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Examples include erasing things out of existence, granting wishes, creating universes, creating/altering matter, time manipulation, spatial manipulation, etc. Space-time Manipulators can do almost everything a reality warper could do, but there's one key difference. He's not just a matter manipulator. Everything that humanity has categorized as real or possesses a physical impact on their surrounding area can be defined as actual. Molecular Manipulation Immortality Statistics Amplification Precognition Clairvoyance Teleportation Reality Warping Creation Intangibility Size Manipulation Black Hole Creation Shapeshifting Regeneration Techniques None notable. Alto Clef, Isabel Helga Anastasia Parvati Wondertainment V, Mortimer J. Denning Von Kronecker/Blackbird/The Black King/The Fifth Overseer/O5-5, SCP-001 - Jonathan Ball's Proposal - Sheaf of Papers, Kate McTiriss's SCP-001 Proposal - A Record, SCP-001 - Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal - The Legacy, SCP-001 - Bright's Proposal - The Factory, SCP-001 - Scantron's Proposal - The Foundation, Overwrite Reality/Reality Overwrite/Rewrite. The last scan is him basically creating a pocket dimension for storage. Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it. So no. Owen is the only known being that individually controls sub physics. The user can manipulate reality or the existential state of anything or everything the user chooses to command. We see something similar happen with Ziz who is caught by the Sleepers Reality Warping field and considered to be "dead". Well that's subjective. All welcome. __________________ Even with his powers, doesn't Superman train and work out? subatomic particles that do not travel through time or experience it the way we do. Users at this level can control the very rules and laws that govern reality and can manipulate them into whatever it can or can't be. beneficial events to happen only to the user, The Fragmented One/WAN/he Eternal Network/Fuxi/The Maker of Machines/Hakhama/The Great Voice/Sophia/Mekhane/SCP-001 - TwistedGears/Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God, Khahrahk/Harak/Khnith-hgor/Shormaush Urdal/Son of the Third Brood/The Devourer of Worlds/The Dread/Devourer/The Crimson Monarch/The King who Rose from the Bleeding/Lord of the Throne of Despair/Defiler of Worlds/Rapist King/Proskellion/SCP-001 - Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King, Yul, Yama and Kshitigarbha/The All-Death/The Great Death/The Small Death/The Three Lords of Death/The Brothers Death, SCP-001 - The Database - S Andrew Swann's Proposal, SCP-001 - Djoric-Dmatix Proposal - Thirty Six, SCP-001 - djkaktus's Proposal - The Children, SCP-001 - Jim North's Proposal - A Simple Toymaker, The Primordial Form/Archivist Prime/SCP-001 - McDoctorate's Proposal - The Placeholder, SCP-001-IT/GRAF - The Dragon of Revelation, SCP-0001 - Meta Ike's Proposal - The Solution. He also manipulated Space and Time. At it's base, I think molecular control is just a bit more bound by the laws of physics, to a degree. Matter Manipulation vs. Reality Warping : r/whowouldwin - reddit Lake Ontario, NY, __________________ The Presence. document.write('<'+'a href="mai'+'lto:forums'+'@'+'killermovies'+'. Users at this level can not only manipulate the rules of reality but also the logical framework that these rules follow, thus letting them make reality either be logical and rational or impossible and illogical. Sub-power of Atomic Manipulation and Physics Manipulation. Where as The Molecule Man can only play with what Physics already are there and cannot rewrite Physics as he sees fit. __________________ Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. Reality warpers reshape more than matter and energy. Is Molecule Man A Reality Warper? - Gen. Discussion - Comic Vine These people. Molecular Manipulation The ability to manipulate molecules and their bonds. ", __________________ He is a Molecular Controller. He is a high tier energy manipulator, able to manipulate at or beyond the sub-atomic level as we know it. Overpowered by Omnipotence, Omnilock, Omni-Negation and other Omnipotent Powers. Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. Cookie Notice We view the Sentry as a reality warper, who affects reality on a molecular level. He can lift object, complete stop them, and even immobilize people, thus canceling out users with super speed. [closed], We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup, Latest Blog Post: Jacks Bad Movies Black Adam (2022). But with Molecular Manipulation is the controlling of molecules itself, either by shifting its form, leviation, etc. Users of Molecular Adjustment are highly resistant to the alteration of their molecules. Owen is not a reality warper. //--> Taskmaster The Molecule Man, Gender: MaleLocation: Miami Metropolitan Area, Gender: UnspecifiedLocation: United States. For some reason I felt the need to say that molecule manipulation wasn't matter manipulation. Matter manipulation is not the same thing as molecule manipulation. I think there is a misconception of the difference between a reality generator and a reality warper. Users of Reality Restoration can simply undo everything. Users can alter any item already considered real. Like Chase, Skylar Storm (Mighty Med) can use this ability in conjunction with her. Nvm. I'll ask again. At best matter manipulation on his scale is low level reality warping as it only manipulates the physical plane. It makes you look even more stupid. Why does showing off your powers expose you in the Hero Certification Program in the Super Powereds novels? __________________ And RW is still more powerful. It depends on the level of what you can effect. He literally manipulated the size of an omniverse, you know, the thing that contains universes with reality? ERROR: CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW WITH DATA cannot be executed from a function, Calculating probabilities from d6 dice pool (Degenesis rules for botches and triggers). Man of Miracles. No. matter manipulation is manipulation the basic elements at a base level and shaping them into new and strange shapes to create reactions. And MM can created universes is space-time. there is a reason a reality warper wins 99% of all their fights if the opponent isnt also a reality warper. Reality Warpers: White Lantern Kyle Rayner, Franklin Richards, Mad Jim Jasper's, Beyonder. However, molecule man later gained the power to warp reality itself on a multiversal scale. Which superpower is more powerful, reality manipulation or - Quora Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. If he can't manipulate all aspects of reality including time and thought, then no he's not. He's so powerful that he's been shown able to affect even magical items, like Thor's Hammer, with less than a gesture At times, both have been shown to be near equal in power though. Probably Reality Warping but Matter Manipulation is a more practical use and I'd prefer it due to how complicated Reality warping is. Do roots of these polynomials approach the negative of the Euler-Mascheroni constant? Also, warping reality is basically shaping reality, hence the word "warp". Did Molecule Man really recreate the universe in Secret Wars (1984/1985)? He is turning time and space as he literally says he is so that he can view the past. reality warping by defult. Gender: UnspecifiedLocation: In Hell, torturing your soul. Beyonder had what I think to be override ability, he says it therefore it is. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. //--> Well that's subjective. @daxnovu: He created a quasi-reality, it would take more than molecule manipulation to replicate such a feat. Users of this level have almighty control of all realities and existences. All Rights Reserved.Powered by: vBulletin, copyright 2000-2006, Jelsoft Enterprises Limited. Sometimes confused with "omnipotence", Reality Alteration is a term used to describe the ability of some characters to warp the fabric of reality itself to the whims of the user. If the writers want to sound a little sciency, they talk about reality, if they want to sound more sciency it's molecules. Matter manipulation is turning a sphere into a cube by rearranging it's molecular structure. How and when? Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). However, he is still bound to their rule sets. What is a word for the arcane equivalent of a monastery? Theoretically Correct vs Practical Notation. __________________ Users can control matter to affect the physical universe and treat it as their sandbox. Energy is not a physical unit. Any decision made in the past, any item ever created, any movement, choice, color, atom, or molecule that exists can be changed. Ex: Mr Mxy and Toonforce. Neil Gaiman's Dream/Sandman is said to have the Reality form of the power, as well, though its more a function of what he is in terms of concept, than an out an out "ability" he uses Can someone please elaborate on the specifics of each, how they differ in the particulars, and give examples of skilled users in both utilizing the abilities so that precise differences can be measured? May be unable to create matter, only control it. Transmuting elements is molecular manipulation. It's all up to what the writers want it to be. ^this. Space Time Manipulation vs Reality Warping - Scribble Hub Forum Reality Warping (sometimes called Reality Alteration or Reality Manipulation) is a term used to describe the ability to manipulate reality itself. Copyright 2000-2006, Both abilities are highly powerful in its own class. But I can make it real at any time.Crayak (Animorphs), Reality is often disappointing. It is a philosophical concept and an accounting technique used to analyze mechanical and chemical exchanges. you can controll space, time, matter, souls, hell even the laws of physics and logic bends to your will. Well yeah it is a known fact that matter manipulators work on different level that's why some are stronger than others imo i personally use the term molecule manipulators to refer to matter manipulators i'm relatively loose with the term, and molecule man keeps the name for finesse he's cool like that and if someone judges him he just has to kill galactus.