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Back to EPR Bullets. The only person looking out for either you or your subordinate is YOU! He reduced our supply account by $200,000 by correcting erroneous records. Twice Fingerstyle Tab, - Provides readiness, health, welfare and morale guidance as focal point for the 81 personnel in 13 sections of the OSS Master Sergeant Robert Paulson distinguished himself in the performance of outstanding service to the United States as First Sergeant, 372nd Recruiting Group, 368th Recruiting Squadron, Hill Air Force Base, Utah from March 2017 to September 2019. - Executed DoD's housing mandate; tm contacted 2K residents/insp'd 202 homes/ID'd 418 issues--ignited base QoL spt FIRST SERGEANT Air Force Reserve. He is a talented Squad Leader who adapts to shifting conditions and gets the job done. - Add'l Duty 1st Sgt x43 days; resolved 7 MH issues/23 disciplinary actions/counseled 6 jr enl; upheld large 623 mbr sq Hit the ground running; immediate positive sq impact - continue to groom for Group 1st Sgt! - Resolved 18 fam incidents/11 in-patient rehab; guided mbrs on domestic recovery/TBI--enabled msn ready engineers, - Revamped FCP x2 Sqs; impv'd process f/261 mbrs/digitized 29 recs/fixed 13 errors--100% execution/AFI compliant - Diverse ldr! While assigned to the 368th Recruiting Squadron, he maintained the health, welfare, and morale of 79 squadron members assigned to units spanning a 500,000 square mile recruiting zone. During this period, Sergeant LeMay's outstanding leadership and expertise were vital to leading 900 joint engineers in sustaining 3,700 facilities at the Air Force's largest airfield resulting in the completion of 210 projects valued at more than 200 million dollars. Represents the commander at base meetings and councils, and when conducting tours through unit areas. all maps fatal bullet; who is running for senate in maryland 2022 Use this form for contributions and comments. cafb 14FTW First Sergeant Symposium Growth Train mentor - Supplies administrative support to the OSS Commander and the Senior Enlisted leadership throughout the squadron - Steered Sq UEI prep; mng'd family care pln/ESM, mentored 28--aided MH flt w/garnering AMC/IG's "Superior" Tm, - Streamlined OCONUS e-leave process; secured $23K AF aid/coord'd 12 requests <2 hrs of crisis--lst rate spt f/fam's - Active & visible mentor; mbr of 18 ldrshp panels--CC course/FTAC/NCO PES/SNCO PES/ALSinspired 661 prsnl - Overhauled unit out-processing; linked MPS/est'd electronic docs tracker--elim d DEROS exp/100% timely departure, - Partnered w/Campbell University to host 2 college crses on flightline; 32 attended/6 sem hrs--7 CCAF degrees awd'd Do not include education bullets on SNCO EPRs. - Respected leader; maintains morale, health, welfare, guidance, and Airman development for 112 member squadron This award is called the Diamond Sharp and it represents the title to the full extent. - Add'l duty First Sergeant; attended 4 day First Sgt seminar--ensured health/morale/safety of 12 flt's/490 Amn! an example to Amn having PT difficulty; modeled fitness by running marathon, attempted 100-mile run, - Enforced standards; transported inmate to CONUS, exercised maturity/judgment; AF judicial system enforced, - Motivated! Sergeant Foster is a team player who contributed to our unit earning the Army Award for Maintenance Excellence. - Piloted VCSAF & COMACC visits; highlighted CC's pri's/AF ldrshp assimilated to 432 Wg msn--coined by 5x sr ldrs The better the EPR Bullets, the easier it is to justify a firewall 5 EPR. - Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm - Voluntarily attended Additional Duty 1st Sgt Trainer course, developing the enlisted force building a better Air Force - Wg IG tm lead; insp'd 2 sq's/234 items/provided 18 COAs/primed org's f/HHQ insp--bolstered theater readiness posture Provided the Commander a motivated and ready enlisted force to execute the mission in a professional and timely manner, ensuring all members were adequately trained and mission ready.
Chief EPRs to be accomplished on new Form 912 - Air Force - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd This puts you in a tough spot becauseMore, Anyone who's been through ALS knows that bullet statement format is the format required for entries in the AF Form 910 but in case you've forgotten just what bullet statement format is, we'll go over it againMore. - Refurbished 29 Family Care Plans; put emphasis on Amn accountability--model program/adopted by 1st Sgts council, - Filled Sq 1st Sergeant post; responded to drug/addiction, coord'd medical treatment--ensured mbrs well being, - Dvlp'd PD seminar; mentor'd 120 Airman/elevated tm to finish 155 crdt hrs--boosted education complete rate by 32%, - Constantly engaged; planned and orchestrated multiple retirement/promotion/awards ceremonies for squadron, - Squadron Asset; fostered high unit morale; provided timely, accurate information to guide enlisted and officer corps, - Mission Enhancer! - Created the MDANG First Sergeant's Facebook group; assists over 225 of the enlisted force with advice and support - Quality of Life watchdog; arranged three mental health/one ADAPT/2 FAP consults--bridged necessity for resiliency To contribute examples, use this form. Contact Disclaimer. And the more firewall 5 EPRs you earn, the sooner you get promoted and the sooner you go on to bigger and better challenges. Led 700 studs thru 9K flt hrs/13.5K sim hrs--fuel'd 13 ops units, AFSOC/CCC coined, - 1st Sgt tm lead; guided Wg hlth/welfare dorm insp; rectified 6 safety hazards/3 sub-std units--fortified QoL f/336 prsnl - Chaired 36 Wg's largest CCAF grad in 3yrs; 122 grads honored/$1.2k scholarships awd'd--5 star event for 355 guests We need more examples. NJPs down 35%, climate & moral up; 8 Art 15s/1 sep--refocused Amn on stnds & Mongrel Pride!
Readiness NCO bullets - o entered board scores for 144 SM and updated over 175 NGB 4100 SMs; facilitated the promotion of 20 SMs and over 30 SMs being selected for the next grade. Sometimes it takes a certain amount of motivation to get Airmen to change their behavior. Thanks! - Advises MDG, Med Ops & Dental Sq CCs w/mil/prsnl issues impacting 524 mbrs; facilitates $18M in hlth care svcs Copyright Contact - Exceptional ldr; people first/msn focused/results driven; selected as crew Superintendent--spot on MSgt select
First Sergeant Epr Bullets - Channel 15 - Highly respected leader providing mentoring to the enlisted force by participating in the wing mentorship program
first sergeant epr bullets HER UNTIRING EFFORTS, LEADERSHIP ABILITY, AND ATTENTION TO DETAIL SINGLE HER OUT AS AN OUTSTANDING MEMBER OF THE xxxxx COMMAND. Matthew Shannon, assigned to the 911th Force Support Squadron, takes notes during a 2018 enlisted performance report bullet writing seminar at the Pittsburgh International. - Additional Duty 1st Sgt; provided ldrshp/counseling for > 300 prsnl--enhanced capability to comm w/sq ldrshp - Awarded DoD Mediation Certification; endorsed/trained to employ conflict resolution--skills utilized ISO SMC Amn Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. HELP! - Served 3 months as 1st Sgt; resolved six Amn issues; augmented dorm inspections--boosted welfare; promote! - Revived sq Key Spouse prgm; forged gp spouses' initiative/recruited 7 spouses/coor'd 5 events--fortified spt system - Rvw'd 200 evals/decs; enforced stds/equity across Gp/ed'd 15 SNCO's on writing skills--bolstered quality force mgmt, - Sage advisor; guided sq cc thru Art 15/2 dom violence cases/2 UIFs/cntrl roster actions--upheld discipline/standards - 492 SOW CCC's go-to 1st Sgt! - Revived dormant Sq Key Spouse Pgm; forged spouses' initiative/coor'd 3 events --key to family spt/CC's #1 Qol focus - Bob Hope USO emissary; secured 189 tixs/sports evts/red carpet premieres--demo'd selfless devotion to unit's morale Stratification 9 6.5.2. - Ferried CC through Art 15 process; 1 admin separation, sensitive civ complaint--maintained balanced justice, - Filled 1st Sgt position 6 mo; advised CC on health/welfare for 80 mbrs--enhanched org interpersonal communication, - Filled 3 mo 1st Sgt gap; fed CC advice on 54 instr's/5K stdt's--completed 52 Red Cross tasks/sustained Sq ops, - High-level community chmpn; Pres of 501c3 for 5 chldrn charities >30k rais'd in spprt of >32k kids, - Lectured at local FTAC class; guided discussion "What is a First Sergeant?" - Acquired $200 gift card from nat'l restaurant chain; fed recruiter fam of 6--alleviated Thanksgiving meal costs - Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--armed to assume additional duty - Augmented First Sergeant; ensured health/morale/safety of 400+ Airmen--lauded by CRS CC/First Sergeant Sep 23, 2021 Staff Sgt. - Fair/firm 1Sgt; advised CC on 13 admin actions/1 CM/2 art 15/provid'd spt to mbrs--bedrock of good order/discipline - First Sergeant Council member; served as Treasurer - provided leadership and support to peers, truly outstanding
Further, Sergeant Johnson led and orchestrated a successful annual awards banquet for the Wing, improving morale and expanding camaraderie to new heights. Second Air Force, which oversees Basic Military Training and technical training for 93% of the U.S. Air Force, welcomed a new agency, 1 Jan., dedicated to the modernization of training and education delivery across its five training wings. - Led sq thru active shooter incident; ID'd spt agency comm shortfalls/liaised w/base ldrs f/fix--drove spt f/66.3K jt prsnl - Drove DOD/DHS security rqmt; led 35-person tm/authored PLANORD/taskedops unit--resolved 98 vuls/44 locations - Rectified tank storage oversight; impl'd MSEP insp/eval--facilitated dual Sq MOA/custody xfer of $2M SPRAM acct - Inspired excellence; dvlp'd 24 awd wins/gp/wg/jt base/MAJCOM equivalent/2 BTZ/4 PME--sq took '19 Verne Orr Awd - CC's liaison f/ all JB spt agencies; governs CC pgms/family care plans/BTZ/promotions/dorm inspections/awds & PT --instilled pos image to 70 airmen, - Led/trained 12 rookie shirts in 3 PAFB dorm sweeps; 2 findings/4 expulsions--ensured safety for 500 residents, - Negotiated discounts for unit mbrs w/local YMCA; saved >80% on costs--sq achieved 51% excellent scores. Additionally, Chief Miller was an active liaison between Yellow Ribbon, Airmen and Family Readiness, and the First Sergeant Council, increasing integration of effort and maintaining focus on morale and motivation. - Invested in future ldrs! - LRS Sq Supt f/3 wks; coord w/69 orgs/58 acft rqmts/38 jets--spt'd 27 msns/4.5K pax f/N. Squadron Superintendent. Revitalized enlisted recognition program; crafted effective guidance for new AOQ program - Guided 2 1st Sgt Symposiums; facilitated 5 discussions/24 lessons--educated 110 attendees/pushed DSD initiatives, - Hand selected for 1st Sgt Symposium; soak'd up 32+ hr curriculum--honed ldrshp/mentoring abiltites/fill-in ready - Organized prominent golf gala; led 36 mbr jt service tm/wounded warrior org--secured $100K ISO local disabled vet
TCN duty : r/AirForce Revitalized enlisted recognition program; crafted effective guidance for new AOQ program, - Attended 5-day 1st Sgt Symposium; gained admin/disciplinary/resource knowledge--armed to assume additional duty, - Accomplished 40hr 1st Sgt seminar; advisor on QoL issues/mentored 16 Amn--equipped as AF operational ldr, - Acquired $200 gift card from nat'l restaurant chain; fed recruiter fam of 6--alleviated Thanksgiving meal costs, - Acquired free mental health counseling for civ suicide attemptee--member returned to family/flt within 2 weeks, - Acting MDG 1st Shirt/3 wks; advised 5 sq CCs/340 medics--assisted admin of 2 UIF/Ctrl Roster, 1 Article 15, - Assisted NCO/family of 4 through identifying substance dependency; mbr successfully completed rehab prgm, - Attended Marriage Counseling Support seminar; enhanced ability to address marital disputes--CRB prepared, - Coordinated trng for 21st Space Wg 1st Sgts/CCs; educated on incarceration procedures--12 mbrs enlightened, - Cultivated high stds; accomplished 110 ABU/Blues uniform inspections--instilled professional military image. - Acquired free mental health counseling for civ suicide attemptee--member returned to family/flt within 2 weeks - Cared f/Hurricane Michael evacuees; coord'd w/spt agencies/sec'd financial aid/home--nailed Wg/CC's pri/Amn/fams During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Sergeant Paulson resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of the Air Force's recruiting goals. - Mentored mbr w/relationship issues; coor'd resources f/relocation--alleviat'd stress f/1st time parent w/fam separation - Articulates/implements HAF/MAJCOM/Wg & Sq policies; presents rehabilitative options to the CC on legal matters, - Accomplished 40hr 1st Sgt seminar; advisor on QoL issues/mentored 16 Amn--equipped as AF operational ldr Taught FTAC/NCOPE/Flt cmdr crse/16 panels/E-1 thru O5--1SG insight to 362 jt prsnl across 3 bases
From Military to Civilian: Resume Translation | - Aced Ldrshp Foundations/Diversity Awareness crse; drove dialogue f/USAFSOS MCC--15 FGOs primed f/CC tours +54 9 (0263) 4444543/5/6, Why Did Sharon M Draper Write Out Of My Mind. Although the EPR is a record of an Airman's performance during the reporting period, there are some things we're not allowed to include in an EPR even if they did occur during the reporting period. - QB'd cmd-wide DDR initiative/tm'd w/JAG/SFS/insp d 630 rms/ushered aftercare/sep pkgs--cemented zero tolerance Since nominees are representatives of the Air Force, they must also stand the test of a "whole life/whole career" scrutiny. - Addt'l Duty 1st Sgt; dual-hatted w/ primary duties/spt'd 610 psnl/eight flts--gained valuable senior leadership insight, - Advised CC on x prsnl housing issues/x admin actions/ADAPT-FAP consults--enforced equal standards f/ xxx prsnl Like a tiny acorn that grows into a mighty oak, it all starts with the lowly EPR Bullet. Must remain vigilant for, and move to resolve, issues that, left unchecked, would adversely impact the readiness of enlisted members.
- 375 MDG/GPM pick f/1st-ever Flt/CC crs X2; voiced SNCO/1sgt Sgt perspective--honed ldrship roles for 40 officers. - Developed & managed deployed spouse wellness group--improved information flow and resource availability by 100% - Provided Commander a motivated & ready enlisted force; executed mission in a professional manner - > readiness
- Recruit Military's "Top 40 under 40" winner of 2.5K multi-serv noms--served/groomed 425 enlisted/officers in 13 PDS - Amn advocate; supports Airmen basewide by providing help and guidance on professional and personal issues Back to EPR Bullets. During this period, the outstanding professional skill, leadership, and ceaseless efforts of Chief Martha A. Miller resulted in major contributions to the effectiveness and success of Air Force Operations. - Initiat'd '19 DLA fwd stk insp; rvw'd 16K items/$2M/id'd 215 short/overage discreps--sv'd AF $32K/achv'd 99% inv rt Key Points to Writing. Back to EPR Bullets. The appearance of external hyperlinks does not constitute DoD endorsement of the linked websites, or the information, products or services therein. The first sergeant and superintendent keep each other informed on matters that could affect an Airman's ability to execute the mission. - Trusted Leader! Feedback and evaluations are automated into myEval based on a member's (Ratee) reporting period (the period of supervision culminating in an . o conducted a command-directed urinalysis sweep; identified, processed and expedited five immediate discharges. - Quickly reacted to mental health/suicidal threat--member received crucial/timely emergency help/back to 100% duty - President LAAFB 1SG Council; mentored base prof orgs/CGOC/Top3/Rising 6/CLC--guided 3.1K future AF leaders Consider Dress & Appearance, Personal/Professional Conduct On/Off Duty - Breathed new life into section; made transition to B-2 platform transparent--considered a national stealth asset - Bridged the gap between the ranks as acting First Sergeant They are the Airmen that come to work early and leave late. Although Airmen don't write their own EPRs, they are expected to keep track of their accomplishments and provide a list of EPR inputs when it's time for EPRs. - Selected 1/250 AF wide for CCAF Profeciency Prgm; proofed Air University syllabus--validated CCAF accreditation - Selected interim 1st Sgt 21 days/164 mbrs; counseled 4 Amn/resolved 7 prsnl actions--enforced unit discipline Back to EPR Bullets.
Leadership and Team Building - Air Force Writer - Donated $14.5K/521 hrs to Osan; pioneered SEO f/OWH, led morale activities, ex spt & PESs--built next gen leaders, - Earned UEI "Eff!" - Coord'd with NSA & CIA; liaised reach-back/reach-fwd capes--directly led to 8 air-strikes/destroy'd 46 tgts/0 civcas Examples of Air Force Sergeants Association (AFSA) EPR Bullets. - Voice for the enlisted force to the commander, ensures to up-channel needed information and suggested solutions The singularly distinctive accomplishments of Master Sergeant Paulson culminate a distinguished career in the service of his country and reflect great credit upon himself and the United States Air Force. - Awd'd Law Enforcement Admin BA; achieved 3.7 GPA/18 credits--mentored 17 w/CCAF/Prof Mgmt Cert/AU pgms, - Bolstered cross cultural competency/ROK bond; coordinated orphanage visits--rallied 305 MXG Amn/donated 53hrs, - Caring for our Amn; embedded flight line MFLC/provided acute MH stability--zero suicidal ideations since inception
Air Force EPR Bullet Examples - Org'd 4 Chaplin Corp off sites; coord'd no-cost transport/meal/venue--cemented spiritual resiliency f/338 war-fighters Chosen by CC; led 2 Sq/183 mbrs--resolved 28 disciplinary/admin issues--msn success! - Completed NCO professional enhancment crse; increasd knowledge, value to AF--commendable 86% class average First Sergeant, Current United States Air Force Tucson, Arizona. First sergeants dedicate themselves to the needs of Airmen including their health, morale, discipline and welfare. -- First Sergeants stood watch for 5 of 24 hrs.covered hard-to-fill mid-night hours.paid full honors - Non-stop performer.created, developed and organized first-ever <BASE> AFB Goofy Golf Tourney -- Encouraged participation from local personalities.raised $300+ for personnel.enhanced morale