Quick bat., 13. Oh my. Larry: Sears sucks, Crash. LaLoosh: Id kill you. Boy, I once worked there. It's all about sex and sport. : CRASH Hit me in the chest with this. We want you to mature the kid. Crash: And you, Larry Hockett, should recognize me, because five years ago in the Texas League, you were pitching for El Paso, I was hitting cleanup for Shreveport. Go get em.Why its the best: Larry has all the answers. Larry Good! : No matter how different we are on the outside, Im a true believer that our emotions dont lie; if you dig deep into our psyche, were all the same inside. This guys a first-ball fastball hitter. Come on, Annie, think of something clever to say, huh? The setup: The lesson about interview cliches finished and the team on a winning streak, Crash asks Nuke about his girlfriend. It is the quintessential modern sports film about America's greatest game, starring three very complex characters involved in a love triangle and mentoring relationship - the film's plot integrally wove . You got it. What else is there? You hung an 0 and 2 curve ball in a 3-2 game in the bottom of the 8th and I tattooed it over the Michelin Tire sign and beat you 4-3. Its great. (Crash walks back to the plate.) Crash : : What you need is a curveball., 11. And the boy soon to be known as Nuke, pretending to be interested in Annies interests, just cracks me up. I believe there ought to be a constitutional amendment outlawing Astroturf and the designated hitter. Bull Durham is all about the fans and players of the Durham Bulls, a minor-league baseball team tucked away in North Carolina. Crash: You dont respect yourself, which is your problem. What are you doing standing here? Throw that weak-ass shit again. Crash: Dont hold the ball so hard, OK? Pre-nickname Nuke is throwing the ball all over the place he finished the game with 18 strikeouts and 18 walks, both new league records and the girls have a talk. On Location in Bull City: A 'Bull Durham' Walking Tour. Write it down!, Crash Davis: Im just happy to be here. Crash: Cmon, Meat. We're dealing with a lot of shit. The Internet Movie Script Database (IMSDb) Never f with a winning streak.Why its the best: Because EVERYONE knows you never, um, mess with a winning streak. Ebby Calvin LaLoosh 15 Major Facts About Bull Durham - Mental Floss Dont hold the ball so hard, OK? Youre not going to hit me because youre starting to think about it already. Nuke: I knew it. That's the secret. Nuke: You are. Your shower shoes have fungus on them. : [Mechanized bull noises in background] : When you were a baby, the Gods reached down and turned your right arm into a thunderbolt. And don't hold the ball so hard, OK? Show us that million-dollar arm, because I got a good idea about that five-cent head of yours. Bull Durham Smoking Tobacco - Wikipedia William " Wee Willie" Keeler was a right fielder in Major League Baseball who played from 1892 to 1910. Youre going to have to know them. At the time of filming, the Durham Bulls were a high single-A affiliate of the Atlanta Braves, while Bluefield was the Appalachian League (rookie) affiliate of the Baltimore Orioles. The setup: Nuke is finally starting to listen to Crash, on and off the mound. I was somewhat disappointed to read that Washington Nationals Manager Matt Williams attributed the quote "Hit 'em where they ain't" to Susan Sarandon in the movie "Bull Durham . Bull Durham (1988) is a humorous and intelligent romantic sports comedy-drama about a mediocre Carolina minor leagues baseball team - the Durham Bulls, from first-time director Ron Shelton. Crash: Shut up. (laughs) Your fastball's up, your curveball's hanging. What else is there? 1. Skip Riggins: You can keep going to the ballpark, keep getting paid to do it. Crash Davis Crash Davis Oops. [In the dugout after LaLoosh pitches a perfect inning] Ebby Calvin LaLoosh It was great. : Crash, thinking: Alright, hes gonna throw the deuce now. Okay, let's get two! Crash: You know what the difference between hitting .250 and .300 is? You can only hurt the ball club., 32. Shelton credits Hollywood studios at the time for being more freewheeling and less concerned about the overseas market, where baseball in particular doesn't sell. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. Because they dont happen very often. Yup. : Crash Davis When I finished, I would have definitely told you thats my favorite. Annie Savoy Skip (Swings and misses for strike three)Why its the best: Just great insight into whats going on in a batters head. : What do I got? Though he could never get back to it, we know that Crash found a new path in life, no matter how badly he was hurt to leave the sport. Write this down. Crash Davis Crash says he isnt interested in a woman whos interested in a boy like LaLoosh. So how does it feel to get your first professional win? Quit screwing around and help me up.. Crash: Youre in the wrong business, Jack. Beats the hell out of workingat Sears. Hold it like an egg.Why its the best: Because its an egg, right? I'm not gonna fall in love with you or nothin'." He still dismissed her: "I'm not interested in a woman who's interested in that boy. Crash: I fing quit. (LaLoosh throws and misses well right, breaking the window in the door) I believe Lee Harvey Oswald acted alone. But, Joe. He's just your father, man - he's as full of shit as anybody. 19. The setup: Annies narration is giving us a quick update on Nuke near the end of the movie. Crash: Yeah? Well, actually, nobody on this planet ever really chooses each other. Cmon, right in the chest., Crash Davis: Cmon, Meat. I just want to give it my best shot, and the good Lord willing, things will work out. Nuke: Yeah, maybe youre right.Why its the best: Even when shes in the wrong, Annie knows what to say. Ump: Dont bump me. : Well, I believe in the soul, the cock, the pussy, the small of a woman's back, the hanging curve ball, high fiber, good scotch, that the novels of Susan Sontag are self-indulgent, overrated crap. Anyway, this was an incredibly difficult labor of love. Why do you get to choose? Crash Davis : Batting practice at 11:30.Why its the best: Yeah, hes pissed. Its a long season, and you gotta trust it. Courtesy of EMI-Pathe Marconi. : Another player: Theyre really, hot, huh?Why its the best: Crash tells these guys about the dream, and that horny bastards only response is the girls are hot, huh? Sheesh. Ebby Calvin 'Nuke' LaLoosh: God, I think you're real cute. Nuke: Oh yeah, Im having a blast. : Sears sucks, Crash. You got a Hall-of-Fame arm, but you're pissing it away. : Write it down. What you need is a curveball.Why its the best: Curveball > Quadraphonic Blaupunkt. Annie Savoy: Cute? : This is the damndest season Ive ever seen. The film treats the sport of baseball with a sort of casual reverence, highlighting both the drama and the humor inherent in the game, illustrated by Annie's numerous references to baseball as \"her religion.\"CREDITS:TM \u0026 MGM (1988)Cast: Kevin Costner, Tim Robbins, Trey Wilson, Robert WuhlDirector: Ron SheltonProducers: Mark Burg, Thom Mount, Charles Hirschhorn, David V. LesterScreenwriter: Ron SheltonWHO ARE WE?The MOVIECLIPS channel is the largest collection of licensed movie clips on the web. Where are you going?, Crash Davis: After 12 years in the minor leagues, I dont try out. She says she wants him, but Crash isnt interested in the moment, leading to this great line from Annie: OK, well. 30 Years Later: 'Bull Durham' Swings for The Fences and Knocks it Out Annie Savoy: Wait a minute. The story belongs to Annie as much as it does to Crash and Nuke. If Im being honest, I dont have one favorite baseball movie. You're gonna have to study them, you're gonna have to know them. Larry: I remember that. 10 Min Read. What you need is a curveball! I believe in the Church of Baseball. Ebby Calvin LaLoosh: No. So, read on to find out more! You believe that shit? This is the damndest season I've ever had; the Durham Bulls can't lose and I can't get laid! And that last line, about being the guy with the Porsche? Damn, Crash, nice to see you. There's six months in a season, that's about 25 weeks. : A movie about America's other favorite pastime. Yeah, I remember. | Why, there are laws we don't understand that bring us together and tear us apart. Well, he really hit the shit outta that one, didn't he? Fear and ignorance. Crash: You got something to write with? The setup: Nuke and the team are on a winning streak, and Nuke attributes this to Annies idea rechanneling his sexual energy onto the field. : What the fuck is that? I believe in the sweet spot, soft-core pornography, opening your presents Christmas morning rather that Christmas Eve, and I believe in long, slow, deep, soft, wet kisses that last three days. Im figuring Im just gonna cave in and sleep with her. Fear and ignorance. Relax. You just got lesson number one: don't think; it can only hurt the ball club. You're gonna' show up my pitcher after I gave you a giftRUN DUMBY!, 25. : And if you know "Bull Durham" well, you probably immediately recognized 37 as the uniform number for Ebby Calvin Nuke LaLoosh. Here are some 'Bull Durham' quotes to inspire you. : [to the batter] Cmon, rook. Crash Davis: Hit me in the chest with that., Crash Davis: Yeah? Think classy and youll be classy. Show us that million-dollar arm, 'cause I got a good idea about that five-cent head of yours., 36. No Bull: Six questions about Durham's famous sign Nope. You dont need a quadraphonic Blaupunkt. The setup: Its wisdom time, from Crash to Nuke. Give him your heat. Where are you going? Larry says, Whos this? And Crash says, Im the player to be named later. And then shows the mental baseball knowledge that makes him the perfect guy to mentor LaLoosh. Is that about right? Nuke LaLoosh: How come you dont like me?, Crash Davis: You dont respect yourself, which is your problem. And I wanna hear every damn one of them, but now, Im tired, and I dont want to think about baseball. Annie (Susan Sarandon) is attracted to Crash Davis (Kevin Costner) too. : Kidadl has a number of affiliate partners that we work with including Amazon. 2 thumbs up from Gene Siskel and Roger Ebert for the baseball comedy Bull Durham starring Kevin Costner and Susan Sarandon. hit em where they ain't bull durham. Dont (something). Lollygaggers! : Subscribe for virtual tools, STEM-inspired play, creative tips and more. We hope you love our recommendations for products and services! : Now we have got a 12-day road trip starting tomorrow. This son of a bitch is throwing a two-hit shutout. : Who are you? It's arrogance not 'ignorance.'. Here are some more 'Bull Durham' quotes. You want a stable pony. You want a stable pony., Crash Davis: My Triple-A contract gets bought out so I can hold the flavor of the months dick in the bud leagues? Who's he plays for?. You ain't getting that cheese by me, meat. The setup: In the Bulls clubhouse, Crash gets a look at Nukes fungus-covered flip-flops. : Your shower shoes have fungus on them. Crash Davis We recognise that not all activities and ideas are appropriate and suitable for all children and families or in all circumstances. : You know what that makes you? Annie Savoy Crash Davis Bull Durham, in so many ways, reminds us of lifes fickleness, so dont ever take anything for granted! He came back to Durham to be with Annie, and theyre sitting together on her porch swing, on a rainy late-summer day. Bull Durham (1988) - Bunch of Lollygaggers Scene (5/12) | Movieclips Your hayseed. Annie wants Crash to know shes done a little research on him (which was tougher in those pre-internet days). Crash Davis "I keep my eyes clear and I hit 'em where they ain't." Source: Baseball's Greatest Quotations (Paul Dickson, 1991) "Learn what pitch you can hit good; then wait for that pitch." Source: National Baseball Hall of Fame (website) "He ( Willie Keeler) may have been small in size but he was huge with the bat." - Ted Williams. The hitter watches the homer hit the bull beyond the right-field fence, which annoys Crash. Instead, Annie has power over herself; she chooses to get into a relationship and lend a helping hand to a rookie. No, don't think, Meat, just give him the gas. Go get 'em. Skip: You can keep going to the ballpark, keep getting paid to do it.
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