Evergreen Privacy Trees for Sale | BrighterBlooms.com Bauhinia blakeana, commonly called the Hong Kong Orchid Tree, [1] is a legume tree of the genus Bauhinia, with large thick leaves and striking purplish red flowers. Best of all, Glenn and Sherry are plant experts and would love to answer any and all questions and concerns you may have about your specific tree needs. Rather than one central trunk it usually forms several main trunks. Trees Citrus Trees Find a sunny spot. Related reading: How to get rid of aphids from outdoor plants. The most characteristic feature is the butterfly shaped leaf consisting of only 2 broad leaflets. Bauhinia purpurea is a species of flowering plant in the family Fabaceae, native to the Indian subcontinent and Myanmar, and widely introduced elsewhere in tropical and subtropical areas of the world. Leaves are consisting of 2 broad leaflets, that are fused together along the inner edges. Branches can also be induced to grow roots by what is called layering: either by burying a section in the ground, or scarring a small section of the branch with a knife and then wrapping it with damp sphagnum moss and enclosing in a plastic bag. Bauhinia x blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid Tree) - Gardenia.net If you're planting a row of orchid trees, space them at least 8 to 10 feet apart. White orchid tree (Bauhinia lunarioides) flower. The leaves should return when the weather warms up. Because this tree grows fairly large, you'll need to allow enough room for the branches to spread out. Its bright colors and flowers attract hummingbirds and other pollinators. Exceptionally long-blooming, the sterile flowers produce no seedpods, unlike Purple Orchid Tree (B. purpurea). The Hong Kong orchid tree is a flowering shrub-like tree with showy orchid-like flowers, double-lobed butterfly-like leaves, no seed pods, and dark brown bark. After quietly existing for many decades, the Bauhinia blakeana was soon thrust into the spotlight. Among the most popular of the orchid trees, this hybrid is a medium sized tree. Semi-evergreen. Related reading: How to choose the best tree fertilizer. Our cost-effective One Year Warranty guarantees If it seems very dry, give it a watering. Nine modern, clean and organized greenhouses sit on nearly 5 acres of landscaped grounds amongst pines and palms. Hidden Hong Kong: History of the Hong Kong orchid, Bauhinia - Localiiz Water on a regular basis, but, once it's well-established, give the tree time to dry out between waterings. A fungus causes leaf spot, and the spores spread from infected trees and easily affect wet foliage. Although it is considered evergreen, the tree may lose some or all of its leaves during colder weather. Purple orchid tree flowers are showy purple or magenta pink flowers. Place the sapling in the hole so that the root flare, where roots meet the trunk, is just above the soil grade. due to transit. Hong Kong Orchid - Parkland Falls Nursery Hong Kong Orchid Tree Bauhinia blakeana Pronunciation: bow-HIN-ee-a blayk-ee-AH-na SKU #01150 USDA Zone 5-7 Your climate might be too cold for this plant: Change Location Buy Online Find In Store Add To Wishlist OVERVIEW DETAILS STYLE CARE Care Requires moist, fertile, well-drained soil. Fertilize it in springtime. As with any flowering tree, the flowers will eventually fall and will have to be cleaned up. Blue Palo Verde. We may it right! This brings moisture and nutrients into the tree, for faster, healthier growth and ease. Prune sparingly. Though these trees are evergreen, they can lose leaves in an especially cold winter. Bauhinia variegata flowers (on the right is Bauhinia variegata Candida). satisfied within the first 5 days of receiving, give us a call so we can help make Holding the tree upright, fill in around it with good soil, tamping down as you go to eliminate air pockets. The Hong Kong orchid tree tolerates a range of light conditions. What it does mean is that after a good soaking from rainfall or an irrigation session, it's okay to allow the soil a dry period before the tree needs watering again. If you live north of Zones 9 through 11, you wont be able to grow a Hong Kong orchid tree in your garden, since it is only hardy down to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. If you use a granular or water-soluble fertilizer, follow the label directions, which may include three applications each year ' spring, summer, and autumn. You can't add more Product Name - Product size to the cart. Orchid tree flowers feature on the flag of Hong Kong. B. variegata, B. purpurea. Order your Hong Kong Orchid Tree today! The Hong Kong orchid tree is a flowering shrub-like tree with showy orchid-like flowers, double-lobed butterfly-like leaves, no seed pods, and dark brown bark. Because it is so fast growing, the wood of this tree is not very dense or strong, making it susceptible to wind damage or breakage in storms. It is very drought tolerant, and overwatering may cause it to bloom less vigorously. Single Trunk . At Whitfill's, we grow many favorites. Other names for the variegated orchid tree include mountain ebony, purple orchid tree, and ebony wood. place the Drop 'N Grow bag in the center (burlap included), then use excess dirt to fill the hole. The Hong Kong orchid tree grows up to 35 feet tall and wide, and it has a rounded canopy that makes it suitable for use as a shade tree. The orchid tree has an irregular crown and matures at 12 to 20 ft. (3.6 - 6 m) tall and up to 25 ft. (7.6 m) wide. The best place in a garden to plant an orchid tree is in full sun, sandy or loamy, well-drained soil. When the tree is young, you can do a light pruning after the flowers fall to help shape the canopy. Bauhinia plants and species - Nurseries Online Once your order is shipped, you'll receive an email with a tracking number. A little water and it seems pretty content. In fact, the University of Florida notes that these trees are not only very drought-tolerant, but they "actually flower best on dry soils." Care Provide slightly acidic, well-drained soil. 9-11 outdoors. Hong Kong orchid tree (Bauhinia blakeana). This article is a guide to identifying the most common types of beautiful orchid trees. If the tree does well we definitely will be buying more plants and trees from here. * HONG KONG ORCHID TREE Bauhinia 8-9 ft. Single Trunk *SALE* They drop green in the fall rather than changing color. Planting: Select a site with well-drained soil and full to partial sun (4 to 8 hours of sunlight daily). Bloom Characteristics: This plant is attractive to bees, butterflies and/or birds Flowers are fragrant Flowers are showy Bloom Size: 4"-5" Bloom Time: Mid Spring Late Spring/Early Summer Mid Summer Other details: Unknown - Tell us Soil pH requirements: 5.6 to 6.0 (acidic) 6.1 to 6.5 (mildly acidic) Patent Information: Non-patented Barbara Gillette is a master gardener, herbalist, beekeeper, and journalist. We will review The Hong Kong Orchid Tree will add a tropical look to your landscape. The Hong Kong orchid trees flowers are sterile, so they are not pollinated and produce no seed pods. These beautiful tropical trees are often referred to as evergreens, but in truth theyre deciduous and drop their leaves in late winter before forming spring buds. IRONWOOD Named "ironwood" because of its remarkably hard wood, this tree reaches 45' in height and can live as long as 1,500 years! Flowers occur from autumn through to winter . Species 'Var': blakeana Variegated orchid trees have an irregular crown consisting of broad bi-lobed, heart-shaped leaves. Hong Kong Orchid Tree for sale, Hong Kong Orchid Tree in homestead, Hong Kong Orchid Tree nursery. The purple orchid tree is a fast-growing multi-stemmed shrub-like tree with masses of spectacular purple flowers, heart-shaped leaves, and long brown seed pods. Regal Flowers and Unique Foliage are Steeped in History Hong Kong Orchid Tree is truly native to Hong Kong, where it's so admired that it was chosen as Hong Kong's floral emblem in 1965. If you are looking for a really striking, unique tree, this is it! Hong Kong orchids are not the largest trees available, but they do shoot up to between 30 and 40 feet high with a crowned canopy spread of 25 feet. But our Hong Kong Orchid Tree is such a well-behaved tree that you can order it with confidence as a valued and tidy addition to your landscape! Monrovia 3.58-Gallon Red Flowering Hong Kong Orchid Tree I ordered this tree in early May. That's it! But the flowers of the improved Hong Kong Orchid Tree are sterile, which means that they will not form seedpods that litter your yard and germinate everywhere. Hong Kong Orchid Tree, Bauhinia blakeana, Monrovia Plant Roots should being to form within 10-14 days. Use Current Location. To care for an orchid tree, grow the tree in full sun or part shade in moist, well-drained sandy soil. Bauhinia lunarioides is native to Southwestern Texas and Northern Mexico. Can you grow Hong Kong orchid trees in containers? In late summer, bauhinia plants flower with light pink/purple or white flowers that are more orchid-like than pea-like (they are in a sub-genus that does not produce a keel). The so-called Hong Kong flower is a pinkish-purple, five-petaled flower of the Hong Kong orchid tree (Bauhinia blakeana). Thank you for supporting locally owned family businesses. A general organic insecticide may help if the problem is severe, but a healthy tree should be able to fight off infestations fairly easily. Get it Tue, Aug 2 - Tue, Aug 9. 24"- $275 30" Box - $450.00 Flowering Cherry Hong Kong Orchid Tree Japanese Maple- Green *Juniper Torlosa *Magnolia-All Except Grandiflora Oak-All Varieties *Olive Tree-All Varieties *Palo Verde-Desert Museum *Pistache-Red Push *Redbud-All Varieties *Smoke Tree-Cotinus *Strawberry Tree-Arbutus *Vitex Japanese Maple (red, coral and weeping): Visit one of our three garden nursery locations or contact us about our wide selection of plants, trees, and landscaping products. Shop Monrovia. This will ensure the fertilizer starts to feed the tree and enrich the soil and is not washed away too quickly by rain. Orchid tree leaves are glossy, leathery heart-shaped leaves made up of two twin lobes. Were here to help. My only complaint is that I wish it was hardy for my area so I could have a big one in the landscape, but there's nothing we can do about that! [1] Common names include orchid tree, [2] purple bauhinia, [2] camel's foot, [2] butterfly tree, [2] and Hawaiian orchid tree. SALE SOLD ELSEWHERE FOR $299.99 ON SALE ONLY $149.99 Hurry Only 4 Available . But it is Hong Kong Orchid Tree's foliage that has an even older historical designation. Deep rose-red, orchid-shaped blooms have a touch of white. It has rich rose-purple fragrant flowers with pink stamens; the . However, the low-growing, drooping branches may mean that pruning is necessary to walk or drive under the tree. The orchid tree leaves are described as butterfly-like, and sometimes the two sides appear folded together on trees. The orchid tree is a small, flowering, multi-stemmed tropical tree with beautiful pink, red, orange, yellow, white, or purple flowers resembling flowers growing on orchid plants. With that definition, the Hong Kong Orchid Tree is unquestionably a specimen tree! Though most can be classified otherwise, we've highlighted them here for your pleasure. Water orchid tree in a pot whenever the top layer of soil is dry. Use organic potting soil, place your tree, and choose a full to partial sun location on your patio or by a sunny window indoors. document.write(year) South-Florida-Plant-Guide.com All rights reserved. The Hong Kong orchid tree can tolerate some shade, but it grows best where it will get eight hours or more of sun a day. Once established the Purple Orchid tree is drought tolerant making it an excellent tree . The Hong Kongs vivid blooms pop against barren winter landscapes. As a semi-deciduous tree, leaves drop in the dry season. Model #NURSERY. Orchid - Hong Kong | Elgin Nursery & Tree Farm: Phoenix, AZ In addition, some varieties of orchid trees are native to dessert-like conditions. Enliven your winter landscape with the vibrant blooms and effortless growth of the Hong Kong Orchid. YESCOMPANION PLANT SUGGESTIONS: Underplant with small plants or groundcovers that work under low branches and will adapt well to the increasing shade of the canopy as the tree matures: dwarf oyster plant, jasmine minima (Asiatic jasmine), Aztec grass or liriope, Japanese boxwood, foxtail fern, blue porterweed, and Indian hawthorne. Reviews on Orchid Nursery in Houston, TX - Orchid Express & Leasing, Formosa Orchid Nursery, Buchanan's Native Plants, Tall Plants, Cornelius Nursery . Width: 15-20 feet. Hong Kong Orchid - Desert Horizon Nursery Considered the most beautiful tree available! Website by YESIMAROBOT. Like all fast-growing trees, the wood is less dense than, say, a live oak which grows more slowly. This two-metre . We planted it immediately and it is getting buds already. at Chandler Elementary School, Sherman Oaks. Replacement orchid tree (Bauhinia sp.) In some cultures, orchid tree leaves are said to bring good luck or are used as a symbol of wisdom. Current Availability - Jacquard Lindsey The Hong Kong orchid tree ( Bauhinia blakeana , zones 9b through 11), is evergreen and produces magenta flower clusters. India. Hong Kong Orchid Tree $40 Ice Cream Bean Tree $45 Ixora $12 Ixora Dwarf $12 Jaboticaba $45 Jakfruit $45 Jatropha $12 June Plum $45 Lemongrass $12 Longan Tree $45 Lychee Tree Brewster, Mauritius $45 Macho Fern $12 Mandevilla Vine Red No Trelliis $15 Mandevilla Vine Giant Pink Trellis $20 Mango Carrie $45 Mango Haden $45 Mexican Petunia $12 All. The white-flowering ornamental trees are known as Texas plume, Anacacho orchid tree, Mexican orchid tree, or Anacacho bauhinia. Watering: Water your Hong Kong about twice weekly or check the surrounding soil. 1100 Main St. Sebastian, FL 32958. Here are a few other reasons to plant this lovely tree: The Hong Kong orchid tree grows well in multiple soil types, including both clay and sandy soil. Because the Hong Kong orchid tree is seedless, propagation is by stem cuttings, grafting, or air-layering. Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia blakeana) - Davenport's Wholesale Nursery Hong Kong Orchid Available Hong Kong Orchids: 25 Gallon and 100 Gallon Growers Notes: Drought tolerant Hardiness zones: 9B-11 Call Today: 239-304-5990 25 Gallon 45 Gallon Reserve your Hong Kong Orchid Today About Hong Kong Orchid Its potential mature height of 20 feet (with an equal spread) places this tree in the size range that's suitable even for some smaller landscapes, particularly in bare yards that aren't crowded with lots of plants. As a type of fast-growing tree, a purple orchid tree matures at 30 to 35 ft. (9 10 m) tall and wide. We say "sparingly," because Hong Kong Orchid Tree doesn't need intensive pruning like other flowering trees for maximum flower production. They are also somewhat susceptible to leaf spot and leaf scorch. If the soil is dry about 2 inches down, water your tree. These are very fast growing trees that can grow up to 24 inches in height in a year. Neglect or purchasing plants that are not Depending on your climate within Hong Kong Orchid Tree's perennial range ' USDA Plant Hardiness Zones 9, 10, and 11 ' hummingbirds may not be year-round residents to enjoy the nectar from these flowers during their winter bloom time. Orchid trees are typically resistant to pest infestations. Having said that, they are no messier than any deciduous tree that loses its leaves annually. This tree is best suited to a tropical or subtropical climate, but will tolerate a light frost and can withstand temperatures down to 22 degrees for short periods in winter. The orchid tree leaf lobes generally have a rounded top and bottom. Autumn Blaze Maple, Acer x freemanii 'Jeffsred', Monrovia Plant Bauhinia x blakeana. Hong Kong's official flower. You can check to see if it needs water by digging down 2 inches near the root zone. To plant an orchid tree in your garden, dig a hole twice the size of the root ball. Hong Kong Orchid Tree - south-florida-plant-guide.com The Bauhins were identical twin brothers, represented by the distinctive two-lobed leaves! How to Grow and Care for Hong Kong Orchid Tree - The Spruce Best color in full sun, but tolerates light shade. Count on Whitfill Nursery, where after 60 years, "We still do the digging!". Plus, the Hong Kong Orchid Tree is versatile if you live in a colder climate, you can plant it in a container for your patio or even bring it indoors when the temperatures drop. Five Months of Vibrant Winter Flowers Why Hong Kong Orchid Trees? These six-inch fragrant blooms first appear in November, just in time for the holidays, and deliver five months of eye-catching color. In Hong Kong, there is a statue of a flowering orchid tree (Bauhinia blakeana). Call Today: 239-304-5990 25 Gallon Reserve your Cassia Today About Cassia Cassia Trees grow to 20 feet tall with spring and fall flowers. Huntington's Ultimate Plant Sale. Copyright 2005-2023 Hibiscus Tabebuia Orchid Tree (Hong Kong Orchid) Flowering trees combine the luxurious greenery and plentiful shade of traditional landscape trees with a burst of exuberant color. And to top it off ' this incredible display is not a blink-and-you-miss-it show. Semi-evergreen. . The Hong Kong orchid tree tolerates a range of light conditions. Amazon.com: Orchid Trees. Orchid trees thrive in the warm regions of USDA in zones 9 to 11. It's cold-hardy, tolerating temperatures in Zone 10A. Neutral: On Mar 27, 2010, encanto from Phoenix, AZ wrote: i planted my hong kong orchid tree 3 years ago and it is healthy and green. This comparison gives you an idea of how magnificent these blossoms are. Fertilizing: Your Hong Kong Orchid Tree will need fertilizing three times per year: In spring, summer, and autumn with a slow-release fertilizer. Want to learn more about South Florida planting, watering, fertilizing and dealing with weeds and pests? This species is less winter hardy than most of the other orchid trees and may be badly damaged by frost and freezes. Arizona's premier plant nursery & landscape design company. And because these trees are so long-lived ' their life span is up to 150 years ' you'll be planting a legacy tree instead of a flash-in-the-pan tree, which may be beautiful for a while but phases out quickly. Hong Kong orchid trees may experience pests such as borers, various caterpillars, and mites. your concerns and provide you with a one-time replacement if necessary. Hong Kong Orchid Tree for Sale - Buying & Growing Guide Avoid getting the leaves and trunk wet when you water, and water early in the day so that foliage dries off quickly. Top 10 Best Orchid Nursery in Houston, TX - February 2023 - Yelp Prune twice a year before and after flowering. Winter Hardiness: 20-25 F. Bauhinia x blakeana (Hong Kong Orchid Tree) - This small tree grows to about 20 feet tall with a light gray smooth bark and an umbrella-shape habit. Remember that your established Hong Kong Orchid Tree will produce more flowers when the soil dries slightly between watering times. With that definition, the Hong Kong Orchid Tree is unquestionably a specimen tree! Make a Bold Statement If you really want to "go big or go home," plant a row of Hong Kong Orchid Trees to outline the property borders on both sides of your yard. Delivery Available. Unlike the common orchid tree (Bauhinia variegata), this trees flowers are sterile and do not produce seed pods that might aggravate allergies or cause litter, nor does it produce any fruits, making it a good choice for public gardens and urban landscaping. Pink and white flowers that resemble tiny orchids cover the Anacacho orchid tree through spring and early summer. Flamboyant Flowers Hong Kong Orchid Tree's flowers are pure eye candy! But that's not the only reason to love this warm-weather favorite. Phoenix Sylvestris Palm Beach Gardens. The small, rounded twin-lobed, oval leaves measure 0.8 to 2 (2 5 cm) long and have a thick, leathery texture. I was worried when it shipped and then was delayed for whatever reason at the Fed Ex facility for several days. Purple Orchid | Flowering Trees | Moon Valley Nurseries Shop Flowering Trees at Moon Valley Nurseries What you'll end up with after periodically expanding this design is a stunning shade garden with your Hong Kong Orchid Tree as the central feature! A rake or leaf blower can tidy up the area if this is your preference. Only Low-Maintenance Care Needed "True orchids" are sometimes a bit tricky to care for, but Hong Kong Orchid Tree gives you floriferous flower power without the hassle of a high-maintenance plant. Transfer to a large container after four leaves have appeared. Email: info at ellenbytreefarm dot com dot au. Thick, heart-shaped leathery leaves create moderately dense foliage, and the tree has silvery-gray bark. How to Plant and Care for your Hong Kong Orchid Tree var year=today.getFullYear() . It also grows very quickly, mine has put out some very long branches, so I will need to spend some time researching how to best prune and shape it. You can prune the orchid tree to create a spectacular specimen tree or lawn tree. Click to order over the phone and choose your delivery date for spring. You'll enjoy blooms over an almost unheard-of time frame ' flowers persist from late winter to springtime! The level of invasiveness depends on where youre located, but with this orchid tree theres no need to worry since this is the sterile variety of the Hong Kong Orchid Tree. Organically rich soils are optimal to promote healthy and fast growth. Get Pricing and Availability . The tree is the national flower of Hong Kong, according to literature from Sunken Gardens. You can design a lovely shade garden underneath this tree's canopy by choosing plants with complementary colors and textures. Pay a little extra attention to it during the first year after you plant it, and it will reward you for many years to come with its outstanding attributes. Arizona Nursery, Arizona Plant Nursery, Arizona - Whitfill Nursery Whitfill Nursery Flowering Trees Its spectacular 6-inch blooms do resemble orchid flowers, but they last for far longer up to five months if the tree is healthy. HONG KONG ORCHID TREE Bauhinia 9-10 ft. Please contact our office on 9405 4558 or info@ellenbytreefarm.com.au to confirm. Attack of The Spider Mites; Orchid Trees Are Messy; Sand Pines Need The breathtaking floral show will keep getting better and better each year as your trees mature. $264.00 Bottlebrush, Weeping, Tree Form Callistemon viminalis 15g STD New arrival 1 in stock $298.00 30g STD New arrival 2 in stock $398.00 Cassia surattensis Cassia/Senna surattensis 30g STD 3 in stock $264.00 Chinese Lantern Tree Form Abutilon sp. You'll see your trees put on up to 24 inches of new growth each year! How To Grow And Care For A Hong Kong Orchid Tree - HouseDigest.com Learn how to get instant curb appeal with fast growing plants and landscaping techniques! Come on in or give us a call today! Container-grown plants may need more frequent watering. A fast grower to 30 to 40 feet, this tree prefers a well-drained full to part sun location with plenty of room to spread out. The heavy purple blooms start in December and last till April just after its leaves drop for a short period, so it's a standout in any garden. Rockledge Gardens - Trees/Palms However it looked healthy and was in good condition on arrival. Flowers on orchid trees are fragrant, colorful, showy blossoms that bloom abundantly from winter through early summer. Variegated orchid trees produce long bean-like seed pods that are 6 to 12 (15 30 cm) long. Dig a hole thats twice as wide as the root ball and a little shallower. I am building a greenhouse/solarium and wanted a fun unique tree that could live in a pot for inside it. So it's worth it in the long run to keep your newly transplanted tree hydrated by thoroughly watering it every week if it doesn't rain. HONG KONG ORCHID TREE Bauhinia 8-9 ft. But that's not the only reason to love this warm-weather favorite. Starting at $17.99. Or a homemade neem oil bug spray could be effective in treating infected trees. 1. Although the orchid tree flowers are a vibrant pink, they appear on the Hong Kong flag as white on a red background. However, some people recommend using a slow-release, granular fertilizer three times a year in spring, summer, and fall. Hong Kong Orchid Tree (Bauhinia blakeana) - Davenport's Wholesale Nursery Although many types of orchids are plants that naturally grow attached to trees, Hong Kong Orchid is a tree that bears flowers of its own ' it's not a true orchid. The soil should be moist and well-drained. Other than that, you should not need to prune the tree for it to develop a full, vase-shaped canopy. Orchid Trees & Their Problematic Trunks. This is a rapidly growing tree that can reach up to 40 feet in height, and its wide canopy (which creates ample shade) needs space to spread. The fragrant, orchid-like flowers are usually 10 to 15 centimetres (3.9 to 5.9 in) across, and bloom from early November to the end of March. These 6 to 12 (15 30 cm) long pods harden on the tree before popping open to disperse the tiny seeds. In addition, orchid tree branches tend to be weak and brittle and need pruning to help keep the trees shape. Like all orchid tree flowers, the Texas plume has fragrant blossoms that cover the tree when in bloom. The Hong Kong orchid tree benefits from a fertilizer application three times a year, in spring summer and autumn.
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