I resisted. The go to harp for players such as Jerry Portnoy and Kim Wilson, although this iant publicised as the Marine Band Deluxe isnt marketed in the US. I've never messed with a Marine Band, but I hear they are quite small. Your email address will not be published. I just had to ask the question again, and please don't vote it up, it's kinda the same as the other one, I don't want any reputation. I spotted an old F. A. Bohm tremolo harmonica lying on one of the tables and tried to suppress my look of interest as I approached it. Cant do so, I tried talking one off but i couldn't put it back. The U.S.A. PATENT AUG. 24th 1897 and MADE IN GERMANY claims are no longer present on the upper cover and the lettering of the name MARINE BAND is substantially larger. There were also a few changes to the box around the time of WWII. The picture of the US Marine Band is now printed directly on the top of the box, rather than being a separate piece of paper pasted on. How are they compared to other harmonicas too? My grandfather gave me a Hohner Chromonica back in the 80's and I would like to get an idea of how long he had it before he gave it to me. 18.80 postage. In that case don't attempt pining the centers of the ends. Sturdy zipper case allows moisture to evaporate while keeping dust out. How Has the Hohner Marine Band Changed Over the Years? At the very center is a medallion held by two hands at right and left. Harmonica, Hohner Marine Band key of C. Like new and sterilised Here is a picture from a 1905 Hohner catalog for the German market, showing the Orpheus Concert: The number 1896 also applied to a harmonica with the name Up To Date, as shown in this picture taken from a 1906 Hohner catalog for the US market: Hohner produced more than sixty different models bearing the name Up To Date, but this one clearly resembles the Marine Band, particularly with regard to its covers. Footnote: I should add that this is very much a work in progress and I would love to hear from anyone that has any examples of variations that I have not covered above, particularly if you have any reliable means of dating them accurately. We accept major credit cards and PayPal. 5 out of 5 stars (895) However, it is impossible to make an fair estimate of the value of an instrument without seeing it. Saturday 4th March: All orders are being dispatched as normal! Its uniquely authentic sound has defined the role of the harmonica in the blues and folk genres and made it the benchmark by which all others are judged. The chances are, if your harmonica just looks like a harmonica, then it probably isn't worth much at all. Here is your shopping list from www.micromark.com. If you require a professional appraisal of an old harmonica for insurance purposes or any other reason, I am willing to provide such a service. Even though many of them were quickly consigned to the garbage by parents with headaches, there are still a lot of them out there in boxes of unwanted toys, belongings of deceased relatives, junk stores and so on. Clicking on the links under each picture will open new windows with close-ups of various parts of each instrument. It was identical to the standard Marine Band 1896, except that it was gold finished and came in a special box. Those that do are mostly in the German language and take some effort to obtain. A couple of days later I got around taking it apart to clean it. Just a Q-Tip moistened with water or ispropyl alcohol. How do I clean my harmonica without taking it apart? Hohners main Chord is known as the Hohner 48, because it plays 48 chords. Here are answers to questions that I get about Hohner harmonicas time and time again: Everybody agrees that Hohner is an excellent brand of harmonica. Hohner Old Standby Harmonica : Target If youre currently considering buying a Hohner Blues Harp or a Hohner Big River, heres my advice: The Hohner Blues Harp, has a wooden comb. Played by iconic figures such as Little Walter, Paul Butterfield, and Bob Dylan, it remains the top choice for the top professional, as well as aspiring musicians around the globe. Help Dont worry, Im here to help. Hohner Special 20 (Set of 12) - Harmonica Review Lets get down to business. Ive also spoken with representatives from Hohners main competitors, like Suzuki and Seydel, and they too all agree that Hohner is a great brand of harmonica. How is Jesus " " (Luke 1:32 NAS28) different from a prophet (, Luke 1:76 NAS28)? The first production runs turned out some rather unresponsive harps with short lived reeds, but these problems were address with longer scale reeds, improved tolerances and a better reed alloy. The Hohner Golden Melody is a bit larger than the Hohner Special 20. Links, Are you a beginner or struggling to sound good on harmonica? A later catalog shows an octave tuned harmonica with the same name, given the model number 1896 and claiming a patent date of August 24th, 1897 - the date of the patent claimed on the covers used on the Marine Band 1896 and several other models. 4.5 of 5 stars (38) Reviews. How do I disassemble a slide whistle in order to clean it? The Marine Band has been Hohner's most popular model of harmonica for generations. $25.00 + $5.85 shipping. I guess if youre saving $20 getting a Blues Harp instead of a Marine Band, and youre on a tight budget, go for it. Just to confuse matters even further, the model number 1896 was also applied to similar harmonicas with different names, aimed at different markets. Once the harp has had the chance to dry out thoroughly, there is relatively little danger of any communicable diseases being passed on. It was made in 1896, and it still has the same design. To get the best out of our site and for it to function correct, please read, accept and understand our 'Cookies Policy'. If youre looking to emulate that old woody tone authentically at any cost, then look no further! Enter your email address and hit Grab It to get started. A few words of advice. Hohner Marine Band | Sweetwater Harmonicas were made literally by the thousand and even sometimes by the million (Hohner, just one of the many companies to have manufactured them, produced their one billionth harmonica more than a quarter century ago). The Marine Band is the standard. If you don't take the cover, you can't clean it properly. Hohner Harmonicas | Guitar Center As I always say: if you want to sound like the old blues masters, why not play the harmonica they played? In fact, one of the main reasons that Hohner developed their Special 20 and Crossover model harmonicas was to address the comfort issue. Shortly after then, the "A440" was dropped and other small changes made to the designs on the cover. You're in! The cut-outs at the ends of the covers are taller, but not as wide as on the previous example. I always enjoy playing different tunings. Add To Cart. After pressing the pin/rivet through, set the bottom side of the pin on an anvil (any raised piece of metal like a meat tenderizer or side of some pliers). Or $4/month for 48 months. Completely assembled with screws for easy maintenance. If you would like to know how you can use content on this page, see the Smithsonian's Terms of Use. 9 Inspiring Reasons to Do So. Required fields are marked *. Id think twice before purchasing a Blues Bender. The answer, of course, is for comfort! The Hohner Marine Band 1896 classic harmonica is the original blues harp. How should I clean my fingerboard without damaging my violin? Vintage Harmonica Hohner Marine Band 1896 Key Harp M40. . I absolutely LOVE the Golden Melody. Likewise, there were various changes in the alloy used for the reeds and different reed profiles being used, although the lengths and widths of the reeds remained constant. They are long they will still work. Here is an example: Later versions of that trademark omit the star. That's a tough one. . It is a Marine Band No. My Vintage harmonicas are stock that i find that have had little or no use. The Chord Harmonica consists of two harmonicas hinged together. 1896 Key Of A Original HARD CASE | Musical Instruments & Gear, Vintage Musical Instruments, Vintage Wind & Woodwind | eBay! You can hear the sound of the Fender Blues Deluxe versus the Hohner Blues Band in this excerpt from my Fender Blues Deluxe Review. . It took some major abuse on the travels. Return to Fairly Frequently Asked Questions. Durability/Fixability the double-lacquered Pear wood comb could over time become susceptible to swelling, cracking, or splintering. I play it in its Richter tuning and Natural Minor tuning and it is fantastics, Your email address will not be published. The concept failed and is often frowned upon by professional 48 chord players. There were several notable changes with the next specimen, probably from the mid to late 1930s: The most obvious change is with regards to the covers. Also, hole numbers appear on the upper cover for the first time. If the openings alternate between top and bottom half of the hole, that's cross tuning. I don't want to reopen a closed question and it is unethical to unaccept the accepted answer, it was a good one but now i need different answers, new situation. PATENT AUG 24TH 1897MADE IN GERMANY. Harmonicas - New & Used Harmonicas For Sale | Reverb T&C At some point the comb material was changed from peachwood to pearwood, but I don't know how to tell the two woods apart by visual inspection. Super 64X (7584) Reed Plate Set. The rear of the covers still have the lipped edges, but these lips have been folded back against the inside of the covers. Which model is it? and GESCH. Hohner from the 19 to the late 19 also produced the Polyphonia No. Improved cover design gives greater volume and stability while preventing reed rattle. Tone The tone of this harmonica is supreme. 3 comments. Antique Harmonicas - Etsy The details might be a little too subtle to make out in the above pictures, but the designs have all been very slightly shrunk horizontally and very slightly stretched vertically. It's not difficult so long as you use copper or brass which are soft. Is the hohner marine band as good as they say it is : r/harmonica Also, numbers such as 270, 365, or 34B do not indicate that the item was part of a limited edition (as I have seen suggested on various online auctions) they merely indicate the catalog number of that particular model. That said, the Special 20 uses the Marine Band technology and we prefer the Hohner Special 20 because the plastic comb on the Special 20 doesnt swell over time. I assume from the presence of the star in the trademark that it dates from before WWII, however it also has a few features that are normally associated with post-war models. The wood comb sandwiched by the visible edges of the brass reed plates, topped with the stainless steel cover plates is a winning combination. In the US filing, they claim that Marine Band had been in continuous use since January 30th, 1896. The top is pretty plain. The bottom of the box and the inside of the lid are also different. Is there a proper earth ground point in this switch box? Now I have this marine band, you have to see to believe! After the Crossover, this is my 2nd favorite Hohner harmonica. I have seen instruments that could be reliably dated to the late 1800s that had the six point star in the trademark and I have seen instruments that were definitely made after World War I that had only five points to the star. To get the best out of our site and for it to function correct, please read, accept and understand our 'Cookies Policy'. If you need to request an image for publication or other use, please visit Rights and Reproductions. The six point star in the middle of the trademark is slightly larger and there are doubled circles around the WIEN and PHILAD. Things changed even more by the time of our next example, which dates from around 1923: The covers on this one are made from nickel plated mild steel and now Herr Hohner appears on the upper cover and the trademark on the lower cover. If you get it wet enough for the comb to expand (by dunking it in water) the wood may not even dry back to its original size. How can I find out which sectors are used by files on NTFS? document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); document.getElementById( "ak_js_2" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Contact If it's a pin, hammer the other side till it squeezes against the harmonica shell. In my opinion, the Fender Blues Deluxe is a better purchase in the budget harmonica category, even though its a few bucks more. More significant is the introduction of a groove towards the front of each reedplate to accept the front edge of the covers. Learn more about Stack Overflow the company, and our products. Which Hohner Harmonica is the Best? - My Top 5 Hohner Harps The awards have always been on the bottom cover. There are relatively few books written about the history of the harmonica and even fewer of them go into much detail about the various models. Yes, they are the original harmonica that all the old blues masters played. Check your inbox in the next minute or two for your first lesson. Also the Seydel 1847 models are a bit larger than the Hohner Marine Band harps. A longtime favorite of many country artists, the model 34B Old Standby is always ready to express spontaneous musical soul. This page tells you pretty much everything I can about the value of your old harmonica without actually seeing it. The box now has #1896 added to the design on the top and a label on the bottom boasting of the quality of their instruments and of their award at the 1915 San Francisco Exposition. Privacy Hohner 1896 Marine Band Harmonica : Target - Target : Expect More. Pay Cookies After watching the BluesHarmonica.com overview video, try one of the lessons below to experience a lesson at For the rest of this article, I shall confine myself to physical examples of the instrument, rather than catalog illustrations. HOHNER Vintage Harmonicas for sale | eBay We've added a "Necessary cookies only" option to the cookie consent popup. The low monthly subscription of $16.95 gives you full access! Is a PhD visitor considered as a visiting scholar? For more info check out my full review of the Marine Band 1896. [7] There are various subdivisions of the Marine Band. The Marine Band Deluxe brings the incomparable sound of the Marine Band 1896 into the 21st century with a variety of improvements which optimise handling and ensure greater volume and faster response, while retaining the rich and powerful Hohnersound. Known for its full tone, wood comb, and its patented cover plates, the Marine Band harmonica was there when harmonica blues was born. Registered Company 10370912. Reed plate edges and channel openings with new Ultraglide coating are rounded off for greater playing comfort. Free shipping for many products! Another change occurred around 2000, when the nickel plated mild steel covers used for the last eighty years or so, were replaced with stainless steel covers. For rivets, use a center punch to guarantee centering a drill, and drill off the end which has the least material until you can pull it through from the other side by using a narrower screw inside, pulled with pliers. All of the above raises the inevitable question of hygiene - is it safe to play something that has been in someone else's mouth? Unlike the 1896, the 364 is easy to take apart and adjust. Constitution Avenue, NW I have never seen any actual physical examples of this stage in its evolution, but here is a picture from an 1896 catalog of the William Tonk and Bro. $ 84 .99. The 16-hole version comes in the traditional "64" 280 version, the Super 64 (introduced approx. This is the quintessential blues harmonica from the Chicago Blues Era. The Hohner Marine Band Deluxe brings the incomparable sound of the Marine Band 1896 into the 21st century with a variety of improvements which optimise handling and ensure greater volume and faster response, while retaining the rich and powerful Hohnersound. Old School Marine Band with nails - Opener - YouTube Hohner Marine Band 1896 Harmonica - Key of C | Sweetwater I have been playing Marine Bands for years and one specific Marine Band that I have has been around the world with me twice, mostly out of its carrying case, and it survived to tell you all about it. When I first wrote about this next example, I described it as being "something of an oddball".
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