[input] integer n Sometimes, you have 1 blank line after the function. The first one should probably just be MineBoard's __str__ method, and the second one should probably be part of the game logic rather than the board logic. I added a remark that only the pop()s should be fixed and offered a 2D slicing as alternative Codefights, minesweeper, python, code almost working, How Intuit democratizes AI development across teams through reusability. Pass the code through pycodestyle and correct everything it reports. Thanks for contributing an answer to Stack Overflow! There is not much in the game-logic of Minesweeper. A big clue is the fact that you have multiple comments talking about "cells" but you have no abstraction called "cell" in your code. Here's just a couple that my editor flagged: Note that, if we ignore the afore-mentioned undefined types, then the naming accounts for a vast majority of the remaining issues my editor reports. Your MineBoard class explicitly inherits from object. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? [output] boolean Do you see how this might be confusing to someone that is reading your code? If there is no such integer, return -1 instead. The nature of simulating nature: A Q&A with IBM Quantum researcher Dr. Jamie We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The use of variables like, mine_values will be explained further in the tutorial. This is important because when you put out code for others to use, if they begin accessing/modifying internal class variables and you release a new version with modified internals, it will break their implementation. If you are part of a team, you should adapt your style to match the rest of the team. [input] integer downSpeed I believe there must be a better solution in terms of space-time complexity and just in general. Returning values from functions that aren't used - but as a way to exit the function, Not using a proper data structure to represent the tiles and their behaviour, Spelling/Grammar mistakes in the information presented to the user, Game not acting properly when flagging a single mine (3x3, 1 mine) - finishing automatically, Game not acting properly when flagging a single mine (5x5, 1 mine) due to lower-case f. Asking for help, clarification, or responding to other answers. codesignal-solutions [input] string time Whether the cell to be flagged is already displayed to the player. They want to eat as much candy as they can, but each child must eat exactly the same amount of candy as any other child. Two cells are called neighboring if they share at least one corner.'''. Minesweeper is a puzzle video game. true if the given representation is correct, false otherwise. Euler: A baby on his lap, a cat on his back thats how he wrote his immortal works (origin?). Check out the image below for better understanding: [input] array.integer inputArray Minesweeper is a single-player game in which the player has to clear a square grid containing mines and numbers. For the first example below, the output should be true. [input] string inputString Return an array of two integers, where the first element is the total weight of team 1, and the second element is the total weight of team 2 after the division is complete. An easy way to get to the adjacent positions is to prepare a list of offsets for the 8 neighbouring cells based on the row and column numbers. [input] integer n Learn more about bidirectional Unicode characters. Note: The randint function can only be used after importing the random library. minesweeper codesignal As indicated in other questions: using a position type would make sense, e.g. Code Review Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for peer programmer code reviews. A non-empty array. minesweeper codesignal - wolfematt.com As we mentioned before, there are two kinds of player input : In a normal kind of move, the row and column number are mentioned. You should use a linter and/or a static analyzer, preferably one with an auto-correct functionality. A few superficial things: Games like this are perfect for object oriented code. So we have w h k x m variables here. Most other languages enforce this by statements such as private and public before their type and variable name. You tell the function when to do something, not ask it if it's ready to do it/if it has it. Single mine flagging due to lower-case f: I was surprised when I flagged a tile and the game ended with a mine going off. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. GitHub - dvitsios/codesignal-my-solutions: Solutions in Python from Improve your Python programming skills by coding everyone's favorite Windows 3.1 game: Minesweeper. This comment is problematic for many reasons. Can I tell police to wait and call a lawyer when served with a search warrant? You could certainly make a case that OP's code doesn't need comments, but that's not true in general. For instance, it would allow you to flag already revealed positions, or maybe call setMine after the setup stage. It is done by writing 'import random' at the start of the program. Also, mentioning that you know one or two patterns during your interview (you should know them well enough to write them on a whiteboard) can make you stand out from the crowd. After taking care of these issues, the cell is flagged for a mine. Is it possible to rotate a window 90 degrees if it has the same length and width? The function is clearly separated into a series of steps: setup, game loop, finish. javascript - Minesweaper algorithm solution - Stack Overflow To learn more, see our tips on writing great answers. For classes, be aware of what variables which are internal/private, and place an underscore _ before them. No catching/handling of exceptions raised e.g. You could just use 2D slicing (see the corresponding stackoverflow topic) and do. // All rearrangements don't satisfy the description condition. So, your class declaration should just be. then count the number of Xs in the merged tuples: This runs roughly 5x faster than the index/offset based solution. over 12.5 years). Several people are standing in a row and need to be divided into two teams. The digits sum up to 0 + 4 + 0 + 0 = 4, which is the answer. The rest of it is your good old basic minesweeper. A ticket number represented as a positive integer with an even number of digits. [input] array.string inputArray If, instead, I copy&paste the code into my editor, even during the "paste" operation, it already starts automatically applying fixes, and I only get 139 Errors, 30 Warnings, and 21 Infos. CodeSignal Solutions with time and space complexity for the Arcade, Interview Practice, and Company Challenges. by randomly "allocating" mines. Given a string, find the number of different characters in it. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Assuming that your hunch is correct, decode the message. As we can see clearly, any number on the grid denotes the number of mines present in the neighbouring eight cells. Be aware of the major standard for each language, and follow the style rules in each organisation. This objective is achieved using Recursion. Find the minimal number of moves required to obtain a strictly increasing sequence from the input. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. The algorithm works as follows: each pixel x in the resulting image has a value equal to the average value of the input image pixels' values from the 3 3 square with the center at x. each minute after 10th costs min11 cents. If you kill the monster in front of you, you will gain more experience points in the amount of the reward. A tag already exists with the provided branch name. Introduction. GitHub - mendelsimon/CodeSignal-Solutions: My solutions to the All pixels at the edges are cropped. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Python famously has a concept of DRY (Don't Repeat Yourself), which means that when you're starting to see multiple calls to a function, or repeating the same lines, that there is an opportunity for refactoring. In the next couple of posts we are going to play Minesweeper in . Minesweeper constraints. The first century spans from the year 1 up to and including the year 100, the second - from the year 101 up to and including the year 200, etc. In general, if you use two different ways to write the exact same thing, the reader will think that you want to convey a message with that. A character which is either a digit or not. Individual pieces of candy cannot be split. All the effort is to be done in setting up the Minesweeper layout. In a flagging move, three values are sent in by the gamer. This repository includes my solutions for the arcade challenges in CodeSignal. I think this may be a method that got expanded and never renamed. The two equal numbers are a and c. The third number (b) equals 7, which is the answer. How do I concatenate two lists in Python? Given a rectangular matrix of characters, add a border of asterisks(*) to it. Game Loop is a very crucial part of the game. There must be something in that :). The second candidate can win if all the remaining candidates vote for him (3 + 3 = 6 > 5). Some rooms are free (their cost is 0), but that's probably because they are haunted, so all the bots are afraid of them. A string of lowercase letters. the first minute costs 3 cents, which leaves you with 20 - 3 = 17 cents; the total cost of minutes 2 through 10 is 1 * 9 = 9, so you can talk 9 more minutes and still have 17 - 9 = 8 cents; each next minute costs 2 cents, which means that you can talk 8 / 2 = 4 more minutes. Given array of integers, find the maximal possible sum of some of its k consecutive elements. Last night you had to study, but decided to party instead. I just reversed your logic: I walk through the output field and add values from matrix. In particular, I have type checking turned on, and almost 130 of the Errors are from Pylance complaining it can't fully determine the static type of some variable, parameter, or function. I was given 15 minutes to solve this in a coding challenge, and still can't figure out for the life of me how someone would have approached this. Thanks Felicity for your post. Making statements based on opinion; back them up with references or personal experience. Always use words that explain to readers what the code does through proper variable names. You signed in with another tab or window. The number of the century the year is in. Why is there a voltage on my HDMI and coaxial cables? Assume that you are jumping from the point with coordinate 0 to the right. Regardless, thank you for your feedback. MineSweeper - Codefights - Python - YouTube Short story taking place on a toroidal planet or moon involving flying. An array of integers containing at least two elements. "you are? Staging Ground Beta 1 Recap, and Reviewers needed for Beta 2. Implementation of Minesweeper Game - GeeksforGeeks The first item weighs weight1 and is worth value1, and the second item weighs weight2 and is worth value2. Python 2 is no longer supported since 1 January 2020 (i.e. The number of flags does not exceed the number of mines. The standard (IEEE 802) format for printing MAC-48 addresses in human-friendly form is six groups of two hexadecimal digits (0 to 9 or A to F), separated by hyphens (e.g. After all the cells with zero value and their neighbours are displayed, we can move on to the last scenario. Does a barbarian benefit from the fast movement ability while wearing medium armor? Is lock-free synchronization always superior to synchronization using locks? The standard input involves the overall functioning of the game. Avoid global s. These helpfully often disappear naturally when using OO. Solutions to LeetCode, CodeSignal, Hackerrank and more, specifically written in modern programming languages such as Swift and Kotlin. What I find strange is that it seems those clicks can also explode mines. But I honestly don't see why they exist at all, in that case. I would certainly perform a clear split between setting up the board and playing the game. A string consisting of digits, full stops and lowercase Latin letters. The function 'show_mines()' is responsible for it. There are plenty of tools available that can flag and even auto-correct violations of PEP8. Note: The actual value for a mine is stored as -1, whereas the values stored for display, denote the mine as 'M'. 72 stands for H in the ASCII-table, so the first letter is H. The duration of your ride, in minutes. It is guaranteed that you've been riding for less than a day (24 hours). Movie with vikings/warriors fighting an alien that looks like a wolf with tentacles. An example of what I mean is the print_layout method. However, any recommendations for optimisation are welcome! An array of distinct non-negative integers. It is guaranteed that the parentheses in s form a regular bracket sequence. rev2023.3.3.43278. Call two arms equally strong if the heaviest weights they each are able to lift are equal. I hope the other answers as well as mine are enough to give you lots to study before your next interview. CodeSignal/Intro - minesweeper.java at master kbudulski/CodeSignal Below we will define an n-interesting polygon. //Any swap of any two elements either in a or in b won't make a and b equal. Single mine flagging: In typical minesweeper, even when there is one mine remaining (flagged or unflagged), tiles that are unclicked still require clicking. It should probably be split into two classes. For consistency, I'd use a list of tuples for the mine locations. This method uses higher level functions to detect the state of a position, but then uses += 1 to set the state. codesignal-solutions [input] array.integer a Now there is a black and white photo of you that is about to go viral. Variable Naming: line 21 states self.cellsToOpen = w * h - k, but the comment says # Create a new board with size w x h, and the caller is MineBoard(w, h, m). It looks like there is an added border on three sides, but no border added on the right. Does Counterspell prevent from any further spells being cast on a given turn? Try while game.getStatus == Playing Always try and use positive tests. Recovering from a blunder I made while emailing a professor. Minesweeper - LeetCode You have deposited a specific amount of dollars into your bank account. Why are Suriname, Belize, and Guinea-Bissau classified as "Small Island Developing States"? Therefore, there must be provision for clearing it constantly. What don't you like about it? Here's the rooms matrix with unsuitable rooms marked with 'x': [input] array.array.integer matrix pdb is not used, be aware of unused imports in the final version. Instead of looping unnecessarily over out-of-bound cells, try instead adjusting the range boundaries: This is just a spur-of-the-moment idea, but you could implement __getitem__ for the MineBoard class. Why is this sentence from The Great Gatsby grammatical? Your friend advised you to see a new performance in the most popular theater in the city. Check out the image below for better understanding: A non-empty rectangular matrix consisting of boolean values - true if the corresponding cell contains a mine, false otherwise. A book called "Code Complete" can be useful in learning different patterns of common mistakes made by programmers, I recommend grabbing a copy. true if symbol is a digit, false otherwise. Build a minesweeper clone in Python, using PyQt5 Check if the given string is a correct time representation of the 24-hour clock. Given a valid email address, find its domain part. So, your class declaration should just be class MineBoard: Unused variables When this count is equal to the total cells, except those containing mines, then the game is regarded as over. Generally the code shows a consistent style, so in that regard I think it looks good. Find the leftmost digit that occurs in a given string. It mixes responsibilities of creating the string representation and printing it. To review, open the file in an editor that reveals hidden Unicode characters. This is done by: These values are to be hidden from the player, therefore they are stored in numbers variable. Given an array of integers, find the maximal absolute difference between any two of its adjacent elements. So, let's fix those names. We use the function countAdjacentMines () to calculate the adjacent mines. true if inputString is a palindrome, false otherwise. It must be the result of doing many leetcode exercises recently and I just tend to save memory anytime possible. one with mines (and mine counts, for convenience) and one layer that shows if the position has been revealed or flagged. It requires checking for some pre-requisites before flagging the cell for a mine. He may need some additional statues to be able to accomplish that. That's great post but the task was for 1 hour. codesignal codesignal-solutions codesignal-arcade codesignal-interview . You can t. You can see the 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-interesting polygons in the picture below. Define a word as a sequence of consecutive English letters. Is it plausible for constructed languages to be used to affect thought and control or mold people towards desired outcomes? I get IndexError with this code. The largest integer divisible by 3 and not larger than 10 is 9. The first person goes into team 1, the second goes into team 2, the third goes into team 1 again, the fourth into team 2, and so on. How can I remove a key from a Python dictionary? [input] array.integer a Something like: MineBoard(width, height, num_mines) and self.cellsToOpen = width * height - num_mines is much easier to understand. python3 minesweeper.py. codesignal-solutions GitHub Topics GitHub Code submitted as solutions to the exercises in CodeSignal. I wish you the best of luck with the interviewing process and hope you get the job. In the popular Minesweeper game you have a board with some mines and those cells that don't contain a mine have a number in it that indicates the total number of mines in the neighboring cells. That was amazing !. If your code is so complex that you need to explain it in a comment, you should rather try to refactor your code to be less complex so that it needs no explanation. click is used as a method name. To gain some courage, you decide to calculate the number of such people and see if you can possibly make it to the exit without disturbing too many people. It's still O(n) time with respect to array, though; it's not really possible to improve on that. In general I would prefer a game where the methods make sure you cannot cheat. I'd have to print out the board to understand printLayout fully, but that's OK. (I've taken the liberty of converting all identifiers to PEP8 style.). How to Format a Number to 2 Decimal Places in Python? You could avoid some math to find the last item by using append, and give no argument to pop. Given a string, find the shortest possible string which can be achieved by adding characters to the end of initial string to make it a palindrome. The code already explains the "how". Cannot retrieve contributors at this time 29 lines (28 sloc) 1.04 KB Raw Blame Edit this file E Given a divisor and a bound, find the largest integer N such that: It is guaranteed that such a number exists. You cannot let this ruin your reputation, so you want to apply box blur algorithm to the photo to hide its content. Check if all digits of the given integer are even. Why not create a constant value such as MARGIN for it? A non-empty array of integers, sorted in ascending order. # game variables.. run = True. Codefights, minesweeper, python, code almost working Not the answer you're looking for? This commit does not belong to any branch on this repository, and may belong to a fork outside of the repository. For example, if each of the remaining voters cast their votes for each of his opponents, he will still be the winner (the. For a single game of Minesweeper, we need to keep track of the following information: These values are stored using the following data structures. xem xt . minesweeper codesignal. This file contains bidirectional Unicode text that may be interpreted or compiled differently than what appears below. [input] string inputString This can be done by: In the code, we choose a random number from all possible cells in the grid. The game rushes to a finish when flagging the correct tile, it doesn't leave the user in suspense whether they have chosen correctly or not. Example. An email address such as "John.Smith@example.com" is made up of a local part ("John.Smith"), an "@" symbol, then a domain part ("example.com"). Where does this (supposedly) Gibson quote come from? Some empty lines would allow the code room to breathe, for example in the play function. When you finally decide to head back, you realize there's a chance the bridges on your route home are up, leaving you stranded! Is there a solutiuon to add special characters from software and how to do it. [input] integer yourLeft 7. (OTOH, it is tremendously helpful if you have them turned on from the start, since you will be immediately notified and can thus avoid letting the count ever get this high.). Thus, the longest call you can make is 1 + 9 + 4 = 14 minutes long. Unfortunately, you don't have your watch on you and don't know what time it is. Suitable implementation of __getitem__ left as an exercise for the reader. A media access control address (MAC address) is a unique identifier assigned to network interfaces for communications on the physical network segment. So, for example, there is an obvious way that looks like it should work, but you tried it and it didn't work for a non-obvious reason.
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