if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'bornagainboating_com-box-4','ezslot_8',108,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-bornagainboating_com-box-4-0'); Now, what exactly do these hours tell us about the engine though? If your outboard has a grease gun, use it to lubricate the lower unit once every 100 hours or once yearly. Acessories, Fish Cleaning Turn the key to \"on\" (not start) after it has been off.2. PFEC (SDmrk/ SDtbd/ SDtfl/ pidat), 2 Slots, up to 32 GB (SD, SDHC Supported), Chinese (simplified Chinese Characters), Danish, English (US & UK), Finnish, French, German, Greek, Kits, Seadog Stainless Steel Cup If You Accidentally Go Too Far And Put Boat In Reverse While Can I Run My Outboard Without A Poppet Valve? Dont Wake Up With it Underwater! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. ok, so I bought a brand new boat a couple months ago with a 2013 suzuki 115hp engine on it. The engine hours can be found on the gauges on the console. Winches, Boat Motor Supports & Replacing them regularly will help ensure that your outboard motor runs smoothly and efficiently. Then, release the Trip/Odo button, press it again (do this three or four times), and finally hold it for about four to five seconds until the leveling information shows on the Odometer. JavaScript is disabled. Manufacturer, Boat Tables & Deals, Electronics If you dont keep an eye on the tightness of these fasteners, then they can eventually loosen to the point where they fall off, which can cause serious damage to your outboard motor. Combos, Fishing Tools & Next, check the fuel tank for any signs of corrosion. Plumbing, Fresh Water Boat Video, GPS Chartplotters & Acessories, Fishing Outriggers & Varnish, Marine Adhesives, Outboards, Shop Accessories, Pontoon Bimini The Outboard Expert: Computer Tell-All. Holders, Cabin Accessories & Products, Carbon Monoxide & Go back and re-read your owner's manual - you are interpreting it incorrectly. Simply tighten any that you notice are loose. How To Get More Hours From Your Boats Engine, With Fewer Breakdowns! Suzuki DT 140 tilt/ trim problem | Boating Forum - iboats.com Maintenance, Fiberglass & Epoxy Opposed to just wanting to know what number is low and which is a lot. The engine hours can be found on the gauges on the console. An outboard engine can run on an average of about 1500 hours. When an engine is taken care of, and especially most of the newer engines. To do this, first, remove the oil cap from the engine and drain the old oil into a container. You can easily navigate to displaying the hours by hitting the mode button for most gauges. A power trim fluid is used to lubricate the power trim and tilt system. Marine Battery Chargers, Shop In the Midwest, 500 hours is high, even though it isnt. Professionals. Pull out the stop switch button 3 times in 10 seconds until you hear a beep. Divide the reading number by 10 to get the number of hours. Next, remove the oil filter and replace it with a new one. Fenders, Boat Trailer Is 700 hours a lot for an outboard motor? Anchor Box Anchors, Fishing Rod & Reel If you see any, then they will need to be replaced. Make sure that your Suzuki marine outboard is all set before hitting the water. Starters, Marine Solar Power Tackle Boxes, Fishing Bait & Waxes, Boat Cleaning Parts, Wash Down Holder, Anchor & Dock The Right Fit, Shop By Lights, Boat Trailer The age of the engine plays just as much a part in the overall health of the engine. Manage Settings Or the average for when is it time to sell? nelbur Member Join Date: Oct 2010 Posts: 89 #4 Harware, Marine Nuts, Bolts, & Once you hit the 3-4K hour range. You can self-test all of these parts at home with a few tools. We want to start with this information because they are really more concerned with the overall health of the engine. Ropes, Boat If you changed the gauge on the boat, then the hours would be reset and you wouldnt know how many hours were really on the engine. Fenders, Boat Trailer On the other hand, if it is 30-years old and only has 150 hours on it. Deals, Electronics Tackle Boxes, Fishing Bait & If you would like to change your settings or withdraw consent at any time, the link to do so is in our privacy policy accessible from our home page.. Seats, Pontoon Boat Seats & Shelters, Boat There are a lot of variables to remember. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. T timlemons Recruit Joined Nov 3, 2006 Messages 4 Nov 5, 2007 #3 Re: Suzuki 140 Hours meter Deals, Electrical You can check the condition of the anodes by simply looking at them. Biminis, Paint and Over time, the fluid will become dirty and will need to be replaced. Now when you hit 500hours you will start over but get one lamp flash. Trailer Winches, Shop Is there a way to check the hours | Boating Forum - iboats.com This is a simple task that you can do yourself. Every 300 hours of use or three years, you should: The alternator drive belt is responsible for powering the alternator, which in turn charges the battery. How Do You Check Boat Engine Hours? Vinyl, Floating Boat So, for most of the early and up until a few years ago. Pumps, Marine Pump Replacement All rights reserved. Of course, you can find cheaper second-hand - the more hours on the engine, the cheaper it will become. Wed also like to invite you to check us out on Our YouTube Channel! If the fluid is dirty, then it will need to be replaced. Sealant, & Regularly checking this power trim fluid will help to prolong the life of your outboard motor. So, if you do the math, an outboard engine should provide you with 7-8 years of reasonably trouble-free boating. achris More fish than mountain goat Joined May 19, 2004 Messages 27,467 May 6, 2016 #10 As for an hour-meter. 259. Wipe off any excess grease while leaving a small amount to ensure the fitting is protected against water infiltration. Stalling Issues at Low RPMs In order to be used by as many customers as possible. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Boats, Propeller Parts & Accessories, Big Jon Biminis, RV & Trailer Input:059392, 059904, 061184, 060928, 065280, 126208, 126720, 126992/ 996, 127237/ 245/ 250/ 251/ 257/ 258/ 488/ 489/ 505, 128259/ 267, You must log in or register to reply here. Detectors, Binoculars & If they are corroded or damaged, then they will need to be replaced. Thanks. question on new suzuki hour meter? or how to read hours?? - Iboats Caulking, Marine Engine 2020 Suzuki 250hp 4 stroke outboard check engine temperature light flickers around 2500-3000rpm (20mph) no alarm sound. Towers, Tow Ropes & A few months ago my brother-in-law, Todd, was shopping for a used . Dollies, SportsStuff Great Big Turn off the ignition. Google Play and the Google Play logo are trademarks of Google Inc. The run time record of this almost-new Mercury Optimax outboard shows 2.7 hours of total time, and then breaks the time down in 1000-rpm increments. Bilge Pump, Tires, Rims, & Hub (4 ohm), NMEA0183 Input: 1, Output: 2 ports (one port drives 3 outputs), English (US & UK), French, Spanish, German, Italian, Portuguese, Danish, Swedish, Norwegian, Finnish, Greek, Japanese, 30,000 points for ship's track and waypoints 1,000 planned routes (Max. Check the outboard motors wiring and connectors for any signs of corrosion or damage. How much oil does a Suzuki 115 outboard take? Hardware, Boat Seats by While driving, the computer of your Suzuki (ECU o PCM) monitors air/fuel supply and exhaust gases in order to verify that the . & Circuit Now, Shop Combos, Fishing Tools & How to Check Engine hours? - Suzuki Outboard Forum We will need to go back to the condition issue of the engine. Parts, Boat Tubing & The oil alarm will sound 4 short tones every two minutes if the oil tank mounted on the side of the motor has less than 22 oz of oil in it. All, Anchor & This can become very vague, and not very accurate though. 2. GPS Chartplotter and Fish Finder Combo, Find They have 1400 hours on them and are about to go out of warranty. No where does it state that "each notch signals 50 hours". What does guardian active mean on a boat? Covers, Boat Cover Its function is to alert the driver about any type of engine problems. How much oil does a Suzuki 150 outboard take? To view the purposes they believe they have legitimate interest for, or to object to this data processing use the vendor list link below. Grease key points of your outboard engine. Pumps, Livewell Aerator Pumps Guide, Boat Hour meters are an important tool for caring for your boat. Born Again Boating is all about reviving old boats that have been forgotten, and bringing them back to life! Finally, add fresh oil to the engine, being sure not to overfill it. Each 1000 RPM on tack is 100 hours of run time. Communication, Auto Pilot Boat Repair, Boat Paint & Turn the ignition switch on and hold the Trip/Odo switch for about two seconds. Deals, Trailering This voltage comes from the key switch, which means. Maintenance, Boat Cleaners & Boats, Propeller Parts & It should be done after every 100 hours of use or at least once per year. Precision Marine is the leading provider of Suzuki outboard motor maintenance and repair services. the system. Checking the engine hours on the Suzuki multi function gauge | By Locks, Boat Deck Transom And How to Make Them Last Longer! ACCOUNT, Find Tilt outboard vertical (not tilted) position when checking engine oil. We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. That would mean 1,000 hours would be like having 100,000 miles on your car or truck. Axles, Boat Trailer Tie & Sonar, Trolling
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