Also, keep in mind whenever you want to go metal detecting make sure you know the laws of the state in which you are digging in and always ask permission before metal detecting on any private property. Mr. Sharps would take a shovel and sack with him on these treks into the woods. The ferry was used by Confederate and Union troops during the Civil War. Chasing the Myth of Confederate Gold - HISTORY The legend of James Copeland, along with his treasure, is largely drawn from the somewhat questionable account of Sheriff J.R.S. These were enormous-sized boxes measuring from 3 deep x 2 wide x 4 long. The trapper returned to the Chickasaw camp and married the daughter of the chief but her father had disappeared and no one in the village seemed to know where the cave was that held the treasure. The story of this lost treasure dates back to 1540 when the Spanish explorer Hernando De Soto was in this part of the New World. These legends are fueled by the fact that the state was a hub . One of the eight treasures of the Sasanian king Khosrow II. An unknown amount of gold. Sharps Buried Treasure: Sacks of gold coins: Near Florence, Alabama south of White's mill: The McGillivray Plantation Treasure: Sharps bought a mill there called Whites Mill in 1897. Curse of Civil War Gold Season 3: Release Date, Cast, Renewed or Canceled He didnt even tell his son. The Paradas accompanied the FBI to the site in Dent's Run, about 135 miles northeast of Pittsburgh, but say they were confined to their car while the FBI excavated. Levi and his brother George were interpreters and negotiators that worked with U.S. Indian Agent John Dabney Terrell Sr. of Marion County Alabama. So as you can tell it was a great hiding spot for soldiers. The daughter didnt want anything to do with the braces that her father presented to her but she had an infatuation with the white trapper who recently came around. Check it out today its available on Amazon! Back during the depression Uncle Byron Campbell got word that during the Civil War the folks of Lucille Al. The Curse of Oak Island. After a rest stop in St. Marys PA, they headed towards Driftwood. Many posses were formed looking for Railroad Bill. Solving mystery of 'Lost City' in Everglades - Sun Sentinel If you ever get out to Dauphin Island speak with the natives there and they will tell you about all the history and treasure stories that went on on the island. Newton Alabama in Dale County came under attack by the 1st Florida Calvary that was led by former Confederate captain Joseph Sanders who lived in Dale County. Hardy Clemens died in 1863 leaving no trace of where he hid his treasure. They worked hard to get good lands out west which the U.S. Government was trying to move them to. La Bellone didnt make it and sank near the entrance to Mobile Bay near Dauphin Island. One day a rebel soldier came by and Hansen decided to lead him to the lost treasure so they could possibly retrieve it. She would then sail the goods back to France. His wife gave in again and told the soldiers where another cask was buried. Gold Mining in Alabama. Prospecting in the South. - Gold Rush Nuggets Legend of the Lost Confederate Gold - Digital Alabama "There's been a pattern of behavior by the FBI that's been very troubling," said Anne Weismann, who represents Finders Keepers. AUTHOR SUNDAY: The Confederate gold was protected by - Alabama History The contractor detected an underground mass that weighed up to nine tons and had the density of gold, according to an FBI affidavit unsealed last year at the request of news organizations, including The Associated Press. He also contracted pneumonia and had an infection that contributed to his death. They think that they found what could be the wreck site but they didnt attempt to salvage her. By the time that the trea-sure train under Confederate naval captain William Harwar Parker gold and silver coins. His What in the World! podcast is a fun look at the latest weird and paranormal news, strange sports stories and odd trivia. Matthew Paulson / Flickr. Given this claim that the source of these scholarships was in fact a portion of the lost Confederate treasury, researchers throughout the years sought to confirm the veracity of the Mumford legend. The phrase "Lost Confederate Gold" has a romantic ring. A town was named after her that once was one of the largest towns in Randolph County Alabama. Lewis graduated from Thornwell High School in 1958 and then from Clemson University in 1962 before serving on active duty in Germany and Vietnam with the U.S. Army. In November 2004, they claim to have found a fire pit in Dents Run where human skeletons were allegedly discovered in 1876. Sep 27, 2005. Lost Confederate Gold, Tallassee, Alabama - TreasureNet The The American Civil War may be about to start up again and not for any of the reasons you might think. There are many different stories of where on his plantation the gold was hidden. Win McNamee/Getty Images. In June 1863, President Lincoln ordered two wagons with false bottoms to carry anywhere from 26 to 52 gold bars weighing 50 pounds each from Wheeling, West Virginia, 400 miles north to Pennsylvania to pay the Union troops . google037df74da6aab727.html Then check out 14 Lost Treasures of Wisconsin. Well, there you have it the 15 lost treasures of Alabama. If its there Im all for digging it up. There's a book out called " Confederate Gold" I haven't read it but it may give some clues. General Duke and his men as each man under his command received as payment the sum of $26.25, which amounted to a total of about $26,250. $13,000 in gold. He waited there until spring and set off to sail back to France at the beginning of April 1725. The Rebel and the Rose"" reveals for the . Near Athens there may be a Confederate treasure. Chilton County has gold in Coosa River, Blue Creek, Mulberry Creek and its tributaries, and Rocky Creek. your Facebook account, or anywhere that someone would find this page valuable. He is said to have stored the gold and silver coins that he got from the Ferry goers in wine casks. While on the route to Columbia the wagons and horses started to get bogged down on the marshy ground 4 miles North of Athens, Alabama. Both were published by The Surrat Courier, a . This small island holds many lost treasure stories. In early 1865 when the Yankees under Gen. James H. Wilson were burning Selma, and it was pretty much a given that they were coming to Montgomery next, the local polititians and civic leaders had two steam barges loaded with all of Montgomery's (the Capital of Alabama) money, gold, valuables, and even silverware and jewelry from shops and . Legend. The crew members that survived and made it to shore said there was a million dollars worth of gold and silver aboard. In 1865, $100,000 of silver and gold was placed in two metal boxes by troops and tossed into the swamp in an attempt to keep Confederate money out of Union hands. Postal Service in 2000 and still has family and friends in Brantley County. After a long day traveling Hansen ended up at a friends home. The treasure was suppose to be hidden under the foundation in the creek at the old Lucille grist mill, so one moonless night he employed the help of his . While they fought the commander detailed a couple of men to hide the gold. The Ghost Town of Old Cahaba located on route 22 approximately 14 miles southwest of Selma, was used as a Confederate Fort during the Civil War. The folk ballad by Lonnie Donegan was named after him. Just imagine if you were the one to discover all this loot! It happened between the Confederate Armory which was not over run during the war and present day, Wall Street . It would be a great place to find all kinds of history and relics that might still be strewn about by all those army camps. Some of the treasure had been retained by Brig. 13 Lost Treasures of Oklahoma (Buried Riches Await) $15,000 in silver dollars. Hunley, was one of the first working submarines that operated with a crew. But during heavy rains, the river would rise fast and recede slowly so during those times people could not cross. Alabama lost treasure sites are listed on this page. If you are venturing on to State or Federal lands. Alexander Beckham's old plantation about two miles north of Tiptonville, Tennessee. Also while feverish, Castleton made the mistake of telling the troops about the gold. The belief that Confederate gold is buried in Wilkes County has persisted since the end of the war. However, his business fortunes suffered great losses throughout the course of the war. Search for buried treasure: The mystery of millions in lost Confederate Jesse James the legendary outlaw of the west and in those days Alabama was considered out west had hideouts in and around the areas of Dawson, Guntersville, Gadsden, and Mentone Alabama in the Sand mountains. I have talked to the guy who wrote what you found on #2. The Lost Confederate Gold of Jefferson Davis, the Outlaw President He told his friend all about the story of the two wagons, treasure, and the fight with the Union soldiers. 27.07 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Flames of Prophecy, 29.07 - MU Podcast - Contract with the Goddess, 29.06 - MU Podcast - Italian Disco Abductions, 27.06 - MU Plus+ Podcast - Secret Vaults of Time, Creature from the Black Lagoon, Queen's Ghost, Small Lake Monster, Space Caterpillar and More Mysterious News Briefly, A Haunted Book and the Most Haunted Bookshop There Is. The Indians thought this request to be outrageous and attacked De Sotos camp. By the early 1800s, the gang set up a hideout in Rocky Springs and, supposedly, buried tens of thousands of dollars in stolen gold and silver between the church and cemetery at Little Sand Creek near Rocky Springs. Here's how this gold war began, according to a Pittsburg Post-Gazette article about a 1983 story in Lost Treasure magazine. Morris was formerly a skilled circus performer and had an athletic build which made getting on off trains a breeze. A second scholarship, known as the Sylvester Mumford Memorial Fund, was to be awarded to students from Brantley County who attend Georgia College, then known as Georgia State College for Women. In Washington, Georgia, Jefferson Davis and his cabinet met for the final time, where Davis signed his last official order, making Micajah Clark the acting Treasurer of the Confederacy.
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