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Uh, dude, that is my biggest fear of plane crash. Men's Journal 's Everyday Warrior With Mike Sarraille is a podcast that inspires individuals to live more fulfilling lives by having conversations with disrupters and high performers in all walks. Goo Goo Dolls Survived a Plane Crash (2000) | airplane, interview | The Cheers. But, um, that is the weirdest thing, man, is I'm more comfortable Scott diving than I am. So, um, let's, let's jump into the music though, because you, you went through serious obstacles. You start to recognize faces in the crowd and, and they become an extension of your tribe. Joahn Rzeznik is the founding member. I believe that there is, um, a positive end to this story. Yeah, I know what you mean. Yeah. Rzeznik grew up in Buffalo, N.Y., with a father who was an abusive alcoholic and a mother who was, as he once told the Buffalo News, a "German disciplinarian." He had a tough childhood, but. Cuz it's like, screw you. Oh hell yeah. Everything. My biggest regret is that I, I wrote an album and an executive at the record company refused to accept it, but he couldn't tell me why, you know? John Rzeznik: Came in the the good with the bad and, uh, couldn't agree with you more. Um, but everyone, you know, even Isis, Al-Qaeda, Hell's Angels also offers a form of homecoming and belonging to, to a young impoverished kid who, who's never been part of a group to, to them that's, that's like a drug. But was crazy was the guy had to keep, I'll, I'll do this really quick cuz there's more important things the guy had to circle around till he was pretty much outta gas, you know, out of fuel. It's kind of strange, you know, because you, you do, you need your tribe. All right, last question, man. Mike Sarraille: I let him get in my head and it caused me to spiral down. Right on, man. And then, but I had to, I got really drunk, got on an airplane, came back to the States, and I was like, That's it, I'm done flying. Mike Sarraille: And it's like, I love that man. John Rzeznik: By Thom Jennings ngedit@niagara-gazette.com. Going back to our initial conversation about desensitizing yourself to things. But, but, but, uh, like most beautiful things in life, I mean, the women in my life have always been strong and, and compassionate. Um, well, it was, I, I was, um, when that happened with my mom and I actually was holding her in my arms when she passed. It's, so, again, man, it's, it's, I love this because you haven't read this book and you're basically walking through the entire book. Because all success is built on failure after failure, after failure after failure. Mike Sarraille: Yeah. Mike Sarraille: And then, and you know it, and then you see their faces. I had to go to rehab five times, you know, before I committed to it, you know, And, and then I had to spend three months there. This ma major reinvention of the whole place. Like I can't. I'm not gonna be cool and important anymore. This interview has not been edited for length or clarity. Everyone walked away. That, that's insane. "The good part about being a pessimist is, when something bad happens, you're never really devastated by it," he continues. Did your parents raise you that way? We have the potential to be so great, yet we shit all over each other.. Even though, even though I would get up and face it every day, I was terrified of everything, you know? I was born with it because I never took any music lessons really, except for accordion. What happens when more people don't like me than like me? And then, um, and then I was terrified of swimming. Google dolls.com Okay. In America now, discussing your political opinion can actually be really dangerous, which is bizarre. It joins Talking Heads Once In A Lifetime, Frank Sinatras My Way and Simon & Garfunkels Mrs Robinson as hit songs with And as the unlikely opening word. It culminates in the last election and people are going, What the fuck is going on?. Now, there are, now there are things that I wanted to talk you about as being in probably the most elite intense group of military people. John Rzeznik Plastic Surgery Rumors - Did He Really Has The Surgery? And I love him. That was a hard generation. I just have annoying, I'm just annoying and neurotic at times, you know? Um, and, and my dad, my dad, my, it's really kind of, my dad was older. Would probably. But you gotta learn to swallow it and accept it as a stepping stone to success or acceptance. Awesome. John Rzeznik: Like we would, we would be, cuz we were the only two males in the house, so we had to get the hell out of there. So I knew that I could get out, but I had to keep exposing myself to that fear and that anxiety until it didn't affect me. Goo Goo Dolls' John Rzeznik recalls vocal cord scare: 'Oh, my God. I And lastly, again, thank you to our sponsor, Pendleton Whiskey. However, Rzeznik was approached for writing the soundtrack of the movie City of Angels, and after watching the movie, Rzeznik penned down the song, which changed the band's career.[20]. Mike Sarraille: Screw that. Um, you know, and you just kind of, you, you yet adapt and, and, and make it work. I highly recommend it to anybody. And you talk about legacy, you know, there's, there's a time when John re you know, Resnik will no longer be here, but your music will remain. I was a recon Marine in, in my initial days in the military, and we were stuck on a desert hill for two weeks overlooking the vastness of the desert. And, and, um, and I hope that my daughter respects me. And I just felt like, well you just want my 200 bucks an hour to like hang out. That there's, there's music is definitely, it Marks time in our lives. That we're. Oh, I just felt this whole empty feeling, he says. I can take people, uh, skydiving and, and strap into the front of me. So I had, I had a reason to talk to every pretty girl in the bar. Mike Sarraille: So I'd better do it right.". John Rzeznik has taken part in a great number of music projects, one of which is in his popular band Goo Goo Dolls. That hasnt changed about me, but if you mention, Gee, wouldnt it be nice if everyone could go and see a doctor? suddenly youre branded a socialist whos ruining the country. Mike Sarraille: Yeah. Okay, I was like, we were in a plane crash, uh, in Sicily. You're, you're, you're, you're out. I agree. The youngest of his four older sisters moved towards punk music and Rzeznik became interested in bands such as Ramones and The Clash. You need, you need your tribe. And, um, I don't know, it was like, it was shock really. We step on the planes every day and it's almost like pilot, I hope you're well trained and do your job well. Uh, and that's what, what drove me, right? So I'm like, okay, it's the fire, not the crash that kills most people. You, you, it's, it's amazing. To always pick yourself up by the bootstraps? No, because they're entitled to them because their life experiences are different than yours. Woo gives me the creeps thinking about it. Yeah, no, I, I, I agree with that wholeheartedly. connection to land, waters, communities and culture. You've gotta reframe the way you look at failure, it's part of the process. And I had, you know, and I, I, I didn't have a lot of resources. More than 30 years since the Goo Goo Dolls released their debut album, Rzeznik holds hope music has the power to bring people together, no matter how dark the times. And yes, when we use that word, it's not cultural, uh, appropriation. ON STAGE: Goo Goo Dolls playing Riverworks his Sunday. And they found out what can this guy do? So, so I was like, okay, a very tough disciplinarian. John Rzeznik: I can only speak for myself. He, he was in so much pain, he could not work in the, the rice patty. John Rzeznik: And, you know, and, and just, just plagued with self doubt and worry. But that doesn't mean you go and throw yourself into the deep end of the pool, like what you just said. Uh, yes, you probably have innate talent, but everywhere I've been, all my success, the product who I am has always been coaches and mens. And I'm like, Oh, no, no, no, not at all. 5 killed in Arkansas plane crash while en route to scene of a fatal Is that called grit? You know, I do remember, and, and I know it's your most iconic song, uh, Iris, but we were sitting on a h site in the Marines. Let me deal with it. John Rzeznik: Yeah, yeah. I left. I tell you what, I made a deal just to get 'em outta my house just to get everybody that loved me outta my house. We dont appreciate the similarities we have, so maybe thats the place to start.. I've met, uh, well I lived in Los Angeles for a long time, so there's no shortage of bizarre characters. Im a bleeding-heart liberal and Ill always be pro-union because I grew up in a blue collar family and thats what we were. You are there because people have enabled and supported and coached and mentored you. That was a generation when you look at it. [8] The original pronunciation of his last name Rzenik is "Zhezh-neek" (zh as in beige) [ik], Polish for "butcher". And I'm up there like six, seven times a year. John Rzeznik has a new appreciation for the Goo Goo Dolls' success Between two postponements and two injuries, Rzeznik found himself with plenty of time to reflect on his full-time job as a. I think that there's a certain element of that that, I mean, it's like a survival skill in a way, don't you think? And, uh, I was like, my grandfather was crazy. It's like really trying to, and I'm getting older, so it's kind of like, Oh man, just gimme that bed. "We've had a few run-ins with mentally unstable fans and it's a little bit scary," Rzeznik explains. And, and I couldn't deal with it. Never, never. Love the Red Rocks Band. Introducing Rzeznik in front of her sold-out Madison Square Garden audience in 2011, Swift stated, In my opinion one of the greatest songs ever written is a song called Iris. That's how you win. data and in accordance with the. After all, the heir apparent to the family . Screaming, freaking out. Yeah. Was it, was it you that came to the conclusion that you needed help or was it those close to you that say, Hey John, we've, we've, this, this has gotta stop? We just finished the manuscript called The Everyday Warrior, A No Hack, Practical Approach to Life. Get official Goo Goo Dolls merch and vinyl here. You need to balance it all out. And, and you said it, is that person moving you towards a solution? Yeah. And they say, they say, Oh, you're the baby. John Rzeznik: And you know, it's, and those are the kind of challenges that we have to do. Mike Sarraille: And you've gotta have the balls to walk away from any situation. Um, you know, just like everybody, uh, there's times we really don't agree. Contents 1 Early life 2 Career 2.1 Goo Goo Dolls 2.2 Other activity 3 Musical style 3.1 Influences 3.2 Songwriting Yeah. Yeah. At the 2004 Fashion Rocks! Cuz I was so toxic myself, you know? Did you ever pinpoint through your healing process, this is why I was using this to mask this or this is why I became dependent on it. All four of Rzeznik's grandparents were born in Poland. And of course the diagnosis of mental health is subjective. John Rzeznik: On October 24, 2004, a Beechcraft Super King Air aircraft, registered N501RH and owned by NASCAR team Hendrick Motorsports, crashed into mountainous terrain in Stuart, Virginia, during a missed approach to Blue Ridge Airport in Martinsville, Virginia.The aircraft was transporting eight passengers and two flight crew to Martinsville so they could attend the NASCAR event at Martinsville Speedway . Listen to the full episode above (scroll down for the transcript) and see more from this series below. But there, there has to be an element of that greatest generation that, that grit that we instill back into our society. This is my life. And usually if you follow them with discipline, uh, you know, usually lead to good outcomes. The Democrats are as bad off as the Republicans. The Goo Goo Dolls forged a renewed relationship from the ashes of a I had to desensitize myself, you know, because because someone traumatized me. John. Mike Sarraille: messages about ILikeYourOldStuff based on my information, I dont know if shes a fan as I cant speak for her, but I know she loves Iris. So how can I support you? I mean, far exceeds. And that, that right there, I know means the world to me. The twin-engine turboprop plane was en route . Every, everyone walk away. Help me to help me get through this period. Men's Journal Everyday Warrior Podcast Episode 28: John Rzeznik You know, that's mostly it. interests, activities, website visits John Rzeznik: It's like musicians, they're great musicians and then there are musicians that are not that good. John Rzeznik: So get up and go.