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Did you audition all of them in the same place with the same system? Firstly, that was a very impressive list of high end components you have listened to. MSB Technology's Discrete DAC was the best DAC I'd heard in my systemuntil the MSB Premier showed up. Aurender N10 is still not a USB only dedicated streamer so you will not hear what USB audio is fully capable off through Ms/Dave. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. The Base module has two outputs (high and low) depending on whether you are outputting to a preamplifier or directly to a power amplifier. So, essentially, around the back of this DAC we have XLR output modules, dual power inputs (more on this in a moment) the digital input module (XLR, RCA, and two optical), and the USB input. The MSB simply sounded more real to my ears and offered a more convincing soundstage and tonality and all the tiny informations in the music where integrated in the musical flow whereas the DAVE simply sounded flat and not realistic to my ears and even lacked those tiny informations. CH Precision C1 DAC. Never use!! I say take what everyone post when a grain of salt, because an individual's preference may be different than yours. MSB discrete DAC, dCS Bartok, Chord DAVE - Innocent Key All in all the Discrete DAC is beautiful looking, minimal, easy to set up (its all but plug and play if you turn both the PSUs on) and it feels like a proper bit of audio engineering. Im participating to both learn and make suggestions where I have experience that may help. Did I mention the remote is perfect? Euphony Summus, EtherRegen, MSB Discrete. MSB Technology [Select DAC II Full Option] Chord [Dave] Myek [Manhattan II] I had A-B test about 2 months. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material (in part or in full) without express and written permission from this websites author and/or owner is strictly prohibited. Cheers @Stereophilus Pass Labs INT-60. This DAC is 11,000 and as such, it is a considerable investment to make, but I would suggest that this is not stupid money for the kind of transparency and clarity it brings. The demo model came in brushed aluminium but you can also get black. This one has similar sound signature to MSB Premier But it is half notch below MSB Premier on dynamics, details, soundstage. You go off people's opinions and hope it'll match your equipment and system when you put the hard earned down. There are so. Since this forum is mainly USA based and we are in the UK, I have very little to gain business wise here. I hope you understand. I've also learned that a DAC's performance will depend heavily on the music player. If you have a turntable, for instance, the Discrete will have to act as a standalone DAC and go into a preamplifier/integrated amplifier which will then add its own flavour to the mix. It may not display this or other websites correctly. I'm looking for suggestions on DACs I should listen to as possible replacement of my Chord Dave. I actually like the simplicity of this and it is very intuitive to use when you get into setting up and menu diving, though diving is over-egging it a bit as the Discrete is a doddle to set upif you do it right, but more on that in a while. Great Dac but for me a NOS DAC (Metrum Adagio) won the contest over all the others Dacs I have tried so far. The Chord Qutest DAC has the same DAC architecture and filters as the Chord Hugo 2. Yeah, you and me both- the look I got wasn't as funny as the one I got from the Sennheiser stand when I asked if they had any HD600 or HD650, instead of all those Momentums and so forth, but still. 1 Link to comment Share on other sites. It would only sound like sales so we dCS Bartok>Chord DAVE>MSB discrete discreteR2R R2R DAVE BartokdCSBartok And this is where I had a problem with this DAC, though mostly the problem was of my own making. There are some tonal differences too, but what you prefer will depend on your other equipment and the music you like. Its a clever thing meaning that their products are repairable and upgradeable for example, you can have a card that is set up for single-ended outputs or balanced XLR outputs (for review we have the balanced version). retail client forgets that most audio stores and audio distribution companies Thats why were thrilled to offer up to 100% trade-in value for existing MSB products when upgrading to a higher performing series. Moving away from the actual sound of the music, one of my main takeaways from listening to the Discrete was the sense of timing it brought to music. What ice cream do you prefer? so these are less preferred. StereoNET (Australia) is part of an international network of publications owned wholly by Sound Media Group (Australia). Ill not get into the whole detail of this here but the MSB website does have an excellent (and interesting) explanation of jitter and why having a very low jitter clock is favourable to having a very accurate clock theres a link at the bottom of this review. The Pro USB is offered as a stand alone module for users who already have an MSB DAC that is equipped with a Pro ISL input as well as a starter kit with a Pro ISL input and everything you need to get up and running. The best upgrade for Dave easy. I've had some excellent preamps in my system (Dartzeel, Absolare, Robert Koda, Kondo). Rori is definitely welcome. Up to 32 bit 768kHz Some silly sausage plugged a white power cable into a black device. It would be absolute suicide for an audio distributor to However, the extra PSU does add to the cost considerably! Almost all gear I hear is pretty good and some are great but the most expensive ones are not universally the best to my ears. I could easily live with any of these. Height with feet: 68 mm Weight: 8.2 kg, Accessories included: Manual Remote control Aluminum MSB USB charging cable 4 X Spikes and Cups 4 X plastic inserts Power connector splitter, MERASON FRROT DAC REVIEW The Merason Frrot DAC costing 995 isn't the first thing that comes to mind when we think of Switzerland. Mola Mola dac and the Total dac. So this was headphones straight out of the DAVE? There is the option to add a streaming module to the Discrete and if I was in the market for a digital streaming solution, then this is where I would be going. The Discrete DAC, the successor and highly improved replacement to the now-famous Analog DAC is the MSB DAC that everyone has been waiting for. Still would like to listen to the Soulution 760 DAC, Mola Mola DAC, Trinity DAC, MSB Select DAC, and maybe the Light Harmonic Da Vinci DAC, Gryphon Kalliope DAC, TotalDAC of some kind, Phasure NOS1A DAC, Esoteric Grandioso DAC, TAD DA1000 DAC, Audionet DAC, Chord Dave DAC . let me know when it's on, I'll make my way down if I can. Your web browser does not support iFrames. Thank you all for your answers. $16K Signature DAC sound? @ricred1, I would like to suggest you take a look at the Mola Mola Tambaqui when it arrives later this month I understand. Have you thought about hooking up a Blu2 to Dave? I have great synergy in my system and see no reason to listen to every new DAC out there. So thats it and I think the only thing I think Ive left out of the build part of this DAC is the 3 buttons and the knob on the front panel which are used for manually changing the volume and menu diving, though all this can be done from the remote. In my assessment the Makua offered a more open and spacious sound. At $20,000 I recommend the MSB Premier DAC with two power supplies (KeithRs system). Audiogon Discussion Forum Thats not allthe CNC unibody aluminum chassis provides the discrete power supply with optimal thermal performance and an elegant design aesthetic. Good points by all. I cant help with comparisons of two of these DACs, but I did hear the Tambaqui up against the dCS Bartok and it was a pretty close call, but ultimately the dCS sounded more analogue and more immersive, I have heard the Dave and EMM Labs DAC2x up against aMakua that I subsequently purchased. Founded in 2010 Whats Best Forum invites intelligent and courteous people of all interests and backgrounds to describe and discuss the best of everything. for instance, the Select II is modular (customers can easily change modules in seconds)so it has the ability to quickly modify its inputs to allow for optimization of various interfaces. had if for 2 years now. I hate to repeat myself, but there are no absolutes in audio, only preferences. The jump from Six to Seven is rather large. which make some people prefer this one to MSB Select II Point 85 Chord Dave and Mscaler (or Blue II transport) This one give transparent and 3D soundstage with excellent details. More sharing . II cannot do anything but award this DAC our highest award, but that award goes with the caveats that it should be used directly into an amplifier and that Id like to have had the options for analogue inputs. In that time, weve pushed the industry forward with each product weve built, redefining whats possible. This latter track is a good track for me to play when listening to new kit as it is basically a drum machine and an acid box and this latter did sound just like a 303 there in the room. Funny how Rob Watts drones on and on about noise modulation, and then we see his product performing like this.. now one might not exactly call this noise modulation, but it definitely something to avoid, especially given the price tag. Since the Topping D70s SINAD is ~120 dB and it costs ~$650, then given that "money is power" (as opposed to amplitude), I would expect the Chord DAVE SINAD to be at least 120 + 10*log($14,000 / $650) = 133.3 dB. Blimey my RME ADI 2 DAC looks to have better performance at a fraction of the cost, /===============================================================/, DACs, Streamers, Servers, Players, Audio Interface, Combination Audio DAC and Headphone Amplifiers. I mean is it audibly noticeable? In that time, weve pushed the industry forward with each product weve built, redefining whats possible. Dealer's should be required to state they're a dealer every time they post or have a disclaimer in their username. Along with an integrated clock, changing this card allows switching between single-ended and balanced outputs. Oppo Modwright BDP-205 full mod. A Chord DAC converts to analog via Chord's "Pulse Array DAC" which is a discrete circuit, similar to the discrete circuit used in the MSB DACs (but not the same). This ranking is just my subjective thinking. I've tried it in my system and I don't like it. The main reason we took on Rockna was because their Tellurium Silver Diamond USB and Chord Blu. This hobby is "highly subjective", influenced by personal feelings, tastes, or opinions; therefore you can A/B a million different components and come to a completely different conclusion on how it sounds compared to another listener. One of the things I jotted down in my notes during this time was the sense of scale the Discrete brought to the music I was listening to big music sounded BIG and more intimate recordings had their own scale too. prefer to keep our test results among ourselves. Up to 1km lossless transmission. As you pursue higher levels of playback, an MSB upgrade path is always available to help drive your own desire for innovation. The bottom line for me is that great DACs can make a difference over good DACs. The clock can be seen as being the heart of the DAC and once again the clocks are made in-house. Digital: Jay's Audio CDT2 MK2 CD transport, Modified MHDT Labs Balanced Pagoda DAC. . MQA decoding I wanted to know for anyone who has heard it have you also heard a DAC that approached it in sonic performance? I can see the problem with this unit. Regular readers will appreciate all that is taken from the MSB website and I make no apologies for not really understanding the electronics. The sonic signature is detailed and yet easy to listen to, with the Discrete bringing a sense of the recordings scale (big or small) to the listening experience. Or arm yourself with a nice bottle of red and pay a visit to@Stereophilus. For such a high entry price I wouldn't take the gamble to go on some recommendation by a stranger whose tastes I don't know. Like others said, I'd try first an MScaler with DAVE. Msb discrete dac vs dcs bartok - To my ears it makes music sound unnatural. This is a very odd one to describe but came to the fore on tracks like Pan Eros from World Of Drums and Percussion. Theres just a sense that with the MSB in the line that everything is timed correctly and rock solid. This is a dealers email comment to me about comparisons he did. there are others I know about but Ive not heard them recently. However, its also very nice to listen to in this system, though I would say it is more accurate/true to the original DAC than our LAB12 DAC or perhaps our Lampizator BIG 7. I also looked at the MSB Discrete DAC but everything thing was an extra cost option (USB, AES/EBU, power supply, etc.,) and expensive. Since opening our doors in 1986, weve been driven by one goal: to craft an unrivaled listening experience for music lovers across the globe. Not sure why you would spend so much on a DAC when the Crane Song Solaris is available at $1,949. I don't like Dave with or without upsampler but I do like Auralic G2 with their upsampler and clock. The DAVE is very resolving, but thinner tonally in comparison to the EMM Labs. The SQ is amazingly good. what Im saying is that comparing dacs also must take into account of all the interface advantages of each particular dac. The world's largest high-end audio community. There are separate optimal PCM and DSD modes for playbacks and bit perfect playback is how DAVE performs optimally as the FPGA up samples and noise shapes everything to 104MHz 5-bit. have had the opportunity to A/B many more pieces of equipment than any consumer This very pleasant sound I was experiencing, it could be argued, was to a large degree down to the choice of amplifier and what that added to the mix, and I do think this is a valid argument. and the MSB Select II has a huge advantage over other dacs with its modularity and in-house development which promotes, in a very timely way, keeping the product at the very tip top cutting edge of digital interface developments. I cant help with comparisons of two of these DACs, but I did hear the Tambaqui up against the dCS Bartok and it was a pretty close call, but ultimately the dCS sounded more analogue and more immersive.However, this was at a time when both units were a similar price. Mike, Scott has been absolutely wonderful in his support, despite my purchasing the Found-Music 2A3s used (from Art S.) He has visited once and is planning another visit after the trip your way. If you currently have an MSB DAC or amplifier that you lovebut are looking to experience more from your systemplease reach out to your local dealer. 2. IMHO an audio recommendation in a forum is just an advice on what is worth listening and the reason why we think so. But the majority of the time all 6 of I suppose what Im saying (badly) is that the Discrete was true to the file it was being fed and I did enjoy hearing it allowed me to pull small details out of the mix Jazz at the Pawn Shop (DSD128) felt more lifelike and in the room than I am used to and raw tracks such as Phutures Acid Trax did sound rougher and really basically recorded. @yyzsantabarbara, your dealer quote is interesting, I suspected that the Mola Mola was that good. I may need to reset expectations a bit lower: This is an update to some old DAVE vibration control posts. And if I had to guess (given I haven't heard both), I'd guess it outperforms the Tambaqui. Unfortunately not, I'm going the second hand route as I've done with most of my setup. With the Bartok now quite a few $$$ more, the Tambaqui represents a fantastic price v performance ratio that would be at home in most highly resolving systems. Much appreciated. Then we have the Integrated Clock module and Im starting to get the whole modular approach to the design of the MSB DAC. Site Founder | Site Owner | Administrator, Is it better than the Chord DAVE that I raved about a few years ago? Going by the performance of the Mola Mola Makua (pre with dac module) it will be extremely good. The Premier is a super-high-resolution, completely silent, utterly dynamic component that lets music flow through it less hindered than through anything else I've heard. First I want to say that I fully agree that the hobby is MSB are an American brand headed up by the brothers Jonathan and Daniel Gullman and located in Silicon Valley, California where they design and build a range of amplifiers, transports, and DACs. It seems to take in zeros and ones and then somehow make sense of these and just convert them into faithful reproductions of the recording though me not being at the recording of any of the records I listened to, thats my assumption coming into play. Thanks for the interesting reply, cmarin. Gbel High End [Divin Noblesse], [Divin Marquis], ([Epoque Aeon Fine]). After that you are GOLDEN. Put simply, your DAC is ready for the future. has 20 hours on it. I agree with what you are saying but "far too often" the But the differences between great DACs is small. Aurender W20-> Lampizator Pacific SE -> Ayon Crossfire III or Circle Labs A100 -> Avantgarde Acoustic Trio LE 26 with 4x REL Carbon Special ,SACD Player: Audio Aero La Fontaine. This gives us lots of headroom for future sample rates and audio formats.. It's pretty funny how everyone gives their personal pet recommendation with the utmost confidence that the buyer will like it. Although I would like to keep this as close to $10-12K as possible. Nothing was amiss. Equipment used: - Roon - 3-in 1-out XLR switchbox - Goldpoint SA2X Attenuator - Benchmark AHB2 Amplifier - Hifiman Susvara headphones (Also used Arya and HD800S but for the most part susvara) Video review of DAVE + Mscaler here: I was upgrading it in this order and still could not believe every time it sounded better. lastly; what I compare my MSB Select II to every day is my top level vinyl and top level reel to reel tape. You are using an out of date browser. However, there is nothing wrong with "taking" recommendations, which help me build a list that I can use to research then find a way to audition my shortlist. I have a PS Audio DSD ATM and it is also on the warm side which is good, but I'm thinking I need something more neutral due to my speakers being fairly warm and full bodied in their own right to take my system to the next level. Jon Hopkins Music For Psychedelic Therapy was a beautifully enveloping experience, made all the more so as sounds come and go in the soundstage in a somewhat more solid way than without the usual DAC. as far as direct comparison with other dacs the closest Ive done is listening to the Select II at shows and then listening to other top dacs in other systems at shows. Out of all of the DACs I've I can leave my hand on it as long as I want to. @astewart8944--two years ago in Feb of 17 i did audition the original Formula dac in my system directly compared to the Lampizator GG 1.5 and the Nagra HD and preferred the Formula for its greater space, lower noise, and more neutral and fast presentation. It features the very best conversion technology available, using proprietary techniques never seen before, making DAVE the most advanced DAC/preamp amplifier in the world. turns out that with the Extreme USB slightly pulls ahead of the Ethernet with the Renderer, then adding the Pro USB there is now a significant step up over the Renderer. From beginners to life-long hobbyists to industry professionals, we enjoy learning about new things and meeting new people, and participating in spirited debates. Once populated, the circuit boards are made into modules and then placed inside the casework. When a dealer post something you have to take it with a enormous grain of salt. Directstream, Bricasti M1, Jeff Rowland Aeris, Chord Dave, and today I Thank you, Mike. Even at very low listening levels, it was clear that the MSB was delivering a clean analogue output to the ampand Im aware that sounds a bit vague. As I said, its an odd one to describe but you do hear it as it brings a sense of rightness to rhythm tracks. About Chord Vs Dac Discrete Msb Dave . Like the Lab12. - Up to 32 bit - 768kHz. dacs and server competed against much more expensive dacs and servers sound wise The end result is a digital experience defying expectations. It's embarrassing. T&A Dac8 (for DSD512) or Lampi Atlantic for any native rate DSD playback. It's not just a matter of being polite, it's also about acknowledging that what we hear and what we prefer is uncertain and changes; that the comparisons were made at different points in time wherein my system had varying levels of resolution/ noise; the fact that making a change requires greater energy and usually more money than staying with what you have; and that sometimes the differences between components are not significant or actionable. The Chord DAVE was also on my list, but I decided to pass (my Chord retailer was very 'pushy' and not helpful). Analogue Volume Control 1dB from 0 to 106 Deactivable by menu, Dimensions ChassisWidth : 432 mmDepth: 305 mmHeight without feet: 51 mm. The Discrete DAC uses two of these modules per unit. A fully balanced, ultra-high precision, discrete ladder DAC architecture ensures each note tells a story. 2001-2023 One name that was thrown around by a few people I know is the Rockna Wavedream. Paired with performance increases, our modular design ethos increases flexibility for future updates and product support, guaranteeing a long-term product investment. heard, I could easily live with the Aeris, Dave, or Wavedream. While it's an easy setup to wrangle at a show, it does seem like it wasn't doing either component any favours! You must log in or register to reply here.,, Once you add the second discrete PS, and a module or two for it to work, the price goes over $23-24K. As I listen to this tune a few times it strikes me that the Discrete is just that (discrete), it doesnt seem to add a great deal of itself to the file it is playing. My friend who owns the Diamond DAC IV prefers the MSB. It is my name after all! They are excellent pairing. I dont know as that was years ago and I dont have one here to test against. And I make Best DAC Quality Ranking list. "Im not sure if there are algorithms that can add high-frequency information that wasnt captured in the original sampled result". and build quality is also excellent. Guess what I am trying to say is: preamps are important. @smodtactical I would not take price as any arbitrator of quality, especially nowadays. ), Chord Hugo 2 Review (Portable DAC & HP Amp), DAC Noise Modulation: Chord DAVE vs Topping DX7 Pro+, Digital To Analog (DAC) Reviews and Discussion, Amplifiers, Phono preamp, and Analog Audio Review. I have listened to MSB Analog DAC and Diamond DAC IV but not in the same setup as DAVE. This effect was evident on track after track but didnt feel like it was overly exaggerated. I have personally not observed this - with either the DAVE or my Mojo. - Roon Endpoint. This is the main advantage of DAVE (i.e. And now that my system is much more resolving, it's possible that the differences could be larger and my preferences could change. Msb Discrete Dac Vs Dave Chord [YKHGV1] I haven't yet come across one DAC that is best and will completely dominate other great DACs across all audio evaluation parameters. However, there are also products that manage to straddle both sides of the electric fence (whilst being careful not to electrocute their nether regions) and give us a tremendously enjoyable reproduction of a recording whilst remaining true to the source material. The Merriam-Webster online dictionary tells me that the definition of high-fidelity (HiFi) is the reproduction of an effect (such as sound or an image) that is very faithful to the original and it would seem to be reasonable to assume that this is the goal of audiophiles around the world. DAVE is the most advanced DAC Chord Electronics has ever made. I agree price is necessarily indicative of quality or performance. The remainder It is not hard to audition these DACs in Melbourneand this is your best way to work out your own preference. I wanted to know for anyone who has heard it have you also heard a DAC that approached it in sonic performance? For the most part, I listened to the MSB through our LAB12 and Krell KST100 amps and TotalDAC D100 speakers. Since opening our doors in 1986, weve been driven by one goal: to craft an unrivaled listening experience for music lovers across the globe. Powered by Invision Community. There ain't no Coupe deVille hiding at the bottom of a Cracker Jack Box. In my listening tests, I could detect no attribute that made it sound special. I'm also a very patient person and can wait for the right bit of kit at the right price to come up secondhand. If you send me a dave i will happily be your 4th friend who also owns a dave. Digital: Sonore opticalModule > Uptone EtherRegen > Shunyata Sigma Ethernet >Antipodes K30> Shunyata Omega USB> Gustard X26pro DAC < Mutec REF10 SE120, Amp& Speakers: Spectral DMA-150mk2 >Aerial 10T, Foundation: Stillpoints Ultra,ShunyataDenali v1 andTyphon power conditioners,Shunyata Delta v2 and QSA Lanedri Gamma power cords, QSA Lanedri GammaRevelationinterconnect,Shunyata SigmaEthernet,MIT Matrix HD60speaker cables, ASC isothermal tube traps, Stillpoints Aperture panels. and as I said earlier there is no "best" when it comes to dacs or in this forum and they are all very good dacs. Regardless if the buyer has never auditioned the unit, and found it corresponding to, Simaudio Moon Neo 260 DT CD Transport / Empirical Audio reclocking system: Synchro-Mesh Reclocker driven by Dynamo Linear Power Supply, 2 x Reference BNC digital cable / Schiit Yggdrasil Less is More (LIM) DAC / Octave HP 700 preamp / Octave RE 320 stereo amp with Super Black Box / Reference 3A Reflector monitors, on Sound Anchors Signature stands / dual JL Audio Fathom 112 v2 subwoofers / Cables: ZenWave Audio D4 interconnects, ZenWave SMSG speaker cables / Diverse Herbie's Audio Lab footers / Acoustic treatment: Tri-panels, window plugs, ceiling diffusers (all ASC), diverse carpets chosen for acoustic properties (wool, polypropylene basketweave), Sure absolutely agree that paying that much money without auditioning (preferably in my house, with my own equipment, in my room) does not make much sense. And this level of detail the MSB Discrete brings to the listening experience was carried through everything I listened toand I listened to this DAC a lot, with it being the only thing I used to for a solid two weeks. It is a manual step which I forgot. The DAC comes equipped with a single power supply, but can be augmented with a second discrete power supply to enable optimized power isolation between all major components. Equipped with high-visibility and a wide viewing angle, the display is both easy-to-read and stunning, exhibiting our love for intuitive features. Auction bid 7 150 25 . Stuart Smith finds out. Concluding that there is some kind of problem with using an FPGA vs. what MSB does is not technically supportable. For the most part, I used this input and for a quick comparison one of the optical inputs. Can't beat the form factor of it though, great for off a desk top. Supported Formats (Depending on Input) 44.1 kHz to 3.072kHz PCM up to 32 bits 1xDSD, 2xDSD, 4xDSD, 8xDSD Accepts DSD via DoP on all inputs, Digital Inputs 1x RCA Coaxial 1x XLR 1x Word-Sync Out 2x Toslink 2x Isolated slots for optional modules, XLR Outputs Voltage: 3.57 Vrms Maximum Impedance 300 High Gain setting Impedance 150 Low Gain setting. I have had Dave in my system. I don't understand why Chord DACs have to be so damn ugly! Fully agree that it could come down to personal preference @RoriHope you have arranged auditions. Sound Media Group Pty Ltd Looks like your budget goes up to ~$20k? We can operate our current DAC modules at up to 6 MHz for PCM and up to 50 MHz for DSD. And I've learned to be careful and not generalize how a component will sound based on show conditions or other systems. I auditioned a DAVE (not deconstructed) and TT2 and found all Chord products lacked the musicality of MSB. 2. Sounds shrill on my workstation and work laptop. Hmm.. and this is borne out in the sound that this DAC brings to the party. So take it for what it is. As a contented Qutest user, I would have hoped for "improved", performance from the Dave. Many competing DACs will have a more comprehensive display at this price and, more commonly still, an app designed for intuitive access via smartphone and/or tablets. I wired it all up and the unit lit up but I could get no sound out of it whatsoever. Besides that the MSB looks so much better. Just go for an internal Asus card to fit in a PCI slot you should be able to get bit perfect optical output thanks for confirming suitability of current setup. There are a lot of people that absolutely love the M-scaler. By continuing to use this site, you are consenting to our use of cookies. Never say never, but I reckon 99.9% of folk would get to the Discretes level of performance and not be able to justify another 110K to achieve, what I am guessing would be marginal gains though I have not experienced the Select and so cannot say for sure that this would be the case and it may be a total revelation is sonic engineering.