The most important rule when rep[airing those error codes that pop up on you from time to time is if it is under warranty, DO NOT touch it. As recommended by others I called customer support had to provide them with the model and serial number as well as the store information. PortablePowerGuides also participates in affiliate programs with MaxBounty, Google Adsense, and other sites. Heaters are regarded as high-draw applications, and small amounts of the warmth of the cable are customary and acceptable. If you confirm that the fireplaces motor is running but you are seeing no light from it, then probably the bulb goes bad. To fix a CO error code on an electric fireplace, you can try the following steps: Understanding the meanings of error codes on an electric fireplace can help diagnose and fix any issues that may arise. This cannot be repaired. WebIf your electric fireplace is displaying an EC code, it means that the unit has detected an abnormal operating condition. There is another meaning to the term flashing. The Do not restrict the natural airflow of the heater to prevent such malfunction in the future. Hold the thermostat button for 3 seconds to set the reading in Celcius or Fahrenheit. [Were about to smash all the myths you know], Can you put an electric fireplace and TV on same wall? If this error remains unsolved, contact a professional, as they will tackle this error code quickly to get you back your perfect and trouble-free fireplace model. Thats BS! Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. You are unlikely to encounter a CO error code in a modern electric fireplace. Press the remotes button and check whether you are seeing a red light or not. Check out tubes ( bent tubes ), as bent tubes are one of the leading causes of this error E5. This could be caused by a malfunction in the unit or by something blocking the airflow to the heating element. What could the problem be? Year Manufactured: 2022. The item is warranted for 5 years (limited). (BTW, I bought the exact same unit today). Electric fireplaces have error codes. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. When I bought it at Menards, they said it was warranted for 5 years. Checked the water bucket..BONE DRY. If your electric fireplace shows this error we would recommend checking your user manual or finding the manual online for your specific model. Common electric fireplace error codes (E3, E5, E2, E1, CO Also, sparks can generate near the plug and damage it from the outside. BestSolarLightshas spent time testing thousands of products ec error code on electric fireplace, researching the advantages and disadvantages of these ec error code on electric fireplace over the 2023. This transfer will close the energy off if the unit is tipped to forty-five degrees. If the fireplace is overheating, reset it by turning the device off for several minutes before switching it back on. Second, it means that the wireless thermostat is no longer sending signals to the unit control. Once the temperature triggers the overheat sensor, the fireplace will use this code to warn you. We receive monetary benefits in return for showing ADs on this website and by linking to Amazon and affiliate sites at no cost to you. is a participant in the Amazon Associates Program, Google Adsense, and Ezoic Ad Network. Hopefully, your heater problem will be solved. Electric Fireplace Common Problems (And Their Solutions) Stellar is an engineer. Inlets and outlets are where you should look, as they are causing blockages and restrictions in the airflow. Other causes could be a problem with the control board or wiring, or a malfunctioning thermostat or temperature sensor. This code is not something that should be ignored when you see it pop up on your controllers screen. Those obstructions can be something like the fireplace is too close to a wall or as simple as dirt, dust, and debris have found their way to that inlet or vent. When they do, those sensors trigger error codes. Or you can follow what the manual says and reset the fireplace by unplugging it for about a half hour. Replace the bad bulb and fix the issue. Suitable For: Indoor. Electric Fireplace EC Code Fix - YouTube B. bigjoe1959 of Oshkosh, US. Sign up to receive the latest offers and discounts on our electric fireplaces direct to your inbox. You probably have a unique model with a distinct set of error codes. Verify that the room temperature is within the operating range of the electric fireplace. Well I bought mine used off of marketplace. This can happen if there is any kind of short circuit on the wire. Blockage can cause your models fans to stop working, and also look out in your models vents for the presence of dirt and debris. Instead of taking car to mechanic shop, you can use it to check the trouble code and show code definition by yourself. If it could not, then, you should call for service. your electric fireplaces fan could operate with a bad bulb. plugged into different outlets. (Ford V10 Turbo Kit Options), What Sealant Can I Use On a TPO Roof? Check the thermostat and temperature sensor connections: Make sure the sensor is properly connected to the control board and that the wiring is secure. In this article, we will guide you on how to turn on, Read More How to turn on electric fireplace [An easy to follow step-by-step guide for 2023]Continue, Why is my electric fireplace clicking? People do not realize that dust can accumulate in a fireplace. Refer to your fireplaces owners manual to ensure that you are using the recommended bulbs. You can set the thermostat from the panel. Lets know in detail what the errors and error codes are alongside accurate solutions for the same. Troubleshoot with Article "How Fireplaces Work". You see the E1 error when your unit overheats. Zack Zebulon. Use a compressor to blow air through the passageways. Loose connections that affect a fans operations. Lucky for you, Duraflame Heater parts are available online. This is not the case with the AD310 scanner as it can support all OBDII protocols such as KWP2000, J1850 VPW, ISO9141, J1850 PWM and CAN. Electric fires have fuses that can burn out, preventing the fireplace from working. In this case, you must first contact a certified HVAC technician to check the pressure. If the above steps do not resolve the issue, it may be best to contact the manufacturer or a professional electrician for further assistance. [An experts guide for 2023]Continue, Electric fireplaces are a common feature in many homes these days. Youve probably seen a split receptacle, but you had no idea what it was called. You cant dis-assemble the thing because they have 2 Philips head screws way down the upper sides and unless you have a 12"+'ll never get the screws out. Hot %#*@. E2 means that the temperature controllers internal clock has a problem. Error codes can then be detected pinpoint, and you can further put an end to these errors to make your electric fireplace smooth again. Whoot whoot! WebThe "EC" is error code and is generated when the compressor overheats. Your email address will not be published. ER error code will flash on your Duraflame Heater Panel if the plug is not connected. Due to these solutions, the connection of your model will surely be corrected and work as if this error code never existed in the first place. If the sensor is damaged, it will need to be replaced. Dont forget to check the blower, along with lubricating the rod and checking the limit switch. Ran it from May to mid July in 2016. #88- For Furion, this flashing code or steady light means that the blower fan is overheating. The drawback to that plan is the warranty. This should clear the obstacles, especially dust. Lucky day! All Right Reserved by FIREPLACEHUBS. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The best place to put your electric fireplace and TV, Read More Can you put an electric fireplace and TV on same wall? But if your fireplace has chosen to display an ER error, it means a faulty outlet. Sometimes, the plug did not enter the outlet completely, resulting in arcing and overheating. Apparently only a few of these items are bad with error code "EC." ]Continue, I think that it is important for people to remember that electric fireplaces occur in a variety of styles and can be very tasteful. Bent tubes can attract E5 error codes as well. First, clean all the stored debris causing blockage and error in your fireplace. Can you keep your Duraflame Heater on all night? Many people enjoy the ambiance that an electric fireplace can provide, as well as the convenience and cost-effectiveness of this type of heater. Your owners manual should have more detailed information available to help guide you through this repair. My does the same - I have unplugged it and restarted it NUMEROUS times and it is off again the next day. WebE2 means that the temperature controllers internal clock has a problem. He is an imaginative thinker and regularly comes up with resourceful answers to challenging problems. I was purchased in June 2014 and run that summer. After 5 minutes, power everything back on and try again. it is usually set on 55%. If it shows E1 instead of 1, you can use the solution for eliminating the E1 error codes that were mentioned above. The answer to this question is yes! E1- There may be a loose wire on the thermal cutoff switch. The compressor is not pumping the refrigerant through the system and will eventually overheat and stop with the EC code. Heat Surge Electric Fireplace Troubleshooting [7 Easy Solutions]. You can also contact your dealer for additional components. Do Duraflame Heaters consume a lot of electricity? If you are not under warranty, simply look up what the error code means and repair the problem. Lastly, let us know your thoughts, and stay safe! This is not a difficult error to correct. Also, you can check the different discussion forums for your specific brand of RV or travel trailer. Because EE error codes are rare, you should check the manual if you see one. Check whether the spinner spindle is connected to the motor and that the flame generator drive motor is running. Regular maintenance and inspections can also help prevent errors from occurring. WebSo, working in conjuction with the home's primary heating system, Dimplex fireplaces are capable of taking the chill off just about any size room when required. If that doesnt work, then you can reset the circuit board by turning the fireplace off for 15 to 20 minutes. If the heating element is damaged, it will need to be replaced. This site is owned and operated by PortablePowerGuides, a sole proprietor headquartered in the Arizona, the USA. However, even electric fireplaces face some issues and errors which can prevent you from using them optimally. Because electric portable fireplaces run off electricity, the first place to check is in the power supply when the unit is not working. 5 16" (128 cm) 19 . MODELS : 18II210GRA, 23II210GRA Error Codes How do You Fix The ER Code on an Electric Fireplace. Consider the Can You Wire A Single Pole & 3 Way Switch With 12/2 Wire? First, try cleaning the fireplace and do it regularly. E5 error codes denote venting problems. If there is no obstruction, then you have to do a power reset and let the device solve its own problem. Make sure you plug your unit into a standard outlet.Also, check the circuit breaker whether any switch is tripped or not. may have more codes depending on the maker of the fireplace. Electric Fireplace link to Can You Wire A Single Pole & 3 Way Switch With 12/2 Wire? [I bought an LG 70 pint from HD and it leaked for seven days! The unit cannot be disassembled. It is likely a problem with the control board. Plug the unit into another outlet or install a dedicated 15-amp circuit. Look for a faulty outlet. -The fireplaces blower fan is dirty or obstructed and needs Check the thermostat sensor for any visible damage or wear. How Do I Reset My Electric Fireplace? [ Troubleshooting Fireplace ] If this doesnt work, you should consult a professional, especially if the manual hasnt provided any other notable solutions to the error code. Contact customer service for a replacement thermostat sensor. My febo flame unit model number is ZHS-18-B with a date code 6-17 product # 15IN-23-101. When you are camping in 40 degree F temperatures or lower, it is best to have a real furnace to handle the heating chores. Is this something AI can rectify myself and if so, show can I do that? Always turn off your Duraflame Heater before going to bed. Some issues might be affecting your Duraflame Heater. Ditto Electrolux finally ANSWERED.! Firstly, reset your electric fireplace and see if this clears the code in case it is a misfire of the code. Mine as well. Affiliate Toolis supported by its audience. The high ratings on this item speaks for itself. There is one under Greystones brand name called Tec Flame but you only see the Greystone brand. Featured review. If the pressure matches the gray label on the side of the condenser, your system has insufficient refrigerant. E3 Error Code Reason and Troubleshooting. E3 error code refers to errors caused due to Overheating or Heat override. Otherwise, the interpretation will vary with each model. If your device shows CO, the error code is probably unique to that model. But in this case, you will not see any light coming from it. It has the information you want to know about so you can make the right repairs. Turn off the electric fireplace and unplug it from the outlet. If it isnt under warranty, then you are free to buy your replacement at any retail outlet and DIY or have someone do it for you. It also means that fireplace is a victim of overvoltage or Undervoltage. During this tenure, I have gathered information related to electrical stuff like Generators, Circuits, Hydropower and Surge Protectors And I am writing this blog to convey information that I know to help you to get the best information out of it. 2 work fine, but the third is a constant E1 code. How do you set the thermostat of the Duraflame Heater? Although the unit is just past the second year of warranty they indicated they would have a replacement offer. What this lack of error codes does is make repairing the situation a lot simpler. Yes, you can get only flame without heat setting on a mini Heat Surge Fireplace which is existed on the back side of the fireplace. Some brands may require a longer absence of power to reset their devices so look in your owners manual to see the specific time frame for your specific fireplace. An example of data being processed may be a unique identifier stored in a cookie. The remote can either turn on or off your Duraflame heater. ], Are electric fireplaces tacky in 2023? Contact the manufacturer if none of the above steps work. Remote doesnt work even with new batteries. Why is the electric fireplace waving cold air? I have cleaned the filter and checked the unit completely. We will objectively evaluate quality products with the desire to give you the best choice. If not you can clean your fan and move it slightly so that there is more airflow. Your owners manual may have more codes depending on the maker of the fireplace. Heat may not be circulated for the wrong thermostat setting or if the heater control button is off. In most cases, you can do the repair yourself if your fireplace is not under warranty. An easy and effective way to get rid of all the dirt causing this blockage is to use a compressor to blow out the air from the passageways of your fireplace model. 80K views 6 years ago The cause of E1 ERROR Code on electric fireplace infrared heater was caused by the thermal cutoff switch. Start by cleaning the inlets/outlets to remove the blockages restricting the airflow. You dont need to replace it. Electric Fireplace Technical Support If the E5 error code on your electric fireplace is indicating a problem with ventilation or the fan not working, try these steps to fix the issue: An E3 error code either indicates that the electric fireplace is overheating or that there is a problem with the overheating sensor itself. Reset the fireplace: If your fireplace has a reset button, try pressing it to reset the system. Heat Surge electric fireplaces assist you to feel warmth and comfort at a reasonable cost. It might be wobbly as well. Bulbs have been replaced but dont light when fireplace is turned on. How To Open Pop-Up Camper Without Crank (Raise Broken Pop-Up), 3.31 vs 3.55 Axle Ratio: Difference Between 3.31 And 3.55, What Is the ACTIVE Network Credit Card Charge? EC Error We and our partners use data for Personalised ads and content, ad and content measurement, audience insights and product development. For dimensions of your fireplace, refer to Figure 1. just no lights? It's on the model/serial number sticker on the left back side. Make sure it is snug and secure in the outlet. My Frigidaire unit was on the recall. (Data Link Troubleshooting). If this does not solve the problem contact customer service for a replacement thermostat sensor. As an Amazon Associate, I earn from qualifying purchases by linking to and affiliated sites. Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for 36inch Electric Fireplace Wall Mount Free Standing Decor Remote LED Flame Gifts at the best online prices at eBay! This can create a malfunction in the system. light will not shut off after i turn unit offwhy does the light stay on all the time, the roller flames shut off but the bulb stays on all the time. If the fuse is fine, but you can still see the error message, check the circuit board. The overheating sensor has been turned on as it has detected too much heat around your fireplaces interior. My light works fine or the flames but makes a terrible noise when the heat part is turned on, then takes a minute or so after hitting the off button. As the outlet is not the problem, check the fuse inside the fireplace that may be blown & fix it. Then, turn on the heater & if still you hear the same grinding noise, you may need to replace the blower motor. Producing This error code E3 should never be ignored as it not only puts your electric fireplace model at risk but can also give rise to a fire that can burn your entire house. Both overvoltage and Undervoltage can cause your fireplace this error code. Like everyone else, the unit cuts off and has to be reset by unplugging and plugging back in. To fix the issue, first, make sure you installed the remote batteries correctly. If youre new to electric fireplaces, turning them on may seem like a daunting task, but its actually quite simple. Here are some other error codes that you may find on your electric fireplace: E1 This is an error code that comes up if the overheat sensor has triggered, WebAnother common cause of an electric fireplace shutting off unexpectedly is when the bulbs are too high of a wattage for your particular model. The wire has short circuited. However, if youve ever heard a clicking sound coming from your electric fireplace, it can be a cause for concern. If the device cannot retrieve the data in the controllers memory chip, it will display an E2 error code. Make sure the room where the fireplace is located has adequate ventilation. Apparently only a few of these items are bad with error code "EC." The item is warranted for 5 years (limited). Our experts are always here for your help. More than likely, it is unique to your model. An E3 code may appear on both new and used units and will either be due to It also means that fireplace is a victim of overvoltage or Undervoltage. PortablePowerGuides is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If your manual has connected the E2 error code to a malfunction in the temperature controller, you can either reset the controller or replace it. Dont assume that the interpretation of the error code in other fireplaces will apply to your model. This will make the connection and functioning of your model smooth and running perfectly again. If your fireplace uses a motor instead of a light bulb, check the motor. Twin Star Electric Fireplace Problems [9 Easy Solutions] The controls on my electric fireplace A Thermostat Dial B Main On and Off Switch (turns Just flip it back on. Fireplaces can overheat, resulting in an error code. Never do any repair work while your devices, including these fireplaces, are still under warranty coverage. Plug when not entered completely or correctly in your outlet results in overheating and arcing troubleshoots. Perform a reset maneuver. Yes, I can unplug it, plug it back in, and hit the power switch to turn it on again, but I purchased this dehumidifier to run in my basement without so much manual intervention.
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