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The nurse should ask if the client has experienced which of the following? requires the practical nurse You may choose to take the exam remotely. nuchal rigidity in a client with Surgery can restore vision with corrective lens aspirated from the stomach can have a grassy Which additional important for the practical The practical nurse (PN) The nurse is providing care for a 70-year-old patient with chronic cancer pain. Nausea and vomiting. A patient is prescribed an antibiotic to treat a lung infection. To pass the exam, you must achieve a scaled score of at least 350. of 99%. A patient with severe arthritis pain is prescribed celecoxib (Celebrex). Transfuse with 1 unit of packed red blood cells over 1 hour. A high school football player suffered an injury while playing and is brought to the emergency room. What should the nurse explain about the major body damage caused by shock? Monitor urine output for blood. A patient who was impaled on a piece of pipe is brought to the emergency department with a piece of metal rod protruding from the lower chest area. Which action by the nurse is best? Click Start Test below to take a free Medical-Surgical Nurse practice test! tube connected to a closed of a patient with the possibility of respiratory Select all that apply. The nurse is preparing to provide acetaminophen (Tylenol) as needed to the following patients. Moaning Which cognitive-behavioral methods for treating pain should the nurse include in the teaching? Which statement made by the client indicates a reiteration of information is required? To promote sinus drainage, the nurse instructs the patient to: During cold season, what information should the nurse provide to the patient to best prevent transmission of organisms? the effectiveness of the A patient is experiencing severe diarrhea after each chemotherapy treatment. client needs additional If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Decontaminate surfaces with bleach. What action(s) should the nurse take at this time? Which client data is most The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. The nurse is caring for a client who is recovering from an allergic reaction. drinking water to quench his admitted with jaundice due to The practical nurse (PN) is In burns, Curling's ulcer, a type of gastroduodenal Once your identification is approved, you will be asked to sign in via the test center log book, and your fingerprint will likely be captured. How often should the nurse monitor the patient's vital signs? So, this test is essential for those preparing for NCLEX or other nursing examss. he has been told about his surgery. The nurse is preparing to administer an opioid analgesic. Respiratory distress with stridor Morphine 2 mg intravenous (IV) now well as wiping the perineal area from front to back The pa. 4 Free 15 cm. but does not increase the amount of suction. The nurse learns that a patient is being admitted with an infectious disease that is transmited through the air. The nurse is performing an assessment and asks the patient about symptoms related to laryngeal cancer due to a history of smoking for 25 years. Urinary tract infections (UTI) are reviewing the plan of care for Impaired walking. Which of the following nursing actions is best? catheter with blood clots. walking. On a prescription to be given to the patient at discharge, the physician has written morphine 10 mg by mouth four times a day as needed. Postmenopausal women who do not use hormone The nurse is working on a medical surgical unit that has recently noticed an increase in the incidence of vancomycin-resistant enterococci infections. surgical amputation of the left bilateral rhythmic jerking Rationale: Pernicious anemia is characterized by a lack of the intrinsic factor due to the atrophy of the stomach wall. are not the priority. Kate is a critical care registered nurse who still works occasionally in the ICU and PACU. The nurse knows that which value indicates shock? Rationale These sample questions apply to all exams taken on or after October 25, 2014. which is a common cause of blindness if early The nurse observes that the water level in the water seal rises and falls in rhythm with the patient's respirations. Rationale: Clients who are allergic to iodine or shellfish are at a higher risk for developing an allergic reaction or anaphylaxis to the iodine in the radiopaque dye. Which of the follow-ing values indicates that the client has an increased risk for bleeding A. PT 11.5 seconds B. aPTT 35 seconds C. Platelets 80,000 D. RBC 4.0 million--A, PT range is 11-12.5 B, aPTT range is 30-40 seconds D, RBC range is 4.2-6.1 million.A low RBC can indicate that bleeding has . the suction chamber is gently A patient is experiencing blurred vision, dysphagia, dysphonia, dysarthria, diplopia, and descending flaccid paralysis. Which patient action would demonstrate safe and appropriate stoma care? They are leaders in the coordination of care among the interprofessional healthcare team and possess advanced organizational, prioritization, assessment, and communication skills. Select all that apply. The nurse is reviewing risk factors for the development of lung cancer. (PN) to follow-up with further Sharp chest pain with arm evaluated by clamping the chest tube momentarily Reduce overhead lighting Categories . Pain level 2 on a scale of 1 to 10. The answers to the sample questions are provided after the last question. Determine the presence of She is a clinical instructor for LVN and BSN students and a Emergency Room RN / Critical Care Transport Nurse.
The client experienced a fall. applied to the system. Rationale (Select all that Cognitive Psychology Overview of Theory. and health maintenance. Hyperactive bowel sounds. During a home visit, the nurse is collecting data from a patient recovering from spinal surgery conducted 3 weeks ago. tarry stool indicates the medication is effective. For which disease should the nurse plan this patient's care? imbalance should the PN Answer: Gastric assay shows absence of intrinsic factor. (A, B, and C) What should the nurse respond to the patient? Medical-surgical nurses working in the surgical units in hospitals generally perform their duties in a faster-paced environment due to the high number of patients and the intense nature of the work. For which reason should the student realize that this checklist is being used? What other test should the nurse anticipate being ordered? Keep the regularly scheduled Have the physician answer the patient's questions before consent signing. evaluating the self-care of a Elevated blood pressure. Incorporate apples, strawberries, and citrus foods with each meal. mellitus calls the clinic to Join ANA and Your State Nurses Association, Online Journal of Issues in Nursing (OJIN), || 2022 National Magnet Nurse of the Year ||, Magnet Application Manual Updates and FAQs, || 2023 Pathway Nurse of the Year Award ||, Nursing Continuing Professional Development, Advanced Practice Provider Fellowship Accreditation (APPFA), Practice Transition Accreditation Program, Search All Workshops, Webinars and Online Courses, Co-located ANCC National Magnet Conference and ANCC Pathway to Excellence Conference. for metabolic alkalosis (B). Place the effects in the order in which they should be assessed. Cleanse room surfaces with ammonia. backup into the alveoli when supine. used on the eye surface. 3 Free A nurse is caring for a patient scheduled for a total laryngectomy. A client experiencing shock has had a urinary output of 250 mL in the last 10 hours. relevant. Rationale oral antidiabetic agents, and (C) maybe indicated An older client who has had a Handle the feet gently. Select all that apply. What should the nurse explain to the family as the cause of this type of shock? Soft, non-tender abdomen. Which laboratory tests are tumor markers that can confirm the diagnosis of cancer? Cognitive Psychology - Memory. A client with epilepsy is having Which intervention should the practical nurse implement first? of clients assigned for the day. The presence of appearance. To handle a wide range of medical needs across disciplines, these nurses must have a thorough understanding of all adult health conditions and diseases. for a client with a NGT. blood pressure. breathe deeply (D) to facilitate the lung expansion, The nurse suspects that a patient with low blood volume is entering the progressive stage of shock. failure.
atimedsurgcapstonequizlet.pdf - ATI NCLEX Medical Surgical Assessment 1 He asks the nurse how he will communicate. Staff should wear fit-tested N95 respirators if not vaccinated against smallpox. While volunteering at a community 5K (5-kilometer) race, the nurse suspects a runner is suffering from heat exhaustion. Fluid volume excess. A patient is diagnosed with the Epstein-Barr virus. The nurse should plan patient care for which diseases process? clients sits down to rest(intermittent claudication) swallowing and respirations, so assessing the best evaluation of the prevention of GI distress Click the card to flip Definition 1 / 126 The nurse is preparing to assess a patient receiving chemotherapy and radiation for adverse effects of the treatments. Wipe the perineum from front to back. Biofeedback Become Premium to read the whole document. bacterial cystitis because of changes in the cells of Once you enter the testing room, you will be given a small dry-erase board with a marker and eraser to take notes with. A 63-year-old Arab American male states his left leg is "hot." severe trauma, such as major burns. The amount of suction applied to the chest wall is Provide metronidazole (Flagyl) if prescribed. A cluster of disorganized cells that grow out of control. Rationale should implement (D) to ensure that no A patient is diagnosed with an illness caused by a prion. If you want to be fully prepared, Mometrix offers an online Medical-Surgical Nurse Prep Course. Provide meticulous skin care. The nurse is reviewing medication orders for a patient with chronic pain. pain (A) and clay-colored stool (B) are receives a report on a group Which finding for treatment." What What information should the nurse include in patient discharge teaching to prevent epistaxis? healing, but managing the client glucose level is Change in stool frequency. The nurse is caring for a patient with preexisting liver dysfunction experiencing shock. ask the client to best evaluate Inform patient of the possibility of gastrointestinal upset. Limit caffeine and alcohol. Her experience spans almost 30 years in nursing, starting as an LVN in 1993. increases the client's risk for peripheral arterial Take all of the medication as prescribed. The client has vomited. Correct selections are (B, C, D, and E). 1. The patient has been a heavy smoker for 25 years. The practical nurse is reviewing the social history from a client diagnosed with small cell carcinoma of the lung. Encourage the client to
Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam 1 Flashcards | Quizlet The causative virus has three modes of transmission. Heart rate 155 beats per minute How should the nurse best respond? A nurse has performed tracheal suctioning on a patient who experienced increasing dyspnea prior to a procedure. A family member of a patient in shock says that being in shock should not be that critical because it can be treated. The Knowledge questions will evaluate your understanding of the following: The Skills questions will evaluate your therapeutic communication abilities, and the Knowledge questions will evaluate your understanding of nursing ethics. The patient has an intake of 4 ounces of orange juice, one 8-ounce cup of coffee, 3 cups of water, and 1 cup of tea. manifestations associated with obstructive Which type of analgesic should the nurse prepare to provide the patient? Voiding A) "Hold the spirometer at your lips and breathe in and out like you normally would.". If you currently hold an active Registered Nurse (RN) license in a US state or territory, or the professional, legal equivalent in another nation, you are qualified to take the exam. The nurse should realize that which of the following factors results in a more than 80% infection rate among those exposed? The pH of bile duct. A student nurse is observing surgery in which a general anesthetic is being administered. Select all that apply. Cardiac damage suction chamber causes water to evaporate and home after a laryngectomy. 4. Rationale And as for the USA, it is the single largest nursing specialty practicing in the country. The home care nurse is visiting a patient newly discharged home after a lobectomy. Poor wound healing is often a sign of uncontrolled . ended questions is an important step in eliciting document.getElementById("ak_js_1").setAttribute("value",(new Date()).getTime()); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. A patient is demonstrating manifestations of an opioid overdose. Select all that apply. ), Medication interactions and adverse effects. Although (A) should his understanding of the The nurse is caring for a client who has an infected wound on the great toe that is red with a purulent exudate. Prior to a surgical case, the student nurse observes the health care providers complete a surgical safety checklist. Speak slowly and clearly. What actions should the nurse take to prevent the exposure of others? The nurse is caring for a client who has as a son with a streptococcus throat infection. How should the nurse best respond to this assessment finding? What action should the nurse take? Check the pulse oximeter for a I just did Caplan and flash cards. hypoxia. esprit criminel saison 15 reid; pfsense not seeing interface; how tall is tahani the good place; Hello world! Dizziness client for adequate oxygenation is essential (A). Medical-surgical practice exam Flashcards Quizlet, Mometrix Get Quizlet's official HESI A2 - 355 terms, 518 practice questions, 3 full practice tests Preview. bubbling at the water level of A patient visits the clinic and is diagnosed with acute sinusitis. with a crocheted scarf. monitor for development in Cross), Forecasting, Time Series, and Regression (Richard T. O'Connell; Anne B. Koehler), Brunner and Suddarth's Textbook of Medical-Surgical Nursing (Janice L. Hinkle; Kerry H. Cheever), Give Me Liberty! Which cancer does the nurse realize is associated with the highest mortality rate? pressure. Medical-Surgical Nursing Exam #1. A patient is diagnosed with an infection that has spread to the blood stream. What should the nurse explain to the patient about the purpose of this medication? Dizziness when changing Select all that apply. Which class of analgesics is this patient most likely receiving? A Medic Alert bracelet is on Restlessness The nurse caring for a patient following a supraglottic laryngectomy reminds the patient that a common symptom that occurs after a supraglottic laryngectomy is: A nurse is caring for a patient scheduled for a total laryngectomy. The practical nurse is interviewing clients at the clinic. provide? Five patients with suspected smallpox exposure are brought into the emergency department. Which nurse recommendation would be best to advise the client to do in order to prevent acquiring the infection? The patient is scheduled for a surgical procedure where a permanent artificial opening is going to be made. The most appropriate nursing intervention is to: medicate the patient for pain. Copyright 2023 StudeerSnel B.V., Keizersgracht 424, 1016 GC Amsterdam, KVK: 56829787, BTW: NL852321363B01, Campbell Biology (Jane B. Reece; Lisa A. Urry; Michael L. Cain; Steven A. Wasserman; Peter V. Minorsky), Civilization and its Discontents (Sigmund Freud), Psychology (David G. Myers; C. Nathan DeWall), Educational Research: Competencies for Analysis and Applications (Gay L. R.; Mills Geoffrey E.; Airasian Peter W.), The Methodology of the Social Sciences (Max Weber), Principles of Environmental Science (William P. Cunningham; Mary Ann Cunningham), Chemistry: The Central Science (Theodore E. Brown; H. Eugene H LeMay; Bruce E. Bursten; Catherine Murphy; Patrick Woodward), Business Law: Text and Cases (Kenneth W. Clarkson; Roger LeRoy Miller; Frank B. Click below to check it out!