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[58][59] Then, in the April 2019 episode "Britta's Tacos", it is revealed that Jackie has a relationship with a French girl named Chlo. [98] GLAAD praised the episode, saying they were excited to see a "wonderful and affirming message" from the series. LGBT Characters Category page. [104] The teen version of Raine Whispers is also voiced by a non-binary actor Blu del Barrio.[105]. However, some have interpreted it that way. Category:LGBT Characters | Walking Dead Wiki | Fandom In December 2018, the creator of Big City Greens, Chris Houghton, confirmed, on Tumblr, that Alexander and Terry are a couple,[57] although protagonist Cricket Green does not seem to realize that they are gay throughout the series. On the other hand, Amity is shown to have a crush on Luz, confirming her to be lesbian or bisexual. Elisabeth Ladenson wrote that Rosa Klebb is one of "two memorable lesbians" from Fleming's Bond novels (the other being Pussy Galore). ', "Is 'Frozen' The Gayest Movie of the Year? [32] Both began a relationship, in Weisman's words, after spending a lot of time together as teammates, and said that she "loved and mourned Cassidy. Snake had been in a relationship with Slaz since they met at Oblivion. Mbita is voiced by gay comedian Jaboukie Young-White. [109] In the following episode "No Good Deed", she is confirmed to be a lesbian and the woman she dance with is Pam, her wife. [15], A show created by Terry Jones and Gavin Scott, Blazing Dragons, aired on Teletoon in Canada, Spacetoon in Arab countries, and Canal+ in France from 1996 to 1998. Actor Javier Bardem who plays Silva, when asked if the character was gay or bisexual said, You could read it that way."[10]. All items (5) #. Spider-Man (Omniverse Exiles) . [122], On May 21, 2022, Luz and Amity kissed each other on the lips in The Owl House episode "Clouds on the Horizon". [30], From December 2004 to December 2006, W.I.T.C.H. The LGBT characters of Heartstopper. View Mobile Site Congratulations to The Owl House team on your recent Peabody Award win! Explore. [91], On March 17, 2021, two days after the broadcast of the series finale of DuckTales, storyboarder Sam King said that although she did not wish to "become "Word of Board Artist" on every headcannon and ship", she would permit fans to "assume I think every character except, like, Lunaris, is LGBTQIA+ in some shape or another. Tilly Masterton is lesbian (or bisexual) in the novel of Goldfinger, and displays a strong attraction to Pussy, and Bond notices the way she looks at her. On October 5, 2021, in an AMA on Reddit, Dana Terrace, the creator of The Owl House, explained the show was cancelled not because of ratings or COVID-19 pandemic but rather because business people at Disney believed it did not fit "into the Disney brand." @DisneyChannel", "Se me ha comunicado que en el doblaje en espaol de Raine en #TheOwlHouse usan el pronombre masculino, pero en realidad, Raine usa elle. "[107] He also said that people were reading too much into the interactions between Libby and Molly McGee in one episode, assuming it is romantic. Street Transvestite Action Revolutionaries. Auric Goldfinger leaves little doubt about the nature of Pussy Galore and her gang in the novel of Goldfinger, saying "it is a lesbian organisation". The ban was lifted in 2020 as the episode is available to stream on Disney+. Towards the end of the film, when Mr. Wint opens the wine bottle and gives Bond the cork to smell, Bond catches the scent of Mr. Wint's cologne, links it to his misadventure in the pipeline and quickly realizes that something is wrong. Slaz ended up being a cellmate with Major Snake at Oblivion. Category:LGBT Characters | Good Trouble Wiki | Fandom Lucifer Morningstar; Aurora Morningstar . Funkipedia Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. ", She also notes that her portrayal in the novel is more feminine than in the film.[2]. Information (character deaths/fates, screenshots, etc.) The Advocate noted that even if there aren't any openly gay or lesbian characters in the film, there is sensitivity to LGBTQ issues in the upper echelon of Disney. "[5][6], In June 2021, Luca was released on Disney+. Category:LGBT characters | Supernatural Wiki | Fandom ty again for taking a peek at my threads!! In the novel Kidd is nicknamed variously "Dolly" or "Boofy" (the latter nickname also used in the film), and Felix Leiter says he suspects Kidd probably shacks up with Wint, and says "some of these homos makes the worst killers". [2], Gaston and LeFou in the 1991 film Beauty and the Beast and Jafar from the 1992 film Aladdin were created by an openly gay animator named Andreas Deja,[1] and sang music by Howard Ashman, who was also openly gay. ", confirmed that Lieutenant Penumbra is a lesbian character. They both appear to be hanging out each other in a few episodes such as "Gridlocked", "Fill Bill", "Barry Cuda", and "Trailer Trouble". Charmed is a FANDOM TV Community. A person's internal, deeply-held sense of their own gender (or lack thereof). Kunze noted that Ashman and animators on The Little Mermaid were inspired by gay culture and gay icons. [43] The couple later returned in the series Zootopia+ which was released on Disney+ in 2022. Some Bond actors and directors have also been LGBT in real life notably Ben Whishaw and Tula . Lydia Hart. The series includes Barry and Randall Leibowitz-Jenkins as the adoptive parents of Maya Leibowitz-Jenkins, an interracial gay couple. In one early draft of the script of Spectre. Lockie Campbell. [45][46][47] These two characters would be the first same-sex couple featured in a Disney Junior pre-school series. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. This category is for organic beings who had one or more of the following traits: their gender identity was not defined within a binary gender model, their gender identity did not align with their assigned gender at birth, they experienced attraction towards other beings of their own gender or multiple genders, and/or they did not experience attraction towards or have interest in reproduction with other beings. Edit Edit source History Talk (0) Category for the characters who are : gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender. Tula was a background actress in For Your Eyes Only, sometimes described in the media as a "Bond girl". One of the film's producers said that Shang was dropped in response to the MeToo movement, arguing that "having a commanding officer that is also the sexual love interest was very uncomfortable and we didn't think it was appropriate". ", probably the only hint in any of the films (including non-Eon) that Bond himself might be bisexual, or have had same-sex experiences. B. She runs International Mother's Help, a mostly female organisation designed to produce agents and honeytraps for Smersh. [81], In February 2021, Ralph Farquhar revealed that in The Proud Family, which aired on the Disney Channel from 2001 to 2005, they had to use "code to talk about if Michael was gay, to talk about sexuality" and to be "sort of underhanded about it." Category:LGBTQ+ Characters | Funkipedia Mods Wiki | Fandom [123] The episode is being nominated for a GLAAD Media Award for Outstanding Children's Programming. At one point the film Pussy Galore tells James Bond she is "You can turn off the charm. In use since the 1990s, the initialism, as well as some of its common variants, functions as an umbrella term for sexuality and gender identity. #GromNight #TheOwlHouse", "I'll post about the gay thing later. "[44], In August 2017, Doc McStuffins, featured a lesbian (and interracial) married couple, Thea and Edie, voiced by lesbian actresses Wanda Sykes and Portia de Rossi respectively. She is something of an analogue to the Eon films' Rosa Klebb. This was because she dated a male character but ended that relationship due to his feelings for the protagonist. [4] In June 2021, David Levine, a former Disney executive who oversaw kids programming for 16 years, said that "a lot of conservative opinion" driving depictions of characters of the Disney Channel, Cartoon Network, and Nickelodeon, with no hope for LGBTQ representation, saying he still has similar conversations to this day. An individual's gender identity may or may not align with their birth assignment. LGBT Characters Category page View source This page contains all the characters that are lesbian, gay, bisexual, or transgender . [148] Additionally, Brooklyn, a student at Lunellas school is a transgender girl. (LGBT stands for lesbian, gay, bisexual or transgender) Trending pages Phoebe Buffay Carol Willick Charles Bing Phoebe Abbott Susan Bunch Bonnie Duncan Melissa Warburton All items (16) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other Join the LGBTQIA+ wiki in celebrating icons that have left a lasting impression on our perception, understanding, and acceptance of queer culture. Fordyce is a Bond ally, but also represents a mincing stereotype of a gay man. Characters or mod creators who are lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or otherwise fall under the LGBTQ+ umbrella. ", "and to end it off, my previs for ally & jess so happy with how andy wound up using the pan&bi flags as inspo for their palettes!! Manage all your favorite fandoms in one place! In the film of Goldfinger, the lesbianism is muted. LGBT Characters Wikia is a FANDOM Lifestyle Community. Trending pages. This category is for characters who are LGBTQ+. [8] One person has described them as a "male-fantasy lesbian stereotype pair".[9]. [4] A few hints to Klebb's sexual orientation remain throughout the film, such as her reaction to when SPECTRE henchman Morzeny (Walter Gotell) touches her arm at the SPECTRE Island training facility, and when she asks Romanova to take her jacket off and turn around when they first meet. in: Characters LGBT+ characters Category page Edit This category is for all characters who have been confirmed to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender, or any other gender or sexual minority . [29] Furthermore, gay playwright Harvey Fierstein voiced a character in Mulan, and only accepted the part after confirming that the rest of the cast was Asian so he would not take work away from an Asian actor. [73] Amity and Luz represent Disney's first animated LGBT+ female regular characters. Makeup Boy is voiced by gay internet personality Bretman Rock. https://www.theguardian.com/books/booksblog/2014/dec/23/baddies-in-books-rosa-klebb-the-spy-filled-with-ian-flemings-poison, When Can Homophobia Live and Let Die? The subsequent episode, "Knock, Knock, Knockin' on Hooty's Door", which aired on July 31, reveals that Eda and Raine were formerly dating, before breaking up. The episode from the original Proud Family series "Who You Calling a Sissy" was pulled from the network after its initial airing on August 12, 2005 as a result of regarding Michaels sexual orientation while frequently being called a "sissy" at the time. [157][158], In March 2022, leaked clips from a Walt Disney Company meeting showed the president of Disney General Entertainment, Karey Burke, explain to staff that she is a parent of "two queer children," and the production coordinator at Disney Television Animation, Allen Martsch, note that his team is trying to include "more trans and gender non-conforming characters" in Disney animations. She stated that this was the case due to the serialized nature of the show and an audience which "skews older," rather than due to its LGBTQ+ representation, saying she wouldn't "assume bad faith" against those she works within Los Angeles. LGBTQIA+ means Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer, Intersex, Asexual/Aromantic/Agender, plus many more included in these terms. Pussy is one of the most respected gang leaders in the USA, and started off with a group of trapeze artists called "Pussy Galore and her Abrocats", which is unsuccessful, so the women train as cat burglars instead. In response, Alex Hirsch, the creator of A Disney series, Gravity Falls, criticized Disney studio executives for cutting LGBTQ scenes from their shows. At one point, when Q introduces Evelyn Tremble to Fordyce, he says "New man? LGBT characters in James Bond | James Bond Wiki | Fandom Category:LGBT+ characters | Avatar Wiki | Fandom [24][25][26] He added that Shang's role would be served by two new characters, Commander Tung and Chen Honghui. [122], On October 15, 2022, The first The Owl House special "Thanks to Them" has Luz come out to her mother as bisexual. Assistant Commissioner Ronnie Vallance appears in the novel of Moonraker, and is not gay. It was further stated that as a result, Mulan was the "perfect embodiment of a drag king" even though she maintains her heterosexuality as she is attracted to Li Sheng, comparing Mulan's interpretation of her sexuality to that of Bugs Bunny. Sexual orientation, also known as sexuality, refers to a person's sexual attractions (or lack thereof) toward others. [117] Michael Collins, a recurring character from The Proud Family, was confirmed to be gender non-conforming and gay. He said this changed with The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder with the biggest changes to the show were "gender identity, obviously racial identity and quote-unquote wokeness, and said that sexuality can be "sort of in your face with it a lot more," manifesting itself in the storytelling. On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. [152], Disney executives did not always receive LGBTQ characters and relationships positively. Another reviewer described the episode as delivering a "definitive message that love transcends gender even in the world of childrens animation. Zoey Taylor. The seventh short film in the SparkShorts series, it is both Disney's and Pixar's first short to feature a gay main character and storyline, including an on-screen same-sex kiss. Please help improve this article by editing it. Her career skyrocketed when she appeared at Harry Hansberry's Clam House in New York in the 1920s, as a black, lesbian, crossdressing performer. in the sky for his partner. Alexander is voiced by John Early, a gay actor. [140], On September 21, 2022, Firebuds was released on Disney Junior and Disney+. ", she is shown slow-dancing with a woman. [65], On May 22, 2020, an animated short film titled Out premiered on Disney+. C. C.B (Cheetos Bag) CoinPin (The Battle for the Power of the Star Wars Nerd) Cranberry & Jackie. Bond kills them both: Bond flips Mr. Wint overboard, and the bomb explodes while he is falling toward the water, killing himto which Bond quips "he certainly left with this tail between his legs.". Another reviewer noted that Luz and Amity were beginning to "understand their feelings for one another. Trending pages Jude Adams Foster Stef Adams Foster Lena Adams Foster Carter Hunter Connor Stevens Aaron Baker Gael Martinez Monte Porter All items (30) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Category:LGBT Characters | Lucifer Wiki | Fandom As such, it is clear that Jackie is bisexual. Ben Whishaw himself is a gay man in real life. Ben Whishaw described this revelation as "unsatisfying," stating that while he felt the moment came from a good place, he thought it should have been followed up on, but nevertheless chose to keep his misgivings to himself during production of the film.[11]. Riordan Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. . Unidentified Hebekrr Minor magistrate's granddaughter, Unidentified Hebekrr Minor magistrate's granddaughter's wife. LGBT characters Category page View source Characters in Nickelodeon shows who are confirmed either by staff or in-universe to be lesbian, gay, bisexual, asexual, or transgender. It's [, "Disney Closing Blue Sky Studios, Fox's Once-Dominant Animation House Behind 'Ice Age' Franchise", "Disney's Blue Sky Shut Down Leaves Nimona Film 75% Completed", "Staffers at the animation studio Blue Sky say it's 'heartbreaking' that Disney canceled its final movie, 'Nimona', "Disney's First Feature Animated Movie With Queer Leads May Never Be Released", "9 New, Upcoming Queer Animated Films & Shorts We're Dying to See", "Nimona movie finds a second life at Netflix", "Raya and the Last Dragon's Kelly Marie Tran Thinks Her Disney Princess Is Gay", "Hahaha I want to be careful and not become "Word of Board Artist" on every headcannon and ship cause that's not fair to the fanbase, but you can just assume I think every character except, like, Lunaris, is LGBTQIA+ in some shape or another", "Is 'Luca' Pixar's 'Call Me by Your Name'? Bruce W. Smith also said that the show has more than "just one gay personrepresenting the entire LGBTQ+ spectrum" and said that it is "not fair" to only have one LGBTQ character in the series. This category is for characters who are LGBTQ+. Myra McQueen. Slaz ended up being a cellmate with Major Snake at Oblivion. I'd be down for it", "It really means so much to hear. [129][130][131] Jade King of The Gamer noted that Cissy Jones said that her letter during a charity stream saying that Lilith didn't have any romantic attractions was "basically canon," further confirming those identities. Our goal is to provide an objective, educational, and comprehensive resource about all things LGBTQIA+. LGBTQ+ is an abbreviation for "Lesbian (L), Gay (G), Bisexual (B), Transgender (T), Queer (Q), and other identities (+)". Make sure to check it out!! episode "Mbita" featured the titular character starting a romantic relationship with another man named Yukio. Explore. The episode featured characters attending a concert and later concert-goers starting to kiss, "including several same-sex couplesin the background. Trending pages Korra Kyoshi Asami Sato Kya Rangi Aiwei Mingxia Wen All items (28) # A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z Other A Aiwei Slaz is a cheery man but unaware that everything he touches gets impaled. Kunze argued that Disney CEO Bob Chapek should remember the company's history and "understand the invaluable contributions LGBTQ communities have made to the company he leads."[15]. She later made clear that this isn't the official Disney position and hoped for a Disney warrior that is "openly in the LGBTQ community" in the future, perhaps even a person who is disabled. [3] In the episode "Mazel Tov, Libby! [77] Earlier in the year, the series creator of Tangled, Chris Sonnenburg, said that he would be willing to produce a spinoff show focusing on Cass, "if the call came. [118] The executive producers of the series, Bruce W. Smith and Ralph Farquhar, said that the "show never really went away" and called it the "perfect time to bring back this show. Tom Mankiewicz on the DVD/Blu Ray commentary on the film says "It was a very risky kind of deal, the relationship between Mr Wint and Mr Kidd. It is the first Disney series to feature a same-sex kiss between a married couple. The Disney Channel, which launched in 1983, Disney XD, which began in 2009, Disney Junior, which launched in 2011, and shows on Disney+, along with the short-lived Toon Disney, have all occasionally featured lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender (LGBT) characters in their programming. Slaz told Lobo that they cant leave yet because of Major Snakes birthday. Mitchell Deveraux. She reappears in the novel Trigger Mortis. This was a collaboration between Hayley Foster and myself. [24][26] Even so, some reviewers called the interactions between Honghui and Mulan to be more homoerotic than Li Shang's in the animated version and can be read as bisexual while others criticized the reasoning of Reed as incorrect. NOTE: Please view any page on the wiki with the Desktop view/View full site prompt on mobile. Fandom Apps Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. [1] Ladenson notes that Klebb's character, a butch and unattractive design, whom Fleming's himself characterized in the novel as "the oldest and ugliest whore in the world", can be seen as "dig at Iron Curtain femininity, the sort of joke that endured until recently in digs at Eastern European female athletes". Category:LGBT characters | Nickelodeon | Fandom Funkipedia Mods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. Irma Bunt works on a similar archetype to Rosa Klebb, except that she could not be reused, having been killed in an earlier film. ", "The Owl House Is Introducing a New Nonbinary Character to the Show", "Disney introduces first non-binary character in TV series The Owl House", "Meet First Non-Binary Character on Disney's Barrier-Breaking 'The Owl House', "Why Is The Owl House So Far Ahead of the Rest of Disney in Queer Representation? [7], In later years, there were efforts to ameliorate this, with series like The Owl House which featured a bisexual protagonist, Luz Noceda and various other LGBTQ characters. Klebb attempts to kill Bond, by using a blade attached to her shoe, which Bond deals with easily. Category:LGBT Characters | Charmed | Fandom [159] Also, in the meeting, Layota Raveneau, series director of The Proud Family: Louder and Prouder and Rise Up, Sing Out, said that she was adding queerness wherever she could in the projects she worked on for Disney. The LGBT term is an adaptation of the initialism LGB, which began to replace the term gay (or gay and lesbian) in reference to the broader LGBT community beginning in the mid-to-late 1980s. In the 1950s, homosexual acts, or at least ones involving males, were against the law in the United Kingdom. [113][114], On November 6, 2021, the Amphibia episode "Sprig's Birthday" was released, in which, during a brief scene, a marriage proposal is taking place between two men, with one of them, Tyler, having arranged with a stunt plane to spell the words "Will You Marry Me?" Characters who are part of the LGBTQ+ community. Romantic orientation is related to a person's romantic attractions or desires, generally expressed in terms of which gender or genders a person is attracted to in relation to the person's own. In both book and film, the characters are sadists, and seem to take pleasure in the death and torture of their opponents. Antimatter. Some argued that the film felt "gay" even if not "explicitly queer," and more ambiguous, comparing it to the 2017 live-action film Call Me by Your Name and the 2020 animated film Wolfwalkers. Even though theyre vicious, they're funny-vicious. He also said that Disney relied on LGBTQ people to "revamp its animated films", taking the example of Howard Ashman, an openly gay man who was the lyricist for The Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. NOTE: This category is only to be added if the character in question is officially confirmed to be LGBTQ+. [75] She also said that there were many "queer women who boarded scenes [of] Cassandra," and that women-love-women vibes were ingrained in every drawing she did of the character. Gender identity is a person's internal, deeply held sense of their own gender (or lack thereof). In this animation, Orka and Flix run the Office of Acquisitions on the Colossus, with Orka doing the negotiations. At another point, Mr. Kidd remarks that Tiffany Case is attractive, " for a lady," after which Mr. Wint looks at him jealously. We're excited to see the series continue to explore Luz and Amity's relationship and for younger LGBTQ viewers to see this wonderful and affirming message in their favorite show. Dave and Bambi (Genderbend), Doki Doki Takeover/Doki Doki Takeover: Bad Ending, User:Epicgamer111111/Golden Apple Wiki Page Updated, Friday Night Funkin' ONLINE VS./Challenges, Friday Night Funkin': Big Swingin' Sister, Friday Night Funkin: Golden Apple but With Discord Users, Friday Night Funkin Smoke Em Out Struggle: The Return of Garcello. This short Pixar film revolves around Greg attempting to hide a framed photo of him and his boyfriend, Manuel, from his parents, out of fear for their disapproval. [93][5] Others said that Luca and Alberto hiding their true sea monster identities was an allegory for people who are members of the LGBTQ+ community, feeling as though they need to hide their true selves in order to be accepted. [3], In June 1998, Mulan, an animated musical adventure film would begin showing in theaters. The 1967 Casino Royale film has its own camp Q, but it is not clear if he is gay (he does have a spat with Fordyce), although Geoffrey Bayldon himself was. In 2010, Phineas and Ferb featured gay singer Clay Aiken in his animated form in "Phineas and Ferb: Summer Belongs To You!". For others, their gender identity does not fit neatly into one of those binary terms, such as people who are non-binary or genderqueer. Category:LGBT characters | Hollyoaks Wiki | Fandom She headlined in the early 1930s at Harlem's Ubangi Club, where she was backed up by a chorus line of drag queens. [62] She is voiced by Lena Waithe, a lesbian actress. [101][102] In the episode, Eda Clawthorne is shown to have feelings for Raine. Shows Two-Mom Family", "DuckTales Season 3 Reveals Violet Has Two Dads", "Pixar's New Short Film 'Out' Features Studio's 1st Gay Main Character", "There is no Heterosexual explanation for this", "It's really wonderful to see people enjoying Enchanting Grom Fright! In 2016, Byron Howard, director of Zootopia and Encanto, mentioned in the Fusion documentary Imagining Zootopia that he is openly gay and has been married since 1988. Category:LGBTQ+ Characters | Riordan Wiki | Fandom This was my first time getting to do anything even remotely queer, and I've never been prouder of any board", "They are super cute!!!! I actually didn't know if they were going to be in a relationship or not. LGBTQIA+ WIKI is a collaborative encyclopedia designed to cover all canon LGBTQIA+ characters throughout fiction. Frau Hoffner is a more ambiguous character in the 1967 Casino Royale. [153][154] As such, Disney has been criticized for its approach to LGBTQ representation as compared to Cartoon Network. Category:LGBT characters | Simpsons Wiki | Fandom Barry Leibowitz-Jenkins Batwoman Category:Bears (LGBT) Bebe Stevens Ben Schatz Berta Escobar Beth Tezuka Bi-Polar Bear Big Boo Category:Bigender Category:Bisexual Bismuth Bizzaro Captain Hero BMO Bo Dennis Bob Belcher Category:Bottoms (LGBT) Bowi Rev Brian Harding Brno Gehard Category:Butch lesbians C Category:Camp (LGBT) Cantor Dina Reznick