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Fire is making significant runs. Walk and work 10 feet (3 m) apart from other firefighters. S-130 Flashcards | Quizlet Customs of marriages and religions and special social customs. If you know that you are going to a specific region of the world, then it is worth doing your research about that area ahead of time. - Subjective Hazards are hazards that firefighters have control over. Wind-induced fire behavior can change rapidly because. For example, you may witness a person striving to understand another person from another culture, or witness a person dismissing the ideas from the other culture as being weird or abnormal. Cultural globalization. A Guide for Cultural Differences in Communication - Glassdoor 4. Close all windows and doors (including the garage door), and leave the doors unlockedin case you have to use the structure as a refuge The storage bag has turned gray, gray stains are visible, or the shelter is not visible inside the bag. One of your main duties is to protect the hose from damage. Jennifer has a Ph.D. in Psychology. You must place the clamp at LEAST how far away from any coupling? Stereotypes and ignorance about different traditions and mannerisms can lead to disruptions and the. A primary purpose of culture is to provide you with an orientation for understanding and navigating the world, because human beings come pre-programmed by evolution with very little specific knowledge about how to survive and succeed. Place the ICS positions listed below in order (A, B, C, D) to match to the appropriate locations on the organization chart. Cultural humility is a lifelong process of self-reflection on one's own cultural identities whereby an openness to different cultural identities results. Adhere to the incident command systemknow who you are working for. (13 mm) or more. Tervalon and Murry-Garcia outline three main facets of cultural humility: self critique, acknowledging and fixing power imbalances, and an affiliation with advocacy groups. - Shovels, axes, and Pulaskis can adversely affect fire behavior. What are THREE ways to stay safe while preparing a drip torch? Trench built on steep terrain to stop rolling debris, - Hotspotting identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 Define nine fire behavior terms. You should be able to directly control. Language i.e. CULTURAL FACTORS Culture encompasses the set of beliefs, moral values, traditions, language, and laws (or rules of behavior) held in common by a nation, a community, or other defined group of people. 1. Ms. White initially feels a tinge of aggravation toward Lee-Lei's parents. Lighting a fusee To light a fusee: Protect your radio from dust, moisture, fire retardant, excessive vibration, dropping, and extreme heat Place each element of the DECIDE process in order to match with the appropriate description. You read that cultural humility requires people to be critical of their own assumptions of normalcy. - Dry mop-up Do not lock apparatus doors Identify THREE facets affected by cultural differences. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 Georgians make toasts with wine, vodka, or beer if they wish someone bad luck. But thats not the most effective way to navigate cultural differences. Chapter 3: The Cultural Environment - Food and Agriculture Organization When using a hose clamp, place it on the hose at least 18 in. Wait for the person on the other end of the conversation to finish talking before you start Roll up all windows to prevent burning embers from entering the vehicle cab Roll over inside the shelter so that you are lying face down. Evaluation, Before starting backfiring or burning out operations, Clearly identify escape routes and safety zones. When to escape to safety zone. - Scoop out as much dirt as you can where your head is Clean the roof of combustible materials Dull cutting edge - Hills By way of exploring these differences, we are briefly going to look at 3 ways in which culture can cause challenges. 0B.3 0B-01-S130-SR. 0B.4 FIRE BEHAVIOR TERMS Spread - Movement of the . A safety zone is your refuge from danger. E_4N, Microsoft Word - 071227_s130_m1_508_ev_ls_ev_jvFINAL.doc. - The hose is laying across a road. As medical doctors, the authors identified the need for an extension to cultural competence in healthcare and research. %PDF-1.6 % Since the 1980s, most global companies have developed diversity and inclusion policies led by human resources. The acronym describing the series of proper decisions to make for reducing a hazardous materials incident's potential harm is: Identify the guidebook that is an excellent resource for more information about hazardous materials. Get the next length to the appropriate location. Place each tool care and maintenance issue in order to match with the appropriate action. Ensure an obstacle-free line of sight with the person you are communicating with. Can be complicated by lack of training. a[a\IO4BTC4~wQd/r4cd"/ry9Cta16]|dnal]0*tbT(MDe#E-:bQ2Y[cGNWNJv}#^d`JYR6_8MJ^;r*B}[>~BOkY si[Fd Identify escape routes and safety zones, and make them known. 3 Ways to Identify Cultural Differences on a Global Team Addition of lateral lines. 9. Political globalization. The most frequent include: assessment tools (climate surveys, statistics monitoring,. Le,4:nT7o/4Sc{!=|\B,S_>37X~Z9?umnMU^X;x{3z_Qe.Ba_J%fY'S.C7]D]ESP|'+.'W>zp-/;F;5*jOW&"GsjzEq%YFvnj{Ho~lxu* cGVm<0L*|)1{WhvPogyS>V|ccTb#l/efeJLW4x$HFs+IDg.!rf$E* cQJJW[7XfnJSQY&s$[pi}N$y"(yy)pbl#S`MhO'V!|;:u'$/\}u5>%|R[Mv 2008-02-06T11:17:02-07:00 Keep a Knife and Fork in Your Hands in Chile . 1. Get unlimited access to over 88,000 lessons. Rear Smoke, bad weather, or even nightfall can reduce visibility and make a potentially bad situation even worse. 3. 1. It is a transformational process. Alert supervisor if you have a safety concern - Division Supervisor Get into a face-down position with your feet toward the fire Explosives, such as dynamite and blasting caps. Identify the BEST way to mop up a machine pile. When working in burned-over areas, always look up, look down, and look around. Rapid attack on the hot-burning points of a fire's edge Culture and Conflict. Effects of globalization Maintains a professional appearance for the crew Defensive mode will sometimes be your only option. How do Cultural Differences Affect Communication Hearing what you want to hear and filtering out the rest Similarly, if you expect that a proposal will be met with excitement, and the reaction is more tepid, thats something you need to follow up on. Cultural humility encourages an active participation in order to learn about a patient's or client's personal, cultural experiences. Identify THREE ways a fire can jump a control line. Use your head and extremities to secure the edges of the shelter Push out the top and sides of shelter. Cultural humility pushes us to challenge our assumptions, judgments, and prejudices; it encourages experts to become students when interacting with individuals of other cultures. In two to three paragraphs, describe a living situation that is non-normative to you, and investigate your opinions and judgments about it. The following points can highlight more about such differences: 1. 7. use, especially during mop-up operations - Estimated time the will hit Finally, affiliation with advocacy groups is important. Provides a place for cooler, breathable air to protect your lungs and airway. Identify the distance firefighters should maintain when walking or working with hand tools. Karin has taught middle and high school Health and has a master's degree in social work. Identify THREE measures to follow to protect hoses and fittings after suppression activities. Escape routes should provide the quickest possible path to the safety zone. Thus, the assumptions you make about the world based on your culture form your ability to evaluate everything you encounter. Multicultural Counseling Overview & Theory | What is Multicultural Counseling? It creates an awareness of cultural similarities and differences. Keep the fusee on the burn side of the fireline Cold trailing is a technique for controlling a partly dead fire edge. - Hoseline tees. If you need to exit the aircraft while it's hovering, do so in one smooth, unhurried motion. endstream endobj 224 0 obj <>/Encoding<>>>>> endobj 191 0 obj <> endobj 192 0 obj <> endobj 193 0 obj <> endobj 194 0 obj <> endobj 195 0 obj <> endobj 196 0 obj <> endobj 197 0 obj <> endobj 151 0 obj <> endobj 154 0 obj <> endobj 157 0 obj <> endobj 160 0 obj <> endobj 164 0 obj <> endobj 167 0 obj <> endobj 170 0 obj <>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/Type/Page>> endobj 1077 0 obj [1055 0 R 1065 0 R 1068 0 R 1071 0 R 1074 0 R 1076 0 R] endobj 1078 0 obj <>stream Identify a way to improve radio transmission when you are not transmitting through a repeater and poor location is the culprit. PDF Final Written Exam Answers - Fire in the Field The first, and perhaps most crucial, elements of culture we will discuss are its values and beliefs. 2. identify three facets affected by cultural differences s130 5. Watch your step on wet rocks and painted surfaces. Allowing personality differences to hinder effective listening and message relaying skills Page 8 Cultural or gender differences or even differences in vocabulary can also create communication barriers. 1. You know to use water intermittently on the fireline. What's Really Real? - Materials still burning For example, the Dutch social psychologist, Geert Hofstede outlined a number of dimensions that highlight ways that cultures differ. Lisa is a white American nurse from Louisiana who has just accepted a job offer at a hospital in El Paso, Texas.