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9.89 gigawatts is a lot. Stuck in a mission? 1 offshore pump: 20 Steam Turbines. The water calculation has me stumped. The above ratio can be calculated from information available in-game: One boiler consumes 1.8MW of fuel and produces energy stored in steam at 100% efficiency. If you run an odd number of reactors, you should have a 2 by X rectangle with one reactor dangling off the end. So the 50,000C are enough to heat up 103 units of steam per second, since 50,000 / 485 = 103.09. Don't know how to use a machine? The above ratio can be calculated from information available in-game: One boiler consumes 1.8MW of fuel and produces energy stored in steam at 100% efficiency. Use the lake west of your copper mine. Yogi Berra. You can check the usage on the turbines as well as the production stat on the offshore pump. So we know that one offshore pump can supply 20 boilers but is that the same for heat exchangers? One steam engine consumes 900kW of energy stored in steam, so each boiler can supply 2 steam engines: 1.8MW 0.9MW = 2.
EDIT NOTE: The original version of the post used the wrong output for steam turbines (5.8 MW instead of 5.82). One exchanger 3 storage tanks plus inf heat. you can put 4 heat exchangers at the end of ~135 heat pipes, but you can put 16 heat exchangers only at the end of ~50 heat pipes. This layout produces 40 MW output ( 1 SRE ). The steam produced is exactly 500C hot, even if the exchanger is hotter. by Honktown Mon Dec 02, 2019 1:56 pm, Post However you did warn me: Save often and reload if necessary during landfilling. There is a handy table on the factorio wiki listing the throughput for different lengths of pipe between pumps.
Schall Pipe Scaling - Factorio Mods Factorio version: 0.17 - 1.1 Downloaded by: 6.01K users Summary Adds scaled up versions in different sizes for various pipes and pumps. A reactor without neighbor bonus needs 4 heat exchangers so that all its heat gets consumed. SmartAlec105 having more than 2 steam engines per boiler could do that. The steam production rate can also be calculated using the energy consumption: 1 Heat exchanger consumes 10MW, so it's putting 10,000,000 joule of energy into heating water/steam per second. can you post a screenshot/blueprint? All trademarks are property of their respective owners in the US and other countries.
r/factorio - I wanna make a nuclear powerplant. Where should I put it Post One offshore pump can supply 20 boilers and 40 steam engines. In theory, there is no difference between theory and practice. Does the game consider 1 water = 1 steam (just a different temperature?)
fox hill country club membership cost. This is taken from Accumulator / Solar Panel Ratio (which calculates this in an impressive mathematical way!) This allows steam engines to be chained together. Build the reactor over a lake, with careful placement of landfill you can have pumps directly feeding each end of the heat exchanger line. All rights reserved. using 3 pumps and a tank, you can feed 28 heat exchangers.
How the heck do you get enough water to heat exchangers?! - reddit How do you set up a reactor to get enough water to keep producing steam? Heat exchangers will not produce steam until they reach 500C. One offshore pump can supply 20 boilers and 40 steam engines. For each 100% neighbor bonus, the reactor needs 4 more heat exchangers. by gGeorg Sat Dec 07, 2019 1:00 am, Post Thanks. As each heat exchanger produces 10 MW, the optimal ratio is 500 steam turbines for every 291 heat exchangers. They produce electricity by consuming steam, using water pumped from an offshore pump that was heated to 165C steam with boilers or to 500C steam with heat exchangers. There are also times between day and night called dusk and dawn which complicate the calculations. For more information, please see our One steam engine consumes 900kW of energy stored in steam, so each boiler can supply 2 steam engines: 1.8MW 0.9MW = 2. But the water only gets heated up from 15C to 500C, so by 485C. Don't ask me how that works.) Each heat exchanger converts 103 water to 103 steam, feeding 1.72 turbines. Each offshore pump outputs 1200 units of water per second. Includes pipe, pipe to ground, pump, offshore pump, heat pipe.
Factorio Cheat Sheet Exchanger outputs to 2 tanks. One boiler consumes 1. I think it is easiest to just have an abundance of storage tanks for the steam. 75 crafting speed, while the induction furnaces use 3 * 1, so the ratio could be fine tuned a bit. Give exchanger max heat you can then let the exchanger turn 25k water into steam. This page was last edited on 13 September 2019, at 23:48. This produces the 1:20:40 ratio. I get that offshore pumps produce 1200 units of water per second. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. In practice, there is. Heat exchangers produce 103 steam/second.This can be calculated by relying on steam turbine data: A steam turbine consumes 60 steam/second and produces 5.82MW (assuming 500C steam). 4 Heat Exchangers boil 412.36 Water to Steam per second (103.09 per Heat Exchanger ). Thus, they can buffer 500 MJ of heat energy across their working range of 500C to 1000C, and require 485 MJ of energy to warm up from 15C to 500C when initially placed. It takes 200J to heat 1 unit of water by 1C. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience.
What is the ratio of water pumps to boilers? :: Factorio General Note: This is ONLY to be used to report spam, advertising, and problematic (harassment, fighting, or rude) posts. Each heat exchanger takes a maximum input 10 megawatts of heat and uses it to heat water into steam.
In Factorio, how much fluid can a pipe transfer? - Arqade Finally, after 20 hours of work, I present the flowchart for Pyanodon Space Science! They produce electricity by consuming steam, using water pumped from an offshore pump that was heated to 165C steam with boilers or to 500C steam with heat exchangers. 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Mechanical Throughput Magic (circuit-free), Frequently Suggested / Link Collections, lear_power,, Valve Corporation. u/asdjfsjhfkdjs calculated the convergents of 500:291, and found that 7 : 4 and 55 : 32 are both fairly accurate approximations. where game_day is the number of seconds in the game day which is 25000/60 s by default. (Low quality because reddit wouldn't let me upload the full png) redditads Promoted. That's actually just odd. Optimal ratio is 1 offshore pump for every 20 steam turbines; or, 25 offshore pumps for every 291 heat exchangers. The most heat exchangers I've been able to fit on a single length of heat pipe is 30 heat exchangers on 44 heat pipes; any more than that incurs significant heat loss. All rights reserved. The heat exchanger exchanges heat between a heat connection and water to produce steam . by leitk Mon Dec 02, 2019 4:29 am, Post The throughput of a fluid pipe depends on the length of said pipe, but you can put in pumps to pressurize the pipe and increase the throughput. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software.
Water consumption for heat exchangers math : r/factorio - reddit It took me 4 days to figure out the ratios related to nuclear power, so I figured I'd share. Press J to jump to the feed.
Offshore Pumps ratios and questions :: Factorio General Discussions A powered nuclear reactor outputs 40 megawatts of heat, plus an additional 40 megawatts for each powered nuclear reactor directly adjacent to it. which, given the default time lengths of: day = 12500/60 s; dawn or dusk = 5000/60 s; night = 2500/60 s, and the default: Solar_power = 60 kW; Accumulator_energy = 5 MJ = 5000 kJ, gives the optimal ratio of 0.84 accumulators per solar panel. Steam engines are the most basic electricity generator, available to the player at the start of the game. As far as I can tell, the absolute smallest perfect-ratio setup possible is: which would require an input of 1.46 uranium fuel cells per second and output a cool 46.56 gigawatts of electricity. 40 MW of power output is consumed by 4 Heat Exchangers (10MW per Heat Exchanger ). Id probably put it on or next to either of the lakes in the middle north or middle south. Community-run subreddit for the game Factorio made by Wube Software. In vanilla factorio, without mods which change any of these values, the optimal ratio will be the same. by disentius Tue Jan 07, 2020 9:36 pm, Post
Nuclear Ratios : r/factorio - reddit The current optimal ratio is 1 offshore pump to 20 boilers to 40 steam engines. fox hill country club membership cost. Then have a simple trigger than turns your nuclear plant on and off based on the storage tank steam levels. Or so. If the only effect the mod has on the game is it changes the total length of one day, without changing the ratio of dusk: day: dawn: night, then the equation can be simplified as. Then you just connect the reactors to exchangers and exchangers to turbines, also you need about 1 water pump per 10 exchangers (in vanilla). Is there any info about how much water per second Heat Exchangers use? A steam turbine consumes 60 units of steam per second, which is 5.82 MW.
Water supply for nuclear reactors - Factorio Forums by Amarula Fri Jan 03, 2020 4:45 pm, Post A heat exchanger consumes 10 MW. By accepting all cookies, you agree to our use of cookies to deliver and maintain our services and site, improve the quality of Reddit, personalize Reddit content and advertising, and measure the effectiveness of advertising. Also, the optimal ratio is: 1 offshore pump / 14 boilers / 10 steam engines is that 10 for each boiler? Connect water tank to exchanger for exactly 25k units water. A compendium of the most common Factorio game facts, such as build ratios, tips/tricks, . The steam production rate can also be calculated using the energy consumption: 1 Heat exchanger consumes 10MW, so it's putting 10,000,000 joule of energy into heating water/steam per second.