Police reports | Oxford Leader He eventually found his way to the sheriffs substation and was returned home. Both were given preliminary breath tests which read .08 and .027, respectively. His blood alcohol level was .12 percent. On Baypointe Dr., residents were concerned when they noticed a van, with a boat trailer parked on the street. Medical emergencies on Market Street, Maynard Circle and Baldwin Road. He also pushed her against the cabinets. The Oxford Township Fire Department was able to put out the fire. He was transported to the hospital for evaluation. He is being held on a $10,000 cash bond at the Oakland County Jail. called deputies to report that her 40-year-old husband spit on her while at their sons baseball game. Reports of a medical on W. Romeo. Reports of a $52.45 of gas stolen from a station on S. Lapeer Rd. Oxford A parent whose daughter died in the Nov. 30 Oxford High shooting is suing the state of Michigan and the Michigan State Police for allegedly not following up on "highly . Oxford Police Reports added by on August 29, 2007View all posts by . reported that a former employee was causing trouble. Both boys admitted to the assault. Both men were intoxicated and issued citations for public intoxication. Wednesday, July 4 A man on Hertford Ct. called deputies after he saw two teenage boys enter his vehicle and try to steal it. Lift assist on E. Manor. The ex was given information on how to obtain a personal protection order. He was on probation for a previous domestic assault incident. Saturday, November 3 A juvenile on Laurel Leah kicked a neighbors Halloween globe lawn ornament and ripped it. Incidents taken from the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and Oxford Fire Department. Several juveniles fled the scene. A womans 23-year-old son called for help after his dad hit his mom during an argument. A resident on Hilberg called deputies after he observed two white males knocking on his neighbors door. Oxford Police Department honors officers for service Sunday, May 13 An unknown person broke into a mans shed on Danwood and stole several tools. The Oxford Fire Department was called to a home on W. Oakwood for a A 58-year-old man that was injured by a nail gun. The wallet had credit cards and $80 in cash inside. Someone damaged an electric fence that leads to a home on Rattle Dancer by forcing it to close. A 74-year-old woman on Brentwood had hired a 25-year-old woman to assist her around the house and to run errands. Buddy East Parkway. A 64-year-old man reported possible identity theft after receiving information that he had a mutual fund. A mother on Foreland called deputies after she saw three teenage girls assault her 11-year-old son at the bus stop. A woman driving east on W. Drahner Rd., reported somebody in a passing car threw a McDonalds cup that hit her 2002 Chevy Montana. A mans home on S. Glaspie was broken into and $700 in cash was stolen. The man was clearly intoxicated. When she called his friends, they said they never met him. He was arrested for domestic violence. Sunday, April 6 An unknown person entered a building behind a church on S. Lapeer Rd. Sunday, December 17 A woman on Maloney called sheriffs deputies after she and her husband got into an argument about leaving Christmas gifts in the vehicle. The man was issued citations for reckless driving, leaving the scene of an accident and failing to report an accident. The alarm sounded and the suspect fled the scene. A 24-year-old woman was arrested for various outstanding warrants after being held at a store for committing retail fraud. A man on W. Drahner reported that an unknown person is driving over his front lawn. This is the second time hes stolen from the family. A 25-year-old man on Harwood was arrested on felony warrant for assault with a dangerous weapon. Tuesday, September 19 His blood alcohol content was .22 percent. The owner believes his sister may have taken it. They returned later on and caused more problems for her. Friday, February 23 A man on Mill Valley filed a report saying someone has attempted to steal his identity by using his Social Security number. A 14-year-old boy at Crossroads for Youth kicked in a door, broke a picnic table bench, pulled a soap dispenser off the wall, broke a metal heat vent and threw a dresser drawer out the window. Oxford Police Reports added by on February 13, 2008View all posts by . He has been caught shoplifting at the store before. His radio, a cell phone and 30 CDs were stolen. A high school students cell phone was stolen from her purse. A 13-year-old girl escaped from the Crossroads for Youth campus. Saturday, July 5 A 15-year-old Brandon Township girl called deputies to a home on Paradise Trail. She wasnt sure which. A detective is investigating the case. The 26-year-old man was uncooperative with the paramedics and had to be shot with a taser gun to calm him down. An amplifier and speakers were stolen from a vehicles trunk on Brabb. She said she knew her vehicle had a gas leak, but thought she could make it home before any damage occurred. A BBQ grill was stolen from a home on Bay Pointe Dr. She was advised on how to obtain a personal protection order. The couple is going through a divorce. 1 Octoraro Alley . reported that his 15-year-old son lit paper on fire in a trash can. The woman refused medical treatment and the man was arrested for domestic assault. A postal worker found four blank checks and two used ones in a flower planter outside of a business on S. Washington. Deputies arrested her for an outstanding warrant out of Rochester Hills for failing to appear in court. Pappas, Cpl. Car versus deer on Oakwood and Metamora roads. Thursday, January 3 A man on Dennison St. called police after he said his neighbor deliberately put snow on his garage using a snow blower. An 82-year-old man was found deceased outside of a retirement community on Market St. The Oxford Fire Department treated the man for minor injuries. Customer trouble on S. Washington St. Oxford Police Reports added by on August 1, 2007View all posts by . cleaners, but told the paramedics he wasnt doing it that day. Sunday, November 25 Reports of two juveniles on the roof of the elementary school on Pontiac St. The items were family antiques worth $800. May 2006 - Present16 years 11 months. A 39-year-old man was arrested during a traffic stop on Lapeer Rd. Trespassing on Glaspie St. Speeders reported on Oxford Lakes Drive. She claims he slapped her and pushed her into a wall. A 40-year-old man from Warren was transported to POH for a laceration on his hand. Monday, August 6 Arrows shot into the roof of a Glaspie St. business. Saturday, February 3 A 12-year-old girl was seen taking jewelry and condoms off the shelves at a store on N. Lapeer Rd. The damage was estimated at $1,801.27. A woman on Pontiac called sheriffs deputies after her live-in boyfriend pushed her 14-year-old son against a wall. Official Facebook Page of the Oxford Borough Police Department. when they said two adult men made inappropriate comments to them and took their pictures. Saturday, August 19 A 31-year-old man from Pontiac was arrested during a routine traffic stop on N. Lapeer Rd. An unknown person entered a womans unlocked vehicle on Tanview and took a video game. Thursday, August 23 An 18-year-old mans grandfather called deputies to let them know where he was staying because he had a felony warrant. head. He was arrested for breaking and entering. Each report costs $10.00. A check book and house/car keys were stolen from an unlocked vehicle on Spezia. In Person: Oxford Police Department, 22 W Burdick St, Oxford, MI 48371, United States. Sunday, September 11 The window of a vacant trailer on Hunters Rill was broken with a rock, the owners believe their neighbors may be to blame due to an ongoing dispute. The mother said the man was threatening her. Oxford Police Reports added by on May 28, 2008View all posts by . He also punched a staff member in the eye. A man driving a large pick-up truck nearly ran another man driving a Jeep off the road as he passed by. Friday, March 23 An unknown person knocked a mailbox off of its post on W. Drahner Rd. Sunday, June 17 Two girls involved in a physical altercation on the Polly Ann Trail were contacted by sheriffs deputies. An unknown person drove a BMX motor bike into a parked vehicle on Laurel Leah and fled the scene afterwards. She seemed to be mentally unstable. He was issued a citation for driving with a suspended license and reckless driving. Monday, August 13 A woman went to her husbands residence on Sanders Rd. and drove away. The men were told not to talk to the boys unless given permission by the parents. A Lake Orion woman mistakenly left her purse in a shopping cart at a dollar store on S. Lapeer Rd. Saturday, March 29 A woman reported being tricked into a Nigerian bank scam. There have been calls to this residence before, and the owner was issued a citation for being a disorderly person. A 36-year-old Lake Orion man was arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated on S. Washington St. His preliminary breath test was .095 percent. Police Department - Village of Oxford, Marquette County, Wisconsin Reports of family trouble on Berkshire Ct. Reports of juveniles throwing rocks at cars on N. Washington St. and then fleeing. Read More Oxford City Council Holds Police Commendation November 26, 2022 Oxford, AL - The regularly scheduled Oxford city council was held on Tuesday, November 22nd. Welch, and Tr. Sunday, March 9 A 19-year-old Clarkston man was cited for retail fraud after he was seen putting on a pair of new shoes and leaving a N. Lapeer Rd. Deputies observed him traveling 80 mph in a 40 mph zone. An 80-year-old man on Sandpiper sought medical treatment for a bleeding nose. A 13-year-old girl reported that she was sexually assaulted behind the library on Pontiac St. by a 20-year-old man she knew. A 25-year-old Clarkston man witnessed a 50-year-old Oxford man driving erratically on Seymour Lake Rd. A 17-year-old female on East St. reported received threatening voicemails from an 18-year-old girl from Lake Orion. Oxford Police Reports added by on July 12, 2006View all posts by . A navigation system was stolen out of a mans vehicle on Dennison. The husband decided to leave for the day. Wednesday, January 16 A 16-year-old boy was driving his 2002 Pontiac Bonneville on Lapeer Rd. He was arrested for felonious domestic assault. Sunday, November 18 Reports of juveniles throwing stuff off the Polly Ann Trail Bridge. Reports of a female with a head injury. A 35-year-old Goodrich man was rear-ended by a 27-year-old woman from Southgate on Lakeville Rd. Monday, May 8 Three windows of a car were shattered while in the driveway of a home on Metamora Rd. The teacher admitted to pulling the boy by the arm, but said she was yelling at him for harassing another student. Friday, August 31 A womans purse was stolen from her bedroom on Brookhollow Dr. The boy said he was mooning? in Oxford. A man on Thomas called deputies after his 11-year-old daughter told him her grandmother threw her against the wall and that she had left the three children she was babysitting alone. Several small fires covering approximately 400 ft. on the east side of Lapeer Rd. Officers were dispatched to assist the fire department on a medical on Center St. Oxford Police Reports added by on May 24, 2006View all posts by . His preliminary breath test was .17 percent. On May 21, he allegedly broke into a home on Lafayette and lived in the home for a week while the homeowners were out of town and stole numerous household objects. Nina Myatt from Paris, Maine was charged with aggravated drug trafficking for fentanyl and other charges while Isaac Witham from Lewiston was charged with possession after a traffic stop in Oxford on . Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and Oxford Fire Department. Car vs. deer on Lakeville Rd. Tuesday, July 3 A 26-year-old Oxford man was arrested for his third operating while intoxicated offense on Hunters Rill. The man was issued a citation for driving with a suspended license and the girl was taken home. A womans bike was stolen from her garage on Woodleigh Way. and at Rochester Rd. Monday, March 10 A 6-year-old girl on Post Branch called 9-1-1 and said her dad was choking her mom. The owner of an oil changing business on S. Lapeer reported that a former employee had been stealing cash and stock from the company. The two had served on their condo association board, but had bad feelings toward each other. All search fees are non refundable. They damaged the interior and broke a window. The wife called deputies fearing it would escalate. grabbed her by the arm and yelled at her. A purse with $100 in cash and 20 CDs were stolen from an unlocked vehicle on Twin Lakes Blvd. Oxford Police Reports added by on June 4, 2008View all posts by . Thursday, February 1 A vacant home on Glass Circle was vandalized. The thief also tried to take a label-maker, but dropped it. Oxford Police Reports added by on July 18, 2007View all posts by . found a marijuana plant approximately one foot tall growing in a wooded area. Sunday, September 9 Complaints of loud parties at a home on Red Barn. He is in good condition at POH, but broke his wrists in two spots. Oxford Police Department honors officers for service By Patrick McCreless, Star Staff Writer, pmccreless@annistonstar.com Oct 20, 2017 Oxford police Chief Bill Partridge speaks during an. The theif smashed the window to enter the vehicle. Another teen was in a vehicle and fled. Friday, May 5 Four hubcaps were stolen from a Buick Regal on Brentwood. Thursday, March 1 Several prescription pads were stolen from a medical center on S. Lapeer Rd. He would speed up, pull in front of them and slam on his brakes. Reports of somone shining a laser at passing vehicles on W. Burdick. Monday, April 24 An unknown person smashed two windows on a piece of construction equipment on Ottawa Trail. Reports of a fight at a restaurant on S. Lapeer. grabbed her nine-year-old sons arm, leaving marks. The woman said she threw a beer at her boyfriend and he pushed her out of his face. threw pizza sauce at another female employee. was arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated. Oxford Civil Service Board: 600 Stanley Merrill Drive Oxford, AL 36203 256-831-3730 Wednesday, May 14 A woman on Market St. reported that someone stole just over $600 in cash from her dresser drawer. A shower head was broken off, which caused water leakage, the kitchen cabinets were damaged and holes were punched in the drywall, among other things. Oxford fire personnel were administrating CPR to her husband, who had attempted suicide as a result of finding his wife deceased. oxford police department news Tuesday, May 15 An employee at a gravel pit off of Lakeville Rd. A woman on E. Manor St. fell out of her chair and couldnt get up. Thursday, September 8 Reports of an injured deer on N. Coats. The man was anxious to leave and didnt want to give his name. Wednesday, June 25 A mans golf clubs were stolen out of his vehicle trunk, but then placed in a neighbors trash can on Crestmoor Dr. was arrested for two outstanding warrants when deputies had been called to his home for family trouble. The father called deputies because his son was highly agitated? for operating a vehicle under the influence of liquor. Medical emergency on S. Lapeer Rd. A woman on Maple reported her vehicle was egged over night. Sunday, July 30 A resident on Coryell Dr. found an unknown substance? A 38-year-old Oxford man is wanted for a violation of the sex offender registry. Twenty dollars in cash and his drivers license was inside the wallet. Monday, May 7 A Lake Orion man lost his wallet in an elementary school parking lot on Lakeville Rd. Saturday, May 10 A woman on Gibson St. reported that her gasoline had been siphoned out of her vehicle. Witnesses were able to get the mans license plate and deputies were able to locate him at his home on Countryview. A blue bike was stolen from Daniel Axford while the owner was in school. Sunday, March 30 Someone smashed out a vehicle window and stole an iPod on High Pointe Dr. An unknown person stole a computer and a palm pilot from a mans vehicle on Oakmont. The check was cashed at a bank in Detroit. A 17-year-old boy and a 16-year-old boy ran away from Crossroads for Youth. A woman on Glaspie called village police after a check her ex-husband wrote her couldnt be cashed due to insufficient funds. were cut. A man on N. Coats reported that his Brennal Plot hunting hound was stolen from his home. The backpack had clothing, DVDs and an MP3 player. The Oxford Fire Department was called to a single wide mobile home fire at 46 Hosner Dr. Someone stole two cement angels from a mans yard on Algonquin and smashed another statue. A 42-year-old man from Lapeer was arrested on Lapeer Rd. Someone broke into a storage shed and discharged a fire extinguisher at a home on Dunlap Circle. Saturday, October 27 A woman on Ray Rd. After being in the computer room for 30 minutes, the men told her they couldnt do the installation and left. A commercial vehicle was issued a citation for improper lane use, serious safety violations and a general equipment violation while driving down N. Washington St. A man was driving and noticed a 45-year-old homeless man laying in a field off Market St. and Lapeer Rd. Tuesday, July 18 Someone dropped a small glass container marked ammonia sulfide? A window was broken and a radio, amplifiers and sub-woofer was stolen from a tractor trailer on Metamora Rd. filed an embezzlement report against an accountant who has been making unauthorized withdrawals from the gym and a parents club. Arrest Date: October 1, 2022. A boat pulling two teens, a 16-year-old girl from Oxford and her 18-year-old boyfriend from Milan, aboard a tube on Squaw Lake didnt see another pontoon boat coming toward them. One died each day for three days. A man on W. Burdick came into the police station saying his ex-wifes boyfriend wanted to kill him. A man on Wise filed a credit card fraud report after his wife stole his wallet and used his credit cards without permission. A 23-year-old man from Metamora was arrested for operating a vehicle while intoxicated on E. Burdick. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and Oxford Fire Department. Monday, May 28 Two teenage boys ran away from Crossroads for Youth. Sunday, March 18 A man was walking his dog along Teelin and Cardigan roads when he noticed a red bike lying in the weeds. A man on Teelin reported that his 32-year-old sister possibly stole his ATM card and withdrew $80. Reports of juvenile complaints at a coffee shop on S. Washington. Her purse, which contained $40 in cash and some credit cards, was stolen off of the front seat. Check the Oxford Police Records Search URLs below. He and his son said they saw two teenage boys exit the vehicle and flee on foot. An Oxford woman reported that a female employee at the bowling alley on S. Lapeer Rd. A 22-year-old man from Metamora was arrested for an outstanding warrant out of Lapeer during a traffic stop on N. Lapeer Rd. An unknown person stole a mans flag pole and the American and POW flags that were flying on it in his yard on Basket Branch. The canoe belonged to a woman on Spezia. The passenger side window of a womans vehicle was shattered and the victims purse was stolen while she golfed at a course off of Drahner Rd. Baldwin Rd. Thursday, December 28 A 42-year-old woman on W. Drahner sent her ex-boyfriend an e-mail saying she took over 200 pills and planned on killing herself. A 15 and 16-year-old boy ran away from Crossroads for Youth. It was 10:33 p.m. OUR MISSION The officer ran the mans record and found he had four current suspensions, one conviction for driving with a suspended license and he had an expired registration. Two teeth were found on the car and are believed to be that of the BMX driver. A resident on Ray Rd. The fire department responded to a building on S. Washington for an odor investigation. During a traffic stop on S. Washington, a 23-year-old Oxford man gave a village officer a false name because of a warrant he had for possession of marijuana. The driver wasnt cited for the incident. The cash drawer was pried open and a petty cash bag with $494 in it was stolen. An employee thought the man was suspicious and was able to get his license plate, but he has not been contacted yet. Friday, December 29 An unknown person smashed two mailboxes on Indian Lake Rd. reported receiving harassing phone calls from a 48-year-old woman from Warren who was hired to take care of his elderly father. An employee from Consumers Energy told a resident on Laurel Leah he had to shut off his gas because of an unpaid balance. No charges were filed because the argument didnt get physical. It was determined the bones were actually from a canine. Monday, September 24 A woman on N. Oxford Rd. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and the Oxford Fire Department. A woman on Cross St. reported getting into an argument with her husband and wanted him to leave the home. Friday, May 11 A woman on Maynard Circle called for medical help after her roommate had a seizure. Fearing for her life, she was able to move around the vehicle and leave. An unknown person broke a section of a womans fence on Mechanic. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and the Oxford Fire Department. The top section of the pole burned off. The man appeared to be intoxicated when deputies arrived. in a 35 m.p.h. A laptop computer was stolen out of a locked vehicle on Mallard Way. A beige purse was stolen from the vehicle. An 88-year-old man on Market St. reported general weakness. It doesnt appear anyone entered the home or that anything was taken. The plant was taken to the sheriffs department and destroyed. A 42-year-old intoxicated Oxford woman entered a couples home in the middle of the night and was severely bitten by their dog who was protecting them. He said hed delete the number as soon as possible. A 17-year-old female didnt return back to Crossroads for Youth after visiting the Wayne County Juvenile Courthouse in Detroit. A woman on Davison called village police because her boyfriend was threatening her and she was locked in the bathroom. He left for the night. after she broke up with him. was transported to the hospital by the Oxford Fire Department after his family deemed him suicidal. Someone scratched a mans vehicle while it was in a parking lot on W. Drahner Rd. The other roommate was arrested for assault and battery. A 61-year-old man was reported missing from a group home on Hummer Lake Rd. A 26-year-old woman from Ann Arbor was at a 26-year-old Oxford mans house on East Lake and pushed, hit and scratched him when he told her to leave. After further investigation and observing injuries to the victim, the actor, Leonardo Garcia, 34, of Oxford, was taken into custody. Police - oxfordks.org Wednesday, June 4 A man on Shummard Branch returned home to find that his bag of cigarettes and prescription Vicodin were stolen from the home. A 30-year-old man from Clinton Township was arrested for operating under the influence of liquor on S. Washington St. His blood alcohol content was .16 percent. Reports of a student at Oxford High School feeling faint. A man on Kirkwood reported his personal checks were stolen from his dresser. Saturday, October 20 Someone threw white paint on a mans GMC pick-up truck on Maynard Circle. The incident was listed as an accident and the woman was taken to North Oakland Hospital for medical care. reported his mailbox and three trash cans were spray painted. A 31-year-old woman on Dunlap Circle called sheriffs deputies after her 35-year-old live-in boyfriend slapped her in the face during an argument. An unknown person threw eggs at a mans pick-up truck on Parker Lake. He had a blood alcohol content of .113 percent. A socket and wrench set was stolen from a garage on Conda Lane. Twelve mailboxes were maliciously destroyed by a vehicle on Fairview Way Dr. Friday, May 18 A woman on St. Andrews Rd. A 15-year-old girl on Dewey ran away from home. Friday, June 27 A woman on Brentwood reported that her 16-year-old son was missing after he never came home after supposedly meeting his friends. He was arrested for domestic violence. Saturday, September 10 A 17-year-old and 16-year-old boy from Crossroads for Youth got into an argument over one of them dumping laundry on the others bed. Her preliminary breath test was .10. woman attempted suicide at a home on Crestwood and was transported to St. Joseph Hospital in Pontiac. Both were turned over to their mothers. A preliminary exam is set for sometime next week. There were also numerous scratches. The girl and her boyfriend had been arguing and when he tried to hug her, she pulled away and tripped on a porch step. Reports of a child that fell out of a tree on Lakesview. Every panel on the vehicle was damaged. She gave the woman her ATM credit card to purchase some items and the woman stole $102 from her account. A man on Seymour Lake Rd. That same day, he found the plate in the ground next to his car. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and the Oxford Township Fire Department. Firefighters were called to a home on Queens for a 3-year-old that was bleeding from the head after a fall. Tuesday, April 24 A man on Mill Pond Dr. called deputies to report that his ex-wife was violating her court order by being on his property. A detective is looking into the case. They found water running everywhere inside the vacant home with numerous damaged areas. A woman left her keys in the ignition while she went down to the beach at Scripter Park and someone stole the burgundy 1996 GMC Yukon. It was found in the lobby area of the Oxford 7 Theater by an honest patron. An unknown person threw a brick through a mans vehicle window in his driveway on Shummard Branch. Saturday's storm packs a punch, though coast gets less than expected. Thursday, May 1 A woman on N. Oxford Rd. Reports of A 94-year-old woman on Gibson with a possible broken leg. The mans wife allegedly keyed? reported receiving harassing messages on her MySpace webpage. Reports of two runaway horses on Hummer Lake Rd. A woman on Sunset Blvd. He was cited for being a minor consuming alcohol. store without paying. Oxford Police Reports added by on April 9, 2008View all posts by . A 23-year-old woman on Brookhollow Dr. was found deceased in her bedroom by her mother. A 43-year-old man on Harwood Ct. was arrested for domestic assault after grabbing his wifes neck and throwing her on their bed. NEW OXFORD, Pa. Update, Jan. 6, 4:09 a.m.: Trooper Frazer reports that police left the scene around 2:00 a.m. He also had a warrant out of Charlevoix County. The man also made inappropriate sexual comments when the girl turned the phone over to her mother. He believes it may have been taken from his mailbox. No injuries were reported. were cut by an unknown person. A 24-year-old Oxford Township man was arrested for driving his 2006 Jeep Grand Cherokee under the influence of liquor on M-24. A 23-year-old homeless man who was staying at the residence is the suspect. Records | Police - Miami University Three hundred dollars worth of stereo equipment was stolen from a vehicle on Harwood Dr. He was able to exit the building and smash the staff members vehicle with a bat before fleeing into the woods. an obscene word into the paint of his car. The mother and daughter in the home had no idea what was going on. A 54-year-old Lapeer man was arrested on S. Lapeer Rd. They both became aggressive toward him, so he shot both dogs. Saturday, April 7 A 25-year-old man from Oxford was arrested for an outstanding warrant out of Sanilac County during a traffic stop on Lakeville Rd. Thursday, September 14 A 20-year-old man was arrested on Spezia for operating while intoxicated. Incidents taken from reports made by the Oakland County Sheriffs Department, Oxford Village Police Department and the Oxford Fire Department. Tuesday, March 27 Someone broke the window of a vehicle in a parking lot on S. Lapeer Rd. A village police officer saw a campfire in the backyard of a home on Broadway. He was taken home by deputies. Deputies were able to track the womans last credit card purchase for a hotel in Ohio. Monday, September 12 A trailer home on Hunters Rill was broken into through a back window. Monday, June 12 Twelve liquid pumps were stolen from a business on N. Lapeer Rd. They were issued citations for being minors in possession of alcohol. Oxford Police Reports added by on October 24, 2007View all posts by . The woman was given information on obtaining a personal protection order. There were no signs of forced entry to the home. He told her hell do anything for love.?
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