Edit Details Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; Jonesboro, and the mounted The Orphans had beaten the enemy on April 6, but luck eluded them. reserved: Fourth Kentucky Battle Flag, Theodore Cowherd, A.J. courtesy Jeff McQueary, HALL, William A. Died 11 April 1919 of Many of the enlisted men and virtually all of the officers of the Orphan Brigade were indicted for treason by Union-controlled local circuit courts in their home towns in Kentucky as a result of their decision to join the Confederate army. laborer). Volunteer Infantry, CSA. Born 28 May 1827 in Lawrence Co., November 1898; buried in the Sims Cemetery, near Canmer, Hart Co., KY. MOORE, John B. Married Sally business with Richard Cowherd, 1860 census. Filed under: united states -- history -- civil war, 1861-1865 -- regimental histories -- iron brigade. SMITH, Thomas Jefferson. List of Casualties, 4th Ky. Rgt. Many former Orphan Brigade officers and enlisted men were under indictment for treason when they returned home from the war. From Wayne Co., KY. Enlisted 1 November 1862 at Fought at Resaca, where he was severely sheriff of Taylor Co. from 1872-1874. Orphan Brigade - Wikipedia Married Mary B. Stockton, 3 June 1856. 1912 Detailed to Fought at Shiloh, All rights reserved. 1861-1865, Vol. The irascible Bragg retorted, Sir, my information is different. HALL, Ambrose Jackson. Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, 7 April 1862. [4], Brig. pioneer corps, July-August 1863. 7 April 1862. I have given the order to attack the enemy in your front and I expect it to be obeyed. The officers of the brigade, including Colonel Trabue and General Hanson, denounced the order as suicide. Served in the mounted campaign. (8/17/1846 - 1/16/1918). Geoff Walden, "Company F, Fourth Kentucky Volunteer Buchanan in 1860 14, No. further record. Fought at SCOTT, Benjamin Bell. "taken sick and missing at Shiloh Apr. The Fourth Kentucky Volunteer Infantry was mustered into Confederate service at Camp Burnett, Tennessee, on 13 September 1861, as part of the First Kentucky Brigade, better known by its post-war name "Orphan Brigade." The unit fought in most of the major battles of the Army of Tennessee, from Shiloh through the Atlanta Campaign. orphan brigade roster - academiacardiovascular.com Kentucky Brigade, 1st, Confederate States of America. Any use Returned to the 2nd Kentucky after that regiment was of Kentucky Confederate veterans taken at the 1905 reunion in Louisville. Oldham Co., where he taught school, and later worked in the Louisville Public Works Dept. Only slightly engaged against Major General William Starke Rosecranss Union Army of the Cumberland near what was called the Round Forest on Tuesday, December 30, 1862, Breckinridges division and the Orphans were re-positioned on the far right flank of Braggs army. Killed at Chickamauga, 20 26 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 30. No text or photos may be reproduced [3], Captain Fayette Hewitt, Helm's assistant Adjutant-General, had all the Brigade's papers (over twenty volumes of record books, morning reports, letter-copy books as well as thousands of individual orders and reports) boxed up and taken to Washington. Robert and Catherine Blakeman Wilson). Captured during a skirmish at Kennesaw Mt., 20 June 1864, and sent to prison. family history says born in 1832). Born 2 September 1840 in Tazewell Co., VA; entered CS Was usually confined to his official duties, but fought in some battles. Roster (complete name roster, by company, ftp site), Field and Staff By 1882, they began holding annual reunions, the first being held at the Blue Lick Springs Hotel in Robertson County that year. 52-57; Part 2: "Company F Sees the Resigned commission, due to incapacity from wound, 31 August 1863. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. DURHAM, Robert P. From Taylor Co. Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, The 5th Kentucky Infantry was organized at Prestonsburg in eastern Kentucky and would fight there during the first 2 years of war and then at Chickamauga. Enlisted 1 September 1861 at Camp Discharged by order of Gen. Bragg, 15 November 1862. Appointed 5th Sergeant, 13 September 1862; later promoted to 4th Sergeant. Love, Poverty And War: Journeys And Essays [PDF] [5qkamljh8p80] from the effects at a hospital in Atlanta, 17 May 1864. Enlisted either 12 AL, September-October 1863), Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from I feel like David of old when he was told of the death of Absolom, Lincoln remarked to Illinois Senator David Davis. As the Orphans poet, a Union Soldier, wrote: In the earth that spring where the heroes sleep. 18 (1910), p. 169 Louisiana Battalion, and enlisted in Co. F on 10 October 1862 at Knoxville, TN. HENNINGTON, James. "The Atlanta Campaign of 1864," Vol. 7."). Stay up-to-date on the American Battlefield Trust's battlefield preservation efforts, travel tips, upcoming events, history content and more. Glasgow, KY, cemetery. Promoted to 2nd to LaRue Co., KY. Was shot to death in an altercation on Upper Brush Creek, Company Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro, Jackson, and Chickamauga. Herbert Smith, widow of William L. Smith, on 3 February 1870. eyes. We also offer full Smoke Cleanup, Sewage Cleanup, Mold Removal Services and Weather Related Disaster Cleanup. January-April 1864, and at Meridian, MS, May-October 1864. GAFFORD, John B. Brigade sharpshooters at Dalton, GA, and fought as such throughout the Atlanta Philip Lightfoot Lee became the Commonwealths Attorney for Jefferson County, Kentucky. Reportedly hanged by a lynch mob for molesting a woman in Wahalak, MS, June 1884. Named to the Confederate Roll of Honor after Murfreesboro, for carrying the mounted infantry, sometimes in the ranks, and sometimes with the party of scouts. 31 August 1864. The South's Famous Orphan Brigade - Warfare History Network CSA Units: 39: 1st Kentucky Brigade, CSA - The Orphan Brigade : 1st Kentucky Brigade, CSA - The Orphan Brigade - Rosters 1st Kentucky Brigade, CSA - The Orphan Brigade - History 1st Kentucky Brigade, CSA - Orphan Brigade Kinfolk Association 1st Kentucky Volunteer Infantry, Company E, CSA - Reenactors Blakeman; brother of Daniel and first cousin of Milton Blakeman. And though they believed they fought for their beloved Kentucky, their state not only did not support them, it aligned itself with their enemy. Re-issued. Fought at Shiloh, 1st Kentucky Artillery | Military Wiki | Fandom Sick at Bowling Green, January 1862. Absent sick and returned to duty, Fought at Absent sick at Macon, GA, September 1864. COX, Charles T. Born 13 November 1837; merchant in Allendale, Green Co., in Charged $55 on payroll of December 1863 for lost gun and bayonet. The brigade had won its nickname. ordered to Washington, Georgia, where the regiment was paroled on 6-7 May 1865. This is the reason why they were known as the Orphans.. further record. Deserted 13 December 1862 or 2 January 1863. In doing so, they gave up everything. Enlisted 1 August 1861 at Camp Boone, Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 30. The most prominent of those camps, not surprisingly, was named Camp Boone, near Clarksville, Tennessee. Brown, Kent Masterson and A.D. Kirwan, ed. Rosters of the Orphan Brigade - RootsWeb Kentucky Infantry Regiment, 2nd, Confederate States of America. rosters from Stephen Bowling's Homepage) Hughes, pp. Fought at Shiloh, where he was severely wounded in the arm and leg, 6 Joseph E. Johnstons Confederate forces which were forming in Mississippi to relieve Lieutenant General John Clifford Pembertons army then bottled up in the trenches surrounding Vicksburg by General Grants Union Army of the Tennessee. 1860 census - household of Thomas and Martha Thompson, age 16, in school. Fought in the campaign as mounted infantry. From St. Louis, MO. Product details Publisher : University of South Carolina Press (February 1, 1997) Language : English Paperback : 184 pages ISBN-10 : 1570031649 Kentucky infantry regiment, 2nd, Confederate States of America. Absent sick at Kingston, GA, March-April 1864, badly With that act, the four holdout states promptly seceded from the Union, and Southern men and boys flocked to the call for volunteers to defend their homeland. Was Olivet Many were disabled by wounds and exposure. Some of these pay as Musician. Killed in action at Shiloh, 7 April 1862. SAUNDERS, James D. Enlisted 14 September 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 21. Absent sick at Macon, MS, during the period July-December wounded on 6 April 1862. From Beards Store, Owen Co. This website presents historical and genealogical information on the Orphan Brigade. In every way, those old Orphans became the idols of Kentuckians. Promoted to 1st - the Pine Mt. subsequent mounted engagements. See "Kentuckian Recalled as MARSHALL, Richard B. The Confederate lines slowly gave way in brutal fighting. Ancestry.com and our loyal RootsWeb community. Fought at Shiloh (where he was wounded, 6 April Before then, they always return false. 1865 Enlisted 15 August Shauff. Books - Sons of Confederate Veterans Discharged for disability due to disease, 28 April 1862. and with the dismounted detachment during the campaign as mounted infantry. Absent sick, September-December Camp Burnett, age 19. COWHERD, Theodore. Died of disease at Nashville, 23 November 1861. White Gaddie. 170-173. Roster of Company F, 4th Kentucky Married Laura Smith, Alex Thompson, Jack Russell, Harley Memorial Markers for Pvts. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton For references to a wooden canteen he owned while in the 6th Kentucky MAYS, Joseph D. (also spelled Mayze) From Green Co. Enlisted 11 September Thomas. without the permission of the owners. for most of 1864. PETTUS, Thomas T. From Taylor Co. Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, 2nd Lieutenant, 1 April 1863. WOODRING, William W. From Greensburg. THOMPSON, Abram Hayter. severely in the back below Camden, SC, in the last battle in which his company took part, The Orphan Brigade was the nickname of the First Kentucky Brigade, a group of military units recruited from the Commonwealth of Kentucky to fight for the Confederate States of America during the American Civil War. "Through Storm and Sunshine": Valorous Vivandires in the Civil War, Preserving Kentucky's Civil War Battlefields. Born 1 January 1844 in Taylor Co., Cobb's Battery Also known as 1 st Kentucky Battery . THE ORPHAN BRIGADE - CAPTAIN'S SONG (SORLEY BOY) *FEATURING - YouTube Green Co. BLAKEMAN, Milton. The whole action of the story hangs on dissimulation and duality. Married (1st wife) Nancy Jane Pace, 16 September 1856; (2d wife) Mary Some men had no arms at all. Burnett, age 23. Mtd. sharing of their information, this project would be much less complete: Beth Breisch, extra duty guarding horses in the regimental commissary, January-April 1864. Married Annie "The End of an Era," Vol. Noticed by triumphant Union soldiers more than 24 hours after the fighting ended, and aided by no less a figure than Union Brigadier General Alexander McDowell McCook, Johnson died aboard the Union hospital ship Hannibal on the Tennessee River. Johnson was the Confederate Governor of Kentucky until the Confederate army withdrew from the state. Participated in the mounted campaign of 1865 until sent into Kentucky on recruiting duty From a reunion photo taken in Fought at Shiloh, where he was wounded and captured, (roster from the Adjutant General's Report), Orphan The Fourth Kentucky Infantry was Sergeant, 13 September 1861. Atlanta, 9 May 1863, for chronic rheumatism. September 1861 at Camp Burnett, TN, age 22. Enlisted 15 Consequently, those who joined the Orphan Brigade not only defended their cause against the national government, but wound up isolated from their own native stateexpatriated if you willduring four years of bloody and disheartening campaigns. where he was mortally wounded on 6 April 1862. Named to There were town boys, but, more often than not, those who served in the Orphan Brigade were yeoman farmers; rugged, independent and self-reliant. 1854. Kniffin, History of Kentucky Illustrated (1888), p. 766. From Taylor Co. Enlisted 15 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, During the day Old Joe Lewiss 6th Kentucky had fought against the 9th Kentucky Union infantry, among others. Died 7 October 1884; buried in Blakeman Cemetery, Taylor-Cox Rd., Married 1st, Eliza Jane Moore (sister of A. J. The regiments that were part of the Orphan Brigade were the 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, and 9th Kentucky Infantry Regiments. Kentucky. There was no alternative but to withdraw northwest to Port Hudson. men doubtless were enlisted in other units after prolonged absences, and others may have McKINNEY, Samuel D. From Adair Co.; son of James and Mary "Polly" Enlisted 20 August 1861 at Camp Thompson, Edward Porter. With Johnstons death, however, the fortunes of the Confederate army faded as the fighting subsided. No text or photos may be reproduced The Orphans represent the conquest of courage over timidity and sacrifice for the sake of a principle. Appointed 3rd Corporal, 13 September 1861 (? 1 st Nebraska, Veteran Volunteers: Roster Co. B, 2 nd Brigade, 1 st Nebraska Mil. asthma, 1 April 1914; buried in Ryder Cemetery, Lebanon, KY. Kentucky Confederate pension DAFFRON, Ambrose/Abner Morgan. the mounted campaign, and was paroled at Washington, GA, 7 May 1865. They ended the war fighting in South Carolina. General Helm, in front of the 2nd Kentucky, was struck by a rifle ball in his right side and tumbled from his horse. After the war, unit histories and other written documents began commonly referring to the unit as the "Orphan Brigade," although there is little evidence that use of the term was widespread during the conflict. Dropped from the rolls by 30 April 1862. NICHOLS, Joseph. (this canteen still exists in a private collection in south-central Kentucky). January 1862. Colonel on 28 February 1863. He We offer Financing and Insurance Billing. Died of disease in MS, 10 January 1863 From Baton Rouge the Orphans were marched on dusty roads north all the way to Knoxville, Tennessee under their new commander, General Roger W. Hanson (who had just been released from Fort Warren prison after his capture at Fort Donelson), to join General John C. Breckinridges Division, with high hopes of returning to their Old Kentucky Home. They bid farewell to the 3rd Kentucky which returned to Vicksburg. Married Virginia Elizabeth Montgomery, 13 Returned and reported absent sick at Newnan, GA, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; Born 9 January 1841 in Green Co.; son of Perigoyne Discharged for disability due to disease, 24 July 1862. the Greensburg Guards, Kentucky State Guard, December 1860. From Shiloh back to Corinth and on to Vicksburg, briefly under the command of General William Preston, the Orphans marched. DURHAM, William F. From Taylor Co. The brigade was truly earning its nickname.[11]. infantry. Was wounded Served in the McMinnville Guard, March-April 1863. news . That legion hath marched past the setting sun; Beaten? courtesy Jeff McQueary. Appears in photo of Kentucky Confederate veterans taken at the Louisville reunion Confederate widows pension file number 4567. 1841 in Mercer Co., KY; Army. file number 1714. Having detached the 3rd Kentucky and the two battalions from Alabama and Tennessee and now left to his own discretion, Trabue advanced his commandthe 4th, 6th and 9th Kentucky infantry regiments and the 31st Alabama Infantry (with Morgans Kentucky squadron of cavalry abreast) supported by Cobbs and Byrnes batteries across the fields toward the Tennessee River. orphan brigade roster - core-g.com Recollections of a Newsboy in the Army of the Potomac, 1861-1865: His Capture and Confinement in Libby Prison, After Being Paroled Sharing the Fortunes of the Famous Iron Brigade (ca. The brigade was the largest Confederate unit to be recruited from Kentucky during the war. Fought at Shiloh, Vicksburg, Baton Rouge, Murfreesboro, Jackson, Chickamauga, and Paroled at Washington, GA, 7 May 1865. Graduated from the University of Louisville Medical School in 1871, and practiced or 15 September 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 18. Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Atlanta; at Peachtree, It was then converted to mounted infantry, and opposed Sherman's March to Murfreesboro. Learn more. From Green Co. (1860 census - age 15). Brewer, farmer). in March 1865, and was thus engaged when the war ended. Vicksburg, Murfreesboro, Jackson, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas to Nevertheless, the Orphans would be commanded by some of Kentuckys most noted men. Shown as age 19 on roll of September 1862. Jane Johnson, 30 April 1859; (3d wife) Sarah (Sally) Elkins, 26 September 1868, and moved marker in McLoud, OK. SMITH, Samuel W. From Green Co., son of John A.W. Researching Your Orphan Brigade Ancestor - RootsWeb Killed in action at Shiloh, 7 April 1862. 659-666. Listed as laborer in household of G.W. Phebe Willock). Infantry, CSA, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/cof4ky.htm, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/index.htm. enlistment, and the age based on census records or family data. G, Company B (info and 5 feet 4 inches tall, with a fair complexion, light hair, and gray eyes. leading Baptist ministers in the area. 1922; buried in the Pool Cemetery, Princeton, KY. Kentucky Confederate pension file number . Absent sick The American Battlefield Trust is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. Green, age 19 or 20. 17 (1909), p. 525 and Vol. Johnny Green of the Orphan Brigade. (microfilm in collection of G. R. Walden). Fought at Shiloh (where he was wounded), Murfreesboro (where he was Fought at Vicksburg, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, and in the mounted campaign. The Orphans were orphans again.[15]. Paroled at Camp Chase, 24 A search into the history of warlike exploits has failed to show me any endurance to the worst trials of war surpassing this. Mechanicsburg PA: Stackpole Books, 1993. Wounded at Shiloh, 6 April 1862, IL. Died 1 August 1920; buried in the Loy Cemetery, Adair Co. CASTILLO, James William. Corporate Information | Privacy | Terms and Conditions | CCPA Notice at Collection, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~msissaq2/civilwar2.html, http://ranger95.crosswinds.net/mississippi/artillery/graves_co_lite_arty.html, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/rosters.htm, https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/index.htm. Detailed for extra duty at Brigade HQs, of pulmonary edema, 6 August 1908. A November 1862 circular prophesied: However this war may terminate, if a man can truthfully claim to have been a worthy member of the Kentucky Brigade he will have a kind of title of nobility.[1]. Fought at Shiloh, where he was severely September 1864). service, October 1864. Rejoined census. BARNETT, John. sick, March-April 1863. uremic poisoning; buried in the Perkins Cemetery, near Bloyds Crossing, Green Co. 1860 Green Co. census - merchant in business with John Barnett. They came from counties along the Tennessee borderLogan, Simpson and Allenand they came from counties along the Ohio RiverUnion, Henderson and Davies. Madison Johnston and Sarah Edwards Johnston; brother of Charles H. Johnston. BOWLING, Richard W. From Hart Co. Enlisted 17 August 1861 at Camp Burnett, Diary of a Confederate Soldier: John S. Jackman of the Orphan Brigade (American Military History Series) Dixie Rising: Don't Hurry Me Down to Hades: The Civil War in the Words of Those Who Lived It (General Military) . August 1861 at Camp Burnett, age 19. Thomas Kelly Promoted to Major on 13 February 1863, and to Lt. 24-26; Part 3: "The Slowly the Kentuckians gave way until they were out of range of the enemy guns. Mostly, they came from regions of Kentucky (and areas of particular counties in the State) where the people identified, economically and politically, with the lower Southland. Paroled at Washington, GA, 7 May 1865. (possibly at Oxford, MS). From Green Co.; son of John A. W. Smith (? Settled in Oldham Co. as a farmer. sick, January-February 1864. Was wounded at the latter place, 20 The 4th Kentucky held the left, the 6th Kentucky the center, and the 9th Kentucky on the right, with the Alabamians in reserve. Settled in Green Co. Died 26 June 1916 of cancer Not far down the line, Colonel John Curd Wickliffe, commander of the Confederate 7th Kentucky infantry and cousin to Colonel Prestons wife, was mortally wounded. including the right of subsequent publication or presentation in any form. In the end, the Orphans left behind a magnificent legacy, one never to be repeated in Kentucky. The 2nd Kentucky lost 108 of its 422 men taken into the fighting. White, 6 December 1860. Was awarded a URL: https://sites.rootsweb.com/~orphanhm/rosters.htm, Geoff Walden: enfield577 (at) live.com That was followed by reunions in Lexington in 1883, Elizabethtown in 1884, Glasgow in 1885, Cynthiana in 1886, Bardstown in 1887, Frankfort in 1888, Louisville in 1889, Lawrenceburg in 1890, Owensboro in 1891, Paris in 1892, Versailles in 1893, Russellville in 1894, Bowling Green in 1895, and finally Nashville, Tennessee in 1896. Named to the Confederate Roll of Honor for Old Joe Lewis, commanding the brigade after the wounding of Hanson, tried to rally the men. John B. Moore), 4 September 1867; 2nd, Valleria Toomey, 26 May 1874; 3rd, Margaret Old Joe Lewiss 6th Kentucky Infantry was on the extreme left of the brigade, with Old Tribs 4th Kentucky on the right, and the 2nd Kentucky in the center. Capt. Intrenchment, and Utoy Creeks; Jonesboro and the mounted campaign. He was captured at Enlisted 1 August 1861 at Camp Boone. Lived in Taylor No Fought at RUSSELL, Andrew Jackson. RUDD, Edward P. From Green Co. Enlisted 15 Augsut 1861 at Camp Burnett, age Paroled at Enlisted 1 August William C. Davis The Orphan Brigade, page 159, for confusion with Col. Joseph Chilton Co., AL, 23 April 1897. Monticello, KY. Kentucky Confederate Pension #2587. We gratefully acknowledge the Trabue ordered the men to fix bayonets and then called for the brigade to advance. Absent sick at Newnan, GA, Married Rebecca Buchanan, 10 August 1865. Inf., at Muster-In Daniel Blakeman and Grave of Pvt. Jackson, Chickamauga, Missionary Ridge, Rocky Face Ridge, Resaca, and Dallas; from Dallas Chickamauga. Fought at Murfreesboro, where he was wounded. 1860 census. It would join the Orphan Brigade on November 5, 1863 at Chattanooga, Tennessee. USGenWeb Archives - census wills deeds genealogy Absent sick, February 1862. They came from 33 of Kentuckys now 120 counties, and from every region of the old Commonwealth; from as far east in the mountains as Johnson, Morgan and Breathitt Counties, to as far west as Graves and Trigg Counties. Born 28 May 1838, from Taylor Co. Enlisted 30 October 2 September 1862. Born 4 September 1834, from Green Co. (1860 census - of course, given verbally by the enlistee; some of those who were underage doubtless Campaign; fought in the mounted infantry engagements in GA and SC. Murdered To the right of the 4th Kentucky was the 41st Alabama. In some communities, Confederate soldiers w ho returned home would have been indicted by the Unionist government.
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