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Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. #Guides, 01-07-2021 Understand how telematics technology works to help fleets improve their operations, safety, and compliance. Who cares!!! Should I be concerned with these idle hours? - RAM FORUM How much does it cost to idle a diesel engine? Johnathan Coker is an ASE and EVT Certified Mechanic. Our team is at your service to share custom demos, guide you to the best solutions, or provide support. 04-07-2021 But I will say most oilfield pickups get oil and filters regularly. and our The hours to miles calculation is possible only when the speed is considered constant. + Estimate based upon select sampling of Lytx client data. Cookie Notice Which means you should be able to get at least 2,000 more hours, and probably a lot more. One gallon of diesel fuel stores about 38 kilowatt hours of energy, or 130,000 BTU. Idling a heavy-duty truck consumes about 0.8 gallon of fuel per hour.3 Semi-trucks and heavy-duty trucks . An APU is an auxiliary power unit. This will raise maintenance costs and shorten engine life. I see that alot on pipeline trucks man stay safe keep warm ! Just let it idle down for a few minutes after you get back or when youre done with the equipment for the day. Engine hours increase by six while the odometer adds 240 miles to its count. Answered by . Ask Ford Super Duty owners and, on top of the shift lever being in Park or Neutral, some will theorize that idle hours also include speeds under 25 MPH and RPMs less than 1,500 rpm. Things like air conditioning, power for phone charging, watching some Netflix, etc. For example, for a medium-duty truck's engine, one gallon of fuel processed through idling is equivalent to traveling 30 miles. 94 Camaro: LT1, 6-Speed, Lowered, B4C, Hardtop. On average, Diesel engines use about one gallon an hour. These types of work trucks will usually register low mileage but will endure significantly higher strain on its engine than is reported. One can see that this type of calculation is indeed a very tedious process. Up to that point, most of its life was spent on the freeway/highway. That is, until I came across this odometer reading. So idling can literally ruin your engine. There is no hard and fast number of how many idle hours is too much, and its all subjective, keeping the price in mind. Posts: 25. Returning to that 2013 Ford Taurus Interceptor, on top of the 93,197 driven miles, the idle hours adds an additional 236,907 additional miles. Although the initial . The main reason this causes the damage it does is that diesels need to operate at higher temperatures. Just curious-we purchased the vechicle in Feb. with 95k, but I did not think to check the hours. We are compensated for referring traffic and business to Amazon and other companies linked to on this site. An APU provides power to those things the driver might want the engine to idle for. The injectors were replaced right before purchase. I got a deal from my dealer for 4 oil changes for about $150. I wonder if it counts any time the engine is running and the truck is stationary as idling. Ultimate Guide, How Honda and Acura owners permanently disable Auto Start Stop, How to make over $100,000 a year in profit renting cars on Turo. That 2013 Ford Taurus I found appears to be a naturally aspirated one so, if I was that winning bidder, I wouldnt be worried about that turbo issue, at all. The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. I pickup idle time waiting in line to cross customs as well, probably 30 min every crossing on the average. 6-11 Months Contact Us - Our fleet (gas powered) average 10 hours per day, 7 out of 14 days from the day they go in service. The hours to miles calculation is possible only when the speed is considered constant. I could let it idle 59 minutes and turn it off and then idle more and it will not record idle time. Learn how to grow your business reselling best-in-class Lytx solutions. School me on diesel hours vs miles, how to calculate between - reddit When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. #Guides, 12-06-2022 - Which is a better indicator of performance? The idle time is very useful in vehicles that spend along time idling in helping determine true wear and tear. Terms of Service - Hi, the ratio is 100 hours engine running time equals 6000 miles. Based on 60, mine should have approximately 2016 hours. Idling time vs. miles driven | Expedite Trucking Forums After converting engine hours to miles, its not uncommon to find that a low mileage truck requires more maintenance than a highway-based truck, increasing its cost per hour. Services should occur every 200 hours of engine run time unless the application is considered severe or extreme; includingtowing more than 50% of the time, extreme temperatures, and off-road use (see owner's manual specific vehicle requirements). Thank you for what to do with the info. 01-11-2008, 02:08 PM. VerticalScope Inc., 111 Peter Street, Suite 600, Toronto, Ontario, M5V 2H1, Canada. Idle Hours in a 2016 Charger Police Pursuit Package if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[300,250],'tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4','ezslot_5',107,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-medrectangle-4-0'); Take for example this 2013 Ford Taurus Police Interceptor I found browsing around for used cars. To help turn to more accurate methods, fleet managers will convert hours to miles or calculate the fuel consumption to better measure performance. This was talked about a couple weeks ago on this forum and i believe the consensus was it was idle hours unless you were moving. Operating a diesel engine at a low speed will cause two times thewear on the internal components compared to operating at a normal load. How exactly are the hours important in comparison to the miles? I'm not sure if that's accurate or not - I doubt it is. Please register or login to enable Dark Mode. So, by using that guideline and the mathematics, my engine has about 147176 kms. See the best ratchets for professional mechanics, How about the best ratchet wrenches for a pro, Just getting into being a diesel tech? Remember, though, the diesel was meant for a load. It is quite a lot, but it's a work truck, and I rather stay warm and deal with consequences earlier in the life of the vehicle than stay cold but have only a few idle hours. Today, diesel fuel hovers around $2.65 a gallon; over the last five years, the average cost has been $3.09 per gallon. Haven't come up with a definite answer. Get to know our vision, experience, and leadership in the telematics industry. My idle is 20% idle time, but I don't idle 12 minutes for every hour driven. This is why several manufactures have idled an idle time out where the engine will automatically shut down after a preset amount of time set by the owner. Ford Motor Company defines extended idling as follows: Over 10 minutes per hour of normal driving Frequent low speed operation Sustained heavy traffic of less then 25 MPH - One hour of idle time, is equal to approximately 25 miles of driving :flag:The Good Old Days :smile2: 1999 F 350 work trucks 7.3 5 speed 2 wd dually Save Reply Quote 6 ago That's quite a bit. ago Might need to check valve lash 2018 F350 Platinum - 4" BDS, 37"toyo MT on 20" Fuel mavericks. (Dealer told me that). Learn how our cutting-edge technology is redefining modern fleet management. We are planning to plow with it this winter, so I hope it holds up well. JavaScript is disabled. Most companies and government agencies are now on a big kick to end their vehicles and equipment idle time. This equates to 1.2 gallons of fuel per hour. Based upon the mileage and engine hours, I'm at 40 miles per hour. So if you want to know the number of miles the car Expert Insights and Advice, link to Diesel Engine Aftertreatment 101: DOCs, DPFs, and SCRs Demystified, 10 signs and symptoms of a worn out diesel, The Complete Guide To Starting A Diesel In Cold Weather, North American Council for Freight Efficiency. There is another method to calculate the hours to miles. Buying a used car from a police fleet with a lot of idle hours is probably OK considering police cars go through recommended maintenance intervals per manufacturers recommendations. Convert all minutes to hours for your time unit by dividing them by 60. JavaScript is disabled. Watch our videos to see the latest in driver safety, coaching best practices, risk management, and more. Combine Lytx with best-in-class fleet technology for a powerful fleet management solution. Example: (30/60 = 0.5) 30 minutes = 0.5 miles; (15/60 = 0.25) 15 minutes = 0.25 miles; etc. There are certain negatives associated with hours to miles calculation. Privacy Statement - Idling can also cause greater engine wear-and-tear over time, resulting in higher maintenance costs. Streamline compliance for drivers and fleet managers to keep your fleet productive and safe. Follow this engine hours to miles calculator: If you are looking to increase your companys productivity and measure vehicle utilization, contact Lytx today. My 2011 has roughly 2700 driving 700 idle. How many miles is an hour of idle time? - PDF Idling: Why It's a Problem and What You Can Do - SCDHEC If you multiply the amount of hours on your engine x's 60, it's equivalent to approximately 1,800 miles. Usually, but not always plugged in when below minus 10 F. Idling uses up to gallon of fuel per hour (although it varies depending on the type and size . See Been reading here and other sites, trying to figure out how the idle hours are calculated. - the short answer is that you need to look at both. This is why manufacturers usually classify applications with high idle times assevere dutyand recommend a more aggressive maintenance schedule. Makes that low winning bid more in perspective, right? A 6.4L Powerstroke and an LB7 Duramax. Even when the vehicle is not moving and the engine is in on condition for too many hours, then one cannot differentiate between the hours the vehicle has moved and the time is converted to miles. So, that is a lot of fuel. The impact that engine hours vs miles has on specialty vehicles also needs to be taken into account. The number of hours that a marine engine runs is very dependent on the amount and quality of maintenance over the years. 1.65 Engine Idle Hours / 22.3 Total Engine Hours = 7.4% Idle. With that, carbon buildup comes all of the other problems. I've got 93000+ miles and I am still just over 2500 hours. Why? JavaScript is disabled. Pull the data from the engine meter to determine how many hours the engine has run. There is also another formula or an expression that can be used to calculate the engine Texas has specific requirements and exemptions for GPS, ELD, and IFTA laws. That or the employer eats the cost from their overhead. Most manufacturers recommend idles for 3 minutes before running the engine under a load. Just curious-we purchased the vechicle in Feb. with 95k, but I did not think to check the hours. Does a diesel need to be started and run on cold mornings? To understand the hours to miles calculation, one needs to take the standard equation Maverik. Just wondered how everyone else's engine hours compare to actual miles. About Us - I have diesel engine that has the following miles and hours on it: 656,672 miles 19,201 hours 7660 idle hours 1,367,985,000 total lifetime revolutions 19201x250=4800250x12500=600,031 miles in thousands not mils. They can do this by only taking a small amount of oil at a timeso as not to affect normal flow. I know that diesels idle more than gas engines, but this seems like a lot of idling to me. Step 3 Use the number you come up with to estimate how many miles are on your engine. Get your questions answered and learn how our solutions can help you transform your fleet. I strive to make 400 hours=20,000 miles. Trying to buy a boat with 200hrs on it. I guess the only way to get a real good SWAG is to install an engine hour meter when purchaseing a new vehicle. How long should I let my diesel cool down? Received 127 Likes on 98 Posts 2410 hours equates to 60250 of driven mileage wear reflected on the engine. Engine Hours are the total amount of time the engine is on, driving in motion and idling. My idle hours always seem high to me, so do my engine hours. For example, 1,235 hours on an engine equates to approximately 74,100 miles. Idle Hours Meter - Ram, Ford, GM? - Page 2 - iRV2 Forums 1878 miles / 65mph= 29 hours rounded up driving time. How are engine idle hours calculated? API integrations. Offline. Jul 14, 2020. I cant believe it really causes2 timesthe wear on your engine to idle it. One could drive a car with a speed of 40 kilometers per hour and the number of hours That's a rather low number of hours. So, four billion multiplied by $3.09/gallon is about $12 billion dollars spent each year on idling. After a week has passed, write down the total mileage from your trip meter and the total time from the stopwatch. The issue of truck parking continues to be a growing concern and is now gaining national attention as federal leaders are acknowledging the increased need for more safe truck parking options. Step 2 Multiply the amount of hours on your engine by 60. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. It will hit 10,000 hours about a week before it rolls 500,000. Limited time offer. That way you can get your service work done at the proper time. For one heavy truck, the cost of idle fuel waste averages about $8,730. come up with the number 33, which is the standard conversion number that is derived if(typeof ez_ad_units!='undefined'){ez_ad_units.push([[336,280],'tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1','ezslot_8',112,'0','0'])};__ez_fad_position('div-gpt-ad-tiremeetsroad_com-banner-1-0'); In general, idle hours count when your car is not moving with your engine running at low RPMs. Is that a lot of hours for a typical diesel dump truck, or typical. One of the main criticisms of using mileage as the primary metric is that by converting idle hours to miles, you will get a radically different rate at which a vehicle needs maintenance. No. But that's not realistic. Does idling hurt a diesel engine? Our Best Fleet Forward newsletter delivers monthly insights on fleet management. Weve led the way for more than 20 years, advancing fleet safety, efficiency, and compliance. My 2011 has roughly 2700 driving 700 idle. Still, its becoming more evident that this may not be the best method. 115k miles. I idle this thing constantly to keep warm/cool and my idle hours are only 1800 1 PresenceAccurate3035 8 hr. A forum community dedicated to Ford F-series owners and enthusiasts with a Power Stroke diesel engine. Factoring a vehicles mileage will help when monitoring its chassis, suspension, and driveline components. Le. That's a real good ratio, especially consider that you don't run your truck very hard. Terms | hour meter vs odometer | The Diesel Stop I don't shut it off when fueling or otherwise a short duration, I'd rather keep the coolant flowing. This site is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to Privacy | Effects of Excessive Engine Idling - AMSOIL Blog I have a gas F250 with 100K Kms (60K miles) and 1800 hours. "Both hours and miles are important criteria when determining service timing for a fleet," said Tabel of ICTA. Meet our team and learn how our services help ensure your success. The turbo must be allowed to spin down before the oil vacates. I keep my truck plugged in at night, and do not idle for long periods. To help determine preventative maintenance, factoring a vehicles engine hours will help to determine future oil, fuel filter, air filter changes. Changing it at those intervals, I've averaged about 120 engine hours between oil changes. Last I remember mine is around 4500 hours and 176k for miles. 2006 Chevy Duramax LBZ CCSB, LT3, MBRP 4 inch exhaust, AFE intake Stage 2, suncoast V, Edge juice w/***, gauges, EGR blocked, 6-inch lift, H2's w/ BFg AT 35's for the winter. One idle hour for 33 miles of driving is an industry-wide accepted conversion, as General Motors apparently agrees with Ford's research. So what ever that ratio is lol. I only idle in the coldest of winter nights maybe 10 a year. Use it until it dies!!!!! Since these cars are not driving hard for long periods of time, carbon can build up on those aforementioned engine components. Small Engine Repairs, Auto Body Repairs, Diesel Engine Repairs. So, you can see that engine hours can be the same for various mileages. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Tracking vehicle wear: engine hours vs. mileage. Re: miles to hours or hours/mile The hoursx250x12500 is close, but not really. Get help with your Lytx solutions through our customer support center. When a vehicle idles for hours each day using a PTO, mileage isn't being recorded by the odometer, but one hour of idling is equal to 25 to 30 miles of driving. It shows 10000 miles on the odometer but the engine hours show 663. Tips (3000 miles). It's been on this site before that some think the computer is way off. So sitting in traffic idling in gear is idle time. See my complete tool guide. You're worth more than your trucks engine, If that amount of hours scares you you should look at some police cruisers haha. Get ready to get your diesel engine aftertreatment education on! High idle for diesel engines is when the engine runs at a higher than normal idle speed. Overseeing the intricate factors of fleet management requires more forethought than standard preventative vehicle maintenance. You may have heard that it's a cost-effective solution for fixing a tired engine, but is it really worth it?