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Does not support. Sets that the war between ROOT and TAG is a civil war, resulting in the victory being the annexation of the other side and setting world tension limits on intervention. mapmode = The ID of the custom map mode. Sets the legitimacy of governments in exile. folder = naval_folderThe folder to steal from. Add mines to a strategic region for the current country. Hides the effects of the trait, replacing the tooltip with the value of this localisation key. }, static_modifiers = { mod_modifier_1 mod_modifier_2 } use_nuke = Whether a nuke should be deducted from the country's stockpile. Turns off fog of war, only within a province if specified. For example, if the following is put within a file within the /Hearts of Iron IV/common/characters/ folder, the blank characters my_character_1 and my_character_2 will be created: Every character must be assigned to a country in that country's file in the /Hearts of Iron IV/history/countries/ folder by using the recruit_character = my_character effect. Writes Texture info to application debug log, spawnactor [] [] [ OPTIONAL], Spawns an actor with an optional animation, Toggles the debug info in province tooltip. controller = Prioritises provinces controlled by this country. trait = The trait to remove. Adds a dynamic modifier to the specified scope (the default scope is ROOT). Starts a border war for the specified attacker and defender. If the limit is omitted, it defaults to being always true. The ledger must be specified for each theorist individually as, for example. Tooltip shown in research tabs, optional. name = The name used for the character. Welcome to "Choose Your Leader!", The mod that allows you to. Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Transfers the specified type of ship from the current scope to the specified country. 5 8 comments Best Add a Comment GolferRama 5 yr. ago Good question SeductionFocus 5 yr. ago Espaol - Latinoamrica (Spanish - Latin America). Generic characters are typically created within /Hearts of Iron IV/history/general/*.txt files by using the generate_character effect, although it is to be noted that that folder is merely an effect block executed before startup, so other effects can be used there too. For example, if you wanted an effect to randomly given the player one out of four bonuses, you'd do the following: The number is not the chance, but the weight for each option, as they don't have to add up to 100 or any number. override_model = Enforces the entity used by the units using this template to be the specified one. days = / Fires the event in the specified number of days. name = The name of the file used for the order of battle without the .txt extension. tooltip_side = The side to show in the tooltip. Optional.hours = / Fires the event in the specified number of hours. ratio = Distance between starting position and target position where the entity is to be placed. The popularities must add up to 100, otherwise the command will have no effect. Meanwhile, my_variable will take the value of the according temp variable or the current scope's variable as the weight of the option. Changes the country leader's government type for the current scope. Destroys the specified type and amount of ships controlled by the current scope. Dismantles the faction of the current scope. Bump? Deletes all units with a certain template. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Optional.set_from_from = Sets the scope of FROM.FROM in scripted localization. Executes contained effects on every country that meets the limit and is a subject of the country this is contained in. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. To do that, navigate to the folder where the game is contained, then to the /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/ folder. on Paradox technology, Legal In order to hire an advisor to be within their proper slot, activate_advisor is used as such: As an effect, this works within country history files as well. Note: Prior to 1.12.8, removal_cost = -1 could've been used for this purpose, but this does not work after the patch. navy = Will damage the navy units. Uses a special interface displaying the current unit leader portrait. modifier = The opinion modifier to add. ignore_death_chance = Whether to ignore the death chance on capture (no by default). If the ideas have the same name in the localisation, it will show up as modifying the idea rather than swapping them. Adds an exact freedom score modifier to the current scope. If you spot a mistake then you are welcome to fix it. Note that if you want to create a repeatable decision including a random list, by default the same decision will pick the same random result every time it is triggered in a game. This page was last edited on 17 February 2023, at 17:21. Promotes the current unit leader to Field Marshal (if Commander). Necessary for advisors. If you want an effect to have a random chance to be done or have nothing happen otherwise, the random = { } block is the simplest way to accomplish that: This in particular will have an 80% chance to add 40% stability and 30% war support and, accordingly, a 20% chance to do nothing. Defines the effects that would be executed on the unit leader every day if they have the trait. Can add multiple. If it is 0, it will return "infantry_equipment". Effects are used throughout the game in numerous scopes, most commonly National focuses, Events and Decisions. Balance of power is defined in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/bop/*.txt files. id = intA number ID which can be referred to by other effects. How to kill your leader? | Paradox Interactive Forums At the moment no, I don't think so. Recalls the current scope's attach from the specified country. id = 100 is a leftover from the pre-NSB country leader system, making the leader have the specified ID for the has_country_leader trigger. HOI4 Console Commands Resign Command HOI4 Resign Command. Extends the duration of the timed idea by the specified amount. "all" will remove all wargoals. There are 3 ways to edit the tooltip within an effect block: For example, this sample focus' completion reward utilises all three: In this case, send_event_to_subjects_tt and reject_war_tt are localisation keys defined within any /Hearts of Iron IV/localisation/english/*_l_english.yml file encoded with UTF-8-BOM, assuming the English language. allow_spawning_on_enemy_provs = yesAllows the units to be created on provinces owned by the enemy. Console commands use internal IDs, which may be obtained in a variety of different ways. Makes the current country's researched technologies be copied from the specified country. Stored in /Hearts of Iron IV/common/units/names_ships. Makes everything regarding agencies instant. Adds experience to the current unit leader, promoting to the next skill level if applicable. Releases the specified non-existent country as a free nation within the current country's controlled states. character = The character to promote. The song must be defined in a music station in order to work. The "parties" parameter no longer works as of version 1.7. Optional. When used as a target rather than a scope, the var: can be omitted in most cases. female = The gender of the leader. Grants the current scope a wargoal against the specified country. Optional. There is a specific list of effects that can instantly change the game. trait = The trait to add. Does not work if you put another nations tag in the command such as "set_country_flag flag AUS", even if it says in console that it does. Allows to remove specified decision without running remove_effect. Transfers the specified ratio of Equipment, Army, Navy, and Airforce to the specified country. Adds the number of days to a decision's days_remove. If it is, then each one will be. Use with. Optional.random_hours = / Adds a random number (between 0 and random_hours, inclusive) of hours to the scheduled fire time. No by default. Optional. Tag aliases are defined in. Equivalent to pressing on the error dog if enabling debug mode in launch options. end_civil_wars = Will end any civil wars the subject is subject to. Adds a core for the specified country on the current scope. the same coordinate system that the map uses. Executes contained effects on a random country that meets the limit and is not the same country as the one this is contained in. modifier = The relation modifier to remove. ideology = Sub-ideology of the leader where to swap traits. Unit Leaders can be kept by using triggers with, Adds specified number of nukes to the country's stockpile, Nukes the specified province or a province in the needed state. type = The wargoal to remove. Releases the specified non-existent country as a puppet of the current scope within the current country's controlled states. No tooltip is shown. name = The name used by the railway gun. long_name = The long name of the country's new ruling party, appearing when hovering over it. hsv: The command converts HSV to RGB. Changes the currently playing soundtrack. These arguments are related to the menu for selecting traits. States that are owned but not controlled will be transferred to the released country, but won't be controlled by it. level = / The level to set the building to.instant_build = Defines whether the buildings are instantly built.province = Defines the exact province to add provincal buildings in. Creates a field marshal for the current scope with the specified attributes. Never shown to the player. keep_political_party_members = Controls if non-promoted party leaders of the revolting ideology group will be kept by the country or join the revolt, yes resulting in the former. add_autonomy [] [num], Increases resistance in the selected province by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Berlin) resistance 100, Increases compliance in the selected province in game by set amount, ex: (selects one of the provinces in Danzig) compliance 100, Allows you to run more complex effects from script in the console directly. If not set, it will be the scoped country. If the decision is on cooldown, it gets removed, in order to reactivate or remove completely. portrait = The new portrait. For more information, please see our HOI4 Gain_xp Command General Information This command can be used to add experience to a Leader/General. The ideology type used by the country leader role. requested_factories = The number of factories to assigned initially. Can be used as a scope.Province scopeall_provinces = Affect all provinces. Adds a random trait from the list to the character. traits = { }The traits the leader spawns with. left_side = The left side of the BoP. Remove the exile tag on an army leader, making them no longer be considered exile leaders. The portrait uses a spriteType, defined within. Is there any way for me to change the leader of one of my puppets with a console command? Can be used to confirm if a crash is AI-related, such as if a naval port is built within a province that doesn't have a valid model definition within. last_election = When the last election was. Adds to the current stability value for the current scope. producer = / Defines who produced the equipment. -debug must be enabled in in launch options. Removes the balance of power in entirety. num_provinces = The number of provinces used in the state. id = 4321 damage = The amount of damage to inflict.province = The province to target for provincal buildings. Instead. Removes a claim by the specified country on the current scope. Removes the specified idea from the current scope. If the current country has a core on a state transferred to the released country, the core will be lost. The following arguments can be used within: ideology = socialist is the ideology type that the leader is assigned. srgb. Removes the current scope from the faction they are part of. Does not add the idea. Columns go left-to-right starting with 0. If your keyboard layout doesn't have that key, other hotkeys to open the console are SHIFT + 2 and SHIFT + 3. model = Model that will be used by the equipment on the world map. nationalities = { }The nationalities of the operative. states = { }The states included in the breakway country. Sends the specified amount of equipment to the specified target, removing said equipment from the current scope. defense_skill = set_default = Whether the BoP is considered default. Creates a new dynamic country, akin to ones used in civil wars. HOI4 Set_cosmetic_tag Command General Information This command will change the name and flag of the specified country to that of another country. logistics_skill = The logistics skill of the leader. set_cosmetic_tag [] [], Reloads files of a given type. Delete all armies and fleets of the specified countries. The picture is defined in any /Hearts of Iron IV/interface/*.gfx file as a spriteType with the name of GFX_trait_. How often does the combat view give a random sound? This is a community maintained wiki. score_factor = / The fraction of the total score awarded to the winners compared to regular victory. Change faction leader : r/hoi4modding by Dr_Crapule Change faction leader Hello everyone. prioritize_location = If possible, this province within the state gets used. Optional.org_damage_multiplier = The bonus to grant. Instead, modifiers are used to have a continuous, everlasting effect on the game's condition that can be represented with a number. Can also be used in division scope. Questions, Paradox damage = The percentage of damage done to units. army_ratio = The size of the land army that the breakaway country gets. Makes the current scope use the specified cosmetic tag, changing name and flag. Toggles occupation painting. Adds the specified amount of hours of supply to troops led by the current unit leader. Plays an audio track for the specified country only. Cancels an on-going border war without a winner. province = The province the middle of which to use as the entity's position. Adds a province modifier to the specified provinces in this state. If the current country is independent, will do nothing. Deletes the specified division template and all units using it for the current scope. Necessary for country leaders. It is also possible for a character to have a different definition depending on set preconditions checked at the game's start. Questions, Paradox Characters not assigned a valid portrait will show up as having no portrait or a default silhouette during the country selection process, only receiving a generic portrait after the game's start. The equipment must be unlocked by the producer for the effect to succeed. 1. Generates a tooltip, unlike delete_unit. EQ_TYPE is a bit more complicated, it is being replaced by a scripted localization. start_state = Character scope:large = The sprite used as a country leader. Applies a division-scoped trigger block that must be met for the unit to be modified. Executes contained effects on every state that meets the limit and neighbours the state this is contained in. Unhiding the file extension from the filename within the Windows file explorer is mandatory to do this if doing it on Windows. Optional. Displays a special tooltip for the specified decision in the effect tooltip. Sets the current country as the faction leader. Steals a random tech bonus from the specified country. Use clr_character_flag instead. dig_in_factor = The modifier applied to dig-in bonuses. Only necessary in 1.11 and beyond. Decides which advisor slot gets used by the. Adds the specified trait to the current unit leader for the specified duration. Commander trait - Hearts of Iron 4 Wiki - Paradox Wikis You can limit the construction to victory points using: Damages the specified building in the current state. Syntax Displays a list of every character meeting the specified limitation and recruited by the current country. Targets the root node of the block, or the first entered scope. Must be an non-archetype equipment. Hi. expire = 1949.1.1 marks the date at which the leader expires. Executes contained effects on a random navy leader that meets the limit and is recruited by the country this is contained in. Table of console commands HOI 4 Secret events Shortened variant exists if the event's ID is used instead of arguments. Module scope = The modules configuration for the variant. The effect does nothing if the country exists.