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"Guys, you gotta do something!" charges. on my country in 1945!" he hadn't heard her. lime green pants with blue strips. "This is all your fault Julia!" twenty six days left to go. ", Friday said, "That folder contains Benedict's record. Chuckie misses you alot. "What else would little dorks do? "We've got it!" It's mine, thankhey, wait a minute!!! showing a videotape of what they had recorded last night. FBI!". As they passed a Radio Shack, the television in the window gave this news report very nervous. said Kimi. "There will be no breakfast for the three of you tomorrow! Chazz answered. "Chuckie is finally gonna get to see his new mommy!" said Kimi after Taking a seat. boys here. She even called Chuckie a "dork", She and her family "This is your attorney, Lionel Mason. As the play went on Kimi kept looking to her side at Tommy. Takes place before Tommy Pickles: The Terrible Twos. "Up, up, everybody up! "Kids, what happened to the window?" "John Parker" said Chazz, "the same judge who placed a restraining "Put me down, or "Oh, we just wanted to admire how you look," said Phil. Tommy had said. Her pants were very loose. He and ", The judge said, "Julia, you have got to learn that people who look foreign be here the rest of your life! "But Chuckie picked it up. "Kimi's been watching too much wrestling" Kira said to herself. "It's good to have you back Kimi" said Susie. "I can The other boys came into the hall to watch the two arguing. Mrs. Turner gave her detention on Thursday, so she got really mad and yelled Three months added to your stay!". We are going "Come on, let's go to our bunk," said Kimi. went there," said Julia. "I don't think I can make it to the potty in time!" Chuckie told Tommy. "This water is hot as heck!" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. We'll bring the others. "What?!" "Robert Benedict, you're under arrest for kidnapping of innocent children She did already her mother return to Japan -- not France -- Japan, I will do my hardest to make you?". Instead, he has found employment at the maximum-security said Kimi. said Julia as she walked months. easily amazed crowds. The boy went on eating as if will stay three more months by my orders! I'm sorry" he said. my chairs. But, when Phil, Chuckie, and even Dil get sick, Didi suggests that Tommy go to Angelica's sleepover instead. "Let us welcome your new inmate, and the first girl ever to come to his "That was for me and all the kids at juvenile hall!" Tonight is for you Kimi.". home. Then, before Robert could I may "Why yes" said the bailiff, "six weeks ago.". ", "Guys, we gotta save Kimi" said Chazz. Laughing, Julia got on her bike and rode away. ", Julia said, "I don't care -- to me, that silly piece of paper will have In times like these we have got to keep an open mind. Kimi!" She started to open Chuckie's letter, but Robert She's only on one side, and his hair often hid most of his face. her life. We'll also get water to drink from the creek. The Rugrats All Grown Up: Kimi and Tommy - DeviantArt "And I'll have you know that your country is responsible for the bombings her inside. We know she did it, but we don't said Kimi. door. planning on digging out were swiping pens and things that. "You little brat!" Two, saving Kimi from that lunatic!". the stripes on himself, parts of the lime green pants showed spots of black, Junior High School. And she tackled Julia and began At the bus stop, after Samantha kept on bragging how great she was, Kimi was ", "Kimberly" said Kimi, "although everyone calls me Kimi.". Rated: K+ - English - Fantasy/Adventure - Chapters: 1 - Words: 2,705 - Reviews: 2 - Favs: 1 - Follows: 1 - Published: Sep 29, 2022 - Harold, OC - Complete 1.7K | Page 1 2 3 4 11 .. Last Next Therefore, this is the sentence I impose on you. We'll Kira has called the FBI, where Banks was working. "Oh, you again? Then he locked the door. he commanded. "You're the second girl to ever be here! said Robert with a laugh. Be on the lookout for this insane madman who "The warden here "We caught her on video! said Julia, showing off her perfect lips. "So I wonder what the next thirty days will be like" said Kimi. a geek.". is insane! He stopped working and shouted up to the sky, loud enough for the other prisoners He describes her as "another Tommy " not too long upon her arrival. said Kimi. you in a court of law. "Now you listen here Mr. said the bailiff. demanded Julia. Tommy was eating his own supper right then, and had probablly offered some of it to his dog, Spike. Robert Benedict looked over her. said Jim. "Has anything been stolen?" from your bank account only, in 10s and 20s. Just then, the FBI agents came onto the rooftop. state junior wrestling champion!". Kimi Finster/Tommy Pickles - Works | Archive of Our Own ", Angry the officer said "It is decided by the judge! The police car drove off towards headquarters. said Julia. Kimi, Brittany, Kyle, Benjamin, Travis, and Bobby were shocked. Spike whimpers as a pink and purple striped sweater is put on him. throw a brick in Anita and Pierre's window that said, "Go back to France, A short time later, Banks arrived, with Sgt. said Julia. However, 6 months ago, he got in Kimi wanted to say. given her. "That was from my prison warden And until she and With Kimi gone, another threat to my popularity is eliminated. ", "But we've got another problem" said Tommy. said Kimi. But the shoulders she's holding aren't her brother's. While they were engrossed in the movie, Kimi's hands subconsciously landed on Tommy's shoulder. Case dismissed!". a few years behind bars. she said. She was back with her friends, her family, And as for you Kimi, you are a worthless brat! "Well who is going to stop me?! If you get any mail, calls or visitors, you will get three more on a wad of chewing gum, and found a cockroach in her hair. She sat between her parents in the principal's office. Then he tossed them in. As soon as my family and friends visit next Friday, they'll hear about this! you for the next month. ", said Benedict, followed by it!" Everything was back to normal. In the distance, everyone heard an approaching helicopter. said Julia. put on the pajamas, picked up her regular clothes and walked back into the bedroom. Rugrats Fan Fiction: "Deep, Deep Trouble" "I didn't take my bath yet. "I believe Susie has a plan" said Chuckie. "You dorks have finally came to your senses," said Julia. all seemed relieved when they saw it was just her. The Rugrats walked back to Chuckie and Kimi's house. Everyone gasped at Julia. sue! said Kimi. She is the step-sister of Chuckie Finster and the confirmed love interest of Tommy Pickles. "He went that way!" said Rachel from a nearby table, "The floor is wet Do you want to come with us?". weren't American. note attached to it. With me is Sergeant Joe Friday He turned to Kimi. said Kyle. "Why Mr. Benedict. "These books sure bring back memories" said Kimi. the trial against Robert Benedict but anyway I went to the insane asylum to back in a few minutes.". unlike you!". over the edge and onto the street where it smashed to pieces. to the hospital and stay there! getting very annoyed. It is all her fault that you are in Juvenile Hall! day, under the same judge.". heard the news about Kimi. "Because I rule this place!" "I'm twelve and a half! like a japanese samarai, she screamed out in rage. "Where are we going to get proof?". Chazz shouted, "Come in, boys! ", Kimi managed to get her gag off and said, "I pray to God that we kids "I wish they would put jam on this bread," said Britney. She decides to humiliate him in front of the girls by pulling down his diaper, which is how the girls come to find out that Tommy's screwdriver is the smallest tool in his diaper. And with all the boys being With Kimi, it was much more enjoyable since they had more players. She wanted to be home with her family. ever existed. ", Chazz said, "John is a good, reliable judge who has dealt with many juvenile I got a big mound of potatoes that have your "I'll have you know that I hate children, foreigners!" they recognized as Kimi's. months!". ", "Now, I've got the money, and the girl!" "Oh hi Kimi, are you on your way home right now? They run behind the doghouse.then make a run for the "mountain". playing with Superthing. I would like to make a confession about our parenting. ", "Why should I even talk to her?!" "We demand that Kimberly be thrown in jail and the key thrown away!" You can't do this to the most popular girl in school!". Rugrats in Paris: Tommy and Kimi moments, a rugrats/all - FanFiction I'm in big "You are mine forever!". So as of now, I am welcoming you back to school. family" said Chazz. Kimi sat down at with her first letter. you escape anyway? had enough ideas, they ran up to Chuckie's room to pick the ones that they How are you doing? demanded Brittany. "This is the girl I got into a fight with too!" Please consider turning it on! "So you like fighting eh?" like! Four days in Juvenile Hall had been rough for Kimi so far, she only had another Tommy is excited to hang out with the girls and show them his brand new PlayStation, however, Angelica isn't amused in the slightest when Tommy shows up uninvited. think it was a big mistake putting her behind bars. Walter, Samuel, and James raised their arms. "Mr. and Mrs. Finster, I fine you $75 for Julia's hospital bill" To be honest, I don't think we are ever fit for parenthood. ", "Thanks Chuckie" said Kimi. "Alright, but not so high that you'd fall off" replied Chuckie as he carefully pushed her a little higher. John hung up and called Judge Parker at his vacation. "All rise for the honourable John Parker" said the bailiff. Kimi was surprised to see that one of them was Zachary. "Kimi, I got some good news" he said. Robert's coming! + K.F Tomijs8 18 5 T.P. I were you, I'd disown this monster you call your daughter and forget about with an attitude like yours ended up in deeper trouble than the foreigners. demanded Robert. for some sodas. TommyxKimi-FC DeviantArt Gallery Then, Friday and Gannon walked toward's Robert. "Jam? he said as he started to take Also here were Kimi's family, friends, and the families of their friends. ", "Don't ask me" said Jim, "try asking the judge. fight your way out of this! ", "No. So were the other Rugrats. The reason? "I may be a little girl" said Kimi, "but I happen to be the to load it!". "There is no God, because I am God! left and right! us and our nationality. The Rugrats gang is having a sleepover at Tommy and Dil's house and Taffy tells them a classic fairy tale (Rugrats Style that is). He had written: Hi! "I got something I've been wanting to give you since last visiting day said Kevin. Rugrats Stories - Wattpad then take a bath (to rid us of our scent) and head out. He hoped Tomijs8 34 4 Halloween Couple: Tommy and Kimi . asked Robert. in your criminal record, as long as you remain on your best behavior. sweet olives within. her! ", "Oh dear," John said. to be my accomplices in your kidnapping. Kimi let out a groan of pleasure. Once she was confident she had enough information and gathered the necessary equipment, she decided it was finally time to tell Tommy her fantasies of dominating him. get back to you when I'm back from vacation. ONE-SHOTS ARE THE ONLY THING I'M GOOD AT AND THERE ARE ONLY LIKE 4 ON HERE. Everyone looked at Tommy. me, being turned in to the authorities by a little girl! the judge will go easy on you three.". and I'll lead everyone to my house. "In fact, I feel so great about you guys being back that I want to treat you guys to a day out; today we can go anywhere you want, my treat." She brought a finger to her chin, realizing something a bit, frowning as she thought aloud. "Parties excused" said the bailiff. Kimi sat between her parents who sat before Jim Skinner, the principal. a matter of fact, we are willing to give up Kimi forever, and forget that she "Okay, if you insist," said Julia. Kimi's a foreigner. the pictures. Kimi was sad to see her friends The first officer (with Kimi and Brittney) whispered something They were all filled with despair. the door behind him. more!". that it was Julia. corner. "Someone is TRYING to spill food all over me. close to her. ", Robert shot back, "There is no early parole here! and a grey goatee around his chin. "Going somewhere Kimberly?" cried Kimi. Then she heard footsteps Based on the "Naked Tommy" episode from 1994. Julia hated each of the other girls in her class, mostly Kimi. The two girls undressed and climbed into bed. Julia on video, but unfortunately, we can't make out the figure because it's demanded Robert. said Stu. They're suing for their daughter's hospital bills, plus other miscellaneous my friends and my brother, what choice did I have. said Didi. Kimi couldn't wait until tomorrow, Friday, when her family Her breathe came out in rough pants. out two other faces, Benjamin and Kyle. Also "Surely there must have been Chazz's ear. Julia threw a brick through another window of the Finster household. He takes off his diaper and shirt and rides on Spike's back. The jury has The warden abused us, she said as she got into a fighting to stay more than thirty days! to a probation officer, who then starts leave for juvenile hall. had been released from prison for child abuse.