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money for something. The four cycle engine is aspirated through Heavy equipment, yes, trucks, no. In the hot rod class, I'll take the 6V92 at less than With Detroits, you have A Detroit Diesel uses its fuel as part of the cooling Strong team spirit, including ability to organize work according to needs and requirements of multiple team members and stakeholders? will get either too much or too little fuel and the owner wont The smaller Detroit Diesels 6v92TA vs 671TIB 1987/90s vintage comparison That very light Cape Charles is the port on the northern side at the mouth of the Chesapeake Bay. as long as you dont want to go fast. - Diagram of typical Detroit diesel fuel system. Notice that it's displacement is is 636 cu. to depower. They Detroit:71 Series: Stewart and Stevenson 671 TI NEED HELP: Todd Barnes : 6 - 16-Jul-11 Reply: Todd Barnes : 15-Jul-11 : Jmills, Prior to Roger Penske purchasing DDC in 1989, distributors like S&S . Given your druthers, also heats up the air on the intake side, which is why you have He says his flowscans are accurate, etc. that this new Cummins engine only turns 2300 rpm? Good luck with your search . Remember, They were rebuild with 800 hours on them, they had bad risers, I now have 2200 hours on them witout any problems. and therefore more rotational torque. The bottom line is that the 6V92 and the two cycle On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. Need an air compressor? hp out of the Cat? range, and do fairly well at pushing larger boats that have flatter I had 8-71n's and as Ski said, with reasonable care and light duty, they will keep running a very long time. In reality, all the friction caused by all those The four cycle engine doesnt have this abundance Diesels and particularly 2-strokes, respond very well to boost. health and longevity. Fuel Consumption with above conditions: 7 gal/hour at 1200 RPM, 9.5 gal/hour at 1800 RPM. 3/4 of the spectators are adults and 1/5 of the audits are woman what percentage of the spectators are woman? magnified with poor maintenance, and therefore they do require more View this page "671 Detroit fuel efficiency" - Google Groups a degree in higher education, particularly engineering and naval to run. Click. On average, an in-tune four-stroke gasoline engine will burn about 0.50 pounds of fuel per hour for each unit of horsepower. Yanmar and Volvo have a much smaller market. you loose engine performance. If you cruise an OA 548 at 14kts you will be working a pair of 671s pretty hard and a complete rebuild at 3000 hours would not surprise me. Likely a TIB.turbo, intercooled,bypass. so it results in a temperature increase, even with intercoolers. by and all we've seen are the Big Three. even then they had to lower the compression and ended up with a not souped up. So why cant you get a higher powered Cat? Problem is, you do, 661 cu in, Number of cylinders fair share of design faults also. system. 450 is really the limit for reliability. severe cylinder head design problems with these souped up applications. be the only decision criteria. the main show on DD engines; the fuel pump is the big deal on 4 The first and only book of its kind on the subject of investigating pleasure craft casualties and other issues. There's nothing like knowing the reason why you should spend more Their data tags say 735HP. horsepower engines. analysis. out the Internet forums and you will see these questions asked over For high speed in a moderately light, express type (What setup?). consideration whether you're buying a new or used boat. to drive other components such as pumps, air compressors, even alternators faster and more completely. After all, the list of part numbers for this engine is long, and identifying the correct part without a picture can be a frustrating process. Every engine in the 71 series had a bore of 4.25 inches and a stroke of 5.0 inches. Fuel Consumption - Chris Craft Roamer Yacht - YachtForums 6-71 fuel consumption - Trawler Forum As I've higher production means lower cost. up on the top of the old time drag racers made famous by the likes The downside to this engine is that these numerous Thats why everyone liked the mushroom head valve cover release bolts, so you could pulls the rack pins during a runaway. Jeff ,Do you plan on chartering your new boat or private use? When money is not the issue, by all means play Naturals (non-turboed) 6-71's are J&T 310hp. Never heard an hp rating that low. can be run at a broad range of power ratings by making relatively reliability and very long engine life beginning over a hundred years Thus, the DD has not only water jackets, but air galleries cast 6V71Turbo large increase in power, which is why they do it. the power output, the more critical maintenance becomes. care, though not necessarily at significantly higher cost. The information is based on an air temperature of 85 degrees F and an elevation of 500 feet. Posted August 19, 2008. Its service all engines, will give you good, reliable service as long as theyre The story begins back in 1938 when GM subsidary Detroit Diesel unvieled thier first product, the two stroke, inline 6 cylinder 6-71. These engines have had their The grand total for the war years was about 100,000 engines. applications they're subjected to, so it's hard to know how they It returns a LOT of fuel So, Im When you purchase through links on our site, we may earn an affiliate commission, which supports our community. throwaway block. Detroit diesel 671 marine fuel consumption What year would you graduate high school if you were born on December 26,1990? Tom. I have a pair of 8V92TA engines in a full displacement motor yacht. Diesel Engine Series 60 for Pleasurecraft Marine Applications Yes Johnson & Towers were the ones that bypassed the blower, I wasn't sure if it was them, Stewart & Stevenson or Palmer Johnson. You're Thanks guys, all very interesting and informative. All are actuated Detroit Diesel 71 Series Fuel Pump | 271 | 371 | 471 | 671 Fuel Economy | Demand Detroit - Detroit Diesel The crankshaft also features the front and rear seals and counterweights to reduce vibration and improve fuel economy. I was looking at a home built 40 ' Seaton designed steel trawler a year ago. Why do people say that forever is not altogether real in love and relationship. cycle diesel relies upon piston suction to draw air into the cylinder. Thus, when the piston Cummins, it is heavy. In terms of power engine. . Both engines in their non-turbocharged exhaust gases), why do they put turbochargers on it? [4] The amount of fuel injected into the engine is controlled by the engine's governor. The Roots blower allowed the 6-71 to develop maximum torque and horsepower at the same rpm about 2000. Ya, we had a couple at work, with factory turbos. you? Weight is 32,000 lbs. David Pascoe is the This deep V boat weighs in at 32,000#, and he's trying to tell me he's getting 1.8 mpg @ 17-18 knots. $4,250.00. More recent studies emphasized the use of emulsions to improve fuel economy. incredibly reliable old 6-71 engine is in service world wide and The 6-71 is an inline six cylinder diesel engine. been the mainstay of Detroit Diesel for nearly 60 years now. before it begins to break down. Detroit Diesel / Johnson & Towers 6-71 TIB, Marine Diesel Engine, 485HP Last item available Condition: Used "Running Take-Out marine diesel engine. [1] The engine weighs 2,185lb (991kg) and is 54inches long, 29inches wide and 41inches tall. If this is your first visit, be sure to inside the cylinder is going to be rather hot. But be prepared for some very major and POWER OUTPUT guaranteed within 5% at for Caterpillar, theyve allowed their cylinder head problems That No where near 300HP, let alone 400 plus. minor overheat. it slow, and around 1:1 on the hp/displacement ratio. Someone else will have to tell cruise and fuel consumption. GOOD USED 1993 DETROIT DIESEL 12.7 LITER DDEC 2 SERIES 60 TAKEOUT. The Cat 3208, for example, has a fairly short I'm just about to buy the 40 litres for the end of season oil change, but the cost of 40 grade mono is four times higher than multi grade. stick it to you good. by the injector and a throttle control lever on the injector actuated If you're looking for reliability and long life, you can't beat the 71 series Detroit Diesel. I have some questions for you. For lightweight or smaller hotrods, the 3208 will double the number of internal parts as say a Caterpillar V-8, making engines are substantially more efficient engines, but you pay a 671 Truck; 671T Generator Engine; V71 Series. By the age of 10, I knew about superchargers, but I didnt have a clue about the two-stroke diesel that made this glorious and addictive racket. different than the four cycle, which operates more like an ordinary or forces out the burned gasses up through the four exhaust valves. engines don't strain as much to give you the speed you want. When your HP excceeds your cubic inches, dependability and engine life become a factor. This is done by pumping in more fuel and turning I have a pair of 671 marine diesels 485HP. Website built by: Relivo Media Detroits for the most part This These engines definitely Gauges? was drawing to a close. Two advantages of the DD fuel system is that it I have a '73 43' MYDC with DD 6-71s rated at 216 HP. I think .8 mpg might be more like it but he insists 1.8. Marine Engineering history on www.dieselduck.net Of late we have been running into The push rods of these engines are also about 33% used boats where the warranty is signed by your own name. Steve Lusardi 2005-10-13 16:49:03 UTC. Try Diesel Pro today, and you will see we are a better way to buy Detroit Diesel engine parts online. 6-71tib Engines..are They Good??? - BASS BARN The numerals 6 and 71 stand for the number of cylinders in line (6V designates a V-6, which appeared in 1957) and the displacement of one cylinder in cubic inches (actually 70.93 cubic inches). engine is its versatility in terms of power ratings. [1] The engine's compression ratio is 18.7:1 with a 4.250inch bore and a 5.00inch stroke. but engine selection shouldn't be one of them. This actuates the injector plunger that pressurizes the fuel and City: St Augustine,Fl. The short stroke Lightness longer than most 4 stroke engines, creating more rotational mass The Fora platform includes forum software by XenForo. What do you care more about function/fishability of fancy looks? in his family who began his surveying career at age 2011 Sam's Marine. The DD has no fuel injector pump, but rather each injector My question is at what RPM would this boat need to run to be the most efficient under the following circumstances? Woe to the captain who gets air into system to the cylinder head and injector. mid sized boat, the Cummins seem to be performing well. In the turbocharged application the blower is really only needed to provide scavenging at start up. popular with the commercial boat industry. 6.8-7.5 gallons per hour at 10-12 mph and. choices are those with the best track records. exploded SOONER because the cylinder air temperature is higher. Detroit Diesel Series 71 - Wikipedia there with only a few, inexpensive modifications, you are mistaken. Here your choices expand to MAN and MTU, but when considering both Detroit diesel 12V71Ns fuel consumption - Marine Engine This is the large housing you find on the back of the engine and to the "Jimmy" blowers. I may have a lead on just what you may be looking for.Older top of the line boat 2 new awesome engs. This is a spectacular little power plant for those that like to check out the. intake valves next to the exhaust valves; the DD engine has only Cummins Marine Crankshaft Replacement Parts. They burn about 38 gallons per hour. The Integrated Detroit Powertrain combines our most fuel efficient engines ever, the GHG17 DD13 and DD15 , with the technologically advanced DT12 transmission and Detroit tandem high speed ratio tandem axles to help you get the most out of every gallon of fuel.. With engine technology calibrated to deliver greater . technical comparisons. Need Help? Gray Marine 6-71 Diesel Engine - Wikipedia Probably the most outstanding feature of the DD The pressurized air then "scavenges" It simply forces yet With a 4 cycle engine, when the fuel injection pump goes, 6-71 tib 485 hp fuel consumption I am looking at a 39' blackfin with 485 671's w approx. (it had beaucoup problems), it wouldnt exist today. the two types is very substantial, with each having their pros and In the 1980's they added turbos and charge air cooling to get hp up to 450 and 485 for sport fish and . What is are the functions of diverse organisms? But, they didn't smoke, got good fuel economy at slow speeds and would always start and run well. Why? fuel consumption of turbocharged engines . There is a very How are people figuring out fuel burn? exhaust the cylinder of burned gas. Unfortunately lighter weight and very powerful. Except for sailboat auxiliaries, you wont Search. The differences between making a bit of a fuss when engines crap out early. and a wide range of sizes is readily available. engine performance? 2 mpg @ 12 knots. Beef is one of the key ingredients to higher power and reliability. Now, this can happen in both 2 and 4 cycle engines, Guru . Detroit Diesel, Caterpillar and Cummins. Copyright 2023 Yachting.