El Paso mass shooting suspect pleads not guilty in 22 deaths Judge Meredith . Karen Parrott This office is where you go to be issued a marriage license, search for land records and deeds, title your vehicle, renew your vehicle registration, and register to vote. 500 E. San Antonio,Ste. For general questions call 719-452-5000 or email 04SelfHelp@judicial.state.co.us. view map, Disclaimer El Paso County Sheriff and Jail. Court Coordinators, Bailiffs, Professional Certified Court Reporters, and Professional Licensed & Certified Court Interpreters for Visiting Judges. Names will be reflected on the marriage license exactly as they appear on the IDs. Board of County Commissioners Meeting Information, FAQs Regarding Marijuana and El Paso County, Persons with Disabilities Parking Privileges, Purchase from a CO dealership with financing, Purchase from a Colorado Dealership without Financing, Remote Access to Recorded Images and Data, Clerk and Recorders Office Implements New Voter Registration Maintenance Program, Clerk & Recorders Office Delayed Opening on January 11, 2023, El Paso County Motor Vehicle Registration Renewal Kiosk Crests 100K Transactions Annually, Verified Petition For Relief Filed by PAUL T. PRENTICE and TIMOTHY J. KIRKWOOD Dismissed with Prejudice. 20DR32859 Honorable Frances Johnson, Judge In re the Marriage of Heather Ranta, Appellee, and Jeffrey Ranta, Appellant. A trial by jury, but you may waive the right to a trial by jury and be tried by the court. Fennick, Yolanda: 719-452-5207: Weekdays, Judicial Building Only, No Weekends The judge, who is in his first term, is due to expire in 2022 . NOTE: Audio recordings are not available. The county judge is elected to a four-year term and is paid $131,481 a year. If your payment if not honored for any reason, the county may assess a service charge in addition to the original payment amount. More Info on Page! El Paso County, Colorado Public Records Directory If your situation is not covered, please call our office at (719) 520-6200 between 8 a.m. and 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday (excluding holidays) to obtain specific instructions on what will be required for your circumstances. Box 2980 [ Public Meetings ] Contact Us (915) 546-2000 Divorce Records | Archives - Colorado EL PASO, TEXAS . Municipal Courts. Lawsuit: Former CSPD officer forced to retire after injuries sustained 18 and older May apply to obtain a marriage license. [ Public Meetings ] El Paso County District Court No. Although the couple may solemnize their own marriage, that . Marriage Licenses - El Paso County Clerk and Recorder The last four digits of the Social Security Numbers are required on marriage license applications. 414th Judicial District Court . El Paso, Texas 79901 The judges and staff of El Paso Municipal Court recognize that for most people their impression of the justice system is derived from their experience in municipal courts. Trellis helps you find cases in El Paso County, Texas court records. Charleston St Property Records (El Paso, TX) - countyoffice.org For research questions email 04ResearchRequest@judicial.state.co.us. Community Services (Rent Assistance, Pauper Burial, Senior Nutrition), Domestic Relations Office (Child Support, Family Court Services, Community Supervision). Colorado Springs, CO 80901-2007, Colorado Department of Revenue Suite 301 County of El Paso Texas - County Judge Search El Paso County Jail inmate records by name or booking number. El Paso, Texas 79901 We are here to serve you and the community we all love and call home. Commissioners are eligible for taxpayer funded health care. and for Expedited Enforcement of the Foreign Child Custody Determination pursuant to14-13-308, C.R.S. [ Public Meetings ] Governor Jared Polis (D) appointed Burney on April 21, 2020, to replace Judge Lawrence Martin. AND . In cooperation with the people we serve: our Courts; the different City, County, and State departments; local, state, and federal law enforcement agencies; social services agencies, law professionals, and elected officials at all levels of the Judiciary, the Council of Judges Administration provide a host of court support and administrative services including: (915) 546-2000 Search court records for March 2023 in El Paso County District Courts by case name, case number, plaintiff, defendant, judge, and more. 719-452-5000, El Paso County Judicial Building (Court House) YouTube. El Paso County District Courts Records for March 2023 endstream endobj startxref Family Treatment Drug Court Agreement and Waiver. Colorado Springs, CO 80901. El Paso, TX 79901 719-452-5000. A license to marry in Colorado may be obtained 8:00 a.m. - 4:30 p.m. at all Clerk & Recorder's office locations Monday-Friday and at the North Office on Saturday 8:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. in accordance with the requirements outlined below. El Paso County Texas Court Directory | CourtReference.com She won in the retention election on November 8, 2022.. Valid ID must be furnished by both parties Updated: Mar 3, 2023 / 02:45 PM MST. Code 75.014(a). Some clergy, judges, or public officials may request them. 500 E. San Antonio Colorado Springs, Colorado, United States. Her current term ends on January 12, 2027. Email COJADMIN@epcounty.com On this page you will find official records, documents and results for the 2022 Primary and General Elections. Community Services (Rent Assistance, Pauper Burial, Senior Nutrition), Domestic Relations Office (Child Support, Family Court Services, Community Supervision), Statement To El Paso Bar Attorneys Court Response To Coronavirus, Associate Child Protective Services Court. Clerk of Court, El Paso County. Couples may solemnize their own marriage (C.R.S. FCF552 Order to Appear and Show Cause Why Foreign Child Custody Determination should not be Registered and Enforced. Burney ran for re-election for judge of the El Paso County Court in Colorado. Phone (915) 546-2071 Email countyclerk@epcounty.com. There are 2 Marriage License Offices in El Paso County, Texas, serving a population of 834,825 people in an area of 1,013 square miles. Valid ID must be furnished by both parties, Birth Certificates (Birth Certificates in a language other than English must be accompanied by a certified translation), City and county detention center ID cards, Souvenir birth certificates (issued by hospitals). Phone (915) 546-2098 HELENA CHEMICAL COMPANY v. ROBERT COX, ET AL. County of El Paso Texas - County Judge Suite 101 1. Annexes: Ysleta Annex 9521 Socorro Road, Suite A-1 El Paso, Texas 79927 Phone: (915 . View hours and other information The El Paso Council of Judges is composed of the judges of the district courts of El Paso County, the judges of the county courts at law of El Paso County, and the judge of the probate court of El Paso County. Certified is an additional $1.00 per document. Link & Privacy Policy, [ County Directory ] [ Court Directory ] LOCATIONS AND HOURS: County Courthouse . Items will be added as they become available. Community Services (Rent Assistance, Pauper Burial, Senior Nutrition), Domestic Relations Office (Child Support, Family Court Services, Community Supervision). In observance of Cesar Chavez Day, all Municipal Court locations will be closed Friday, March 31, 2023. Colorado Judicial Branch Contact Information. (C.R.S. Suite 101 During my term, I plan to bring a fresh perspective to County government as we work to develop and promote initiatives that will improve the quality of life for our residents, as well as bring continued growth to the County of El Paso by creating a more competitive and progressive region. (915) 212-0215. The Texas Republican Party will decide Saturday whether to censure U.S. Rep. Tony Gonzales of San Antonio over his votes to uphold same-sex marriage and tighten national firearm laws. of McLennan County, Texas (TC# 2020-1717-5) O P I N I O N . County Judge Homepage. Remain silent however you may waive this right and discuss your case with a city prosecutor in an effort to dispose of your case without a trial. For copies to be returned by mail, the following additional handling fees apply: 1-10 Pages-$1.25, 11-20 Pages-$2.00, Over 20 Pages-$2.50. Home - El Paso County, Colorado Others who can solemnize a marriage are judges, retired judges, magistrates, Indian tribe officials and clergy. 915-546-2071 . PDF In the District Court of El Paso, Hudspeth & Culberson Counties 205th Board of County Commissioners Meeting Information; Contact the Clerk to the Board; El Paso County Ordinances; FAQs Regarding Marijuana and El Paso County; Meeting Live Stream; Meeting Video Archives; Contact the Clerk and Recorder's Office; County Clerk and Recorder; Customer Feedback; Elections. EL PASO COUNTY, COLORADO 2023, All Rights Reserved. Contact Information. Assigning attorneys to qualifying Indigent Defense Program defendants on Court Orders for Appointment of Counsel. Court #1 Judge Michelle MoralesTue-Fri: 10:00 a.m. & 10:45 p.m. Court #2 Judge Kristin RomeroMon, Wed, Thur, Fri: 1:00 p.m. & 2:00 p.m. Court #3 Judge David BonillaMon-Thur: 7:00 a.m. & 7:45 a.m. Court #4 Judge Enrique HolguinMon, Tue, Wed: 4:15 p.m. & 5:00 p.m.Thur: 4:15 p.m.Fri: 11:00 a.m. & 12:00 p.m.Court #5 Judge Daniel RobledoMon, Tues, Thur: 11:30 a.m. & 12:15 a.m.Fri: 7:00 a.m. & 7:45 a.m.Court #5B Judge Dominguez. Road Work Request. 1:29. El Paso County Marriage Records - secretlipstickaddict.com 2020 Records and Results; 2021 Records and Results This case was filed in El Paso County Superior Courts, with None . State Commission on Judicial Conduct 1903-1941 El Paso County; 1906-1916 Garfield County; 1957-1974 Park County; 1931-1964 Pitkin . El Paso Voter Guide: Ricardo Samaniego vs. Guadalupe Giner This case concerns the characterization of property in a divorce. Texas. If the county and time frame of your divorce are not included on this list, then State Archives does not have your record. The Office of the Clerk and Recorder is where many of the transactions between County Government and its citizens occur. Meet the candidates: El Paso County Judge - news.yahoo.com The following guidelines apply to all individuals applying for a marriage license in the state.
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