This is when Project Odin will be brought online along with the massive declassification and disclosure of incriminating proof of the cabal's many crimes, along with world changing knowledge and advanced technologies that have been kept from us by those in power through their corrupt abuses of classified secrecy. Are Starlink satellites a grand innovation or an astronomical menace? Also very interesting that the dude with the horned helmet at the storming of the Capitol has a tattoo of the Odin symbol on his chest. It also makes a brief appearance in Call of Duty: Infinite Warfare . At the end of their service, the old satellites will be steered into Earth's atmosphere where they will burn up. The 2001 video game Ace Combat 04: Shattered Skies features Megalith, a fictional missile system that utilised intercontinental ballistic missiles to alter the trajectory of fragments of an asteroid in orbit, deflecting them on paths that would take them towards populated areas and strategic targets. Please email us at [] and well forward your email to the author. Read how astrophysicist Ethan Siegel thinks SpaceX can fix the damage Starlink satellites are causing to astronomy, published in Forbes (opens in new tab). New funding to support sustainable future of space - GOV.UK Though it wasn't given a name at the time, CEO Elon Musk said that the company had filed documents with international regulators to place about 4,000 satellites in Low Earth Orbit. About the project The Odin satellite was launched in Feb 2001 as a joint undertaking between Sweden, Canada, France and Finland. For Pentagon planners, it could be to counter Russias tactical nuclear stockpile, according to Hix, warheads that could appear on future battlefields alongside conventional weapons thanks to ongoing miniaturization efforts, according to the DoDs Russia New Generation Warfare Study. What this means: Please keep any "meta" discussion directed at specific users, mods, or r/conspiracy in general in this comment chain only. After plugging in your service address, you can see whether Starlink is available for your region. I am the founder, owner, and primary administrator of Dinar Chronicles, Dinar Chronicles Forum, Operation Disclosure Official, and Voyages of Light. Click on the image above then go to Specials to see discounted stock. Think people like Alex Jones, Anderson Cooper etc and also Mossad Satellites. Thats what I am talking about., Photo via Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory. A kinetic bombardment or a kinetic orbital strike is the hypothetical act of attacking a planetary surface with an inert kinetic projectile from orbit ( orbital bombardment ), where the destructive power comes from the kinetic energy of the projectile impacting at very high speeds. [7][8]" (Wikipedia : [7] Jonathan . And although SpaceX has tried to address the issue, they remain far from what astronomers say is acceptable. And like all militaries normally do they will help build new things. Military researchers are continuing to explore battlefield applications that take advantage of high terminal speeds to deliver much more energy onto a target than the chemical explosives they carry would deliver alone, as Army Maj. Gen. William Hix put it at the Booz Allen Hamilton Direct Energy Summit in March. Go to the main page of the Starlink website and scroll down to the section that says "Order Now (opens in new tab).". ESAs Third Party Missions programme consists of more than 50 missions from around the world. If you wish to receive the daily Operation Disclosure Newsletter, it is included in the monthly subscription. The upcoming communications blackout will be to bring online Project 9, 1981, Learn how and when to remove this template message, "WWI Flechettes - the troop piercing arrows dropped from planes onto German trenches", "2003 U.S. Air Force Transformation Flight Plan", "RODS FROM GOD / Imagine a bundle of telephone poles hurtling through space at 7,000 mph", "US Air Force Transformation Flight Plan", "Kinds and Capabilities of Space Weapons", "Space Weapons: Crossing the U.S. Rubicon", Safety of high-energy particle collision experiments, Existential risk from artificial intelligence, Self-Indication Assumption Doomsday argument rebuttal, Self-referencing doomsday argument rebuttal, List of dates predicted for apocalyptic events, List of apocalyptic and post-apocalyptic fiction, European Launcher Development Organisation, European Cooperation for Space Standardization, European Space Research and Technology Centre, European Centre for Space Applications and Telecommunications, Space Telescope European Coordinating Facility, European Space Security and Education Centre, EU Commission DG Defence Industry and Space, Body of European Regulators for Electronic Communications, European Network of Civil Aviation Safety Investigation Authorities, AeroSpace and Defence Industries Association of Europe, European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization, European Conference of Postal and Telecommunications Administrations, European Telecommunications Standards Institute, European Organisation for Civil Aviation Equipment, European Organisation for the Exploitation of Meteorological Satellites, European Telecommunications Satellite Organization, Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe, Creation of the British National Committee for Space Research, Creation of the British National Space Centre, Strategic Defence and Security Review 2015, Cancellation of the Constellation program, Launch of the Space Launch System program, Development of the Commercial Crew Program, Re-establishment of the National Space Council, International Traffic in Arms Regulations, Politics of the International Space Station, International Civil Aviation Organization, Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space, Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems, Committee on Earth Observation Satellites, Inter-Agency Space Debris Coordination Committee, International Charter 'Space and Major Disasters', International Mobile Satellite Organization, International Space Exploration Coordination Group, International Space Station Multilateral Coordination Board, International Telecommunications Satellite Organization, Orbital Debris Co-ordination Working Group, Regional African Satellite Communication Organization, Arab Satellite Communications Organization, Asia-Pacific Space Cooperation Organization, Prevention of an Arms Race in Outer Space, International Cospas-Sarsat Programme Agreement, International Space Station Intergovernmental Agreement, Students for the Exploration and Development of Space, Arthur C. Clarke Institute for Modern Technologies, Timeline of first orbital launches by country,, Articles with self-published sources from February 2020, Articles needing additional references from January 2016, All articles needing additional references, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License 3.0, European GNSS Supervisory Authority (20042010), Various conventions, treaties, agreements, memorandums, charters or declarations establishing and governing intergovernmental organisations or inter-agency bodies dealing with space affairs, This page was last edited on 28 February 2023, at 20:18. Explore Starlink satellites in more detail with this informative video from SpaceX (opens in new tab). It carries two instruments: the Optical Spectrograph and Infra-Red Imaging System OSIRIS and the Sub-Millimetre Radiometer SMR. The problem, the scientists said, is that in those high layers of the atmosphere, the particles are likely going to stay forever. Pres. Rosenlof has expertise in modeling the effects of geoengineering interventions. US Air Force 'Rods From God' Kinetic Weapon Hit With Nuclear - Insider Jerry Pournelle originated the concept while working in operations research at Boeing in the 1950s before becoming a science-fiction writer. Orbit to planetary surface attack with inert projectiles, "Project Thor" redirects here. All statements, claims, views and opinions that appear on this site are always presented as unverified and should be discerned by the reader. Falcon 9 Block 5 | Starlink 17 Connect You're not alone. Set in the Cold War, the story is based on the use of (relatively inexpensive) information-based "intelligent" systems to overcome an enemy's numerical advantage. If youre in a main battle tank, if youre a crew member, you might survive but the vehicle will be non-mission capable, and everything below that level of protection will be dead. The International Astronomical Union (IAU) expressed concerns in a statement released in June 2019. when the bright 'train' of objects entered into view," Netherlands-based satellite tracker Marco Langbroek told in 2019 via email. The company was already working on an upgrade when Musk announced this, and he pledged a further pivot to cyber defense to keep the Starlinks operational. Karen Rosenlof, an atmospheric chemistry expert at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA), told she too was concerned about the effects of the particles from the burning satellites in the atmosphere. doxiesara9. The Odin's protoflight structure was designed by SSC Science System Division and built . The Swedish Space Corporation was the prime contractor, and is also responsible for the satellite operation.} A smaller "crowbar" variant is mentioned in David's Sling by Marc Stiegler (Baen, 1988). As of November 2022, there are 3,271 Starlink satellites in orbit, of which 3,236 are operational, according to Astronomer Jonathan McDowell who tracks the constellation on his website (opens in new tab). In the case of the system mentioned in the 2003 Air Force report above, a 6.1 by 0.3 metres (20ft 1ft) tungsten cylinder impacting at Mach10 (11,200ft/s; 3,400m/s) has a kinetic energy equivalent to approximately 11.5 tons of TNT (48GJ). Is this before or after Trump blasts the horn to summon the four horsemen of the Apocalypse and reveal to the world that he is Jesus returned to kill the antichrist Joe Biden? And the company has tried to assuage astronomers' concerns over Starlink's effect on the night sky. Restored Republic via a GCR as of March 4, 2023. NOIRLab, Report of the SATCON2 Workshop: Executive Summary, July 16, 2021 (opens in new tab), Boley, A., Byers, M. Satellite mega-constellations create risks in Low Earth Orbit, the atmosphere and on Earth, Scientific Reports, 20 May, 2021 (opens in new tab), McDowell, J. More than 420 have been launched so far, with the network . The unique methods developed and . Odin - eoPortal Directory - Satellite Missions All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. The Swedish Space Corporation was the prime contractor, and is also responsible for the satellite operation. The Odin-SMR Recalibration and Harmonisation project was funded by ESA to create a fully consistent and homogeneous dataset from the many years of satellite operation (2001-present). More recently, the Pentagon has tested the Navy electromagnetic rail guns hypervelocity projectiles with the help of conventional U.S. Army howitzers; the Navy hopes the completed cannon will be able to launch shells at up to 4,500 mph, six times the speed of sound. The challenge of satellite megaconstellations, Nature Astronomy, 6 November, 2020 Project Oden and the Starlink satellite system. (Reader: Michael) Joe Biden Body Doubles? We hope to challenge issues which have captured the publics imagination, from JFK and UFOs to 9/11. The current version of each Starlink satellite weighs approximately 573 lbs. Disclaimer:All articles, videos, and images posted on Operation Disclosure were submitted by readers and/or handpicked by the site itself for informational and/or entertainment purposes. ODIN Space is the worlds first and only supplier of commercial on-orbit mapping services for invisible objects in both LEO and GEO. More information about Starlink setup, along with answers to frequently answered questions, are available on the customer service page (opens in new tab). Amongst them was research. The 107-country Outer Space Treaty signed in 1967 prohibits nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons from being placed or used from Earths orbit. But the huge numbers of satellites in megaconstellations from SpaceX and other private space companies, such as OneWeb, suggest that light pollution and other issues may continue, and advocates have called for greater regulations from government agencies. The Odin satellite. I. Radiometer design and test - NASA/ADS I would imagine they have made it readily integrative with people's existing wireless devices. After almost exactly a year of working through the program, I was offered a job as a front An incredible self-paced curriculum that consists of the best resources for learning programming on the web! Learn from a curriculum with the best curated online tutorials, blogs, and courses. Toiling away as a Boeing operations researcher in the afterglow of the Manhattan Project and the Soviet Unions First Lightning nuclear test in 1949, the U.S. Army veteran envisioned a weapons system armed not with munitions and other chemical explosives, but massive rods forged from heavy metals dropped from sub-orbital heights. Odin is operated by the Swedish Space Corporation (SSC), the project's prime industrial contractor. Are we still comfy? I decided to take it seriously and actually dedicated 8+ hours a day to follow along it and immerse myself in it, I was jobless at the . The ODIN Space Station (Orbital Defence Initiative) is the US military's orbital strike weapon, armed with kinetic tungsten rods, capable of massive damage on earth. "We're really talking about something which is, in the long term, like rebuilding the internet in space," Musk said during a speech in Seattle when revealing the project. For decades there have been scattered rumors of "Die Glocke," meaning the bell, a space-going, UFO-like saucer craft developed by WWII Nazis. In Neal Stephenson's Anathem, a kinetic bombardment weapon is deployed from orbit to trigger the eruption of a dormant volcano. According to the Navy . When a strike is ordered, the launch vehicle brakes[1] one of the rods out of its orbit and into a suborbital trajectory that intersects the target. [PDF] The Odin satellite - II. Radiometer data processing and A SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket launches a batch of the company's Starlink internet satellites to orbit on Sept. 18, 2022. A Starlink satellite's lifespan can also be cut short by powerful geomagnetic storms. The project is the brainchild of tech billionaire Elon Musk, whose California-based rocket firm SpaceX builds and operates the satellites. But meteoroids are mostly rock, which is made of oxygen, magnesium and silicon. Elon Musk's 'superfast global internet' created by Starlink space Halo features the Magnetic Accelerator Cannon (MAC), or Mass Accelerator Cannon, as the primary weapon system employed by the United Nations Space Command (UNSC) on its warships and orbital defense platforms. Starlink satellites provide internet all around the world, including in remote regions. Lazy Dog projectiles (aka kinetic bombardment) could reach speeds of up to 500 mph as they fell to the ground and could penetrate nine inches of concrete after being dropped from as little as 3,000 feet. With StarLink Typical Up-link and Down-link speed is expected to increase dramatically. Home | ODIN Space The benefits of Starlink internet service in emergencies have already been demonstrated in Ukraine and Tonga. Please email us at [] and well forward your email to the author. The ODIN ( O rbital D efense In itiative) Space Station is an orbital kinetic bombardment weapons platform developed by the United States that appears in Call of Duty: Ghosts. Not walking me through an entire project but actually forcing me to figure it out on my own, by pointing me Before I started the Odin Project I had literally ZERO programming experience. Who saw in January up to 10 countries at once have their power all turned off by the Space Force? Published Jun 7, 2017 10:38 AM EDT. Currently, the project is under a codename and is in the early stages of development. A Starlink satellite has a lifespan of approximately five years (opens in new tab) and SpaceX eventually hopes to have as many as 42,000 satellites in this so-called megaconstellation. We do not endorse any opinions expressed on this website and we do not support, represent or guarantee the completeness, truthfulness, accuracy, or reliability of any content posted on this website. Productivity tips with Odin: A tool for making tools | Unity Blog ESAs Earth observation activities are contributing to international efforts to monitor and preserve the layer of stratospheric ozone that blankets the planet. PDF Astronomy c ESO 2003 Astrophysics keep waiting. This metric reflects the important balance for real-world usability. Must be comprehensible To help detox heavy metals and toxins from chemtrails and other exposure, we recommend taking Touchstone Essentials liquid zeolite products. [23][24] Essentially large coilguns, MACs are capable of firing a variety of ammunition types varying on the model and bore, ranging from hyper-dense kinetic kill slugs to sub-caliber rounds to semi-autonomous drone missiles. Build dozens of portfolio-worthy projects along the way, from simple scripts to full programs and deployed websites. The goal was to give its residents free Internet access, especially in remote villages. The ground-based measurements obtained from a lidar network and the 6-year OSIRIS (optical spectrograph and infrared imager system) limb-scanning radiance measurements made by the Odin satellite are used to study the climatology of the middle- and low-latitude sodium (Na) layer. What they didnt count on was the U.S. Air Forces most simple weapon ever: a tungsten rod that could hit a city with the explosive power of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Or are we scared? If they can turn 10 at once off all together. The concept originated during the Cold War. More than 420 have been launched so far, with the network eventually set to reach 12,000, rising to as many as 42,000 in the future. What they didn't count on was the U.S. Air Force's most simple weapon ever: a tungsten rod that could hit a city with the explosive power of an intercontinental ballistic missile. Starlink Quantum Internet (Project Odin) | Racing Forums When we switch from MSM to QFS is done And Mossad satellite,a have been taken down, the information is free of block, censorship and corruption. Navy to Field High-Energy Laser Weapon, Dazzler on Ships This Year "Satellite constellations can pose a significant or debilitating threat to important existing and future astronomical infrastructures, and we urge their designers and deployers as well as policy-makers to work with the astronomical community in a concerted effort to analyze and understand the impact of satellite constellations," the statement said. The EMRG launcher is a long-range weapon that fires projectiles using electricity instead of chemical propellants. SpaceX sends its satellites up in batches of 60 at a time. ODIN Attitude Control System - Design, Development and Test UFOs perhaps? ACP - Comparison of middle- and low-latitude sodium layer from a ground He is talking about the return of widespread violence to the battlefield, the fact weve seen the Russians do that in recent years by bombarding areas like Syria and Ukraine, the likes of which we havent really seen since the Korean War.. The Odin Project empowers aspiring web developers to learn together for free Starlink internet speeds are said to be much faster for many users in rural regions compared to local options, although again, this varies by region. What are some of the Very BIG Satanic Illuminati landmarks in the world? A Starlink app, as well as a website user guide, are meant to guide you through the installation. Learn how your comment data is processed. If you wish to contact the author of this article. Odin is still used for aeronomical observations, including exploration of the depletion of the ozone layer and effects of global warming. While any of those things would be equally as exciting, chances are, what you were really seeing was Starlink the satellite constellation being constructed by Elon Musk and his budding team at SpaceX. You can have a narrow or broad choke and spotlight a very small area with these effects if youre trying to pinpoint a well-localized target without damaging the surrounding area.. Did The Nazis Have a Secret Space Program? | Gaia I've heard some inside information having to do with satellites and blackout. (opens in new tab). Read. Once Project Odin (Starlink Internet) connected to all Quantum Systems The Odin satellite. II. Radiometer data processing and calibration Tonga needed the terminals after suffering a massive volcano eruption and tsunami in January. The radiometer works at 486580GHz and at 119GHz. The 107-country Outer Space Treaty signed in 1967 prohibits nuclear, biological, or chemical weapons from being placed or used from Earth's orbit. One thought on "Once Project Odin (Starlink Internet) connected to all Quantum Systems including QFS is switched on projects will need to be CERTIFICATED & pass Regulation" Pingback: Capt Kyle Patriot. With 68 satellites on a given orbit, a target could be hit within 1215 minutes from any given time, less than half the time taken by an ICBM and without the launch warning. A satellite internet constellation, or mega constellation, as it's also known, is a network of satellites that work together in unison to bring us internet access. Must be respectful The ICON spacecraft is equipped with a built-in onboard command loss timer that will power cycle or reset the spacecraft after contact is lost for eight days. Starlink satellites orbit approximately 342 miles (550 kilometers) (opens in new tab) above Earth and put on a spectacular show for observers as they move across the sky. Heres how it works. [8][9], A system described in the 2003 United States Air Force report called Hypervelocity Rod Bundles[10] was that of 20-foot-long (6.1m), 1-foot-diameter (0.30m) tungsten rods that are satellite-controlled and have global strike capability, with impact speeds of Mach 10.[11][12][13]. The number has grown considerably since then, to 25,000 or so, according to company founder and CEO Elon Musk. The Odin Project @TheOdinProject An open source online curriculum for learning web development. For decades, militaries have used ultra-dense kinetic energy penetrators, also known as KEPs, specially designed shells often wrapped in an outer shell (a sabot) and fired at high velocity rather than dropped from the sky, to defeat defense armor.
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