Kanadajin3 - This is in japanese tv program. It says | Facebook I dont think that anything she did was right, and I dont believe that there was a valid reason for her doing what she did. locations throughout, Konomiya Shrine is the largest shrine in the city of, People from all over the Owari region participate in the Hadaka Matsuri, signing up at the designated location in their cities to become, The men of Hadaka Matsuri also start out at these smaller (R) Making reservations online at Eorzea Final Fantasy Cafe, (R) Hadaka Matsuri - Japan's Naked Festival. Also welcome in this sub, are people who are a part of the Abroad In Japan Universe - Sharla, Ryotaro, Natsuki, and a few others! "[8] and in other news media websites. So basically Rachel does not trust Chris to bring Cake, only party hats. She says that no one had ever sent her an email or anything asking her if the accusations were true or not. RachelAndJun (@rachelandjun) Instagram photos and videos But yeah, most JVloggers are 95% garbage with something interesting thrown in once in a while. Response to Kanadajin3 Drama | STRLAND Yep. But i already searched on my own and came accross the videos. I'm sad to see that all of this has happened. But i already searched on my own and came accross the videos. What does this all mean? I like from 20-80. Kanadajin3 - NEW VIDEO. YUZU BATH | Facebook It's never happened to me. Mira apparently contacted Rachel warning her of the company and told her what her experience was like. Mira apparently disagreed with Rachels review of the shop and began harassing her with the variousfake accounts and her own account. 20 looks fatter than 40. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. She doesn't seem like the type of person that would take this much time to call somebody out about the game they were playing behind the scenes. shin otoko. Under 40 are skin and bones. Harassment of any kinda should not happen, especially if it is simply because you disagree with a person. Well, 200% maybe? i've attempted RTK a couple of times only to drop it after the first 500 of so kanji. I used to be 40, but now when I sit I have a stomach fold. But he sadly stopped years ago. Cincinnati Ohio, U.S. JunsKitchen is one of four YouTube channels run by Yoshizuki, 29, and his wife, Rachel, 30. Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube. My thighs are 0% but my top is 20-40% I like 80-100%. And I say "dangerous" as I'm referring to the accusation that Mira had leaked private information; compromising safety for other Jvloggers. Rachel politely declined, but reviewed the shop on her and her husbands channel, Rachel & Jun. I dont think that consistent mistakes with spelling and grammar are a coincidence. That's why I was so shocked that this has even come about. 60 for me. Can't believe that Kanadajin would want to hurt the adorable Rachel. You should never release someones personal information without their permission. I like 10 or 20! I do believe that it is ok to have a different opinion than someone and that it is ok to voice your opinion, but you need to do it in a polite way. I am not unsubscribing to her because I believe that at her core she is a nice girl. The website cannot function properly without these cookies. Hearing that I became highly concerned that this whole thing has caused safety issues for numerous people who haven't been directly involved. 60 is the best. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. The clothing shop supposedly contacted Rachel and asked if she would like to be sponsored to them. For more information, please see our They are probably sitting back in their chairs laughing their asses off for having successfully ruined friendships.----------- Hey, you never know. So how chubby am I? It's not in any way normal? I dont think that anything she did was right, and I dont believe that there was a valid reason for her doing what she did. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). 20 is just over the line for being chubby. Next would be 100, and then 60. I like 80 the best. For example, vloggers like the Rachel & Jun channel who seem to sell this image that its okay to basically be a sucker and a weeaboo, Japanese will still love you anyway. In general though it's no longer their big thing. A little above 100 is perfectly fine, too. Or the Kanadajin3 channel which seems to only seems to regurgitate some 1980 Sesame Street vhs Tokyo special nonsense as fact? I want to say Im 60 but really Im 100 sigh. Chubby should start from 60. In a nutshell, she did say that she was sorry for hurting "the individual" (she's of course referring to Rachel) from the comments she had made about the company not being reputable. Theyre not attractive at all. Id go for -10 to 40. I don't believe I've ever watched more that a few seconds of a jvlog. Id like someone from 10 to 80 please!! Actually most of the jvloggers I've met were a lot nicer than you'd think from their videos. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. If there was a 200% I think Id still like her. What's "accurate" or not depends on how you feel about it. For those of you who follow the Jvlogging scene you probably have heard about the drama that had unfolded between Kanadajin3 (Mira) and Rachel and Jun among a few other Jvloggers. I dont like thin girls. Things suck! More than 10 are all fine. I could go for all of them, but I like the bottom row better. I do understand that people do not take spelling, grammar, etc as seriously on the internet, but the mistakes that were made were consistent through all of the accounts, including Miras public account. Id have to think about 0 and 100. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. Rachel & Jun's Adventures! - YouTube All related videos have been taken down once. If anyone has followed Mira you know that she has a more unique way of speaking English. YUZU BATH http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1gR3SDTmVUk youtube.com Japanese winter solstice - BATH IN YUZU ON DECEMBER 21 or 22nd in Japan on the winter solstice it is custom to take a hot bath in YUZU and eat kabocha You can buy yuzu and do this at your home, or . If she doesnt mean it then there is no point to it. That sort of self-effacing humor in a market of narcissism is really refreshing. Update: Well, that didn't work. I recently went to the Eorzea FFXIV cafe in Akihabara, Japan. Well, I dont really care about their figure that much. Reply . Mira finally posted a response video after initially stating that she wasn't going to. I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). Press J to jump to the feed. A fair amount of work goes into the planning for each I get how Japan would be at top, and. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2Ri8J7EITl0, This website uses cookies to improve your experience. Our Queen, Kanadajin3, has blurred her face from all of her videos and now has a new channel, NiqabQUEEN . Please do not harass her for doing this. Create a free website or blog at WordPress.com. There are a lot of Jvloggers that I enjoy that just literally talk about daily life. Mira's video makes her seem at least partially innocent. Shouldnt -10 and 0, and 10 and 20 be reversed? And laughed! I think theres too big of a jump from 40 to 60. See Tweets about #kanadajin3 on Twitter. But her thighs are voluptuous and feel great so Im happy. Only by coming here and living here can someone truly experience it. For those of you who follow the Jvlogging scene you probably have heard about the drama that had unfolded between Kanadajin3 (Mira) and Rachel and Jun among a few other Jvloggers. IDK. So I think they do their best in honing it in, while trying to keep it exciting for viewers. To Mira. NEW VIDEO. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachels video. Hadaka Matsuri itself is an all-day festival. I didn't go into complete detail, nor have I been following as closely to this situation as some others probably have. They look slim and slender. I thought something strange was happening when I read Sharla in Japan's comment about a "close friend" of hers and how "being an asshole gets you nowhere". By continuing to use this site, you are agreeing to our use of cookies. He and Rachel have a second YouTube channel which they called Rachel & Jun's Adventures! Rachel and Sharla may or may not forgive her; it all depends on what they want to do. I also want to tell the media to stop making women obsessed with losing weight. They are typically talking to a younger audience, and that audience tends to have very wild ideas about Japan. Rachel & Jun (@RachelAndJun) / Twitter Her research and evidence seemed to prove that Mira surely was behind it all. How long has it been since you got pregnant? That in itself is enough proof for me that the account are, in fact, Mira in disguise. Isnt this chart more what women think about themselves? I think a lot of guys would think that 100% is totally normal, and they like girls chubbier than that. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. You should never release someones personal information without their permission. ( ` )One of my female friends is like -60 and Im worried about her! Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. But being plump is good. I remember I saw a video of her in YouTube long time ago , she appeared as a normal girl, nothing unusual struck me about her , then couple years ago if I remember correctly she became a Muslim , I remember I thought "Mashallah good for her" and that was it , today I searched her name up and nothing made sense , it appears there's a lot of drama surround her , she even began to blur her face in a really creepy way , does she think Islam ask her to do this ? Not by listening to people on YouTube hyping it up or bashing it. [5][6][7], Some of the videos are documentaries with interviews on specific topics. Jvloggers and Misrepresenting "Life in Japan" : r/japanlife - reddit Yes I used to follow Kevin. I was on vacation when this situation started, so I have not seen Rachel's video. I cant see their faces so just looking at them this way theyre all fine. Rachel and Jun American and Japanese couple living in Japan. To me, under 60% are not chubby. RachelAndJun American/Japanese Fukuoka, Japan YouTube (mostly using our vlog channel now) CATS Email: rachelandjun@delkatalents.com 80 to 100 are just fat, arent they? Canada Last on list at very bottom America. [1][2] The initial name of the Rachel and Jun channel, "MyHusbandisJapanese", was created by Jun as a reference to Japanese pop culture, inspired by the title of the manga series My Darling Is a Foreigner. cross through the gates of Konomiya and make it to the entrance of the I wonder what happened?" I guess I like 60. Im good up to 100!! The ones under 0 look too thin and unhealthy. https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese, https://www.youtube.com/user/JyuusanKaidan. Privacy Policy. Maybe Islam is the religion for me, until this point I just hated feminism because Rachel Vasquez rejected me in high school. 10, 20, and 40 look normal. I dont know a lot about this, so I cant say much about whether I believe this accusation or not. My tastes start at 40. Hadaka Matsuri () is a Japanese festival held at many different Really chilled and down to earth guy. http://news4vip.livedoor.biz/archives/51839245.html. Of course YMMV, but I just consider that a reckless image to present to those unfamiliar with Japan or Japanese society or, hell, even promote that its okay to come to Japan and live that way. Rachel and Jun met at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies. 20-80 would also be okay. That in itself is enough proof for me that the account are, in fact, Mira in disguise. Rachel is from Cincinnati, Ohio. There are a lot of chubbier girls in real life. I do wish everyone the best of luck with everything that they do. This post is regarding the current dispute between Mira (Kanadajin3), Rachel (Rachel & Jun) , and Sharla (Sharla in Japan). I have, however, watched various responses to her video and responses to the whole situation to get a good basis of what is going on. Your email address will not be published. Apologize first. https://www.youtube.com/user/MyHusbandisJapanese, https://www.youtube.com/user/JyuusanKaidan. As a woman 20 is ideal, but now Im about 60 or more. ", And then there will be people who see it as a learning experience and an adventure. She never admitted to making fake accounts and hating on all of these Jvloggers. Next would be 60. There is a common saying that we have on JET when aspiring JETs ask us questions and that is ESID, because every situation is different. I've never gone back to my home country and probably won't. Judging from their pictures they look healthy. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. 14 | June | 2014 | STRLAND [12][13], In 2016, they traveled from the northern to southern tip of Japan for the travel website Odigo (now Tokyo Creative[ja] Travel), visiting a total of 20 prefectures and producing a series of travel videos. Everyone thinks that they have the correct way to like Japan and that they are better than the other foreigners that like Japan. Many people have asked how to book the reservations online, so here are the step-by-step instructions: 1. Experience will vary and having any specific expectation based on other people, pop culture or whatever will leave you disappointed. I've watched three or four of those videos on YouTube and then stopped. We're an American/Japanese married couple living in Japan, traveling places, bothering our cats, and doing dumb stuff for your enjoyment! I guess I'm more concerned (concerned? I like 10-40. miffed?) reenactment of an old ritual where one unlucky man passing near a shrine would -30 and -20 look scary to me even though Im a woman. Im jealous. She had her opinions about things and wasn't afraid to share them. She also didn't seem like the type to go behind her friend's backs and do all these things she's been accused of. Whether or not everything is true that I watched, I dont know. 1989) (, Yoshizuki Jun'ichi) met at Nagoya University of Foreign Studies in 2010. I dont know a lot about this, so I cant say much about whether I believe this accusation or not. [DRAMA] Kanadajin3 vs. Rachel & Jun - YouTube They'll be all "But it's not like this where I come from! They are catering to people who don't live in Japan and want to live there, based only on the fantasies they have constructed due to anime/manga. ). Some of these fake accounts have been linked back to the same IP address as Miras. I've watched many videos from Rachel and Jun and based on the videos (because I have not met any of these people in real life) they seem like truly genuine and honest people. This is a crime that is punishable by law; it is something that the Japanese government is very strict about. 80 is the best. 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