During the F2F interview, you should prepare to be in attendance for at least 6 hours if you are successful. FREE Frontier Airlines pilot interview information and gouge Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at GoJet Airlines as 60.5% positive with a difficulty rating score of 1.99 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). Find flights to Missouri from $87. Virgin America (Alaska) interview October 2017, Current Delta Private Jets Interview Gouge, Job Listings / Company Info / Pilot Positions Wanted, NBAA Certified Aviation Manager (CAM) Discussions, Pay Discussions - Previous Years Survey Info, Aircraft Manufacture Specific Discussions, Aviation Accidents / Incidents / Investigations, Federal (FAR), International & State Regulations, Homebuilt / Antique / Warbirds / Classic Aircraft, Non-Aviation & Forum/Community Related Topics. The process took 2 months. move forward to interview, there are 2 sessions morning or afternoon. Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at Frontier Airlines as 73.0% positive with a difficulty rating score of 2.56 out of 5 (where 5 is the highest level of difficulty). I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Jan 2023, When arriving to the hiring event you will be assigned a number and a table where you will be able to meet other candidates. FREE Frontier Airlines pilot interview study guide questions and answers First, pilots often can find themselves "informed" with dated or incorrect information. How you conduct yourself in the hiring event and the connection you make with the recruiters holds more weight than following the recommended dress code and appearance. Its a process that honestly could be better expedited that will take you 5 hours if they dont offer you a position. You will brief a Jepp chart. Showtime was 0800, but everyone was early. The interview process now lasts 4 hours. Adequate questions related to position. Major unions have lost court cases and in one instance suffered severe financial damage in the process. Making corrections to pilot logbook/ Flight times for interview?? Airline Pilots See largest 2022 Income Gain - Aero Crew News Aviation News Airline Pilots See largest 2022 Income Gain By Aero Crew News - February 26, 2023 44 0 Airline Pilots in 2022 saw: Average Income increase: 71.9% Average inflation-adjusted increase: 25.1% Average Income: $198,190 Cant wait to meet the conditions of the offer and start with Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 18, 2023 Let's start by saying that minor hiccups in training are not . I applied online. Copyright Pilot Interview Tips | Envoy Air Some information, including some found on popular message boards, is opinion and in some cases can be sour grapes or rumor but presented as fact. After submitting my information and repeating things I'd already included in my cover letter, the application page sent me to do the following. The next step is they give you a list of 10 positions in an airport, as a group (table) you are to put in importance order telling you there is no right or wrong answers. Frontier Airlines headquarters are in Denver Colorado. And whether its your first pilot job, or an airline interview at what you hope will be the last one in your aviation career, the tips in this video will help. Phone interview with a sweet lady that went great, I was sent an email right away for the VI and had to chose the date and time. We can all agree interviews are stressful and competition is intense. So first of all, dress to impress, suit up. schedules got mixed up and I ended up with a pretty brief one on one with the Copyright If you are applying for a customer-facing role the phone interview will most likely ask if you meet the requirements such as are you the right age, no visible tattoos and can you stand for long periods of time and assist with baggage. Can anyone suggested an interview prep company for Allegiant? Login with Facebook! This applies to ANY wildcat actions, including slowdown, work-to-rules, withdrawal of enthusiasm (WOE), sickouts, etc. If your group finishes the group activity early, this is a good time to connect with the recruiter, ask questions and make a good impression. Interviewers were very nice and overall it was a great experience. I have learned not to overreact and think about what was said. Why do you want to be a flight attendant? Frontier Airlines Pilot Interview Questions. Min Fuel indicates recognition by a pilot that the fuel supply has reached a state where, upon reaching destination, the pilot cannot accept any undue delay. Candidates interviewing for Customer Service Agent and Financial Analyst rated their interviews as the hardest, whereas interviews for Crew Scheduler and Flight Attendant roles were rated as the easiest. When misused, relied on exclusively, or considered as absolute fact, interview gouge can be a detriment to a pilot's efforts of landing a dream job. Southwest Airlines - My Pilot Career Expect to be there all day (left around 4-5pm ish) and to be fed twice, coffee and bagels in the morning and Jimmy Johns (or pizza) at lunch time. Finding a way to solve a problem, or overcome a challenge. For a new pilot, that means less time on reserve, a fast upgrade (2-3 years) and the comfort of knowing you have a career ahead of you. Most airlines do a phone interview as flying in for an interview is costly. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. Over 100 people and there was no break in between. The statistics very rarely corroborated the gouge. Flight is usually provided however meals and hotel are not. threshold crossing height is 57 feet On the Landr Arrival DEN, you are at FL350, when do you have to start down to make Landr at 250kts and 17000ft. However, with a small amount of preparation you can ace the Frontier Airlines Job Interview. My greatest weakness is I take criticism too personally. RVR goes below mins when outside the marker, can you continue? Major Airlines Future Hiring For Us Young Guys Trying To Make It. It was a professional environment that felt as though it operated like a family. Be the first to find this interview helpful. . Moreover, some pilots prepare only for the processes indicated in the gouge. ask you a few more questions and if that goes well you will be placed in a When an employer changes the process, or if the gouge is just wrong, that can leave the applicant frazzled and unprepared. Frontier Airlines - PILOT CAREER CENTER The process took 3 days. They were offering April 01 to us. Filter Found 672 of over 672 interviews Sort Popular Popular Most Recent Oldest First Easiest Most Difficult Interviews at Frontier Airlines Experience Positive 73% Negative 13% Neutral 14% Getting an Interview Applied online 89% In Person 5% Other 3% Difficulty 2.6 Average The flight attendant has exceptional communication skills and is always friendly to customers. The interview will start either at 8am or 12pm at the Southwest Headquarters. It's okay to talk about your hobbies and interests but keep it brief. I applied online. Best gouges ever for every airline I was interested in. Appointment respected, they were ready on time. Don't feel like you need to blurt out an answer right away during your interview. How would you deal with an irritate passenger? Responses that appear "canned" might leave a recruiter feeling the pilot is good at memorizing an interview process--responding to questions he knows will be asked--but it might leave the pilot with the unfortunate result of receiving a rejection letter in the mail, rather than the coveted phone call with a conditional offer of employment. He will DO. They want you to put in order of importance and explain why. Even during recent periods of frenetic major airline pilot hiring activity, airlines interview multiple applicants--sometimes five or more--for each position they seek to fill. Join FAPA|Cancel/Edit Membership|Reset Password|About/Contact|Advertise/Exhibit/Recruit|Terms of Service|Privacy Policy I hope you can do something with this info. He was employed in the industry and aspired to be a major airline pilot, but he had no clue what was going on in the industry. They do not tell you if its importance of safety, branding or exactly what theyre wanting. I got a minute or two to Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 07, 2023 I missed the PRIA documents in the email, and had to scramble morning of to get them filled out and in, Thank god the hotel had a good business center. Copyright © 2023FAPA.aero - All Rights Reserved, Objective & Independent Advice for Professional Pilots|. Job Listings / Career Center / Employment Assistance / Networking. Care to share the experience? The Frontier Team really made the process comfortable, with minimum surprises, and had a down to earth/family feel. All the questions were customer service related. Pilot interview "gouge" used improperly can gouge your career Aviate, United Airlines' pilot recruitment program - not to be mistaken for United Aviate Academy - is making a few program updates, including: Captain upgrade requirement Simplified transition requirements Bachelor's degree is no longer required Part 135 opportunity Transition Commitment I completed an interview as part of applying for the Frontier Cadet Program. And yes I did get the job. The Ultimate Job Interview Preparation Guide. My group had 12 military helicopter pilots and all 12 were hired. Mention you pay strong attention to detail which will allow you to ensure the safety and comfort of our customers. If you have a pilot interview coming up, preparation is key. Here you need to show how your previous and current work experience will benefit Frontier Airlines if they hire you for the job. Sometimes I airline late on my last day off, sometimes on my first day on. Use this control to limit the display of threads to those newer than the specified time frame. How would you measure my success and what could I do to succeed in your expectations? Most major airlines are in negotiations at this time, and many are contentious. What part of the plane can you relate too? Nothing too crazy! Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. The interview will consist of an HR evaluationand a Technical evaluation. Its very awkward if someone finishes their question before the minute is up, you sit counting down the minute. Given the number of pilots on furlough and a fresh supply of up-and-coming pilots from regional airlines, corporate aviation and the military, airlines that are recruiting get inundated with resumes. RVR goes below mins when inside the marker, can you continue? The recruiters are there to do a round Robin Q & A to each person at your table, you will be asked a total of 3 questions with 1 minute to answer each question. Also, note that we are not affiliated with the company mentioned in this post, Does Frontier support a retired military veteran whom after 7 yrs of retirement wants to be a FA and is older than 65. Each person will be asked 3 questions and will have 1 minute to answer each question (customer service related no company questions asked - tell me about a time you went above and beyond, etc.). Interviewed September. There will be a lot of positions at Frontier Airlines. If you want to become a pilot with any of the worldwide airlines, including Qat WHAT'S YOUR. Don't skimp on this, everyone in our group passed. Spirit Airlines Pilot Benefits I usually get home 1 or 2 days early off my trips. Yes, we were just clearing Rwy 4 in HOU at night in moderate precipitation. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO), 8 hour interview of role playing, standard questioning and drug test. First of all, everything here is pretty accurate. One example of this mindset is (insert yours). examples about a time. Ill take the risk, I trust pilots union will find the way to improve all that and more. Pilot | Frontier Airlines A Frontier Airlines pilot has been arrested over allegations he spied on a Florida college student. Once the one on one interviews are over they will then come back and call out numbers. Interview Gouges [Archive] - ProPilotWorld.com I preceeded with my flow and out of my peripheral vision I saw a citation taxing with out any lights on. My HR panel was just before lunch so sitting Continue reading this interview experience, Feb 09, 2023 Capt. Yes on a type ride for the AW-139, forgot to ask for landing check, when my engine failed. 2. 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester. They were all over the place but mostly customer service and coworker questions. Its a very long process of waiting 5-7 hours without food, water and very few restroom breaks. Aero Crew News is a pilot-hiring magazine designed for pilots by pilots. what would you do. Coming back from break you will be assigned to another table. hiring pool. I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Newark, NJ) in Feb 2022. Frontier Airlines Interview Questions & Answers | Indeed.com "Tell me a time" - Simulator Instructor Edition. Tell me about yourself? First of all, MAKE SURE YOU BRING ALL REQUIRED DOCS WITH YOU. 70413 lego - Der TOP-Favorit unserer Produkttester Required fields are marked *. But most continued on in the process. I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Dulles, VA) in Dec 2022. How I came to where I am now in my flying career. Login with Google! approach brief, some weather. Is it bad like Spirit? I applied online. This is not an emergency situation but merely an advisory that indicates an emergency situation is possible should any undue delay occur. If I knew they fly a one flight attendant plane and I said yes because I researched the company and I have worked on a one flight attendant flights before when I worked for Mesa. After this you take a break of about 15 Min. We checked in with the HR person at the front desk, made name tags, and chatted for a while. Professional Pilot Jobs & Interview Resources, Military, Regional, Fractional, Corporate. The group activity consists on choosing the most important skills a flight attendant should have. We have been contacted by major union legal teams regarding this issue. The process took 4 weeks. 14,000 for crj 700/900 -500 ft 200 14,000 /-300 ft (CRJ) 14,000 ft. What does TH57 stand for on a DEN ils plate? Contract 2023. The application process started with a personality assessment of sorts, including some scenario/problem solving questions, then had to do the Pre-COMPASS aptitude test. Glassdoor has millions of jobs plus salary information, company reviews, and interview questions from people on the inside making it easy to find a job thats right for you. (Or live in a full crash pad for 2 months while studying and find transportation?). Here we will discuss Frontier Airlines Interview Questions and Answers. It is irrelevant whether the union itself has anything to do with the action. ", Glassdoor users rated their interview experience at. Its definitely a group discussion to see how you work as a team. Those not called did not get the CJO. Any tips or good gouge for piedmont interview? Can you shoot the ILS if the missed app is based on a navaid that is Notamd out of service? I think thats about 30 words now, buen dia muy bien un poco nervioso pero con seguridad para responder todo y lograr mi objetivo. I initially thought the CA had seen the other aircraft but the our speed was very high I said "Brake" he hesitated and so I applied them fully to prevent us from having a collision at a significant speed. Spirit Airlines Interview [9 Top Questions and Answers] - WorkNearYou.com I was not offered a CJO so I will post my thoughts as I do not see many "No" experiences on here. Perhaps they have something not advertised? I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. Interview process at Frontier Airlines Overall experience Poor Excellent Easy Difficult Interview process length About a day or two 40% About two weeks 17% About a week 16% About a month 14% More than one month 12% Most reported steps On-site interview 77% Background check 61% Drug test 57% Phone call/screening 50% Group interview 38% at least 40 pilots. What altitude does the O2 mask deploy in back? Here's the place to do it! There were so many people in my morning group who wore things differently than was told, that is automatic dismal in my opinion. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Your email address will not be published. All the while you will listen for a few hours to all the perks of working for this airline and what the scheduling looks like. The alternative of going to DEN makes for a much longer day and potential for an SBI to get thrown your way. Best gouges ever for every airline I was interested in. Its not something they will offer on the spot so you will have coordinate that with a recruiter ahead of time. parecia bueno pero no hasta que aplique me di cuenta de la realidad, good flight crew to work with but CEO is about the bottom dollar and careless about the crews. Login with Yahoo! The key is to BE YOURSELF and HAVE FUN get to know the people around you and get to know your recruiters. There were some people that did not follow the dress code and got the CJO. The tower told us to taxi to the gate with him (gate is right off the Rwy.) All the TMAAT and HR questions they had asked were on this site as well. Do you know what we pay? Candidates applying for Flight Attendant GoJet had the quickest hiring process (on average 1 day), whereas Flight Dispatcher roles had the slowest hiring process (on average 30 days). 6,100TT / 4,700 PIC / 4,000 TPIC. Current Delta Private Jets Interview Gouge, Virgin America (Alaska) interview October 2017, "Tell me a time" - Simulator Instructor Edition. The gouge is right now. muy amables pero deseaban otra cosa y no era lo que buscaba. Although the industry has been in financial distress for several years, there are more than 100 pilot employers tracked by FAPA.aero recruiting commercial pilots. Showtime was 0800, but everyone was early. Find Interviews To filter interviews, Sign In or Register. Allows you to choose the data by which the thread list will be sorted. Do you know we have a training bond? Say you are a self-starter and a team player which will allow you to work well independently or in a team. Answer questions honesty because if you dont you wont be happy with the role, Going through the process now via group interview with others and maybe a interview alone if they like me I really hope I get the job they are a good airline Ive heard good things. 3. Mgmt pilot relationships are good, relative to other US airlines. My "training date" is based off of being released from military service. Tell us about Frontier. I interviewed at GoJet Airlines (Richmond, VA) in Jul 2022. Hangar Talk; Safety; Aviation Technology; The Boneyard; Aviation Law; . Where do you see yourself in five years? Copyright 2006 - , ProPilotWorld.com, LLC. The morning starts at 730am, the afternoon at 130 you go wait in a line to turn in your resume in which they will write your Id # which is on your name badge. Odds are if you pass the phone interview then they will fly you in for an interview. is a Registered Trademark of ProPilotWorld.com, LLC. Jan-May I average 17 days at home. The interview process is pretty lengthy, initially, you should expect a video interview, next step you will be invited for a F2F interview. We checked in with the HR person at the front desk, made name tags, and chatted for a while. Amazing experience. If they approve your responses, you will interview in person in one of two cohorts of the day morning or afternoon. max endurance/max range, and how all are affected by weight, altitude, temperature, and the shifting of cg Know how to break down the descents in feet per nautical miles and translate that into feet per minute. Within this same group there will also be a group interview. all I can recall. Contact the Site Administrator: Click Here, By logging into your account you agree to our, Job Listings / Career Center / Employment Assistance / Networking. How would you encounter a difficult customer on the aircraft? Can anyone share some info regarding Frontier latest interviews please? You can also state that you would be proud to work for an airline that was the only airline in North America to make the list of the top 10 safest in the world. What about this position is the most important? Frontier Airlines Pilot Interview Profiles - WillFlyForFood.com How would you define excellent customer service? Coming up with creative ideas to improve something, or make something new. From there you are directed to a table in a large room where you will sit with 5-6 others, no geographical relation or anything, just random, nervous people. Delta Air Lines - My Pilot Career Contract 2023 - Airline Pilot Central Forums Submit application, receive invite for a one-sided recorded interview to three questions and submit. The interview experience was similar to what is written on here. How do you handle an over abundance of work? And whether its your first pilot job, or an airline interview at what you hope will be the last one in your aviation career, the tips in this video will help. Login with Google! mencionar la experiencia en otras aerolineas. The "ranks" that existed in the room were set aside so the Frontier Team could evaluate us under minimum pressures. Listen, Think, Pause, and Respond, these are not trick questions folks. My uncle was my flying mentor. He has never asked each employee there shift preference. Many know Frontier Airlines as a low-cost carrier. The candidates that are left in the room continue with round Robin questions being asked 4 of them to be exact. Frontier Airlines Interview Questions (2023) | Glassdoor Alaska Airlines First Officer phone call? The hiring process at GoJet Airlines takes an average of 18.9 days when considering 122 user submitted interviews across all job titles. won't deice what are you going to do? Have you flown with someone you didn't like? Attending the hiring event was a good way to learn more about the company and helps determine if the company is right for you. Please never use a wheelchair or assisted with plane side bags they've heard it one hundred times and its not very impressive either. Frontier pilots have a lot of growth to look forward to, given that Frontier has announced its intent to triple the airline's fleet size over the next 10 years, growing the airline's order book by 200 aircraft. What can I do in order to get up to speed quickly? Frontier Airlines Interview Questions [+ Best Answers] Forgot your Username or Password? After that video Interview, you will Receive a F2F interview. How you prepare for a pilot job interview is different than a non aviation job interview.Pilot Shortage: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i5aE97LGgOw\u0026t=163sBe Part of the 74 Crew:IG: https://www.instagram.com/74gear/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/74gearFacebook: https://facebook.com/74gearFlight Simulator Gear I use:Yoke: https://geni.us/SimYokeComputer: https://geni.us/GamingComputer Flight Gear I use:Aviation Headset: https://geni.us/AviationHeadset Backpack: https://geni.us/PilotBackpack Traveling headset: https://geni.us/DHheadset Video Gear I use:Camera: https://geni.us/VideoCamera Action Camera: https://geni.us/ActioncameraFlight Audio Connector: https://geni.us/FlightAudio ND Filter: https://geni.us/NDFilter I may receive a commission on some of these links but it will not change the price you pay for the items.Music: Raven \u0026 Kreyn - Muffin [NCS Release] We can all agree interviews are stressful and competition is intense. Can you afford to spend $3000 of your own money for hotels during training? Anticipating 128 hires from Sept 13 through June 14. Why do you want to work for Frontier Airlines? Oldest First Easiest Most Difficult Interviews at GoJet Airlines Experience Positive 61% Negative 21% Neutral 18% Getting an Interview Applied online 84% In Person 8% Other 4% Difficulty 2.0 Average Hard Average Easy Interviews for Top Jobs at GoJet Airlines Flight Attendant (105) First Officer (4) Pilot, First Officer (3) Aircraft Dispatcher (2) Trans States Airlines and Frontier Airlines Roll out Pilot Flow Program The airline was bankrupt, he laughed. strait forward, nice People , h/r and tech questions. The process of interviewing is consistently changing so the best advice I can give is to make sure you fully understand STAR-formatted responses. I interviewed at Frontier Airlines (Denver, CO) in Feb 2023. A recruiter will first call you to do a phone screen, if you complete the phone screen successfully they set up a virtual interview. I think the only interview question left out of Stiflers list is: So now that everyone expressed their disdain for the company they work for, even though they're still there so I'm guessing it can't be that bad. Gouge: Hardcore ass kissing.
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