications for CalFresh . For info on how to complete watch YouTube video, SCCSSADEBS (@sccssadebs) October 1, 2021. 0000006113 00000 n Santa Clara County Calfresh Handbook On 06/02/04, the ew contacts the other county and is advised the Here is the number to call: Current nfl players from delaware;. About SCCGOV. Each Additional You do not have to meet this work rule if it is waived in your county. Help Buying Groceries (CalFresh Food) - County of Santa Clara Santa Clara County Calfresh Handbook - 0000008222 00000 n As you will see below, the table shows the specific date each renewal process has to be completed based on the date of your initial application for CalFresh. CalFresh assists low-income individuals and households to purchase nutritional food. 0000008769 00000 n 0000005515 00000 n Deductions are allowable expenses that can be subtracted from the households monthly gross income to arrive at the net monthly income. 0000011317 00000 n As a result, the Santa Clara County cities and towns listed below have adjusted their minimum wage effective January 1, 2023; with the exception of the City of 0000009183 00000 n 0000168615 00000 n Students. 0000004768 00000 n A resource is something the household can draw upon or sell for financial assistance. 0000162972 00000 n 0000007358 00000 n 0000171473 00000 n 0000171727 00000 n 0000154094 00000 n 63-1436 - Food Stamp Manual. 0000170719 00000 n CalFresh Charts. 0000165667 00000 n 0000147020 00000 n 0000167739 00000 n 0000005948 00000 n Here are the most frequently asked questions about CalFresh in Santa Clara County. 0000145807 00000 n 0000159776 00000 n 0000171641 00000 n We hope this post on CalFresh Santa Clara County was helpful. CalFresh Handbook - County of Santa Clara - 0000129733 00000 n 0000003775 00000 n trailer Disclaimer: iCalifornia Food Stampsis not associated with a government agency. For more information and resourcesvisit the CalFresh Program website. If they also have a member who has a disability or who is 60 years of age or older, the resource limit is $3,750. 0000172141 00000 n 0000007524 00000 n 0000005568 00000 n Click here to locate an office near you. CalFresh Handbook Application 3 Application. 0000149209 00000 n Yes. 0000007109 00000 n xref CalFresh 19. In Santa Clara County, people authorized to receive CalFresh benefits can buy food by using the EBT (Electronic Benefits Transfer)/ Food Stamps card at a grocery store and some farmers' markets in the county. 2.1 CalFresh Program Monthly Allotment and Income . 0000013656 00000 n Households will receive their regular CalFresh benefit allotment amount beginning April 2023 as long as they remain eligible. Households may report , during the certification period, any change that could increase benefits, such as a job loss or increased shelter expenses. 0000007643 00000 n 0000009347 00000 n 0000144622 00000 n 0000169049 00000 n 0000146646 00000 n 0000134264 00000 n 0000005178 00000 n 0000005672 00000 n 0000007892 00000 n following month, provided that employment is expected to be 20 hours per week. 0000005983 00000 n CalFresh Food is a nutrition program for California residents with low income that increases your food budget. 0000010606 00000 n 0000007975 00000 n Pepper Crop Production in Sensitive Environments Santa Clara County from Are receiving disability-related assistance or benefits, regardless of entry date, or. 0000009179 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % 0000003774 00000 n 0000004187 00000 n County of Santa Clara CalFresh Policy Handbook ; Report a problem on this page . 5 5,174 0000167629 00000 n 0000005177 00000 n We will first explain the recertification process, then we will explain how you can complete the process online. 0000147208 00000 n The current allowance is $487 (effective 10/1/21). 0000048259 00000 n 0000005140 00000 n 0000162690 00000 n 0000167877 00000 n 0000155809 00000 n If your household has a person who is 60 or older or disabled, only the net income limit must be met. 0000003693 00000 n 1-877-847-3663 0000169455 00000 n Regulation and Policy Handbooks. If the household passes the gross income test, then the net income test is computed. 0000006196 00000 n 2022 New Rhino, LLC. Eligible locations will display the Restaurant Meals sign (pictured below). 0000006229 00000 n The Santa Clara County Healthy Food Incentive Grocery Project -- also known as Double Up Food Bucks California -- helps families overcome that barrier. Net income is computed by deducting the following, if applicable, from gross income. 0000004646 00000 n The following regulations contain the CDSS Manual of Policies and Procedures. The resultant amount cannot exceed 100% of the FPL. 0000148303 00000 n 0000008468 00000 n Sign, fax and printable from PC, iPad, tablet or mobile with pdfFiller Instantly. 0000171023 00000 n 0000008050 00000 n 0000008935 00000 n Most CalFresh households are subject to a gross income determination test. QA Corner. Currently, there are many restaurants that accept EBT Cards in Santa Clara County, California. Follow the instructions and enter your 4-digit EBT Card PIN to complete your purchase. 0000161660 00000 n We will walk you through how to sign up for a MyBenefits CalWIN account or log in to your account if you already have done. Submit a damage estimate report from the recent Winter Storms that occurred between Dec. 27, 2022 - Jan. 31, 2023. 0000004850 00000 n Also, even if you cant get CalFresh benefits for yourself, other members of your household may be eligible. 0000156181 00000 n 0000148654 00000 n However, this must be computed on a case-by-case basis. 4 4,418 Food Stamp Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), Sec 63-504 (Cont) thru 0000141006 00000 n CalWORKs Eligibility Handbook (Effective June 2020) Personal Assisted Employment Services (PAES) Manual (Effective August 2018) Welfare to Work Handbook (Effective March 2020) Found . 0000004988 00000 n 0000009429 00000 n A standard deduction of $225 for a household with 5 members. 0000165628 00000 n 0000129195 00000 n 0000007311 00000 n Heres how: Apply in person at your County SSA office. CalFresh Handbook Reference Guides. However, households with an elderly or disabled person must have assets of $3,500 or less. DUE 10/5: Dont forget to submit your #CalFresh, #GeneralAssistance and #CalWORKs Semi Annual Report (SAR7). Cost of childcare when needed to work, seek work or attend training for work. 0000156319 00000 n In Santa Clara County, where over 1,500 people are signing up every month for CalFresh, a temporary 15 percent increase in CalFresh benefits will be available until June 30. 1799 94 0000007192 00000 n 0000005260 00000 n You will know by mail whether you will keep receiving CalFresh benefits, what your benefit amount will be, and if there are any other changes. CF 215 (9/14) - CalFresh Notification Of Inter-County Transfer. PDF San Bernardino County Handbook Calfresh Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese (pending). - 5154 0 obj <>stream Over the last 36 years, the Chronicle Season of Sharing Fund has distributed more than $179 million to help individuals and families in need. 0000005797 00000 n Santa Clara County Calfresh Handbook - Fill Online, Printable, Fillable Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-400, Sec 63-406 thru 63-411 - Food Be sure to check out our other articles about CalFresh and CalFresh EBT, including: Our website is dedicated to helping low-income California households improve their financial well-being and quality of life. Vendor Payments Money paid to a third party for a household expense by a person or organization outside of the household. 3 3,660 CalWORKs Handbook Index CalWORKs Handbook Table of Contents (Chapter 1: Reserved for future use) Chapter 2: Application Chapter 3: Beginning Date of Aid Chapter 4: Adding a Person to the AU Chapter 5: Applicant/Agency Responsibility Chapter 6: Immediate Need Chapter 7: Social Security Numbers Chapter 8: Redeterminations Chapter 9: Reporting . 0000163748 00000 n The table below shows the maximum CalFresh benefits for households with zero income. Telephone Utility Allowance (TUA) - A household that is not eligible for the SUA or LUA but incurs a telephone expense or in its absence an equivalent form of communication, is eligible to receive a telephone deduction. 0000005901 00000 n trailer 0000007441 00000 n Or you can file online at the Website . 0000060634 00000 n For more program information and locations visit: Santa Clara County CalFresh Employment & Training. 0000129136 00000 n 0000004023 00000 n The household is receiving CalFresh only. CalFresh Eligibility Public Counsel. 0000045471 00000 n To locate an SSA office near you, click here. 0000137303 00000 n 0000006393 00000 n 0000154533 00000 n CalFresh Regulations - California Department of Social Services 0000129285 00000 n %PDF-1.6 % You may be given the chance to volunteer to participate in order to help you prepare to find work or go to school. Name English Espaol Ting Vit . CalFresh (CDSS website): ACL/ACIN/ACWDL/etc CalFresh Regulations. 0000128425 00000 n 0000008304 00000 n All inquiries will be answered within 2 business days. The next step in the recertification process is to attend your interview on the appointed date. CalFresh Info Line 1-877-847-3663. According to California Food Policy Advocates, only 51% of those in Santa Clara County, and 20% of those in San Mateo County who are income-eligible for food stamps are participating in the program. Find your county office contact. 0000005818 00000 n san bernardino county handbook calfresh Bing Just PDF. California Food Assistance Program (CFAP), Able-Bodied Adults Without Dependents (ABAWDs), Early Issuance of February CalFresh Benefits. 0000006821 00000 n 0000005983 00000 n 0000008386 00000 n The CalFresh Program is Californias version of the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program or SNAP and formerly known as Food Stamps. PDF 2. CalFresh Charts - Santa Clara County, California Available in English, Spanish, and Chinese (pending). Any food marketed to be heated in the store. Identity may be verified through a variety of documents, including but not limited to. 1691 62 0000118969 00000 n Follow the instructions below for help logging in MyBenefits CalWIN online account. Stamp 0000006426 00000 n 0000008686 00000 n 0000169193 00000 n The maximum gross allowed is 200% of the Federal poverty level (FPL). 0000003447 00000 n 0000005653 00000 n Beginning June 1, 2019, recipients of SSI/SSP benefits may be eligible for CalFresh Food benefits for the first time! Standard deduction of $258 for a household with 6 or more members. 0000003015 00000 n 0000133687 00000 n Manual, Div 63, Chap 63-500 (Cont), Sec 63-503 - Food Stamp 0000005782 00000 n 0000165687 00000 n 0000172339 00000 n 0000006564 00000 n 0000140424 00000 n The CDSS will regularly post updates regarding CalFresh's response to disasters such as wildfires, earthquakes, and severe storms on this webpage. 0000165995 00000 n CalFresh benefits expand as food insecurity continues in Silicon Valley Agencies & Departments - Official Website - County of Santa Clara In Santa Clara County, the CalFresh program is managed by the County of Santa ClaraSocial Service Agency (SSA).
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