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0000034139 00000 n (B) count every hour, including hours during intermediate Saturdays, Sundays, and legal holidays; and For those with us are doing what most do not. [emailprotected]. We would need to raise money to hire an attorney to do that. Theodore Eliot Deutch (/ d t / DOYTCH; born May 7, 1966) is an American lawyer and politician who served as the U.S. representative from Florida's 22nd congressional district from 2010 to 2022. Instead of answering my question that the municipality is against cutting, they told me you are not welcome in the subdivision and the neighbors do not like you and in your house are living 9 people. Intended as a backup reminder. Lisa Murkowski (R-AK) 0000034456 00000 n /P 0 Office Locations. I would not have thought it possible a candidate running for a judicial post (in Texas of all states!) Senators: Office of Senator (Name) United States Senate. I value all feedback from constituents. Floridians for Alternatives to the Death, When I read about some of Florida's policies, once again I am not surprised. God help us all if she is able to influence that many people that we have put In office. Submit a public records request. 270 0 obj Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. She said that in the case of children being raped,, I am personally against the death penalty for any crime - that aside, Florida is notorious for vague laws. Results will include contact information, including select social media accounts, as available. Learn More. How are any of these inane laws legal, I am looking for some information in regards to registry in Utah. 0000030791 00000 n Can I forward my message through the Contact Webmaster mailbox? My, Floriduh will make any attempts to further their punishment on us. 2. I asked even to my family not to visit me, because HOA is against me, but as you see they harass and bother me and sent the page that 9 people are living in my house to the court, but because they have two ex0pensive attorney company the judge dismissed my case even the lie should be punishable by law, they said one day I should cut the trees which are 20 years old. They adopted HB 1301 with two amendments and placed it on todays calendar for third reading and a vote in the Senste. 0000001900 00000 n Contact Us - The Florida Senate Ensure Fair Districts & Reflective Democracy. Find Your Legislators. Contacting Congress - Congressional Institute << 0000032456 00000 n Back to Top. The "Senators" button will be directly below the image of the United States Senate symbol. Generally, if a member has a public e-mail address, it can be found on the member's website. Current U.S. 0000006008 00000 n /L 73334 1st Thurs of the month at 8 pm Reduce Money's Influence. 0000029332 00000 n 0000031013 00000 n He also resigned, [emailprotected] Isnt this bill retroactively punishing us? I built my retirement, To be honest, I'm surprised Florida didn't propose this a long time ago. 0000029109 00000 n Under Florida law, e-mail addresses are public records. Choose the recording to hear: Enter the Recording ID, or press # to hear the most recent recording. Contact Us - Florida Senate Instead, contact this office by phone or in writing. A link to the Help function is located on each page of the Texas Legislature Online website on the red tab in the upper right corner. 204 Cannon House Office Building Washington . All residents of North Carolina are represented in the United States Senate by both Senators Ted Budd and Thom Tillis . Note: Upon Sign up. 0000014809 00000 n If we were to get a legal injunction to hold up the passing of these bills, what would be the right reasons not to pass the bill. Click a legislator's name to send them an email message. Not trying to be negative, just realistic. 4239 Southwest High Meadows Avenue. 0000000017 00000 n Phone: 2022246324 Email: Twitter: @SenBobCasey, Sen. Patrick J. Toomey Phone: 2022244254 Email: Twitter: @SenToomey, Rep. Robert BradyPhone: 2022254731 Email: Twitter: @RepBrady, Rep. Chaka Fattah Phone: 2022254001 Email: Twitter: @ChakaFattah, Rep. Mike Kelly Phone: 2022255406 Email: Twitter: @MikeKellyPA, Rep. Scott Perry Phone: 2022255836 Email: Twitter: @RepScottPerry, Rep. Glenn W. Thompson Phone: 2022255121 Email: Twitter: @CongressmanGT, Rep. Ryan Costello Phone: 2022254315 Email: Twitter: @RepRyanCostello, Rep. Pat Meehan Phone: 2022252011 Email: Twitter: @RepMeehan, Rep. Michael G. Fitzpatrick Phone: 2022254276 Email: Twitter: @RepFitzpatrick, Rep. Bill Shuster Phone: 2022252431 Email: Twitter: @RepBillShuster, Rep. Tom Marino Phone: 2022253731 Email: Twitter: @RepTomMarino, Rep. Lou Barletta Phone: 2022256511 Email: Twitter: @RepLouBarletta, Rep. Keith Rothfus Phone: 2022252065 Email: Twitter: @KeithRothfus, Rep. Brendan Boyle Phone: 2022256111 Email: Twitter: @RepBrendanBoyle, Rep. Mike Doyle Phone: 2022252135 Email: Twitter: @USRepMikeDoyle, Rep. Charles W. Dent Phone: 2022256411 Email: Twitter: @RepCharlieDent, Rep. Joseph R. Pitts Phone: 2022252411 Email: Twitter: @RepJoePitts, Rep. Matthew Cartwright Phone: 2022255546 Email: Twitter: @RepCartwright, Rep. Tim Murphy Phone: 2022252301 Email: Twitter: @RepTimMurphy, Sen. Jack Reed Phone: 2022244642 Email: Twitter: @SenJackReed, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse Phone: 2022242921 Email: Twitter: @SenWhitehouse, Rep. David Cicilline Phone: 2022254911 Email: Twitter: RepCicilline, Rep. Jim Langevin Phone: 2022252735 Email: Twitter: @JimLangevin, Sen. Lindsey Graham Phone: 2022245972 Email: Twitter: @GrahamBlog, Sen. Tim Scott Phone: 2022246121 Email: Twitter: @SenatorTimScott, Rep. Mark Sanford Phone: 2022253176 Email: @RepSanfordSC, Rep. Joe Wilson Phone: 2022252452 Email: Twitter: @RepJoeWilson, Rep. Jeff Duncan Phone: 2022255301 Email: Twitter: @RepJeffDuncan, Rep. Trey Gowdy Phone: 2022256030 Email: Twitter: @TGowdySC, Rep. Mick Mulvaney Phone: 2022255501 Email: Twitter: @RepMickMulvaney, Rep. James E. Clyburn Phone: 2022253315 Email: Rep.Clyburn@opencongress.orgTwitter: @Clyburn, Rep. Tom Rice Phone: 2022259895 Email: Twitter: @RepTomRice, Sen. Mike Rounds Phone: 2022245842 Email: Twitter: @SenatorRounds, Sen. John Thune Phone: 2022242321 Email: Twitter: @SenJohnThune, Rep. Kristi Noem Phone: 2022252801 Email: Twitter: @RepKristiNoem, Sen. Lamar Alexander Phone: 2022244944 Email: Twitter: @SenAlexander, Sen. Bob Corker Phone: 2022243344 Email: Twitter: @SenBobCorker, Rep. Phil Roe Phone: 2022256356 Email: Rep.roe@opencongress.orgTwitter: @DrPhilRoe, Rep. John J. Duncan Jr. Sadly, I wasnt there either.just sayinEven so, Thank you FAC for all your hard work and persistence. Please include your return postal mailing address when corresponding with a Senate office. Contact | U.S. Congressman Byron Donalds - House Too long? It may be quicker. The House passed it 112 to 0. 112.31445 Electronic filing system; full and public disclosure of . Contact Us Use Your Zip Code to Find Your . If you know who your representative is but you are unable to contact them using their contact form, the Clerk of the House maintains addresses and phone numbers of all House members and Committees, or you may call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. House switchboard operator. Washington, DC: -Representatives Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) and Raul Ruiz (D-CA) have reintroduced the Major . How to Contact Your Member of Congress. 0000028886 00000 n Yes got that too if anyone has some time and can look up the corrected addresses, wed appreciate. We are now in the process of expanding the project to other Members of Congress, as technical, budgetary and staffing constraints allow. Contact: Communications OfficeNewsMedia@flhealth.gov850-245-4111Stuart, Fla. Today, officials from the Florida Department of Health (DOH) in Tallahassee and Martin County (DOH-Martin) joined Lieutenant Governor Jeanette Nuez, Florida Senator Gayle Harrell, Congressman Brian Mast, and local elected officials for a press conference to discuss the recent outbreak of hepatitis A in Martin . [emailprotected] Members of Congress (Florida) U.S. Senate. 0000002453 00000 n Can the F. A. C. present this to a judge, prior to it becoming a law? Contact Florida Senators If you specifically would like to request help with a federal agency or information on tours and tickets, please visit those pages. Latest News. Florida Members of Congress | State of Florida 20th Congressional District, Florida Rm. House of Representatives. Results here now show who currently represents you, under the new maps. GOD HELP US ALL. Florida Gov. Representation in the NC House, the NC Senate, and the US House is determined by district. You can direct postal correspondence to your senator or to other U.S. Senate offices at the following address: For Correspondence to U.S. No. Address not found Sarah its not so overwhelming. Current U.S. Washington, D.C.270 Cannon Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Phone: (202) 225-7931 /Linearized 1 So if you moved from another state and your charge fits the definition in Utahs code for Battery or even attempted s Battery (attempt might be even lower) and its 1ct not 4 would you still need to register? Comment * See the Comment Policy above before posting. Just write the body, cut and paste away. 0000030444 00000 n I am writing to emphatically request you vote NO on Senate Bill 1226. Rep. Lois Frankel 1037 Longworth House Office Building Florida District: 24 Party: Republican Served: House: 2011-2013; Acting as a liaison between you and the federal government, my staff and I can help you answer questions, find resources, or resolve problems. Cord Byrd, Secretary of State. Frankly, this is absurd. no 21 days, nothing. Furthermore, it is highly unlikely that registered citizens coming in as tourists will be able to have proper notification of these requirements in a such a short period of time and it does not allow FL Registered Citizens to even visit family or friends without added stress and sanctions being imposed It does not appear that that this Bill was crafted due to violations of any type but instead just to push through more feel good sex offender legislation. Pro. Releases; . If you do not want your email address released in response to a public records request, do not send electronic mail to this entity. You can just cut and paste all the emails.thats probably the easiest way. 0000002992 00000 n issues with VA benefits, Social Security payments . Find Your State Legislator. 0000032682 00000 n Texas Legislature Online - Contact Registries hurt everyone including children and no change will come until this is common knowledge. List of current members of the U.S. Congress - Ballotpedia Constituent Survey Fill out this quick survey expressing your thoughts and concerns, so Representative Donalds can best serve you. Sign Up for Email Updates . 0000029456 00000 n See Florida Rule of Criminal Procedure 3.040 and Florida Rule of Judicial Administration 2.514 (incorporated by reference into Fla. R. Crim. Here's How to Contact All 535 Members of United States Congress. CALL, [emailprotected] Representatives and Senators have ended the use of real email addresses and only use web forms. State of | Florida State Legislators They are the ones moving the ball, inch by inch. Each time a registered citizen must report a temporary residence change they must report to the sheriff office AND change their ID card! Find Your Representatives. Write your Representative Guide put out by the United States House of Representatives. /T 69249 Contact Your Elected Officials. Ideally call also, but if you dont have the time, at least email. The U.S. House of Representatives does not provide a listing of public e-mail addresses for the elected Representatives. They are a group of citizens that are the 2nd least likely to re-commit their crime or any crime (second only to murder). Rep. My-Linh Thai. Web page does say he is resigned but does call him former also I looked up his district and it says Vacant /Prev 69236 Search for your senator. TTY: 202-225-1904. . And I am deeply grateful to them. 0000033574 00000 n She was elected in 2006 and represents Florida's 14th Congressional district, which includes Tampa and parts of Hillsborough County. I will never stop trying to help my child! Rep. Alcee Hastings 2353 Rayburn House Office Building Washington, DC 20515 Tel: (202) 225-1313 Fax: (202) 225-1171. Stay Connected. Contact | Congressman Matt Gaetz Reasons for returned emails seems there is an awful lot of resigning going on! Enter your email address. Congressman Carlos Gimenez International Megans Law Travel issues becoming more prevalent for registrants. Skip to Navigation | Skip to Main Content | Skip to Site Map. This is a list of email addresses for all current US Senators. The United States Congress is the bicameral legislature of the United States of America's federal government. Even though you can't email the President, you can call the White House. 0000029010 00000 n if you are going by conviction and not registration how is that legal. Thank you for sharing it. Please enter your zip code to verify residency and go to the next step: If you do not know the +4 extension for your zip code, please check the U.S. Find your member of Congress and contact him or her: Contact your Representative Contact your Senator . United States Senators' Email Addresses List However, to be clear, you will likely only speak with a staff member. Emailing your Representative and Senator about issues important to Florida State is easy for those who have registered with this website. (NC-03) introduced legislation today to honor six victims of a tragic plane crash last year in Carteret County. Federal Elected Officials. Contact Us Ask a Law Librarian. SECTION 3068. %%EOF We offer the complete list of all Congressional web . If you are having problems contacting your representative, you can report the problem using the Contact Webmaster form, write or call your elected representative, or visit the member's website for alternate contact information. I also cut the trees and did whatever the HOA said, but that is not their goal they want to harass and bother me so much and make my life hell, because nobody support me or listen to my situation. 0000028441 00000 n 199 0 obj They are pulling more than their weight. All information is based on public available information. Moreover, this proposed legislation imposes more impossible hurdles for formerly sanctioned adults to live their lives and remain productive members of society. It seems they want to harass and discrimination me for example they wrote a letter to the court that 9 people are living in my house and they used my name for 3 people and other 3 people were those who rented the whole house many years ago from me. 0000031915 00000 n Member websites provide comprehensive contact information: Representatives | Senators. It appears Some charges are not registrable charges. i have called almost all senators on list, left voicemails on some, spoke to office staff that would answer, most were cordial, but once they found out what the call was about, attitudes changed, they really did not want to talk, with the exception of sen Gibson, the young lady i spoke to took her time time really talk to me, she had no knowledge of SB1226 and read it while we were on the phone, she was flabbergasted at the wording and promised that she would relay my message to the Senator, most had said they had received numerous phone calls on this bill asking for a no vote, amazingly, i got the impression, they had had no calls in favor of this bill. Congress already tried to impose that with the Adam, This one should be a collaboration with Floridians for Alternatives to the Death Penalty. Address 284 Russell Senate Office Building Washington DC, 20510 Phone: (202) 224-3041 Toll free in Florida: (866) 630-7106 Send an Email. If you know who your representative is but you are unable to contact them using their contact form, the Clerk of the House maintains addresses and phone numbers of all House members and Committees, or you may call (202) 224-3121 for the U.S. House switchboard operator. stream Are there alternative ways to reach my elected representative? 0000028220 00000 n 0000033920 00000 n Theres nothing you can do to change the minds of the legislators in Florida. Also if you had a registrable charge would you be able to be removed after the 10 year rule even if the state you are coming from doesnt have that. GPS monitoring is expensive not only for the wearer of the monitor but also for the State. Phone: 2022252406 Email: Twitter: @LacyClayMO1, Rep. Ann Wagner Phone: 2022251621 Email: Twitter: @RepAnnWagner, Rep. Blaine Luetkemeyer Phone: 2022252956 Email: Twitter: @RepBlainePress, Rep. Vicky Hartzler Phone: 2022252876 Email: Twitter: @RepHartzler, Rep. Emanuel Cleaver Phone: 2022254535 Email: Twitter: @repcleaver, Rep. Sam Graves Phone: 2022257041 Email: Twitter: @RepSamGraves, Rep. Billy Long Phone: 2022256536 Email: Twitter: @USRepLong, Rep. Jason Smith Phone: 2022254404 Email: Twitter: @RepJasonSmith, Sen. Steve Daines Phone: 2022242651 Email: Twitter: @SteveDaines, Sen. Jon Tester Phone: 2022242644 Email: Twitter: @SenatorTester, Rep. Ryan Zinke Phone: 2022253211 Email: Twitter: @RepRyanZinke, Sen. Deb Fischer Phone: 2022246551 Email: Twitter: @SenatorFischer, Sen. Ben Sasse Phone: 2022244224 Email: Twitter: @SenSasse, Rep. Jeff Fortenberry Phone: 2022254806 Email: Twitter: @JeffFortenberry, Rep. Brad Ashford Phone: 2022254155 Email: Twitter: @RepBradAshford, Rep. Adrian Smith Phone: 2022256435 Email: Twitter: @RepAdrianSmith, Sen. Dean Heller Phone: 2022246244 Email: Twitter: @SenDeanHeller, Sen. Harry ReidPhone: 2022243542 Email: Twitter: @ SenatorReid, Rep. Dina Titus Phone: 2022255965 Email: Twitter: @ RepDinaTitus, Rep. Mark Amodei Phone: 2022256155 Email: Twitter: @MarkAmodeiNV2, Rep. Joe Heck Phone: 2022253252 Email: Twitter: @RepJoeHeck, Rep. Cresent Hardy Phone: 2022259894 Email: Twitter: @RepHardy, Sen. Kelly Ayotte Phone: 2022243324 Email: Twitter: @KellyAyotte, Sen. Jeanne ShaheenPhone: 2022242841 Email: Twitter: @SenatorShaheen, Rep. Frank Guinta Phone: 2022255456 Email: Twitter: @RepFrankGuinta, Rep. Ann Kuster Phone: 2022255206 Email: Twitter: @RepAnnieKuster, Sen. Robert Menendez Phone: 2022244744 Twitter: @SenatorMenendez, Sen. Cory Booker Phone: 2022243224 Email: Twitter: @SenBookerOfc, Rep. Bonnie Watson Coleman Phone: 2022255801 Email: Twitter: @ RepBWColeman, Rep. Tom MacArthur Phone: 2022254765 Email: Twitter: @RepTomMacArthur, Rep. Donald Norcross Phone: 2022256501 Email: Twitter: @DonaldNorcross, Rep. Donald Payne Phone: 2022253436 Email: Twitter: @RepDonaldPayne, Rep. Christopher Smith Phone: 2022253765 Email: Twitter: @RepChrisSmith, Rep. Albio Sires Phone: 2022257919 Email: Twitter: @Rep_Albio_Sires, Rep. Bill Pascrell Phone: 2022255751 Email: Twitter: @BillPascrell, Rep. Frank Pallone Phone: 2022254671 Email: Twitter: @FrankPallone, Rep. Frank LoBiondo Phone: 2022256572 Email: Twitter: @RepLoBiondo, Rep. Leonard Lance Phone: 2022255361 Email: Twitter: @RepLanceNJ7, Rep. Scott Garrett Phone: 2022254465 Email: Twitter: @RepGarrett, Rep. Rodney Frelinghuysen Phone: 2022255034 Email: Twitter: @USRepRodney, Sen. Martin Heinrich Phone: 2022245521 Email: Twitter: @MartinHeinrich, Sen. Tom Udall Phone: 2022246621 Email: Twitter: @SenatorTomUdall, Rep. Michelle Lujan Grisham Phone: 2022256316 Email: Twitter: @RepLujanGrisham, Rep. Steve Pearce Phone: 2022252365 Twitter: @RepStevePearce, Rep. Ben R. Lujan Phone: 2022256190 Email: Twitter: @RepBenRayLujan, Sen. Kirsten E. Gillibrand Phone: 2022244451 Email: Twitter: @SenGillibrand, Sen. Charles E. Schumer Phone: 2022246542 Email: Twitter: @SenSchumer, Rep. Lee Zeldin Phone: 2022253826 Email: Twitter: @RepLeeZeldin, Rep. Pete King Phone: 2022257896 Email: Twitter: @RepPeteKing, Rep. Steve Israel Phone: 2022253335 Email: Twitter: @RepSteveIsrael, Rep. Kathleen Rice Phone: 2022255516 Email: Rep.Kathleenrice@opencongress.or Twitter: @RepKathleenRice, Rep. Gregory W. Meeks Phone: 2022253461 Email: Twitter: @GregoryMeeks, Rep. Grace Meng Phone: 2022252601 Email: Twitter: @RepGraceMeng, Rep. Nydia M. Velzquez Phone: 2022252361 Email: Twitter: @NydiaVelazquez, Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Phone: 2022255936 Email: Twitter: @RepJeffries, Rep. Yvette D. Clarke Phone: 2022256231 Email: Twitter: @YvetteClarke, Rep. Jerrold Nadler Phone: 2022255635 Email: Twitter: @RepJerryNadler, Rep. Daniel Donovan Phone: 2022253371 Email: Twitter: @RepDanDonovan, Rep. Carolyn Maloney Phone: 2022257944 Email: Twitter: @RepMaloney, Rep. Charles B. Rangel Phone: 2022254365 Email: Twitter: @CBRangel, Rep. Joseph Crowley Phone: 2022253965 Email: Twitter: @RepJoeCrowley, Rep. Jos E. Serrano Phone: 2022254361 Email: Twitter: @RepJoseSerrano, Rep. Eliot Engel Phone: 2022252464 Email: Twitter: @RepEliotEngel, Rep. Nita Lowey Phone: 2022256506 Email: Twitter: @NitaLowey, Rep. Sean Patrick Maloney Phone: 2022255441 Email: Twitter: @RepSeanMaloney, Rep. Chris Gibson Phone: 2022255614 Email: Twitter: @RepChrisGibson, Rep. Paul D. Tonko Phone: 2022255076 Email: Twitter: @RepPaulTonko, Rep. Elise Stefanik Phone: 2022254611 Email: Twitter: @RepStefanik, Rep. Richard Hanna Phone: 2022253665 Email: Twitter: @RepRichardHanna, Rep. Tom Reed Phone: 2022253161 Email: Twitter: @RepTomReed, Rep. John Katko Phone: 2022253701 Email: Twitter: @RepJohnKatko, Rep. Louise Slaughter Phone: 2022253615 Email: Twitter: @LouiseSlaughter, Rep. Brian Higgins Phone: 2022253306 Email: Twitter: @RepBrianHiggins, Rep. Chris Collins Phone: 2022255265 Email: Twitter: @RepChrisCollins, Sen. Richard BurrPhone: 2022243154 Email: Twitter: @SenatorBurr, Sen. Thom Tillis Phone: 2022246342 Email: Twitter: @ThomTillis, Rep. G.K. Butterfield Phone: 2022253101 Email: Twitter: @GKButterfield, Rep. Renee Ellmers Phone: 2022254531 Email: Twitter: @RepReneeEllmers, Rep. Walter B. Jones Phone: 2022253415 Email: Twitter: @RepWalterJones, Rep. David Price Phone: 2022251784 Email: Twitter: @RepDavidEPrice, Rep. Virginia Foxx Phone: 2022252071 Email: Twitter: @VirginiaFoxx, Rep. Mark Walker Phone: 2022253065 Email: Twitter: @RepMarkWalker, Rep. David Rouzer Phone: 2022252731 Email: Twitter: @RepDavidRouzer, Rep. Richard Hudson Phone: 2022253715 Email: Twitter: @RepRichHudson, Rep. Robert Pittenger Phone: 2022251976 Email: Twitter: @RepPittenger, Rep. Patrick T. McHenry Phone: 2022252576 Email: Twitter: @PatrickMcHenry, Rep. Mark Meadows Phone: 2022256401 Email: Twitter: @RepMarkMeadows, Rep. Alma Adams Phone: 2022251510 Email: Twitter: @RepAdams, Rep. George Holding Phone: 2022253032 Email: Twitter: @RepHolding, Sen. Heidi Heitkamp Phone: 2022242043 Email: Twitter: @SenatorHeitkamp, Sen. John Hoeven Phone: 2022242551 Email: Twitter: @SenJohnHoeven, Rep. Kevin Cramer Phone: 2022252611 Email: Twitter: @RepKevinCramer, Sen. Sherrod Brown Phone: 2022242315 Email: Twitter: @SenSherrodBrown, Sen. Ron DeSantis, Governor Get reminded to register on your months via SMS text messages. She is the first woman to represent Hillsborough and Pinellas counties in the U.S. Congress. 0000034015 00000 n The persons I admire the most are Gandhi and Dr. King because they had the strength to not fall into cynicism or despair, nor to resort to violence or hate, but rather they led and did not give up. These are the bills that would (1) change the registration requirement to 3 days from 5 for temporary residences and would (2) require MANDATORY minimum periods of GPS MONITORING for all technical registration . 0000007542 00000 n 0000032138 00000 n >> Florida Senators, Representatives, and Congressional District Maps 3 Ways to Email Congress - wikiHow How to Contact Your Elected Officials - USA Gov . 0000030568 00000 n Florida Department of State Contact - U.S. Senator Rick Scott Today, Congress has almost totally eliminated using real email addresses for constituent messages, replaced with web page forms where you must fill out your address and zip code before it will let you send a message. U.S. Senate 483 Russell Senate Office Building Washington, D.C. 20510 202-224-2752: Boise Office: Boise Office: 251 East Front Street, Suite 205 Boise, ID 83702 208-334-1776: 350 North 9th Street, Suite 302 Boise, ID 83702 208-342-7985 Congressman Russ Fulcher (R) Congressman Mike Simpson (R) Website and E-mail Form: Website and E-mail Form .