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Ngy l tnh nhn nh mnh ca bc s ph sn David Bradbury: The way that this woman had been beaten, I mean, her face was swollen, her face was bloody. It was seen as a coup for the defense that it locked up one of the most highly regarded blood spatter experts in the nation. What he hoped to show the skeptics through trial was that yes, the doctor was indeed a man who loved his wife -- loved her maybe too much. I don't have anything to lose. The prosecutor was well aware of the hurdles he faced, not the least of which: the lack of motive. Daughter testifies slain woman was scared, upset - The Oklahoman And you know, start her day off right before she got busy with her meeting. Detective Teresa Sterling: He was acting very upset. He told them he had been frantically trying to save her life. Horton said. Shouldn't the killer have left a trace? Bevel was the last witness in the trial, and from everything he testified to under the defense attorney's gentle questioning, he'd helped dr. Hamilton. Area Briefs: Doctor convicted of killing wife loses appeal No affidavit was filed with the formal charges because John Hamilton is in custody. As is routine in domestic murders, the detectives would take a look at the spouse -- John Hamilton, himself. Susan.". But knew she wasn't one easily rattled or intimidated. John Baxter Taylor, Jr. 1882 - 1908 - University of Pennsylvania School Randy Scott: There's no burglary prints to obtain downstairs. Lane backed up his theory with physical evidence. You may not upload any more photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 20 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 5 photos to this memorial, This photo was not uploaded because this memorial already has 30 photos, This photo was not uploaded because you have already uploaded 15 photos to this memorial. Prosecutors are trying to prove Hamilton hid his bloody clothes and the blunt instrument used to kill the victim. Just putting out brochures all over his neighborhood and his kids' school that, you know, said, "Wanted: Dead or Alive.". According to another source, he will be released from prison on Valentines Day 2021. His attorneys have claimed that police had improper contact with Bevel, who is a former police officer, during the trial. Whoever this woman was, there were way too many calls to and from her. The doctor, according to the prosecution's version, now had to cover up his frenzy by going back to perform his second surgery as though nothing had happened. "You could tell she was crying. What was that all about? Pictures of his injuries have been shown to the jury. After all -- nothing can bring back the beautiful, headstrong, woman they all loved. If you have questions, please contact [emailprotected]. The Eclectic Murders - LearnLocker - Empowering student engagement for Ross Gardner: We took a one-to-one image of Mrs. Hamilton's head -- the injury, the laceration. Inmate Search: John Baxter Hamilton 413355, Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Bevel and prosecutors have denied those allegations. Two neckties were knotted about her throat. Have a good day. "Someone said there is a fine line between love and hate, and that man crossed it," Lane said in his opening statement in the first-degree murder trial for Hamilton, an Oklahoma City gynecologist, obstetrician and abortionist. He said he'd gotten Susan's blood on him from performing CPR. Her husband, John Baxter Hamilton was convicted of murder, and is serving a life sentence. There is a problem with your email/password. Prosecutors are counting on experts to testify that Susan Hamilton's blood and flesh were found in the defendant's 1996 Jaguar parked outside their home at 3056 Bush Creek Road. And that justice would come out. Home; Memorials; Cemeteries; Famous; Contribute; Register; Sign In; . I would say less than two minutes. All rights reserved. An email has been sent to the person who requested the photo informing them that you have fulfilled their request, There is an open photo request for this memorial. Knowing that they were about to put his patient under anesthesia, Hamilton returned to the clinic, performed the surgery, and then came back home to finish cleaning up, Lane said. Just, you know, just a very light-hearted conversation. Blood that then transferred from his hands and clothes to the car. The court rejected Hamilton's. Wes Lane: John Hamilton is a control guy. It read, "A reward in heaven will be bestowed on anyone contributing to bringing this murderer to justice." Supervised and trained employees in office duties, computer programs, and phone dialog. degree murder trial of her stepfather, Dr. News network NBC did a Dateline episode about the case. Dr. Hamilton 911 call Doctor, slain wife argued about affair, police say - Evidence taken from home where woman's body found Doctor leaves jail for funeral - Obstetrician permitted to attend wife's services Doctor accused in wife's death to remain in jail Suspect loses bail appeal - Doctor charged in wife's death to remain in jail pending trial It was the high society doctor, married to the beautiful wife, that were crazy about one another. And then there were these curious stains on the doctor's shirt -- the blood expert thought he saw a similarity between their angular shape, and the wound created on Susan's head. The-- they don't agree. Failed to report flower. Randy Scott: You know, you wouldn't a had time to washed up. free samples of anti-depressants And while there were scenarios to serously consider: a berserk robber, or maybe the legion of activists opposed to the couple's abortion practice, the crime scene wasn't telling them that. Thank you for fulfilling this photo request. Dr. John Baxter Hamilton loved his wife to death, District Attorney Wes Lane told an Oklahoma County jury Thursday. The dancer said Hamilton told her he loved his wife and didn't want to get a divorce. To view a photo in more detail or edit captions for photos you added, click the photo to open the photo viewer. Two weeks later he was sentenced to life without the possibility of parole. Hamilton, 53, was taken into custody just over an hour after he called 911, saying his wife was "hurt" and "bleeding all over the place." Both had recently separated -- John from his first wife, and Susan from Dick Horton. He says he did wife repeatedly throughout the Tom Bevel: In my examination, I found additional blood that was not talked about anywhere, on the inside of the right cuff. Susan Johnston: Susan had noticed that John was getting a lot of cell calls. John Hamilton: Yes. And I don't think they-- believed it. Isn't that what Valentine's Day is supposed to be about? Hamilton will have a closed-circuit arraignment before a judge on Friday. "He tried to get the key in the ignition, but he couldn't because he was shaking so much," Martin said. Flowers added to the memorial appear on the bottom of the memorial or here on the Flowers tab. She said he would give her samples of medication she needed for depression when she didn't have the money to buy prescription drugs. John Hamilton: Oh, sure. Not necessarily a killer's shoe, countered the defense expert, but the shoe of Dr. Hamilton as he gave his wife CPR. Photos larger than 8Mb will be reduced. The Hamiltons did have enemies. We actually believe that-- that-- John Hamilton was trying to clean things up before he got paged. A judge earlier ruled there was probable cause to detain Hamilton pending formal charges being filed. Tom Bevel, the blood spatter expert hired by Dr. John Hamilton, had wrapped up his questioning under defense attorneys. lied to her," Horton said. John Hamilton: The more Susan and I talked about things the more things were clarified, the more things we got straightened out. Nothing was stolen, and yet, there was this curious story that cropped up in the days after Susan had been murdered. Quail Creek home. After all, he'd had a busy morning -- performing not just one, but two surgeries with only a brief stop at home in between. The defense was dealt a setback at the start of trial. But not pretty doctor's wives in Oklahoma City. much.". And go back and do another surgery. Susan, as it turns out, should also have left by 9:20, because she had a 9:30 meeting at a friend's house ten minutes away. Antiabortion protesters had picketed the clinic and, friends said, even their home. A panicked Hamilton told the operator that he was attempting to perform CPR on her. They do on Perry Mason, but they don't in the real world.". Select the best result to find their address, phone number, relatives, and public records. or don't show this againI am good at figuring things out. To the prosecutor, the Valentine's Day card John had received that morning lit the fuse for the violence that followed. Thanks for your help! Still, there was the doctor's seemingly solid alibi. The card had been found inside john's Jaguar. And in photos of the crime scene, the prosecutor pointed out for jurors something that needed explaining -- a wet rag left in the pool of blood from the victim's head. Randy Scott: John Hamilton was just not the victim's spouse that we were seein'. last telephone conversation that she and Everyone who knew the couple was saying the same thing -- it just didn't make sense for the mild-mannered doctor to have killed Susan. Prosecutors had made a big deal about the doctor showing up late for his second surgery that morning. In fact, she even told her best friend Sharry, "I don't believe John had an affair." The prosecutor told the jury he envisioned the murder this way: the doctor coming back mid-morning after his first surgery, trying to patch things up with his wife who, majorly, wasn't buying it. I was scared. "Blood spatter is not an exact science, and Bevel had gone over to the dark side on him. And the shoe splattered with Susan's blood from different directions as she was being killed? What's more, only days before the murder, another anti-abortion group had applied for a permit to stage a protest in front of Hamiltons house. You can always change this later in your Account settings. He said he "absolutely" did not kill his wife, and that he is not the type of person to fly off the handle. I just, I wanted them to be able to get in and help. Dr. John Baxter Hamilton It took only about two hours for the jury to reach a guilty verdict and Hamilton was sentenced to life without parole. Dennis Murphy: There are a lot of people, the ones who would think you are guilty are saying, "It's time for Dr. Hamilton to finally admit his guilt, be a guy, step up to the plate, and tell the story the way it was.". To investigators, that delay opened up the doctor's window of opportunity by up to an hour. A Valentine's Day Murder in Oklahoma - ABC News Then the prosecutor rose for his cross-examination. Sorry! Instead they uncover a horrific crime scene, with two badly mutilated bodies. "It was a shock to everybody, Hamilton said on the news program. ", Hamilton denies that he was having an affair or that his wife wanted a divorce. Two men's ties were tightly knotted about her neck. Skip to main content. Learn more about merges. "Ultimately, you take an oath to tell the truth and that overrides any allegiance I may have to any client," he said. 0 cemeteries found in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma County, Oklahoma, USA. Are you sure that you want to delete this memorial? I can only speculate how. Family members linked to this person will appear here. her mother, Horton testified in the first- "You have to with what has happened in this country.". The palm goes on the center of the chest, on the sternum. Verify and try again. He has not given an inch in that regard., Murphy said Hamilton still has the "command authority of a physician and chatted about vacationing in Italy "as if he was still in touch with the outside world.. There's no tracks that ran out through the creek bed and behind. Wes Lane: So somebody would have had to come in, get enraged, surprised her, and thrown her to the ground, and done the rest. 24/7 coverage of breaking news and live events. Friends say that when they met each other, they made an instant connection. So in Susan's mind, the affair was not an issue anymore. Hamilton, 62, was an Oklahoma City obstetrician, gynecologist and abortionist. What was she like? Ever. Dick Horton: I think the best way to describe her is a woman that always wanted to be a mother, was proud to be a mother. He did not think it could have come from giving CPR. Susan Shibley Hamilton (1946-2001) - Find a Grave Memorial Oklahoma abortionist charged with murdering wife - Voice For Life Did it ever. Was he nervous about what an examination of his body would reveal? The first-degree murder charge accuses Dr. John Baxter Hamilton, 52, an obstetrician and gynecologist, in the beating and strangulation death of his wife, Susan Shibley Hamilton, 55. With that revelation, the defense expert became the star witness for the trials prosecution. Please enter your email and password to sign in. As for the discovery of Susan's hair and blood tissue in his car, Hamilton explained it this way: he said after calling 911 he realized the EMTs wouldn't be able to get their ambulance past his car out front, so he raced out to move it. One blow crushed her skull, Gofton said. Save to an Ancestry Tree, a virtual cemetery, your clipboard for pasting or Print. John frantically called 911. The defense says the scratches could have been made by a number of objects besides fingernails. Then came the prosecutor, Wes Lane's, turn on cross-examination. Karen Reisig: I personally don't believe a physician could do-- a surgery, go commit a brutal crime of murder. At the end, I think she was calmer and she said, "I'm gonna think about it.". It was about that bloody shirt taken from the doctor. Her skull had John Hamilton, 53, is on trial in the Valentine's Day slaying of his wife at their Investigators never recovered the murder weapon. Prosecutors said Hamilton changed clothes after killing his wife in the master bathroom. Other little issues about maybe was it a burglary. And, Bradbury says, he didn't see any signs that the doctor had even attempted mouth-to-mouth resuscitation. That goes to another issue of we talk about possibly being staged or draw attention to me instead of emotionally upset over the loss of his wife. Daughter of Kamille Kareen and Louise Sibley.Mother of 2 children.Lived to age 55 years.Murder victim. Add to your scrapbook. Prosecutors may finish calling their witnesses today. I was horribly wrong. The blood spatter expert on the stand -- on the payroll of the defense -- hesitated before answering. He said he performed a surgery around 7 a.m., then came home to exchange Valentine's cards with his wife. John Baxter Hamilton, Abortionist and Wife-Killer - Blogger It was never on anyone that, there were calls that were made to Susan that scared her that weren't brought out. If I really did it, if it would, if it would clear my conscience, but I didn't do it. But eventually, she said, "Yes, I'll go.". Dennis Murphy, Dateline NBC: Who was she? Are you sure that you want to remove this flower? You have a good marriage. Given the circumstances, he was accused of murdering his wife. If convicted, he could be I do not think that John's havin' an affair. If convicted of first-degree murder, Hamilton, 53, could be sentenced to life in prison with or without the possibility of parole. There is 1 volunteer for this cemetery. John Hamilton: Right. This week, ya girls are celebrating Valentines Day a day late. Dr. John Baxter Hamilton was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. Vandalizing his home. Alliena Aguirre, a topless dancer for eight years, testified she had performed table dances at two Oklahoma City clubs for the doctor. An authoritative figure on the stand turning blood evidence from damning into benign. an affair when he called her before the slaying. A big comfortable house in a top-notch neighborhood, lavish dinner parties, spur of the moment vacations. Hamilton jury told of love, hate, death Stripper tells of dances; best "He (Hamilton) was really clinging to the defense lines that the blood result was not the way it was interpreted, Dennis Murphy, a "Dateline NBC reporter, told The Oklahoman on Wednesday. Oklahoma City, Oklahoma Area Effectively managed high-volume of product sales. John Hamilton, 53, ordered an expensive arrangement of red orchids for his wife, but he never got the chance to give them to her. Hamilton, a frequent target of protesters opposed to abortions, was arrested about six hours after he made a 911 call reporting that he thought his wife was dead. Dr. John Baxter Hamilton was convicted of first-degree murder and sentenced to life in prison without parole. It's a vivid picture. A system error has occurred. And he was in there. Found more than one record for entered Email, You need to confirm this account before you can sign in. He told Primetime the spatters were "almost a neon sign pointing towards the wearer of this shirt being associated with the beating.". "Someone said there is a fine line between love and hate, and that man crossed it," Lane said in his opening statement in the first-degree murder trial for Hamilton, an Oklahoma City gynecologist, obstetrician and abortionist. Susan Hamilton Murder: Where Is Dr. John Hamilton Now? February 14th, 2001, would have been their fifteenth Valentine's Day together. And there wasn't an objection. What were they to make of Susan's handwritten message -- "Obviously, I bought this before last Monday." How the case changed, the bottom fell out of everything. Is Lane Kiffin Married To Girlfriend Jennifer Dardano?Lane Kiffin, a well-known football, Is Melanie Martinez Alive Or Dead? He's crazy about you. In murder cases constructed on the interpretation of blood evidence, it's not unusual for juries to hear from dueling experts when they go to trial. Access Restricted - Oklahoma Medical Board This account has been disabled. But beyond his professional accomplishments, little is known about his personal life, especially when it comes to his family. It was over by 8, and afterwards, John stopped by the hospital, where he had another procedure scheduled for later that morning. There were things done that were dangerous. for immediate release contact: diane denton december 16, 2004 615.741.3111 (office) 615.708.9384 (cell) disciplinary action report Now, keep in mind, John Hamilton was a doctor who performed abortions. I have a bad habit of trying to do too much in too short a period of time. But he never had a chance to do that -- or to tell the cops that the killer had gotten the jewels -- that's because he was put in the back of the police car and never got back inside the house again. I just felt like they were very happy. Dennis Murphy: And the card would later become an issue because people saw kind of a snarky line from Susan of, "Well obviously, I got this before the trouble, huh? Prosecutors Allege Murder Between Surgeries. Dr Hamilton was a talented obstetrician-gynaecologist in Oklahoma City. By then there'd been that neighbor's tip about problems in the Hamilton marriage. By 10:45, he was on his way home again, which is when he says he discovered Susan in a pool of blood. John Hamilton, a prominent Oklahoma City gynecologist, has been in jail Randy Scott: That would cause a suspicion for us to wonder why he's wanting to scrape his hands up. It was looked for extensively. Dennis Murphy: Until that Valentine Day morning, there was no-- no anger issues, no histories of this guy hit-- hittin' the switch and flipping out, and-. Close this window, and upload the photo(s) again. Late that Valentine's Day afternoon, they arrested John Hamilton for the murder of his wife. Lane looked for signs of spousal abuse in the past, but couldn't find anything substantive. Two months before her death, they fought over the defendant giving his son money without Susan Hamilton knowing about it. David Bradbury: He had one hand on her chest, one hand on her abdomen, attempting to do compressions in this manner right here. Remove advertising from a memorial by sponsoring it for just $5. Lane had questioned the other woman. Instead, he says, he came home between surgeries that morning to pick up his datebook and was horrified to find his wife lying on the bathroom floor in a pool of blood. The distraught doctor managed to give police an account of his movements that morning. Dennis Murphy: So, you'd have to think that the opportunistic robber breaking in to steal some jewelry and the TV--. When Susan's ex-husband learned of her murder -- and the domestic melodrama about the cell phone log -- he thought he knew right away what had happened. Ross Gardner: Effectively, the inside and front of that shoe was in motion around this spatter event from Mrs. Hamilton that's radiating out. John Hamilton: I still believed that the system would work. And there was nothing-- it-- and there-- and there was nothing stolen. "Anything else, they don't want you to hear. Lane said a bloody imprint of what is believed to be the blunt instrument was discovered on the defendant's shirt. Psycho For Love: John Hamilton killed his wife, Susan; Sentenced to Susan Hamilton was angry and stayed at Coffey's house that night, Coffey said. They took his clothes as evidence, and placed him in an interview room. Are you sure that you want to delete this photo? Dick Horton: She calls us and says, "I found the jewelry in her underwear.". Coffey testified that the defendant, also a friend, called her almost daily that last week, talking about the couple's problems. Oops, some error occurred while uploading your photo(s). Dennis Murphy: And that you can almost envision whatever that murder weapon is, the-- the bludgeon coming right down on poor Susan's head causing the blood spatter. After the second surgery, he returned home to pick up his datebook, and found his wife, he said. "When he saw that this incredible woman was looking like she was leaving him, he lost it. her husband were working on their You'd have to believe that he committed the violent murder in that narrow window between his two surgeries. When rescue workers arrived they found him hysterical and covered in his wife's blood., The Spooky Hour (@SpookyHour) February 15, 2021. How about a candlelit dinner and a champagne toast to love? John Hamilton: I don't know. The shoes were found next to Susan's body -- john said they fell off his feet as he was attempting to revive her. John Hamilton, a prominent doctor in Oklahoma City, showered his wife with gifts, starting with a Porsche he gave her the day they married. John Hamilton called his Even Susan's children were standing by their stepfather. The victim told her daughter in their John Baxter Hamilton, who was convicted of the Valentine's Day murder of his wife, lost his bid to the Oklahoma Court of Criminal Appeals on Tuesday.