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Seo, Y. H., Kim, L. H., Prinz, F. B., Ryu, W. Electrochemical tuning of vertically aligned MoS2 nanofilms and its application in improving hydrogen evolution reaction. To modulate the release of the devices, the dimension and location of the micro-orifices were varied and the responding in vitro release response of tetracycline was monitored over 2 weeks. View details for Web of Science ID 000288061500003, View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.83.052301, View details for Web of Science ID 000287358900001. High-density multi-layer connection technology for MEMS and CMOS applications. Effects of size polydispersity on electron mobility in a two-dimensional quantum-dot superlattice. View details for DOI 10.1088/0957-4484/21/48/485402, View details for Web of Science ID 000284053500011, View details for Web of Science ID 000281891900031, View details for Web of Science ID 000280855100032, View details for Web of Science ID 000276554800012. Yttria-stabilized zirconia (YSZ) electrolyte membranes were surface modified by adding a 1 nm thin, high-yttria concentration YSZ film with the help of atomic layer deposition. In: Micro Power Sources. The use of micro-channels for making the electrochemical measurements significantly reduces parasitic electrical capacitances and allows for current detection in the sub-pico-ampere range at high signal bandwidths. Kim, Y., B., Chao, C. -C., Gr, T., M., Prinz, F., B. Specifically, quantum confinement effects on the band gap of PbS quantum wells were explored by controlling the PbS film thickness and potential barrier height. We were also able to establish that commonly reported artifacts of electric field stimulation are not the primary mediators of the observed effects. Sample scaffolds were constructed for purposes such as channel-directed cell growth and size-based cell sorting. Also, individual contributions both from oxygen column occupancy and the static displacement of oxygen atoms due to occupancy change to the observed column intensities of TEM images were systematically investigated using HRTEM simulation. View details for Web of Science ID 000270670500043, View details for Web of Science ID 000269485300008, View details for Web of Science ID 000268174400038. Cha, S. W., Lee, S. J., Park, Y. I., Prinz, F. B. An, J., Kim, Y. To investigate differences between two iPS cell lines (fibroblast-iPSC and hASC-iPSC), and also the gold standard human embryonic stem cell, we looked at cell stiffness as a possible indicator of cell differentiation-potential differences. A micro-fabrication technology was used to shape an array of micro-orifices and micro-cavities in 85/15PLGA layers. In the case of tmhd and Cp precursors, the energy required to break bonds in the precursor ligand was studied to evaluate the most likely mechanism of carbon incorporation into the film. A new selection method for atomic layer deposition (ALD) or chemical vapor deposition (CVD) precursors is proposed and tested. . Product Solid-state battery Complete QuantumScape Corp. Cl A stock information by Barron's. View real-time QS stock price and news, along with industry-best analysis. Parquia Santa Rita de Cssia in So Paulo, reviews by real people. Pamela Fong is QuantumScapes Chief of Human Resources Operations, leading people strategy and operations, including talent acquisition, organizational development and employee engagement. QS Stock Forecast, Price & News (QuantumScape) - MarketBeat Open circuit voltages up to 660 mV (vs air) and power densities up to 1.3 W cm(-2) were measured at 550 C using H2 as fuel. QuantumScape was formed in 2010 by Jagdeep Singh, Tim Holme and Professor Fritz Prinz from Stanford University. Ryu, W., Bai, S., Park, J. S., Huang, Z., Moseley, J., Fabian, T., Fasching, R. J., Grossman, A. R., Prinz, F. B. LIFETIME PREDICTIONS FOR A CERAMIC CUTTING-TOOL MATERIAL AT HIGH-TEMPERATURES. QuantumScape Corporation 2020 Equity Incentive Plan Form of Restricted Stock Unit Agreement 8-K 001-39345 10.10 December 2, 2020 4.6 QuantumScape Corporation 2020 Equity Incentive Plan Form of Restricted Stock Agreement. Doping nanowires (NWs) is of crucial importance for a range of applications due to the unique properties arising from both impurities' incorporation and nanoscale dimensions. Motoyama, M., Chao, C., Guer, T. M., Prinz, F. B. Epitaxial and Polycrystalline Gadolinia-Doped Ceria Cathode Interlayers for Low Temperature Solid Oxide Fuel Cells. A quantum simulation verified both trends and illustrated the wave function extension effect. Electrical properties of YSZ thin films deposited on nanoporous substrates. Prinz, F., B., Fasching, R., Urban, G., Aschauer, E., Jachimowicz, A., Kohl, F. OPTIMAL PATH PLACEMENT FOR KINEMATICALLY REDUNDANT MANIPULATORS. QuantumScape was founded in 2010 by Jagdeep Singh, Tim Holme and Professor Fritz Prinz of Stanford University. Oxygen diffusion across the grain boundary in bicrystal yttria stabilized zirconia. Prinz, F., B., Kohl, F., Fasching, R., Urban, G., Steurer, J., Olcaytug, F. A measurement algorithm for capacitive speed encoder with a modified front-end topology , Instrumentation and Measurement, Material Strength in Polymer Shape Deposition Manufacturing Proceedings of the Solid Freeform Fabrication Symposium, Optimal motion planning for deposition in layered manufacturing, A robust capacitive angular speed sensor, Instrumentation and Measurement, Thin film thermo-mechanical sensors embedded in metallic structures, Process planning and automation for additive-subtractive solid freeform fabrication, Automated fabrication of complex molded parts using mold SDM. Back in 2010, tech entrepreneur Jagdeep Singh and Stanford professor Fritz Prinz founded QuantumScape. Amon, C. H., Schmaltz, K. S., Merz, R., Prinz, F. B. Laser deposition of metals for shape deposition manufacturing. It is increasingly important to control cell growth into and within artificial scaffolds. Pt) are one of the main contributors to low-temperature (<500 C) fuel cell costs, significant efforts have been made to lower the noble metal loading in constructing fuel cell electrodes. Weiss, L. E., Merz, R., Prinz, F. B., Neplotnik, G., Padmanabhan, P., Schultz, L., Ramaswami, K. Application of cylindrical electro-magnetrons for glow discharge deposition of amorpous carbon and amorphous carbon/germanium films. Prinz, F., B., Zhou, Y., Pasquarelli, R., Holme, T., Berry, J., Ginley, D. ATOMIC LAYER DEPOSITION OF PbS-ZnS QUANTUM WELLS FOR HIGH-EFFICIENCY SOLAR CELLS. QuantumScape - Governance - Leadership Leadership Executive Management Jagdeep Singh Founder & CEO (Board Chairman) Dr. Tim Holme Founder, Chief Technology Officer Dr. Mohit Singh Chief Development Officer Kevin Hettrich Chief Financial Officer Michael McCarthy Chief Legal Officer and Head of Corporate Development Board of Directors JB Straubel QuantumScape: Revolutionizing the EV Landscape. - Medium Prior to joining QuantumScape, he was the founder and Chief Executive Officer at Infinera Corporation (NASDAQ: INFN), a telecommunications company, from 2001 to 2009. The photocathodic hydrogen evolution reaction (HER) from p-type Si nanowire (NW) arrays was evaluated using platinum deposited by atomic layer deposition (ALD) as a HER cocatalyst. Design and tuning of a vacuum microplasma spray system: Particle entrainment. Link, G. R., Fessler, J., Nickel, A., Prinz, F. Functional gradient metallic prototypes through shape deposition manufacturing. Prinz, F., B., Fabian, T., Brasseur, G., Hauser, H. The Mesicopter: A Meso-Scale Flight Vehicle. Ion conducting oxides are commonly used as electrolytes in electrochemical devices including solid oxide fuel cells and oxygen sensors. Fritz Prinz has not been actively trading shares of QuantumScape during the last ninety days. Roelofs, K. E., Brennan, T. P., Trejo, O., Xu, J., Prinz, F. B., Bent, S. F. Atomic layer deposition of thin-film ceramic electrolytes for high-performance fuel cells. A., Su, P., Prinz, F. B., Hemker, K. J. We used atomic force microscopy-based force spectroscopy to record an increase in the cytoskeletal tension after treatment with electric fields. This special Bloomberg program highlights the event's biggest interviews and news makers. QuantumScape Gender Male Prof. Fritz Prinz is the Chairman of Mechanical Engineering at Stanford University. Fabrication of an electrochemical tip-probe system embedded in SiNx-cantilevers for simultaneous SECM and AFM analysis, Geometric scale effect of flow channels on performance of fuel cells. Solvent-vapor based bonding of micro-molded layers preserved 20 microm sized structures. The researchers are developing solid-state batteries for EVs and other uses in industry. Elam, J. W., Dasgupta, N. P., Prinz, F. B. Thus, we have developed an open micro-fluidic channel system (OMFC) in which individual cells can be immobilized in micro-traps by capillary flow. A programmable and biodegradable drug delivery device is desirable when a drug needs to be administered locally. Kang, S., Johnston, James, P., Arima, T., Matsunaga, M., Tsuru, H., Prinz, Fritz, B. Gurumoorthy, B., Kirchner, H. O., Prinz, F. B., Sinclair, G. B. QuantumScape developed the industry's first anode-less cell design, which delivers high energy density while lowering material costs and simplifying manufacturing. Insiders are officers, directors, or significant investors in a company. Mr. McCarthy holds a B.A. Chang, Y. Prior to this, Mr. Hettrich served as QuantumScapes Vice President of Business Operations from March 2016 to March 2018, as Senior Director of Finance and Product Management from March 2014 to March 2016, as a Director of Product Management from March 2013 to March 2014, and as a Manager of Product Management from January 2012 to March 2013. Employing 50 Hz direct current electric fields in concert with and without osteogenic factors, we demonstrated increased early osteoblast-specific markers. Material strength in polymer shape deposition manufacturing, INTEGRATED DESIGN AND RAPID MANUFACTURING OVER THE INTERNET. in Business Administration from U.C. Culturing of human coronary artery endothelial cells (HCAECs) on the sample scaffolds demonstrated the biocompatibility of the developed process and the strong influence of high-resolution micro-geometries on HCAEC growth. The quantitative exploration of the lower limits of Pt cocatalyst loading reported here, and its application to high-surface-area NW photoelectrodes, establish a general approach for minimizing the cost of precious-metal cocatalysts for efficient and affordable solar-to-fuel applications. Area-selective atomic layer deposition (ALD) of lead sulfide (PbS) was achieved on octadecyltrichlorosilane (ODTS)-patterned silicon substrates. Jung, H. J., Dasgupta, N. P., Van Stockum, P. B., Koh, A. L., Sinclair, R., Prinz, F. B. High performance Bi-layered electrolytes via atomic layer deposition for solid oxide fuel cells. Fabian, T., Kang, S., Prinz, F., Brasseur, G. Fabrication of ceramic components for micro gas turbine engines. This result may represent an initial step in generating "high efficiency" bioelectricity by directly harvesting high energy photosynthetic electrons. Park, J. S., Kim, Y., An, J., Prinz, F. B. Two barrier materials were selected based on barrier height: aluminum oxide as a high barrier material and zinc oxide as a low barrier material. We have carried out calculations of the electronic structure of ferredoxin and of the electronic coupling matrix element Hif for electron transfer from reduced ferredoxin to flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and to cluster models of the Au111 surface and a Au111 surface with a mercaptopyridene self-assembled monolayer (SAM). Tim Holme, and Fritz B. Prinz in May 2010 and is . Shape deposition manufacturing with microcasting: Processing, thermal and mechanical issues. Not only the catalytic role of the cermet layer itself but the mixing effect in the cermet was explored. Prior to joining QuantumScape, he was a Research Associate at Stanford University from June 2008 to January 2011. An, J., Park, J. S., Koh, A. L., Lee, Hark, B., Jung, H. J., Schoonman, J., Prinz, F. B. A microfabricated direct methanol fuel cell with integrated electroosmotic pump. In vivo O-2 measurement inside single photosynthetic cells. Motoyama, M., Fukunaka, Y., Ogata, Y. H., Prinz, F. B. Crabb, K. M., Park, J. S., Chao, C., Prinz, F. B. Nanopore Patterned Pt Array Electrodes for Triple Phase Boundary Study in Low Temperature SOFC. B., Park, J. S., Shim, J. H., Guer, T. M., Prinz, F. B. Dasgupta, N. P., Liu, C., Andrews, S., Prinz, F. B., Yang, P. Three-Dimensional Nanostructured Bilayer Solid Oxide Fuel Cell with 1.3 W/cm(2) at 450 degrees C. An, J., Kim, Y., Park, J., Guer, T. M., Prinz, F. B. Previous studies of osteogenic potential in ASCs have focused on chemicals, growth factors, and mechanical stimuli. Endogenous electric fields play an important role in embryogenesis, regeneration, and wound repair and previous studies have shown that many populations of cells, leukocytes, fibroblasts, epithelial cells, and endothelial cells, exhibit directed migration in response to electric fields. View details for DOI 10.1073/pnas.1316792110, View details for DOI 10.1016/j.actamat.2013.09.003, View details for Web of Science ID 000328179700013. Kim, N., Hsieh, C., Huang, H., Prinz, F. B., Stebbins, J. F. Atomic layer deposition and chemical vapor deposition precursor selection method application to strontium and barium precursors, COMP 73-Conversion of a plant chloroplast to a biological fuel cell: 1. Chang, Y. C., Saha, M., Prinz, F., Latombe, J. C., Pinilla, J. Quadros, W. R., Gurumoorthy, B., Ramaswami, K., Prinz, F. B. Enhancing Charge Transfer Kinetics by Nanoscale Catalytic Cermet Interlayer. Our findings show that iPSCs can be derived from human adipose-derived stromal cells (hASCs), a notable advancement in the clinical applicability of these cells. Prinz, F., B., Fasching, R., Aschauer, E., Urban, G. Surface characterization of thin film platinum electrodes applied for biosensors by means of cyclic voltammetry and laser - SNMS. B., Guer, T. M., Jung, H., Kang, S., Sinclair, R., Prinz, F. B. Three-dimensional biodegradable microscaffolding: Scaffold characterization and cell population at single cell resolution. Park, J. S., Kim, Y., An, J., Shim, J. H., Guer, T. M., Prinz, F. B. Atomistic simulations of grain boundary segregation in nanocrystalline yttria-stabilized zirconia and gadolinia-doped ceria solid oxide electrolytes. Wang, X., Huang, H., Holme, T., Tian, X., Prinz, F. B. Liu, H., C., Stampfl, J., Kang, S., Prinz, F., B. The oxygen evolution of single cells was investigated using a nano-probe with an ultra-micro electrode (UME) in a submicron sized system in combination with a micro-fluidic system. Adipose-derived stromal cells (ASCs) constitute a promising source of cells for regenerative medicine applications. Fritz Prinz Net Worth, Biography, and Insider Trading Ryu, W., H., Fasching, R., Hammerick, K., Min, S., Prinz, F., B. View details for Web of Science ID 000365533600003, View details for DOI 10.1016/j.jeurceramsoc.2014.05.028, View details for Web of Science ID 000340976200035, View details for Web of Science ID 000344135500003, View details for DOI 10.1103/PhysRevB.90.144202, View details for Web of Science ID 000344008100001, View details for Web of Science ID 000342118500001, View details for DOI 10.1557/mrs.2014.171, View details for Web of Science ID 000341995600014. Dadlani, A. L., Schindler, P., Logar, M., Walch, S. P., Prinz, F. B. QuantumScape has developed some impressive technology but sustaining the current valuation could prove a challenge too far. Pornprasertsuk, R., Ramanarayanan, P., Musgrave, C. B., Prinz, F. B. Cantilever tip probe arrays for simultaneous SECM and AFM analysis, Rapid prototyping methods of silicon carbide micro heat exchangers. A. Micro-Scale Radial-Flow Compressor Impeller Made of Silicon Nitride: Manufacturing and Performance. Lee, S. J., Cha, S. W., O'Hayre, R., Chang-Chien, A., Prinz, F. B. High temperature O-17 MAS NMR study scandia and yttria stabilized of calcia, magnesia, zirconia. Second, Pt catalyst particle nucleation and agglomeration is studied. FRITZ PRINZ, Founder & Chief Scientific Advisor (Board Member) Professor, Mechanical Engineering, Stanford The added YDC interlayer (14.11% doped Y(2)O(3)) was fabricated by atomic layer deposition and reduced the cathode/electrolyte interfacial resistances while increasing the exchange current density j(0) by a factor of 4 at operating temperatures between 300-500 C. In vivo electrochemical impedance measurement on single cell membrane, Effect of crystallinity on proton conductivity in yttrium-doped barium zirconate thin films. The results demonstrate that electrolyte surface engineering with ALD can have a meaningful impact on the performance of electrochemical devices. We report a new flame reduction method to generate controllable amount of oxygen vacancies in TiO2 nanowires that leads to nearly three times improvement in the photoelectrochemical (PEC) water-splitting performance. In all respects, the findings agree with experiment. Ultra-thin platinum catalytic electrodes fabricated by atomic layer deposition. Such analyses have been performed for inhomogeneities of various shapes and sizes, for different tip-sample separations and tip geometries, for different applied voltages, and for different media (e.g., vacuum or water) in which the experiment is performed. Interestingly, cells exhibited a noticeable difference in stiffness. View details for Web of Science ID 000276557100007. These cells have great promise for many clinical applications, including that of regenerative medicine. Fabian, T., O'Hayre, R., Litster, S., Prinz, F., B., Santiago, J., G. MEMS Fabrication and Performances of Nano-Thin Solid Oxide Fuel Cell. View details for Web of Science ID 000317317500017. Prinz, F., B., Fasching, R., Jobst, G., Keplinger, F., Aschauer, E., Urban, G. Finger, S., Fox, M. S., Prinz, F. B., RINDERLE, J. R. Miniaturized multi-enzyme biosensors integrated with pH-Sensors on flexible polymer carriers for in vivo applications. Mr. Hettrich also served as a Business Analyst at McKinsey & Company, a management consulting firm, from September 2004 to July 2007. Motoyama, M., Chao, C., An, J., Jung, H. J., Gr, Turgut, M., Prinz, F. (. Fan, Z., Chao, C., Hossein-Babaei, F., Prinz, F. B. Stress-driven grain growth in nanocrystalline Pt thin films. Link, G., Huntley, T., Nickel, A., Leitgeb, R., Nguyen, T., Prinz, F. Expanding the design space through innovative design and manufacturing processes, Additive/subtractive material processing for mesoscopic parts. Jiang, X., Guer, T. N., Prinz, F. B., Bent, S. F. Passive water management at the cathode of a planar air-breathing proton exchange membrane fuel cell, Area-Selective Atomic Layer Deposition of Lead Sulfide: Nanoscale Patterning and DFT Simulations. Mack, J. F., Van Stockum, P. B., Iwadate, H., Prinz, F. B. ALD for clean energy conversion, utilization, and storage. Lee, W., Jung, H. J., Lee, M. H., Kim, Y., Park, J. S., Sinclair, R., Prinz, F. B. Nanoscale membrane electrolyte array for solid oxide fuel cells, Enhanced oxygen exchange and incorporation at surface grain boundaries on an oxide ion conductor.