Excuse me?' "Teacher fired for not playing along with a student who identifies as a cat. As a Rivals site, does GIA have press credentials? The latest notion that schools would supply litter boxes for students who consider themselves cats is apparently rooted in an increasingly tolerant student culture for those that openly question their sexual identities and gender preferences. A Facebook post says schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. ROCHESTER, N.Y. (WHEC) A rumor going around on social media has been raising some eyebrows. Or bestiality. Some things in life, like cats, are too good to be muddied by Americas toxic ideological wars. A woman who was working as a substitute teacher posted a video to social media alleging she was fired by school officials for not "identifying with" a student who "identifies as a cat" after she refused to meow back at the child in class. "She said its not a new problem. More people are discussing students identifying as cats in schools, Iowa Senate Dems pull a McAullife: Call Republicans running for school board literal terrorists, PENCE: Empower Americans to have access to medicines, vaccines they want, let it be their choice, ALIVE: Hands-free while driving bill lingers in legislature, DEAD: Bill prohibiting employers from asking about vax status fails to pass funnel, Constitutional amendment protecting parental rights in education reintroduces by Rep. Lesko, Google dings stories about 'furries,' ineffectiveness of COVID vaccines as violating standards - The Iowa Standard. Should We Provide Litter Boxes for People Who Identify as Cats? Other, similar claims also have circulated in Wisconsin where a school district denied that it allows students who identify as furries to lick their paws in gym class and bark in hallways and in Texas, where a candidate for state office falsely claimed that cafeteria tables are being lowered to allow furries to eat without using utensils. 33701 This is the world we live in today, and this is the danger created by normalizing transgender delusions in young students who may get over it. 801 3rd St. S Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats, For Iowa Republicans, its all about the kids, except when its not, Iowa school board member gets ripped for saying public education is 'not to teach kids what parents want. Theyre also allowed to bark. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who "identify" as cats. According to reports, the girl allegedly is phenomenally bright and does not speak during school hours. Furry Panic Is the Latest Dumb GOP Attack on Public Schools "This is still a problem. They should not be allowed to attend school as school is meant for humans. All rights reserved. Real-life furries: I am a not a cat litter box joke - New York Post I was bullied a lot for wearing the ears and just being a . "Our community needs to understand that the agenda that is being pushed through our schools, in my opinion, is somewhat nefarious when it comes to some of the activities.". Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal, Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western Iowa district. Meade County: Students dressing and acting like cats - WLKY McHugh deemed the current treatment of transgender children reckless and irresponsible. He also argued against allowing children to transition and equated the process to frontal lobotomies. He also stated that there would be negative long-term consequences of allowing children hormonal treatment and transitioning. What do you do to bullies who cause a kid to kill themself? And this little girl in the very front row says, 'You have to meow back at him; he identifies as a cat.' School districts in several states have debunked the claim that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. When my children were little, I didn't give them any gadgets in their hands. Ill have my tuna on rye, not mixed with kibble, thanks. The litter box rumors spread the notion that if schools will let transgender girls compete on sports teams and use the girls restroom, next theyll be forced to accommodate every other so-called identity, even if it means pet bowls on the cafeteria floors and taking kids out for recess on leashes. "It is a source of disappointment that I felt the necessity to communicate this message to you., During the Dec. 20 meeting, a parent of a student in the district said she had been left "disturbed" after hearing a litter box had been installed in at least one unisex restroom in one of the district's schools for those who "identified as cats.". For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. (Photo by pixelfit/Getty Images). Big cities run by Democrats for decades are now supposedly 'ungovernable', HBO's sexploitation is a workers' rights travesty, WATCH: Steven Spielberg likens rise in antisemitism to 'Germany in the '30s', AOC gloats after construction of Virginia Amazon headquarters delayed as company cuts jobs, Alex Murdaugh trial: Watch the key video that could've sealed guilty murder verdict. CARROLL, Iowa The Carroll Community School District recently had to put an end to a rumor that it had placed litter box in bathrooms to accommodate student who identify as animals. Supposedly, a female student was identifying as a cat. A school is reportedly supporting a "phenomenally bright" teen girl who identifies as a cat. Go to the fifth roweverybodys there. The Michigan incident started when a mom of kids at the Midland School District, about 130 miles northwest of Detroit, spoke at a school board meeting about a rumor which she took as fact alleging the school was accommodating furries by providing litter boxes in unisex bathrooms. Superintendent denies rumors of litter boxes in restrooms for students Its like that show and South Park are sort of grandfathered in and get away with things due to their success, but new shows wouldnt be allowed near some of these topics with a 10-foot pole. As usual, left-wing ideologues have created larger societal problems by refusing to address the main issue. JavaScript is disabled. Im just embarrassed by what this has gotten to," she said. 2023, Hearst Television Inc. on behalf of WLWT-TV. Stop pretending that everything you hear is an attack of some sort. No board members responded to the claim on the day of the meeting, but Sharrow's statement on Thursday dismissed the claim entirely. According to an email sent by the superintendent and shared with Local 5 by a district parent, that rumor "is simply and emphatically not true." Urinating and dedication in a litter box, for others to clean up is unsanitary and quite frankly disgusting. Top image: A 20-year-old Norwegian woman who identifies as a cat. A high school in Kentucky is having a "furry" problem and if you don't I just always had a fascination with cats and I felt myself, I'm a cat. "The rumor is that our schools have litter boxes in the restrooms to accommodate individuals who are self-identifying as animals," Casey Burlau, superintendent of Iowa's Carroll School District . . Then I hear meow! Im like, Okay, whats up with that? This is about stupidity not transphobia. A recent story out of small-town Iowa was getting lots of twitters and titters: The Carroll school superintendent sent out an email to parents to knock down a false rumor that there were litter boxes in school bathrooms to accommodate students who identify as cats. Then, there was the news of Target permitting transgender people to use fitting rooms and restrooms aligned with their gender identity, not their biological sex. Then I hear 'meow!' The school reportedly said in a statement that its students were demonstrating a range of issues from mental health, anxiety or identity issues. Its a safe bet that the girl identifying as a cat fits this description. And others, who call themselves furries, create animal alter egos and interact with others who do the same. Contact Editor Kathie Obradovich for questions: kobradovich@iowacapitaldispatch.com. Right-Wing Lawmakers Take Up Spreading Fake 'Students Identify as Cats They're furious. "Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal," Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western. pic.twitter.com/fNxye7LPBL Left of Center MI (@leftofcentermi) January 20, 2022 This is saying that kids who; Identify as cats, meow in class, and demand litter-boxes in the bathrooms, arent normal. We should all be sympathetic to these people, which is why we should not enable any of their delusions. I read that a comedian joked how he asks to be regarded with the possessive pronoun there, because he identifies as a place. This is sadly happening, and even in rural, conservative, farm country, Iowa. Yes, there are instances where accommodations are made for students who have disabilities as required by law and district policy. Hey wait -I seriously allergic to cats. Alex Murdaugh trial: Murderer sentenced to consecutive life sentences after being found guilty. I can't even. Superintendent debunks claims of litter boxes in schools for students January 11 (as per the video page source), that she is a substitute teacher and details a morning roll call with students. "However, our Midland PS stakeholders may be confused about a false message/accusation that has resurfaced this week and is gaining traction in the social media realm.". In a world of wild talk and fake news, help us stand up for the facts. Custodial staff CANNOT be required to clean up litter boxes. Its more of a role-playing type thing that some people do to express themselves in a different way. Brainwashed School Kids Now Identifying as Animal "Furries" [] More people are discussing students identifying as cats in schools []. Answering the Left: But do you know any gay people? Thats hearsay. "I was hearing rumblings of this last year, but it really got bad when they went back to school this year. (KCCI) - A school district in Iowa has been hit with rumors saying that students who "identify as cats" are allowed to use litter boxes in the school restrooms. Spreading widely rumors that there are public school students identifying as cats, and that those students are being accommodated by schools providing kitty litter in the bathrooms. Seriously, Parents are allowing their kids to think they are cats! A hair-raising group of youth are apparently terrorizing a Meade County high school. There are no litter boxes in the restrooms of the Carroll Community School District, its superintendent stressed, despite internet rumors that some schools are installing them for children who identify as cats. And last week, as I was meeting people at the Clay County GOP booth at the county fair, a student told me this sort of thing is happening at their school too. But as of right now, I have not been able to verify a single one of the claims. In his statement, Sharrow said it was "unconscionable that this afternoon I am sending this communication. European cat, Felis catus, brown tabby kitten in litter tray. I start looking on the ground, through the fourth roweverythings good. Its like the slippery-slope arguments that we heard back when Iowa legalized same-sex marriage: If we allow this, next well have to condone marriages involving pedophilia. Kentucky school district: Students are dressing and acting like cats - WLWT Somehow, it always comes back to money. Teen Furries Reportedly Taking Over Kentucky High School - Jezebel The woman, who goes only by Nano, says she . This issue gains negative attention because of its outrageousness, Berlau wrote in his note to parents. March 3, 2022. The false claim that children who identify as cats are using litter boxes in school bathrooms has spread across the internet since at least December, when a member of the public brought it up at a . The Meade County School district is dealing with an unusual situation: a group of high school students is attending school acting like and dressing as cats. Members of the "furries" fantasy subculture tell The Post they're not wild about this week . I have two grandkids in school and my grandkids didnt want to go to school anymore," she said.She said the issue gained attention on social media once people started sharing photos and videos of the feline costumes and behavior, "I started getting videos and messages from kids, and I said, 'Ok, Im going to post this so parents know whats going on. Make yourself available and visible to all students. Seven most shocking Playboy Mansion revelations from cocaine-addicted dog to Hugh Hefner's 'Pig Night' orgies. However, by constantly celebrating their decisions as brave, holding parades, allowing them to compete in sporting events with biological women, naming them women of the year, or even acknowledging gender identity as something more than junk science, society merely reinforces disturbing behaviors. The woman says she was born the wrong species. My psychologist told me I can grow out of it, but I doubt it, she told an interviewer. His note came amid a heightened scrutiny of schools across the nation, where curriculum about race is being questioned and the recommendations of certain books might lead to criminal prosecution. '"The grandmother said a petition to end the practice was created by students and has more than 1,000 signatures. These situations have been addressed consistently by administration and the dress code policy will continue to be implemented with fidelity. Primary source evidence proves the claim to be false. Like us on Facebook atwww.facebook.com/TheSunUSand follow us from our main Twitter account at@TheSunUS, 2020 THE SUN, US, INC. ALL RIGHTS RESERVED | TERMS OF USE | PRIVACY | YOUR AD CHOICES | SITEMAP, The bizarre rumor pertains to a school in Michigan's Midland Public Schools District, Parents have claimed that at least one litter box was installed in a unisex bathroom for children who identify themselves as 'furries', Superintendent Michael E. Sharrow outright dismissed the rumors, A parent referenced the bizarre claim in a Dec. 20 meeting, A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. Supposedly, a female student was identifying as a cat. WATCH: New Buddy Wildlife Documentary Premieres On PITB! The latest madness is the news of a teenage girl who identifies as a cat the latest example of how self-identification is not necessarily an expression of the healthiest or best thing for someone who needs mental help. "Apparently, from what I understand, theyre called 'furries,'" the grandmother, who asked to remain anonymous, told WLKY. You'll probably be catphobic if you refuse to pet them. Meade County Schools will not discuss individual student discipline due to privacy laws. Litter box rumor control isnt one of them.. Cant even google interprete for you. Our only agenda is to publish the truth so you can be an informed participant in democracy. If youre on the left, you might think parents who arent sophisticated news consumers are so paranoid about school curricula, theyd believe just about anything. Many people are doing what amounts to an experiment on these young people without telling them its an experiment. News 6 reported that, much like in the U.S., Australian lawmakers picked up on another Murdoch-owned newspaper's claim that an eighth-grade private school student in Melbourne "identifies as a cat, and as long as she does her school work, the school is supporting her assumed identity": The sourcing for this claim "a source close the . Teen girl who 'identifies as cat' allowed to 'act like a feline - MSN Wow! I warned you guys about this. Two curious stories relating to cats have been circulating online this week: In the first story, a substitute teacher claims she was fired because she refused to meow back to a student who "identifies as a cat," while parents in a Michigan school district were infuriated by a rumor that the district was providing litter boxes to cat-identified "The students are told they can't wear hats or Budweiser shirts in school, but they can wear cat ears, cat tails, masks, leashes. 0:00. But here we are in 2021 and this is happening. Initially, we laughed too. School districts in Iowa, Michigan and Nebraska have debunked claims that they are providing litter boxes in bathrooms. I had NEVER heard of this and was just made aware of it this afternoon Furry influencers on TikTok are bringing the long-misunderstood subculture to a whole new generation. If they feel they are cats, they should stay home, get a liscense and a rabies shot and use their back yard or litter box. Since then, schools in Iowa . Join half a million readers enjoying Newsweek's free newsletters. But according to Superintendent Mark Martin, a petition isnt needed. As if identifying as newly invented "genders" was not outlandish enough, indoctrinated and confused victims of government schools are now coming to class wearing tails, fake animal ears and . Michigan State University suspect is 22-year-old Raymone Jordan., Wisconsin school district does not have furry protocol, Nebraska lawmaker apologizes for debunked litter box claim, Carroll Community School District superintendent: No litter boxes in schools, Furries eating out of dog bowls at school? A furry. These people will hiss at you or scratch at you if they dont like something youre doing.". A couple of weeks ago we received an email. A TikTok user, whose account name is @crazynamebridgetmichael, explains in the video. No wonder the kids are not learning! It's actually happening. These kids are already an astronomical risk for adverse mental health outcomes and suicidal ideation, Crow said. Last October the Twin Falls School District (TFSD) in Idaho issued a statement denying there was a group of disruptive cat-identifying students at any of their facilities. Some furries even wear animal costumes or tails in public, I believe I'm a WOLF and I dress up using furry ears and a tail to howl in the woods, School accused of installing litter boxes for students who identify as cats hits back after parents outrage, Terrifying moment mum, 40, is swept away after leaping into frozen river in Russia as her kids scream in horror, Colorado wildfire update: Big Sur under red flag weather warning as pictures show 80mph wind damage and residents flee, British man beheaded with a SICKLE in Thailand named - as his ex-partner shares heartbreaking post, Ukrainian soldiers ready to 'tear apart Russians with bare hands' says general as country prepares to resist invasion, 'Conspiracy theorist' Lashawn McNeil shot dead NYPD cop Jason Rivera while on probation as criminal history is revealed. Big Ten Tournament: Iowa WBB vs Purdue (PREVIEW + GAME THREAD + RECAP). You want to communicate by meowing? In another video, the author scrolls through TikTok and YouTube reels featuring her "little rant. I understand that children do this because they want attention and don't know how to behave. Litter Boxes for Students Who Identify as Furries? Not So, Says School The same falsehood also circulated in an Iowa district, and a congressional candidate in Texas tweeted that school cafeteria tables were being "lowered" to accommodate students identifying as . And the school was allowing kitty litter to be placed in the classroom or bathroom or both. And what they need right now is acceptance and understanding, not further exclusion and alienation.. The inmates cannot continue to run the asylum. The state's House of Representatives Thursday approved House Bill 1749, which would bar public schools and state colleges and universities from requiring that teachers use students' preferred. Silly school litter box rumors front a darker agenda - Iowa Capital You need evidence for that, and this is a very serious treatment.. Texas district debunks GOP hopefuls claim, Fact check: No, a Michigan public school did not provide litter boxes for students identifying as cats. Have yall heard about this? This is true in many states including the one in which I live (Tennessee). ' she said in the TikTok video. Oh, you are a human? Clark's buzzer-beating three sends #6 Iowa past #2 Indiana 86-85. Her post elicited comments from a former Carroll school board president, Jen Munson, that I warned people during the election about this type of stuff and from an area resident, Tristan Hinners, who claimed that Des Moines has students who say they are a dog and a falcon. A furry is someone who role-plays or identifies as an animal, or an animal character with human-like characteristics. There have never been litter boxes within MPS schools.". "It really is important because there's a lot of especially younger trans kids in the school who really need a safe place to grow up and the school isn't providing . Carroll School District. Schools are putting litter boxes in bathrooms to accommodate kids who identify as furries. Rumors began to surface that these students were permitted to use litter boxes in bathrooms to. We rely on the financial support of our readers to exist. "Staff members are not encouraging or accommodating anyone behaving or identifying as a cat or any other animal," Superintendent Casey Berlau said Tuesday in a note to parents in the western. Im convinced theyre trying to suck us up into their world of crazy . School provides litterbox for students who identify as cats?
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