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I always wonder where people get the time to have 1 million shares. CSV. Any advice I would appreciate ps great IG page I just started following you. Ive been on here for 5 years. Sick of it! There are other options besides Poshmark, like Tradesy and even eBay that arent quite as time consuming. Poshmark of course is siding with the buyer and then notified me that I was in danger of loosing my membership because of my response to the buyer telling her that this was impossible and completely rude.now that treat me like bully. Makes the item virtually impossible to sell and the seller is screwed. I saw your post on Posh and read your blog article. It happens to some degree in every venue. He was unaware that he bought anything. Tradesy took the return, the buyer got refunded, I kept my money, and then Tradesy resold the shoes through their house account. Might be something you want to try. Ha, like that will ever happen! Thanks for sharing I dont feel like its just me. So I get my two items returned, and figured, they are NOW scratched and the make-up train I sold her is ruined inside. I emailed Poshmark Support and asked the question but havent heard back from them yet but I dont see how they can make a seller make them an exclusive. Building your own site and getting enough people to buy from you aint free, far from it. No one here can really answer this question for you. It was bought immediately and the buyer asked me to ship it asap which I rushed to the post office to do. Theres a lot of room for improvement. I am close to closing my closet. The money the Chinese superfakes make Poshmark is too good for them to close those closets down. Its called How To Ditch Poshmark and Start Your Own E-Commerce Business! Its a 57-page e-book that details every step I took in opening my Shop Stylaphile Vintage store. For the most part, its gone well, but Im getting tired and stressed. To have a damaged item thats not even yours returned to you, no questions asked, with no recourse for the seller? But Poshmark sided with her an thats total crap ! One way to know if this has happened to you, is youll start to see less engagement on your items (less likes and comments). She made this payment 3 weeks ago and has not heard a single word from Poshmark since then. I will only ever use Poshmark to buy because the prices are great and the variety is nice because sometimes eBay doesnt have any listings for a particular item I want but I cant be bothered to sell on Poshmark and this post confirms it. I was so sad to read all these experiences above, I too love my followers and have actually made some close friendships via Posh but it looks like it is time to move to another platform. I sold those NWT item only for $10.00 to get my feet wet and get my 5 stars only to find out that no one can even see those rating. But thats ok I will take my business elsewhere! Once opened, select the Account tab at the bottom right corner. It would allow me to allow me to go to the middle or end of my closet or others quickly. $270 for a dooney disney bag. I have Traumatic Brain Injury, put so much time and money into Poshing. This is how Im making a living now and its drowning. I have had it authenticated on a coach forum and also directed her there to ask her own questions and concerns so they could show her what makes it authentic and also pointed her to information/articles. And dont even get me started on the wholesale portal! I know everyone has to start somewhere, but Im afraid of getting burned! Its sad how they take 20% from sellers but cant invest that in a customer service team . Great post! WIthin 4 weeks I sold 48 listings with 5 star ratings with over $600 in sales. And like I said in the post, it was just way too time consuming and soul-consuming when it comes to experiences like the one you had. Always looking for great people to network with . ); 3). 3-4 occasions where something was not as described or damaged when I got it and they accept the return or gave me a posh Credit in one instance but in other cases they have totally back me up. r/poshmark 4 yr. ago. I feel stuck. Well the shirt was mis-marked as a 2XL and I clearly stated that in my listing. The model requires too much of a time commitment to successfully make money selling; 4). Im currently selling on pm And it can be time consuming sharing. This unfortunately happened to me. Best of luck and let me know how it goes! As for the 20%, it is a small price to pay for traffic. Also, a lot of people have luck selling on Instagram. Also if you go on youtube there are tons of videos on reselling, online business, etc. But yeah I find it so unprofessional and unethical that Im considering just quitting. I stopped posting on PM because of their crazy 20% fee and poor customer service. I was just curious, what was the best way to post an move all your items listed to your new online store? Thanks Stacey! There are so many positives. Ive spent the last year or two getting rid of my PM inventory on Mercari (I no longer have any interest in resale). Then the other day I had a terrible experience as a buyer. I offer poshmarks first regret-free promise to sellers. While in theory that is great, I really dont have time to keep doing that daily. I clearly stated in my I found a brand new one (literally exact same model) at Macys for 40 dollars. I was nice at first and pointed out that #1- I am listing a ton of NWT stuff well be low retail and even wholesale prices, not making money on a lot of things. I had the same bad experience. Hi. The pricing model just doesnt work for me. idk, just fyi, I did contact customer support. Please bundle up your likes within my closet &I will send you a private offer!!! And I run into it often on Posh! They shut my closet down Black Friday for a week. Here's how to do both. A punitive feedback system totally biased towards the buyer. And yet it looks well-done on the Seller because Poshmark will still list that item as SOLD, so it looks like the Sellers are actually doing well even though they cancel abruptly. Unfortunately, Ive heard many stories similar to yours. -slow shipper (shipped same day) I would rather gift it than sell it to greedy unsavory predatory buyers that try to make you feel they are doing you a favor by essentially stealing it from you for a few bucks. People offer half the price for a listing. I purchased them for $50 and received them within days. I am a Buyer and they want me to sign up for an account I am not interested I buy things and just use PayPal and have used a number of emails but now it is to the point I cant order anymore unless I sign up oh well, so many sellers are missing out (think I have four pending purchases PayPal already processed but PM just sends me an email to sign up. Youre right though, clearly I was in the wrong for having patience enough to wait for your response to my initial question. They get 30 days to review. Im very sad to learn that this type of behavior from certain negative and hateful users has been going on, unaddressed, as far back as 2016, and its still happening! Ive sold 5 things on posh. She says in her complaint, I wear a small and this does not fit like a medium I want a refund on this shirt. Seriously? . Hi Diana! Another was a brand new rose gold watch she got next to nothing!! Figure out top selling categories and subcategories based on season. I recently sold a Chloe Marcie Bag and after I sold it, it got shipped to them to authenticate. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. I was appalled as this had never happened to me before! Candace, you should definitely start your own site! What one person considers EUC may actually be just good to another person, so some basic elaboration is necessary. I would love to start my own site, but I have little presence on social media currently (working on it) and worry about getting the necessary traffic to make the monthly fees worth it. I recently found a very unusual top, by a designer from Lebanon. Thanks to all for listening and sharing your eye-opening storiesIm sorry for all of us and most certainly will switch to another sales site (or set up my own online store)! Like the girl who bought a used bracelet for $3. I'm new to Poshmark, so I've been sharing and commenting a lot while following proper "etiquette". If youre an advanced posher, and youve been locked up in Poshmark share jail before, I have some secrets from you. Umno. Ive started cross-posting items so I can have a wider scope of buyers and most of the time, Im more successful on ebay. I think you have to understand why Posh usually sides with the buyer when they open a case. Your submission to r/Poshmark has been removed because your account is too new or your karma is too low. Really a Chanel dusty bag! Agree with you completely! Buyer gets it and immediately wants a refund because of said noted, photographed, and described damage! I may need to get out of this reselling business and get a job that is less stress. Im also seeing what youre stating. I had regular repeat customers that were amazing, which is the only real drawback to quitting PoshmarkI loved these folks! You dont realize how much time youre committing to this platform until you stop. Thank you. But the MAIN reason I will not do posh is because of the very restrictive photo requirements. I dont mind doing the work but i believe i should at least be seeing some improvements on their part. But rude people def get reported and I have posh remove their comments. Good Bye Poshmark Forever. I started on Posh to pay my sons medical bills from this past summer and the only thing I feel Ive gotten from Posh are migraines, a stronger eyeless prescription and the feeling of being isolated from my family. She hasnt sold anything yet from her closet. my_poshboutique. But to be honest, online businesses are never easy. Its uncanny! I am not interested in running a garage sale on line. From personal experience, I can say that even some items listed as NWT and NWOT can come with blemishes or damages that clearly put them out of those categories. Thanks for any advice! Note, this doesn't opt you into Poshmark-related emails. I also crosslist on mecari and have had a few sales with no time suck. Some nice love notes. Also I havent sold anything since becoming an ambassador. Thanks! You upload items to Tradesy pretty much the same way you do Poshmark, but you dont have to do the continual sharing. Not great, but good. Same name? Every Offer to Likers you make is an additional entry. If its working for you, by all means stick with it! Did anyone else not know this or am I the only one? I also block them. You should take photos and send to Poshmark and get that user BANNED for life! I just feel so cheated as I am getting back something damaged. I have never in my entire life of purchasing on line seen how lazy Poshmark sellers are. This thing looks like it was probably made in China with the cheapest quality fabric available certainly the thinnest! The bonus items were worth more than the items you paid for. Act quick, these offers only last 24 hours and are sent to every Posher whos liked the listing. Hi Dee! Ive read her comments and potential buyers have asked for photos of the actual jacket and some other ?s. They're completely off. Thanks for your help. Thank you for your response. I recently sold a cute brand new mind you, Gigham plaid Bodycon dress an all measurements were posted an I always said if you have questions before you purchase ask . I would recommend not doing any more than 4000 shares in a day. Most Posh sellers will tell others that the first thing that they do in the morning is share their Listings. Ive never been able to understand how people dont see through all this ridiculousness. They want to come to my house to get the item and only pay with a check. Aside from having no personal interaction with sellers, backing up sellers, and even posting there is a time suck. Really sad that there are people out there like that. I came across your article, and Im so glad I did! Yay! Heres the best part , I received the dress back with a run (like in a stocking) a snag in the dress an it was loaded with perfume, an you could tell it was ironed an worn !!!! (3) I was a top seller, with over 333,000 followers. Too bad too because I loved shopping on there and there were some truly great sellers with fun wrapping & thank you notes- but Posh wont get a penny more from me.